Are You a Misogynist?

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Well-known member
Also true!
I am always, almost always, optimistic in the morning!
Having achieving the status of senior citizen I've learned some things.
Approach is everything. Asking a question is generally more rewarding than making an accusatory statement.
But as John Prine sang so eloquently: "a question isn't really a question, if you already know the answer, too". :guitar:


New member
But as John Prine sang so eloquently: "a question isn't really a question, if you already know the answer, too". :guitar:

Except, my dear child, that each individual is unique and capable of surprising me!
My answer is not your answer!


New member
Because Chrys felt it important to quiz us on whether or not we are "feminists" without giving his definition of what constitutes feminist behavior, this, "sister" question has been begging to be asked.
Definition: Showing hatred and distrust of women.

I think it's easy to say that you aren't a misogynist, but the harder thing is to live up to it. And it is really only your actions that can speak on the question. I would say that I think I am not one, and I try not to be.


New member
maybe the problem ,might be MANY males,or Men, are under he feminist movement or agenda and not even know it..

So.. but that is ok. Us men have done such a great job in the last,5900 years,lol it might be time for a change,,


Right! And by that definition almost no one is a misogynist!
Yet there are :DK: who would keep women under the subjection of men.
Competition between the sexes has resulted in a whole lot of foolishness and in some instances outright harm to society in general.
Mind you, I celebrate our differences and believe we're meant to compliment one another.
I believe in equal opportunity for all.
However, to force businesses to consider employing women in positions for which they are less suited than men is foolish and often dangerous.
In political leadership women have shown that they can be just as stupid as men! Some women...and men...that is.
We should be judged by the content of our character.

The Berean

Well-known member
"No girlz or girl-lovers allowed!"

Who wants to play with those creepy misogynist boys and their stupid ol' clubhouse anyways.




New member
this is a question for bybee

I believe you've gone senile you old reprobate!
How would I know if men hate me? What a malicious question.
My husband loved me. My Brothers love me. My son loves me. My nephews all love me as do my grand sons.
I am a widow and quite content to spend my time with family and old friends.


New member
I think it's easy to say that you aren't a misogynist, but the harder thing is to live up to it. And it is really only your actions that can speak on the question. I would say that I think I am not one, and I try not to be.

I don't think you are one!
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