Alt-righter plows into crowd of anti-racists in Charlottesville


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Washington, Lee and Trump: 5 Points That Must Be Clear

Washington, Lee and Trump: 5 Points That Must Be Clear

4. Trump inherits and defends the mantle of both the George Washingtons and the Robert E. Lees.* When Trump says, in a rare moment of truth-telling, that tearing down the symbols of the Confederacy will logically lead to tearing down the monuments to all the slave-owning founders, and this is a threat to American values, he reveals a great deal of the ugly hypocrisy at the core of mainstream American politics.

Trump is indeed a contemptible monster.* But to claim that Trump is somehow different in essence or in any kind of fundamental way from earlier presidents distorts reality. Presidents from Woodrow Wilson, the Democrat who purged Black people from federal employment and promoted the Klan-loving film The Birth of a Nation... to Franklin Roosevelt, whose reforms actually strengthened white supremacy... from Richard Nixon, whose “Southern strategy” blatantly appealed to those backward whites who hated school desegregation and the Voting Rights Act which enabled Black people to vote and whose Justice Department connived in the assassination of leaders of the Black Panther Party even, in the infamous case of Fred Hampton, as they lay sleeping... to Ronald Reagan, who opened his presidential campaign with a visit to the city famous for the lynching of three civil rights workers in 1964, and not only refused to mention the lynching but went on to uphold “states' rights”... from Bill Clinton who made a point of posing for campaign pictures showing him lording it over a group of Black prisoners on a chain gang and who put mass incarceration and police terror on steroids with legislation and money... on down to, yes, Barack Obama, with his relentless attacks on Black men for being “irresponsible” and his fatuous, and extremely damaging, claims that in America “you can make it if you try” and who assailed people who bravely rebelled against police terror in Baltimore as thugs... all of them upheld the institutions and logic of white supremacy. *


Well-known member
What DOES make Trump different from other presidents is not his recognition that white supremacy is essential to the history and present-day preservation of capitalist-imperialist USA as it is... but his insistence that in order to survive the U.S. political system and its representatives must now OPENLY and UNABASHEDLY dispense with the coded messages of the past and full-throatedly come out and defend open, blatant racism and, with it, must impose laws and measures that are genocidal in direction and intent. This is the particularly pressing danger of what Trump and the whole Trump/Pence regime represents: the move to fascism, to open dictatorship.* As we have said:* “Fascism is the exercise of blatant dictatorship by the bourgeois (capitalist-imperialist) class, ruling through reliance on*open*terror and violence, trampling on what are supposed to be civil and legal rights, wielding the power of the state, and mobilizing organized groups of fanatical thugs, to commit atrocities against masses of people, particularly groups of people identified as ‘enemies,’ ‘undesirables,’ or ‘dangers to society.’”
Trump continually demonizes Black people, immigrants, Muslims and other “minorities.”* But the Trump/Pence regime has a vicious and, yes, fascist political program as well.* This fascist regime has already set in motion plans to deprive millions of Black and Latino and other people of color of the right to vote, Trump himself has called for nationwide stop-and-frisk (another name for pervasive and often murderous racial profiling), he has moved to deprive further millions of basic health care, he has ordered the expansion of mass incarceration through his Attorney General Sessions—this is already a truly genocidal program. Now those who openly call for a white America, for ethnic cleansing, for an outright full genocide have this week publicly drawn heart from how Trump essentially supported them in the Charlottesville outrage.* Where is this going?
The fascism that is now moving so aggressively to set terms and consolidate power, embodied in this Trump/Pence regime, is extremely and extraordinarily dangerous to humanity worldwide and must be defeated and driven out—NOW.* Those who deplore Trump but neither recognize the fascist character of the Trump/Pence regime as a whole nor call for its removal and who instead counsel nothing more than waiting for elections well more than a year away do a grave disservice.* A powerful movement of millions, in the streets, reaching into every sector of society, demanding the removal of the Trump/Pence regime could in fact set off a crisis that could prevent this regime from carrying out plans that are indeed fascist and put humanity as a whole in direct danger.* Such a movement is not only urgently necessary but possible, but only if extremely diverse sections of society and political points of view come together to do it.


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Hall of Fame
The next battle will be Nov 4...

Here is the call for action by the antifascists.....and you really think the Commies won't show up either?

A “Unite the Right March on Charlottesville” rally has been called on August 12th. I’m going to Charlottesville to be part of confronting them, and I call on others to join me there.
Earlier white supremacist rallies in Charlottesville gathered people wearing Ku Klux Klan (KKK) robes, carrying Confederate flags, shouting “white power” slogans and bearing arms. This weekend’s will bring out these ugly manifestations from the history of the U.S. and gather forces who are being welded into a contingent of the storm troopers the fascist Trump/Pence regime is unleashing as it works to bring down and clamp into place fascist rule in this country.
This rally will dredge up the history of unimaginable savagery Black people have suffered in the U.S. Centuries of slavery, followed by decades of subjugation enforced by lynch mob terror. Thousands of Black people were lynched. The KKK burned crosses and kidnapped, beat and tortured people. Black people were burned alive or had body parts cut off. These savage acts were sometimes announced in newspapers in advance and joined by white mobs that gathered in a festive atmosphere. THIS is the “heritage” these fascists want not just to preserve but to force back on us!
This reassertion of white supremacy is occurring alongside intensification of patriarchy and aggressive national chauvinism. As Bob Avakian, the leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party has said, these horrors form a triad of reaction that is being intensified by the atmosphere the fascist Trump/Pence regime is whipping up.
We have to confront these white supremacists in the streets in Charlottesville. In their mobilizations, you can see the outlines of a coming civil war. We have to make them understand that people will not tolerate them spewing their poison. However they come at us, we cannot back down. We have to meet them with a powerful and diverse outpouring that delivers a message that what they represent is unacceptable. #NoNewKKK.
And we can’t just show up in Charlottesville for the weekend and think we’re done. The intensified white supremacy, patriarchy and aggressive national chauvinism that is surging today must be ended. They and the other horrors the Trump/Pence regime is enforcing on humanity are all rooted in the American system of capitalism-imperialism, a system that’s been around too damn long and needs to be gotten rid of in the only way possible—thru an actual revolution that overthrows this system.
And right now everybody, wherever you’re coming from, needs to join together to drive the fascist Trump/Pence regime from power before it’s too late. has called for people to take the demand: This Nightmare Must End! The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go! to the streets in cities and towns across the country on November 4th and stay in the streets, night after night until our demand is met. Be part of fighting back this weekend and getting organized for November 4 to end the nightmare and drive out this regime.
Could this be considered enticing a revolution against our President?


Well-known member
Washington, Lee and Trump: 5 Points That Must Be Clear

Washington, Lee and Trump: 5 Points That Must Be Clear

Finally, people must come to grips with the true character of a society and system that not only spawned Trump but elected him to the highest office of the land and continues to tolerate him in that office.* This means coming to grips with the true history of this country, rooted in slavery and the genocide of 90 percent of the Native peoples living here; the nature of the system of capitalism-imperialism that generated that history; and the fact that there actually is a solution to this madness, a society able to, on the road to and making it a core mission to uproot the poisonous soil of oppression and heal the scars of the horrors committed by this system.* That solution can only come about through revolution—a revolution for which there is the strategy, the vision and “blueprint” for a new society (concretized in the Constitution for the New Socialist Republic in North America) and the leadership, in Bob Avakian and the Revolutionary Communist Party which he leads.


Well-known member
So the facts in evidence are these antifa groups KNEW what was happening in Charlottesville prior to the event and went to start a fight.....


Well-known member
Folks, remember the cardinal rule of anything regarding Leftists and politics.


For example, these manufactured pre-fab riots have sucked all the air out of the room, news-wise. The whole Russia thing? It was already being forgotten because it was going nowhere and no one really believed it.

But what DID just begin to break big news and so HAD to be buried before it blew up too big?

First thing that comes to my mind...

“This is a massive, massive scandal,” a senior US official familiar with the widening probe told The Post . . . “This whole investigation pivots off Debbie Wasserman Schultz,” the official said.

This WOULD be 24/7 coverage in a sane, non-corrupted society. If she goes down, she knows who signed a lot of checks and where a lot of bodies are buried. She'll take down the entire DNC with her, including Clinton and Obama.

That cannot be allowed to happen.

So...a ready-made, by the numbers distraction that - bonus! - makes Trump look bad because the Leftist media will twist anything and everything he says or doesn't say.

Ignore the right hand. Watch the left hand.


New member
What is mistermed about 'alt-right'? The white supremecist Richard Spencer coined the term as a euphemism for racist white nationalism. Alt-left doesn't refer to any movement or group and was coined by the right to try to shed some of the criticism they were getting. It has no meaning.
There is maybe 1% of folks who are labeled alt-right who are racist white nationalists.

Most Trump supporters are nationalists period and even then it's mainly over the loss of good paying jobs to globalism.


New member
No, you would think that. I think respectable folks stand up to that sort of garbage parading down their streets. Peaceful resistance, like the young lady was doing moments before the racist ran her down.

Someone from the hard right blaming the victim again? :plain: Well that's just shocking [/sarcasm].

The reality is that neither Antifa nor anyone claiming association with the Black Lives Matter movement hurt a hair on her head.
Stand up to garbage parading down their streets? Free speech doesn't need to be stood up to by physical, threatening presence. I think gay parades are garbage, but if I dare go there to protest, I will be thrown out or shown on national TV as a hate group.


Literal lunatic
There is maybe 1% of folks who are labeled alt-right who are racist white nationalists.

Most Trump supporters are nationalists period and even then it's mainly over the loss of good paying jobs to globalism.

LOL, I always thought I was one a them good dudes one might die for. :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I think respectable folks stand up to that sort of garbage parading down their streets.

what do you mean by "stand up to"?

because if they have a permit to parade, it's illegal to block that parade, even if you're "respectable"

townclown said:
Peaceful resistance, like the young lady was doing moments before the racist ran her down.

define "peaceful resistance"


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Hall of Fame
I wouldn't.

But I don't think my tax dollars should go towards the creation and upkeep of any statue.

I don't even want to keep the deteriorating Statue of Liberty.
Weathering and rising sea levels have caused much damage.
More than 100 MILLION has been spent so far, just since 2012, to try and keep it operational.

Folks are hungry and without jobs, while the government spends ....
Over 100 MILLION
of our tax dollars
on a hunk of metal.

Let it go.