ECT Adam and death


TOL Subscriber
God is perfect

Mar 10:18 And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.

logically: God is good, God is perfect
and he called his creation good then by his definition it was perfect .

Yep, until the fall . . .Romans 5:12

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New member
Indeed . . . Adam was promised, by the Word of God, everlasting LIFE by freely partaking of all God's providence; especially the Tree of Life which substance would cause A&E to live forever.

They would have anyway but God was after more from them and the more of it was for them to be glorified and that by the eating of the Tree of Life..

With the promise given of eternal life given by God, through the provision of the Tree of Life,

Unless you can find where it was explained to Adam that eating the tree of life was more than what he already possessed, your reasoning is conjectured. To the contrary, there is sufficient wording that in the conversation with Eve and the snake they didn't know. And then of course we read this: "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, [but only to] know good and evil [for which he was totally unprepared to handle] and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Genesis 3:22 (KJV)

Now ponder what it would it have been like for God's creation had they, in their fallen state, eaten of the tree of life to become just like the creator: the many issues that could never have been rectified or brought about by God that could ever have changed fallen man __ who would have eternally produced fallen offspring with no hope of redemption/reconciliation. Understand that to further understand the narrowness of it all that Jesus overcame as the only one and last opportunity for the salvation all of mankind.

Adam KNEW, to obey God was to live, and to disobey God was to die.

So do all the seed of Adam, to this day. Even in their fallen condition, all humanity retains and possesses this inherent knowledge and moral conscience of what is really right and what is really wrong.

No man has any excuse to fail to obey God's commands and thereby sin against Righteous God. . .

No argument there.


TOL Subscriber
They would have anyway but God was after more from them and the more of it was for them to be glorified and that by the eating of the Tree of Life..

Unless you can find where it was explained to Adam that eating the tree of life was more than what he already possessed, your reasoning is conjectured. To the contrary, there is sufficient wording that in the conversation with Eve and the snake they didn't know. And then of course we read this: "And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, [but only to] know good and evil [for which he was totally unprepared to handle] and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: Genesis 3:22 (KJV)

Now ponder what it would it have been like for God's creation had they, in their fallen state, eaten of the tree of life to become just like the creator: the many issues that could never have been rectified or brought about by God that could ever have changed fallen man __ who would have eternally produced fallen offspring with no hope of redemption/reconciliation. Understand that to further understand the narrowness of it all that Jesus overcame as the only one and last opportunity for the salvation all of mankind.

No argument there.

I have tired of your random speculations and am going to cease reading or responding to your posts.

They are too numerous, unbiblical, and unedifying . . .

Cross Reference

New member
I have tired of your random speculations and am going to cease reading or responding to your posts.

They are too numerous, unbiblical, and unedifying . . .

You just don't have any answers and that leave you without soundness in thinking things through to proper conclusions. That is what I know and that is why I keep challenging your lack of intellectual integrity; your man-made doctrine which leaves you a Spiritual cripple and weary of having to dream things up.


Active member
It properly staggers the mind that - knowing the Creator directly, personally and (I have to assume) intimately as Adam did - he would turn around and heed the contradictory insinuations of a lowly "nahash". I know the KJV says serpent but slithering around in the dust was part of the curse. What he was before isn't clear to me...all scripture says is that he was more "subtil" then the beasts of the field. Apparently that subtility was pretty keen...

There are probably more questions than answers in Genesis, such as the existence or non-existence of death before Adam's disobedience, what the serpent actually was etc.
Genesis 1:30 tells us that the green herb was given for food to what seems like all animals. Genesis 3:14 says that the serpent was cursed ABOVE all cattle and beast of the field. So it seems like the curse extended to all animals, which may have brought the killing of animals. And then in Genesis 3:21 we clearly see the animal skins.


New member
There was no death and no decay prior to the fall.

Adam knew what death was. Spiritual death, Temporal death and Eternal death.


New member
Never listen to your wife.

ADAM didn't post on TOL to find out the reason for his existence

and to learn abut Spiritual death, Temporal death and Eternal death.


New member
Never listen to your wife.

ADAM didn't post on TOL to find out the reason for his existence

and to learn abut Spiritual death, Temporal death and Eternal death.

Adam was created in the image in the likeness of the Eternal Almighty and was in possession of the perfect knowledge that the saints will have when we* enter into glory. Adam was created with knowledge sufficient to name all living creatures and he did this by the Holy Spirit.

If Adam did not have prior knowledge of what the sentence was and the consequences of death then he would have made the fact known when he accused the Almighty of blame for giving him ''the woman''.

The Eternal has made His power known in each and every human born even to this day and you can be sure Adam was fully aware of the power to create as well as to destroy.

We* the regenerate.


Well-known member
Did Adam really know what God meant by "death"? I mean, I assume he had an idea, but how? What experience did he have that pointed to it? Or did he understand it simply because the Creator gave him life and this would mean forfeiture?

And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Genesis 2:16-17

Good question, however, if the answer is not found in scripture, then we will not know.

If God thought we needed to know, surely He would have made that known


New member

Adam was created in the image in the likeness of the Eternal Almighty and was in possession of the perfect knowledge that the saints will have when we* enter into glory.

The Truster ,

If Adam had all that Knowledge then

Why did Adam Eat the Apple Pie ???

Was it PI - DAY ???



New member

Adam was created in the image in the likeness of the Eternal Almighty and was in possession of the perfect knowledge that the saints will have when we* enter into glory.

The Truster ,

If Adam had all that Knowledge then

Why did Adam Eat the Apple Pie ???

Was it PI - DAY ???


Eve ate because, as she admitted, she was deceived by the serpent. Just as Miryam became immediately and visibly white Eve became visibly a sinner. Adam saw this and out of love Adam became a sinner with her.
In perfection Adam and Eve would have been as bright as glory, but once Eve ate that glory departed, visibly so.

PS and Adam was created mutable.


New member
Since we know that physical death can't happen in the sense the soul of man, who he actually is, will live somewhere for all eternity. Therefore, the death spoken of by God can only mean separation from Himself.


Jesus Himself said that the soul can be destroyed, and Ezekiel wrote that the soul who sins shall die. (Matthew 10:28, Ezekiel 18:4)

Therefore the death spoken of by God does NOT mean "Living in Separation from God".

The baloney that "death doesn't really mean death but rather separation from God" must end. It is not true, nor can it be supported from the Bible.

Cross Reference

New member

Yes! Can there be a greater destruction for the eternal soul of man than hell itself, destruction that never ends? The fact that the spirit of man, upon his death, returns to God "Who gave it" and the body decays, does not mean the "God breathed creation", "eternal" substance of the soul, can ever die. According to common understanding the soul is our personality and inasmuch as God has a Soul that cannot die, man's soul, "being God breathed", cannot die. In that understanding lies the truth of us being "gods" insofar as God has made us in His image, independent of Himself but wants surrendered to Him, Adam being the first test. Hence, we can see that the soul which does not surrender himself to God, dies. There is no life as God has purposed for man to come into, outside Himself. He is "The Way, The Truth, AND THE LIFE".

Therefore the death spoken of by God does NOT mean "Living in Separation from God".

If you have understood what I was trying to say above then you can see to understand what both Jesus and Eze. were saying.

The baloney that "death doesn't really mean death but rather separation from God" must end. It is not true, nor can it be supported from the Bible.

WHY! God was, is, and ever will be, ETERNAL LOVE! Only LOVE can create!
I seriously doubt anyone can imagine what the experience must be like for the one who is placed into an existence of the extreme absolute separation of His LOVE. Do you believe mere physical death and decay would be worse???

Haven't you ever read the account of the "Rich man and Lazarus"? Luke 16:22-31 KJV.
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TOL Subscriber
Eve ate because, as she admitted, she was deceived by the serpent. Just as Miryam became immediately and visibly white Eve became visibly a sinner. Adam saw this and out of love Adam became a sinner with her.
In perfection Adam and Eve would have been as bright as glory, but once Eve ate that glory departed, visibly so.

PS and Adam was created mutable.

Yes (bolded), and it seems that few understand this.