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  • hi you gave me an advice on posting smaller posts on sept 22 2015.. thanks for that. i did not reply immediately because i registered recently and i didnot have all the options of a regular user.
    Oh, it's okay. I mostly do. He'd launched I don't know how many posts, including one in Quixote's that Sherman removed and here and there. I won't spend much time with him and he's largely his own worst enemy anyway. I appreciate the kindness. :cheers:
    Actually no. I tend to ask clear questions with specific purposes and the discussion gets done quickly. So yes, this was unexpected. And yes, people seem like those who drive slowly so that they have to stop at the red light rather than go through on green because they don't like to be the one to go through. They have an inherent fear of being sucessful. Success and survival somehow seem like wrong, immoral things to them.
    thank you but I paid for life membership so I don't have to worry anymore.

    it is kind of you.:)
    Looks like Sherman is a super duper mod, she locked a tread you didn't see the need to do, plus the scripture speaks of far more graphic stuff than what was being debated in the political forum, yet she hasn't forbid the scripture or banned it in her own mind, a sign of a typical indoctrinated self righteous christian.

    You have surprised me seeing you use to have a shoot first ask questions later attitude, bravo.
    I am out of reps, but thank you for the comment. I appreciate you and I am glad you are here! :)
    Thanks bybee,....I trust that you do, knowing your integrity shown thus far. Its a challenge to be fair-minded, and to exercise a balance of both justice and mercy, when mediating over situations,..but as you continually ask for divine wisdom to lead and guide you,...you'll do just fine.
    That said, it's good having Knight more active and there was a lot of movement today and most of it (even my grousing) in good spirits. :)
    I amended my listing to reflect the numbers without the attached names because I don't know who even knew about it and the point was more about the thumb most likely weren't aware of and not causing any of my friends in SOOTs to be uncomfortable. :cheers:
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