Arthur Brain
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  • Hey.. Today has actually been a great day!! My kids spoil me rotten. :D.. I don't deservesuch wwonderful kids!! Samantha and Anthony came over this evening and we had our Christmas tonight. Tomorrow we all go to my mom's.
    True - he keeps sinking to new lows.
    Thank you, and Merry Christmas, friend. :e4e:
    I know, right? :eek:.. It's d definitely interfering with my "sit on my bed and do absolutely nothing" time. :chuckle:
    I am on vacation this week. It's the first one since Samantha's wedding over a year ago.. So far, I've spent the first two days of it doing for others.. Is it terrible that I'm a little annoyed at that? :plain:
    Nope.. :D.. I never am.. Lol.. Spent the day running my motherin law around so she could get her shopping done.. And I mean literally ALL DAY!! :plain:
    She's holding up a little better than the other two times she go this news.. Both of my kids were with us. We went shopping and out to eat. Her appointment was at 10:30 this morning and we've been gone all day.. I just got home about 30 minutes ago.. So I think keeping her out and about helped keep her mind clear. Plus she was extremelyhappy to find some great ddeals on things she still needed to get for Christmas.. When mom finds bargains, she's always on cloud nine. :chuckle:
    I'm goofy.. What can I say.. :chuckle:.. Took my mom to the doctor today. The doctor found a small lump in her breast. But they have done test after test on the same area and say it's nothing but then the doctor does another check and feels it againand the wwhole thingstarts all oover again.. It's like the doctors don't communicate with each other.
    Hey.. That "Seriously?" remark wasn't meant for you.. I was talking with Town also and made the comment on your page instead of his.. Sorry.. :eek:
    I hear ya.. :chuckle:.. Oh, one good thing.. Crazy lady (my former friend and mother of my son in law - - and it's still very weird to say I have a son in law :D) moved away!!!!! She moved to North Carolina.. That's at least a 12 hour drive from here!! We are celebrating that! :chuckle:
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