ECT Speaking in tongues

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Explain the Grace message which you say is different to the Grace message which the Church was founded on.

Jud 1:1 Jude, the servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called:
Jud 1:2 Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied.
Jud 1:3 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.


I'll have to explain it to you later today. Danoh was left falling short in his explanation because he's angry at me and a few others. He let his emotions get in his way.


New member
Very good, you took the opportunity to take a swipe at fellow "MADs" instead of sharing the Grace Gospel. What a guy.


I lived; manifested; or worked out "the Grace Gospel" in my words to LA.

Thus, my having included myself in "our" culpability.

You actually need to have that pointed out to you; you are that gone in your one sidedness.

You talk of "sharing" - try living said "grace" towards others.

Instead, you remain willfully blind to the obvious.

I owe His grace my "loyalty" - not ANY Mad, or non-Mad.

You have more than enough culprits to your error in this; you do not need my loyalty to that mess.

This is why you perceive me some sort of an angry, paranoid turncoat.

Your projection of your erroneous perception in your flesh as to where one's loyalty should lie.

That can only lead to your disappointment.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame

I lived; manifested; or worked out "the Grace Gospel" in my words to LA.

Thus, my having included myself in "our" culpability.

You actually need to have that pointed out to you; you are that gone in your one sidedness.

You talk of "sharing" - try living said "grace" towards others.

Instead, you remain willfully blind to the obvious.

I owe His grace my "loyalty" - not ANY Mad, or non-Mad.

You have more than enough culprits to your error in this; you do not need my loyalty to that mess.

This is why you perceive me some sort of an angry, paranoid turncoat.

Your projection of your erroneous perception in your flesh as to where one's loyalty should lie.

That can only lead to your disappointment.

I stand by EVERYTHING I've said about you. You seek to cause dissension and you're doing a good job of it, I must admit. Don't try and hide what you're doing, behind your little speeches. You're really not fooling anybody but yourself, pal.


New member
I stand by EVERYTHING I've said about you. You seek to cause dissension and you're doing a good job of it, I must admit. Don't try and hide what you're doing, behind your little speeches. You're really not fooling anybody but yourself, pal.

I leave you to your hypocrisy then...


New member
Then why do you promote a free for all and just "let God work it out"? Where is that found in the Scriptures?

Your misunderstanding of what I said. I am NOT promoting anything.

My message has always been and will always be Christ Jesus and His finished legal work on the Cross of Calvary.

You implied it - that if one is holy enough, it won't happen to them. I wonder how Peter felt about that when he was corrected by Paul?

Again, your misunderstanding of what I said. Can't do anything about your misunderstanding.

Not really. You are pushing a lot of conjecture and calling it Christ crucified.

Again, your misunderstanding of what I said. Nothing I can do about your misunderstanding.

You are not paying attention. You keep saying over and over again that we are stating God does not heal today.

One more time, your MISunderstanding of what I said.
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New member
It was an example. Paul did not leave false beliefs on the table and ignore them. Not ever.

I am sure you do not do that either. However, you cannot prove that what a person says is or is not happening to them. It matters not how much you scream that you can. If someone comes to you and says, 'I have a headache.' How do you TB, prove that that is true or false? You can't.

That is why people are deceived.

No! People are deceived because they are told to go and study the 'movements' and people stop studying their Bible.

You are presenting a lot of concepts that goes against what is stated in the Bible. Perhaps you should read more than just the one verse.

That is your MISinterpretation of what I said. Can't do anything about your MISinterpretation.
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New member
You have some fine backup. Danoh will come to your rescue, just blow your Bugle and he'll be there to stave off us nasty "MADs." We "Truthbearers" can be such a nuisance at times. Especially to those who seek to spread false doctrine.

I cannot believe that some of you guys are still in the 'dream thingy' freeway. It boggles the mind. At least it boggles my mind that you guys are still in the 'speaking in tongues thingy' freeway.

I have a headache. Can you prove I have a headache?


New member
There have been many who have investigated, and all cases turned out to be fraudulent.

And it is probably the reason you now see so many refuse to have their tongues tested.

I know that all the cases that have been investigated turned out to be fraudulent. That is why if a brother/sister comes to me and says, 'I speak in tongues' I simply let the Lord deal with it.

OK, let's talk about this.

If it is the Holy Spirit that makes it obvious, then it would be obvious to anyone with the Holy Spirit.
But it's not. (I mean, you and I both have the Holy Spirit, and yet neither of us can say it is obvious that anyone speaking in this unknown tongue actually are.
And the only ones that claim it is obvious is due to their own feelings.

It is NOT for me to prove that what they claim is true or false. God will do that.
All I will get out of confronting nonessentials is get into a fight. I used to confront people about certain nonessentials and I was never able to convince anyone about it.

Then, I found "In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity".

So let's be clear ......
Anyone can babble unintelligibly. ANYONE (believers and non-believers alike).
So, obviously it does not take the Holy Spirit to babble unintelligibly.
Or in other words, no outside influence is needed to babble unintelligibly.


So how can babbling unintelligibly be any sign at all to anyone?????
It can't, nor should it, because it is nothing that is supernatural.

Not my job to prove either way.
Can't prove it anyways.

What IS supernatural is to speak a foreign language that you have never learned, and that others that do know that language can understand completely.
But this is never the "tongues" that folks today claim to have.

I don't know why Paul who was not at Pentecost spoke more than you all in tongues when not in church.

Long story short ...... the tongue talkers today are doing nothing supernatural at all.
But they are fearful to test it, because the elated "feeling" they get is pleasurable to them and they do not wish to disturb that hidden pleasure which is nothing more than a physical reaction that all babblers (believer or unbeliever) feel.

I have a headache.
Can you prove to me that I do not have a headache?
What would be the steps you would take to convince me that I do not have a headache?

Can you prove to me that I do have a headache?
What would be the steps you would take to convince me that I do have a headache?

Exactly and that is why God did not give me the job of proving that that brother/sister in Christ is really speaking in tongues from God or not. God WILL DO THE PROVING either way.

I follow this model: In Essentials Unity, In Non-Essentials Liberty, In All Things Charity.

'speaking in tongues' for lifeisgood is a NONessential, so, I will not enter into a confrontation about it.
'I had a dream about Jesus' for lifeisgood is a NONessential, so, I will not enter into a confrontation about it.

"any nonessential here", so, I will not enter into a confrontation about it.

Now, someone comes to lifeisgood and tells her that they reject the blood, that they do not need the blood, that being ESSENTIAL, then I'll go at it, but speaking in tongues, dreaming dreams, etc. I SUMMARILY IGNORE them.


New member
Very simple...

Tam has a baseball bat.

She can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you have a headache :chuckle:

I was next; but I bought her a gift certificate to a nail spa that carries her favorite shade of pink toe nail polish.

And she"s already used it :chuckle:


New member
I am sure you do not do that either. However, you cannot prove that what a person says is or is not happening to them. It matters not how much you scream that you can. If someone comes to you and says, 'I have a headache.' How do you TB, prove that that is true or false? You can't.

We're not talking about a headache, but referring to spiritual manifestations. We must test all things. Look at the fruit which must be in all goodness and truth. That is why one must look at the history of how and why the gifts and tongues movement was founded and by whom. What were their beliefs? What is the Gospel that they taught? It it's another gospel, then whatever spiritual manifestations showed up, they are false aka deceptive aka not of God.

No! People are deceived because they are told to go and study the 'movements' and people stop studying their Bible.

You go the source of your doctrines - which are the doctrines of men and compare them to Scripture. That is how you test what is called manifestations of the spirit. What is happening today and is called a move of the spirit is no different than what is happening in pagan religions and has been for 100s of years and in some cases, 1000s of years. The tongues and gifts movement today comes from the holiness movement which taught a 3 part salvation. One is not saved by grace through faith alone, but must convert, be sanctified, baptized in the spirit with speaking in tongues - 3 separate "blessings" or parts - all of which are achieved at separate points in one's life. The sanctification has to be earned by man by living a holy life, and achieving perfection or sinlessness before they are completely saved. Then they must be baptized and get the spirit and tongues before they are fully saved. That is not the Gospel of Christ.

That is your MISinterpretation of what I said. Can't do anything about your MISinterpretation.

You don't just push Christ crucified. You push tongues and the gifts and other theories that are not found in Scripture - like Jesus appearing in visions, saying benign stuff, and people supposedly getting saved. That is NOT Christ crucified.


Well-known member
We're not talking about a headache, but referring to spiritual manifestations. We must test all things. Look at the fruit which must be in all goodness and truth. That is why one must look at the history of how and why the gifts and tongues movement was founded and by whom. What were their beliefs? What is the Gospel that they taught? It it's another gospel, then whatever spiritual manifestations showed up, they are false aka deceptive aka not of God.

You go the source of your doctrines - which are the doctrines of men and compare them to Scripture. That is how you test what is called manifestations of the spirit. What is happening today and is called a move of the spirit is no different than what is happening in pagan religions and has been for 100s of years and in some cases, 1000s of years. The tongues and gifts movement today comes from the holiness movement which taught a 3 part salvation. One is not saved by grace through faith alone, but must convert, be sanctified, baptized in the spirit with speaking in tongues - 3 separate "blessings" or parts - all of which are achieved at separate points in one's life. The sanctification has to be earned by man by living a holy life, and achieving perfection or sinlessness before they are completely saved. Then they must be baptized and get the spirit and tongues before they are fully saved. That is not the Gospel of Christ.

You don't just push Christ crucified. You push tongues and the gifts and other theories that are not found in Scripture - like Jesus appearing in visions, saying benign stuff, and people supposedly getting saved. That is NOT Christ crucified.

The accounts of downright creepiness at Asuza Street tell the whole story.


New member
However, YouTube is not the whole world.

When it comes to the Charis/Pente/Word of Faith arena, it's very accurate. I have seen a lot of them and they all come from actual services where up to 1000s are present. There are over 500 million people involved in this religious movement. Many of the leaders and pastors are making millions of dollars, buying huge mansions, fleets of planes, cars, trips, vacation homes and living like fortune 500. So do not tell me that youtube is not accurately portraying this movement. I have seen it first hand and if it weren't for all the manifestations and promises of health and wealth and accepting/believing/practicing these false teachings the money would stop flowing and so would the strange spiritual circus.


New member
Great. What did you find? :juggle: I found that we are living in the 11th hour and have all spiritual blessings being poured out right about now. What about you? :dead: Mt 20:9

Queue jeopardy theme (right click, open).

Testing all things is not "finding out we are living in the 11th hour with spiritual blessings being poured out". First of all, they are not spiritual blessings - they are physical manifestations not found in the Bible. Secondly, If you are following after the flavor of the week manifestation, it's nothing more than fool's gold and there is a lot of that falling from "heaven" [NOT] these days. Both Jesus and Paul warned us about this stuff. It amazes me how many are convinced what they warned us of has nothing to do with them.