The earth is flat and we never went to the moon--Part II

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Well-known member
We "move" on earth in many directions. Just "move" your hands and fingers over your keyboard and make your point. Don't let gravity stop you.


Ahhr! So do you believe in gravity? Or do you call it something else, or is it something completely different to gravity?
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Well-known member
Bogus precept.

Romans X

But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise, Say not in thine heart, Who shall ascend into heaven? (that is, to bring Christ down from above:)
Or, Who shall descend into the deep? (that is, to bring up Christ again from the dead.)
But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach;

There's a better verse than that, that explains why everything is pulled towards the Earth. As a FE'er you should really know it. ;)


Well-known member
Ships don't disappear under the fake "curve" so that's moot. I have several videos that prove that, not still shots. But here's a still shot :



Shouldn't Jerusalem be the centre of the World?:






Well-known member
To everyone.

No one gets anywhere in a debate if too much information and too many points are made in the same post. I don't want to tell anyone how they should do this because I like information, but I personally want to take my time to focus on a deeper analysis of some of the claims from both sides on one aspect of this at a time.


It would be nice then if you could just give a straight forward answer to why everything is pulled towards the Earth.


Well-known member
My remark, "Don't let gravity stop you", is called sarcasm, do you know what that means?


So now you're resorting to sarcasm to deflect your lack of an explanation for gravity and your lack of scriptural knowledge that would give you the verse that would support your FE view on gravity. I suppose to be a FE'er knowledge is a hindrance to you.


Well-known member
The question is how are these arcs proposed by globe earth validated?


I was just getting ready to add this to my previous post and now am glad I did not. You can go to this site and check just about any city in the world, (whatever is on their list of course). I just chose these two off the top of my head. The following diagrams show the sun paths as viewed from the two respective cities, Buenos Aries, Argentina, which is fairly deep in the southern hemisphere, and Portland Oregon, US. It doesn't really matter so long as you understand and can see how the sun path in the northern hemisphere traverses an arc across the southern sky, while at the same time, (today), the sun path in the southern hemisphere traverses an arc across the northern sky: and both of these are of course as viewed from the earth in these two locations. The green lines are the path of the sun at the June Solstice. The blue lines are the path of the sun at the December Solstice. The orange lines are the path of the sun today:

EDIT: Since these image files are time-sensitive, and the ones for 3-10-2018 have already disappeared into the internet-ethernet: I have taken those for tomorrow, (3-11-2018), and placed them on another hosting site so that they will remain permanently.

Portland, Oregon, US - Sun Path (orange line: today)

Buenos Aires, Argentina - Sun Path, (orange line: today)

Two entirely differing views of the sun crossing the sky, today, from one city in the northern hemisphere and another city in the southern hemisphere. This cannot be explained on a flat earth map. It is just as I showed you here:


If you are in the northern hemisphere today, (like Portland Oregon, in the first image file), you will see the sun crossing the sky in a similar path to how it is shown on the typical flat earth map. But if you were in the southern hemisphere today, (like Buenos Aries, in the second image file), you would see the sun crossing the sky in the opposite direction, in the northern sky, and the arc which it follows from east to west is the reverse of what you would see from the northern hemisphere: you would see the sun crossing the sky in the pattern as shown in the bottom red half-circle which I have drawn on this flat earth map above, (which is really an azimuthal globe earth map). Thus, if we are on a globe, then everything is fine because the tropics are actually parallel lines and equal circles with an equal circumference placed on a rotating sphere. However, if we are on a flat earth, then apparently we have at least two suns moving in opposing arcs across the sky and do not even know it, (not to even mention the other straight-line arc, overhead perspective, from places in equatorial regions). In other words the earth cannot be flat even with these very simple physical observations, from the ground, comparing the apparent paths of the sun traversing across the sky.
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So now you're resorting to sarcasm to deflect your lack of an explanation for gravity and your lack of scriptural knowledge that would give you the verse that would support your FE view on gravity. I suppose to be a FE'er knowledge is a hindrance to you.

I gave you an answer. Now make a argument with a point or get lost. I will have no more response to you until you do.



Well-known member
I gave you an answer. Now make a argument with a point or get lost. I will have no more response to you until you do.


Sarcasm followed by plain rudeness and avoidance to answer. You make yourself look small to everyone. Let me show you how a real Christian behaves; The scripture you need to support your woeful lack of Biblical knowledge is:

Colossians 1:17
He existed before anything else and he holds all creation together.

;)DAFT Dave


Well-known member
ok daqq, this will take me I little time.


No problem, take your time, I'm in no hurry: but I should note here that the two image files of the sun paths for Portland Oregon and Buenos Aires appear to be date sensitive, (for today). So I do not know for sure whether or not they will still show up tomorrow in that post but the links will still be there if you or anyone else wants to use them. It has been a good talking for now, Dave, thank you for your politeness. :)


New member
It's not a three foot drop every three miles from where you stand and watch, the next three miles, which would be six miles away, is a 24 foot drop. We also have to know what the power of magnification is of the telescope or camera that is being used. The Nikon P900, one of the most powerful and popular because of its price is 83x magnification. All cameras and telescopes have their limits. We see ships slowly disappear simply because they are too small and too far into the distance for us to see even for a telescope.

View attachment 26251

I'll take your recommendation then, and look out for a good deal on the Nikon.



New member
I have flown from New York many times to see family and friends in Minnesota. My last trip I realized that the earth beneath me was not moving and the horizon did indeed rise to my eye level and it was straight and horizontal just as flat earth people were saying. There was absolutely no curvature of the earth to be seen. From the air you can see just how flat and stationary the earth is as far as you can see.

If the earth from a plane appears flat and stationary for hundreds of miles, and if horizons in all directions are at eye level and are straight and not curved, and if at no time do we have a change in altitude over hundreds of miles then we have to conclude the whole earth is consistent with this reality and is not a globe.

Our universal experience of flight contradicts a globed earth. Distance and the cost of fuel and flight paths do not change this experienced reality.

But the cost of fuel is so high these days, I'd say there's no way the horizon could be at eye level.

Here are some nice photographs:

The horizon from a miltary aircraft, the SR-71 Blackbird, at 83,000 feet (28,000 metres in the former British Empire). The earth curves down at the edges:


Here's someone's nice picture out an aircraft window. Put a straight edge against the horizon, and the earth definitely curves up at the edges:


So, whether it's up or down, I just can't see how you saw it flat.



New member
Here are some nice photographs. This is a long exposure of the sky in Alberta in the North:


And here is one taken in the South, in Chile:


The tricky thing is that these are different stars. Maybe someone is playing a joke, and getting that last photo involved hanging off the edge of the ice wall in Antarctica, and the bit about Chile is a lie. You could easily Photoshop in a bit of observatory like that.



Well-known member
Here are some nice photographs. This is a long exposure of the sky in Alberta in the North:


And here is one taken in the South, in Chile:


The tricky thing is that these are different stars. Maybe someone is playing a joke, and getting that last photo involved hanging off the edge of the ice wall in Antarctica, and the bit about Chile is a lie. You could easily Photoshop in a bit of observatory like that.


All those pics prove is that the stars are affixed to the crystal spheres, per medieval cosmology. What is old is new again.

patrick jane

Can you explain why there seem to be two different halves to the spheres, when a flat earth says you can only see one crystal hemisphere?

Easily explained in flat earth if you do a little leg work yourself for a change. You'll get tired of not having the answers to your simple questions soon enough. You know it's possible and that all things were created by Jesus Christ, otherwise this wouldn't be your new favorite thread.

patrick jane

Here are some nice photographs. This is a long exposure of the sky in Alberta in the North:

And here is one taken in the South, in Chile:

The tricky thing is that these are different stars. Maybe someone is playing a joke, and getting that last photo involved hanging off the edge of the ice wall in Antarctica, and the bit about Chile is a lie. You could easily Photoshop in a bit of observatory like that.

Again, proving flat earth. Not a "globe" .
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