Town Quixote's

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Ye Olde Weekende Gazette..e...

Weighed in on a topic thread...
Spanked kids ‘do better in life’

Or at least they had better if they know what's good for them. :plain:

Queried GM about his comma addiction...
Thank goodness only you are complaining about that! I'm glad you enjoyed it though.
Don't misunderstand me, it was funny. But you don't normally hear that much breathing at a sprinter's finish line.

And I see you lost part of your my condolences on that too. :plain:

Which led to the ominous...
Normally, I'd be chuckling - but somehow I just don't have it in me at the moment. :plain:
There's a lot of that going around. :plain:

Chimed in on the spanking thread...
If you need to resort to physically striking a child to exert your authority, you are a weak willed parent. Kids need boundaries, rules and discipline. But they can be taught all of those without need to physically fear their parent.
Spare the rod...spoil a perfectly good opportunity to break in a rod.

My niece was never spanked. She's a terrific gal and an architect. I put Jack in time out ...He understands the whole action/consequence thing and I never negotiate. He gets one "Stop/do this" and then he's in the penalty box.

Not a literal box though. :plain:

Then GM was back and testy as all get out...
...]He pays very close attention to these areas when he peruses my posts!
In the sense that I pay close attention to a woman in labor when she's standing beside me in an elevator.

He then gives GM a written report, as if he's some self-styled professor speaking to one of his students.
Well, an oral report didn't seem practical given the distances involved. :plain:

Which spilled into my birthday thread...
They say; "The good die young." That means you should live to be around 400 years old!
And your writing will live forever. :eek:

And even into the caribo thread...
... I suppose there are those on this forum that are able to decipher his material. I respect most forms of written and verbal humor.
By most I take it you mean the forms not aimed at you. :plain:

TH uses a combination of; sarcasm, condescension, and a pinch of, pretentious blathering!
If you think picking at you over punctuation is any of those things you have issues on back order. Also, the semicolon isn't appropriate, the second comma is debatable (depending on whether or not you mean for this to go into a newspaper) and the last one is utterly indefensible.

What is, your love, affair with randomly, placed commas about? Someone told you about placing them where you breath and you're an excitable asthmatic, or do you only text during a jog between smokes? :idunno:

In sports:

The Seahawks express a lack of interest in Tebow at the back up position...seriously, they did that. So it's looking more and more like a Tebow free 2013 on the NFL beat.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Profiles in Discouragement: a random glimpse into the richness of profile page life and conversation. The names have been changed to one really, but there you go.

First guy: Nice childish remark! I would expect nothing less from you.

Country Traditionalist: No idea what you're talking about...

FG: I'm certain your remark was innocent. One might even add, childish in nature.

CT: One might add a random string of letters to the end of a word, but really, why would one do that?

FG: I think you might be able to come up with a worthwhile reason! Considering you're such a childlike man!

CT: I think just getting reason into a sentence written by you should automatically qualify me for a Nobel Prize. :plain:

FG: I believe you think way to highly of yourself as it is! Lets forego the Nobel prize for now!

CT: Men believe all sorts of things. Some of them are true and some merely convenient. The best way to distinguish between the two is to see how strong an argument you can make of it without relying on feeling and requiring yourself to utilize fact and reason in support.

In my experience not many people are interested in that. But declaratives? That's more popular than flapjacks.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

Sunday Evening Gazette

In the live your life over/what would you do thread...
I notice that the net traffic threw this site is mostly From the Usa.
Well, we had a lot of French here at one point, but they wouldn't talk to anyone else...the Brits have more important things to worry about, like dental insurance...we couldn't keep the Germans from posting in ALL CAPS so they had to go...Australians have the right sense of humor to make it here. I knew it the moment I saw what you people call bears. :plain:

Do Americans think that hosting other nations as friends is worth while.
Americans are like Democrats or snowflakes without all the snow. What I mean is that it's nearly impossible to find two of us that actually think alike, at least when you start in on details, which bores half of us to begin with...

All our famous beings from down under tend to end up living on your famous soil! As feathers in your cap!
Same thing with Canadians, though they mostly do it to escape the French among them and to live free, call bacon what it is, that sort of thing.

Set out a thumbnail of how the legal system works in the Caribou thread...(yes, that one)
I sat on a jury years ago and it was clear to me that neither lawyer wanted us to know the whole truth!
The attorney's jobs aren't to search for the truth.

The job of the defense attorney is to present a defense.

The job of the prosecuting attorney is to present the case against the standard.

The job of the jury or judge is to determine the truth by that standard. And the opposing process and standards are there to guide the proceedings.

So you were looking in the wrong place Delmar and with the wrong expectations. Justice is the end result of process and rested in your hands. That's how it was always intended.

While in the latest God thread...
I'm curious as to whether people accept the idea of an interventionist god and how they justify such a belief.

Please explain why you voted a certain way.
Yes to the question and as to the why, else I'd still be an atheist.

I recently wrote a passage in a book about this subject,
I write in the margins of books all the time. :plain:

Then GM said...
Your childishness is legend my friend.
Oddly enough, you left out a comma that was needed in that sentence. It should have been placed after "legend".

Your critiques, not so!
What are you, German? :think: And if you're German how do you get by without the all caps lock?

Leading to the inevitable...
I'll try better next time.
That was pretty good as punctuation goes...but you really needed a "to do" in there or maybe harder instead of better, or do instead of try.

If someone said caribou loudly would you think they were trying to scare you? :think:

While in OMEGA's "Who here has me on ignore" thread...
I think I do, but I'm not, it's confusing to me. So either I have you on ignore or I just ordered Starz.

So naturally...
It must have been Starz, because I can still read everything you're posting and there's a movie on about a dog that plays football. :plain:

:plain: Yahtzee.
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New member
Hall of Fame
We all know how breadcrumbs worked for Hansel and Gretel.


Humor on TOL?

(Sorry AB, I meant humo(U)r. I didn't mean to offend the Across the Pond folks.)

My grandmother is quite fond of the Reader's Digest. There were some funny bits in there, as I recall.

That's a shame. I found a really good Merlot for under $6.

How is it that I can be so utterly ignored, shamed, incensed, destroyed by your UTTER lack of commentary?!

Ok, it is none of those things, but....just saying. :D

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Tuesday Morning Gazette: the GM Edition

So Gros, just prior to his passing (over commenting further) continued to defend himself against a relentless, savage onslaught with all the extraordinary dignity (and punctuation) we've come to expect...
Your childish words betray an insecure little man!
Try saying that again, but this time use the metric system.

We'll wait. We've been waiting since the Carter administration.

Thanks for your input, however, I'll use my own style of writing.
I think it's wonderful. You could begin every sentence with a period and capitalize odd numbered vowels.

Even if it's a wee bit unorthodox, I'll somehow manage!
You know what else is unorthodox? Wrong answers, polka roller skating, indoor skeet.

You hide your anger and feelings behind a guise of wise guy comments and sarcastic (supposed) humor.
Reminds me of the scene in It's a Wonderful Life when old man what's his face is talking about the George Bailey's recently deceased father and he says,"He was a man of high ideas--so called." :chuckle:

I believe you have, what they call, little man syndrome. Sort of a Napoleon complex.
As a rule, putting a thing in bold really is almost as good as an argument. Especially if you're target audience is illiterate. :think:

I think I'll just place commas where I will and punctuation as I please.
Do you apply that same sort of thinking to your taxes? :think:

...I haven't paid taxes for many moons!
I don't believe there actually is a moon tax.

I doubt; you have even scratched the surface of who, you think you're conversing with?
So you're saying there's more? :think:

In fact, you're not as smart as you think you aren't!
But really, who isn't?

You come off as being extremely arrogant, pompous, and pretentious.
You come off as someone in serious need of a diary. :poly:

And then, just like that...
I'm pleased to announce I've placed my tormentor (Town Heretic) on permanent ignore. He will no longer be in a position to inflict his form of abuse on my person! He's been a burr in my saddle right from the beginning and has continued to be so.
And with that horse of yours it's a real safety issue. :plain:

and it's best we not continue to communicate with one another.

GM: December 2011 - April 2013 :rip:


New member
May I say that I! have enjoyed these exchanges, ever so much? There is something about a comma which demands usage, that is to say, from my perspective.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
May I say that I! have enjoyed these exchanges, ever so much? There is something about a comma which demands usage, that is to say, from my perspective.
yOu: may (indeed)!

.which Is why, I am; proposing a GM day (no the other, one) be held on this day. Every year to, honor the memory of: our fallen comrade!!


New member
Indubitably! An excellent idea! :: :: :: I just like making little squares. They make be construed as an editorial comment...but then..what isn't? an editorial comment?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
The only punctuation I have been guilty of overusing has been the periods...


New member
Hall of Fame
There's nothing quite so dangerous as a wounded semicolon.

Proceed; with caution.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
About Town :singer:

Things are really jumping over in GM's Ignore thread, where certain members of the Dear Diary club can't stop talking about a guy who broke their hearts.

In related gossip, serpentdove. :plain:

This overheard in the Catbox:

(12:38 AM) Eeset: Wife?

aCultureWarrior: LOL! Be careful, he'll report you for dissing his wife.

(12:33AM) Eeset: Ask him who brings home the bacon.

Classy. :thumb:

Maybe they need a double down ignore around here. People appear to be struggling with the whole concept. :think:
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New member
About Town :singer:

Things are really jumping over in GM's Ignore thread, where certain members of the Dear Diary club can't stop talking about a guy who broke their hearts.

In related gossip, serpentdove. :plain:

This overheard in the Catbox:

The spirit is awfully mean over there. I avoid it.
I prefer the light touch whenever possible.