Town Quixote's

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Gazette Editorial​

No one who witnessed 911 responders rushing into harms way, or has heard the tales of members of the armed forces winning medals of valor for placing their lives in jeopardy to defend their fellows could be confused on the point of their personal courage. And we've all heard of family members casting aside the thought of personal safety to protect their loved ones. More rarely, people will rise to a moment in defense of friends. Rarest of all, doing so for strangers sans that military or other training on the point.

But most people in those situations don't respond heroically. Overwhelmingly, they don't. And there's no cowardice in an absence of heroism.

In fact, most soldiers, men trained to respond to that sort of thing, don't receive medals of valor. Most who do meet the moment heroically, the vast majority of that overwhelming minority do so in defense of people they've been trained to protect in situations they've been drilled to respond to in ways the rest of us simply aren't.

We shouldn't confuse or conflate the absence of that action and training with cowardice or play word games to defame the dead. If you haven't had the training you're likely going to respond instinctively and most of the time that's going to mean you'll put as much distance as you can between you and a lethal instrument. That isn't cowardice. That's a very understandable and human reaction.

Should we celebrate and acknowledge great acts of courage? Of course. We simply shouldn't expect those acts to define the normal or expected or cast aspersions on those who fail to meet that mark, as most do and will. If professional soldiers don't typically manage it, the chance of you doing it without that training are slim.

If you haven't found yourself confronted with violence, you can't know how you'll respond to it. For most of you the answer won't look like it does for a Congressional Medal of Honor winner. And there's no shame in that. There is shame and a sort of cowardice in attacking the defenseless though and their reputations. So try not to do that if you can help yourself.

answered here - feel free to join in if you think you're up to it

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Thusday Morning Gazette

Noticed a monkey in the ointment...
Clock Kid now moving outside of U.S.:

"Less than 24 hours after Ahmed Mohamed met President Obama, his family decided it’s time to leave America for good."

More here:
Wait, are you blaming the President or congratulating him? :think:

This is going to pose a problem for the hard right. :D

And a little later...
Right. I mean, he's finally leaving. Going somewhere he's wanted or welcome. Sooooooooo...what's the plot twist?:think:
Let's just hope he doesn't try to take his clock along. :shocked:

Of course, the decidedly jaded will argue this whole affair was but a clever strategy by the family to shame America and capitalize on the results. ;)
Ah, the jaded...but then green is such an uncomplementary shade on the whole. :shocked: ...And all for building a clock...only in America. Or mostly. :D

Over in the word thread...
nuclear fishing :chuckle:


I'm pretty sure that's nuclear fission, which I'll admit is the same thing in the South. :plain:

fishing pole
That may not be what you think it is or if it is the boat is probably going to tip over.

While in the Good Morning thread I brutally savaged an old friend with a, well, just hit the spoiler and hold onto your hats...
You're a bit slow today, aren't you ? :eek:
No, but who wouldn't seem to be, faced with this caliber of repartee. :plain:

Wondered aloud in the 50th Anniversary of the Gateway Arch thread...
Shouldn't they call it the Acer Arch now? :plain:

Back in the Word game thread I noted...
dead oasis
Like the regular rock band, but more listenable.

The theological disagreements on OSAS et al continued apace...
While some might say that I'm open to the discernment of the Ruach.
Some people might like to pay themselves a compliment through the mouths of others.

Heresy is not for man to judge.
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world." 1 John 4:1

...If all you want to do, Town, is use the faith to feel bigger and better than others you've chosen the wrong faith.
Anyone who believes that "unmerited grace" should feed the ego fails to understand either word...

...You've stepped into "twistland" with it dismissing the Headship (a very popular thing to do what with womens liberation, big surprise).
No, I advance the orthodoxy of the Body. Your political muddying is...nuts.

...Yeshua never stated he is "I AM".
Yes, he did. I quoted him doing it. I reject your attempt to alter the words he spoke and to fit them to your desire on the point. I suppose you see it the same way, but that's life for you.

Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers:
He is the I AM, present equally in the human “was,” and “is,” and “is to come.”

Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary
"Before Abraham was, I AM. This speaks Abraham a creature, and our Lord the Creator; well, therefore, might he make himself greater than Abraham. I AM, is the name of God, Ex 3:14; it speaks his self-existence; he is the First and the Last, ever the same, Re 1:8. Thus he was not only before Abraham, but before all worlds..."

The way you use the Scriptural reference found in John 8 implies that the Son is the Father and that is just not so. The Son, by His own Word, is not omniscient or did you forget the fact that the Son does not know the day of His return?
"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross." Philippians 2:5-8

As I stated before, you're responding outside of your league.
I know you said it. You'll likely say it again or something equally pointless and hostile.

And back in ol St. Louis...
The Arch is 630 ft tall and is also 630 ft wide. It is exactly the same height as width.
When is McDonald's going to finish the thing? :plain:

Then Vin said...
As someone who has had to twice in the past month drive the length of Illinois, I can tell you the sight of the Gateway Arch appearing after the bend on I-55 is one of the most-welcome sights I've ever seen.

After 5+ hours of driving, one begins to wonder if Illinois will ever end!
One day it's bound to... :plain: I missed the cutoff again, didn't I.

Tried to help our calendar guy...
WHY do my two cats have two different personalities?

One is a Big Fat Tabby Cat called Jasper that meows whenever it wants to go out for a walk

and an orange and white american shorthair that is afraid to venture out

for only a short distance and is constantly running back in because it is fearful.

Hard to say...but it's probably something you did. :plain:

And wrapped up in the complaint thread (no, the one that means to be)...
I don't like the cut of this gibe. :plain: Yes, of course it was.

Tomorrow? Legal matters and ham bones, to the extent the two differ. :poly:
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So I guess everyone finds a point where the cost/benefit analysis taps its watch and smiles...for me it was a moment or so ago when I noticed Observations had been pruned.

Now I was disappointed to see it for a number of reasons, beginning with my having put a great deal of work into it, but maybe more so because a large number of posters who are no longer here and whose threads are no longer with us that were a part of was a funny thread and a sort of archive, a window on a bit of TOL history. I did a lesser version of that here, with Quixote's, but I don't know that it ever matched up. Sequels rarely do. :)

That's life for you. Anyway, with the overwhelming best of my contributions around her now a thing of ghostly memory the prospect of putting a portion of that effort into this given....that just seemed daft.

I hope over time I've given a few of you a chuckle or two and maybe a reason to consider something from a different angle. I've certainly enjoyed much more of my stay than not, liked more of those I met than didn't and tried to meet as well as I was met. I will absolutely miss it.

And more than a few of you.

Take care and God bless. :cheers:

Tomorrow? :think: I may buy a pony.

I'll leave the door open so the trolls can embarrass themselves. Well, more so then. :eek:


Well-known member
So I guess everyone finds a point where the cost/benefit analysis taps its watch and smiles...for me it was a moment or so ago when I noticed Observations had been pruned.

Now I was disappointed to see it for a number of reasons, beginning with my having put a great deal of work into it, but maybe more so because a large number of posters who are no longer here and whose threads are no longer with us that were a part of was a funny thread and a sort of archive, a window on a bit of TOL history. I did a lesser version of that here, with Quixote's, but I don't know that it ever matched up. Sequels rarely do. :)

That's life for you. Anyway, with the overwhelming best of my contributions around her now a thing of ghostly memory the prospect of putting a portion of that effort into this given....that just seemed daft.

I hope over time I've given a few of you a chuckle or two and maybe a reason to consider something from a different angle. I've certainly enjoyed much more of my stay than not, liked more of those I met than didn't and tried to meet as well as I was met. I will absolutely miss it.

And more than a few of you.

Take care and God bless. :cheers:

Tomorrow? :think: I may buy a pony.

I'll leave the door open so the trolls can embarrass themselves. Well, more so then. :eek:

Your brains and wit caught my eye quite some time ago, dear brother. It has been a great joy for me to see what you were going to say next, and you never have failed to make me smile in appreciation. I feel like I'm losing a dear friend....absolutely irreplaceable. My thoughts and prayers are with you, of that you can be sure. :(


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I will miss seeing your intelligence and wit on TOL.