You deserve this!

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Hall of Fame
I was bolcats

Seriously?????? Who would have ever guessed it!

but I refuse to apologize to backstabbers I thought were my friends. No explanation is forthcoming from me except to those who are not my enemies.

No worries. You are incapable of humility and admittance to any wrong doing.


Well-known member
I was bolcats...

BOLCATS claimed he wasn't a Christian and he disparaged Christians!

...I refuse to apologize...

Because you are evil, prideful and childish, and you will reap what you have sown, and will deserve it all; it will be as just as the measure you use.

Who would believe your apology anyway? Keep it with your foolish pride. Only a complete moron would believe your apology considering all the crap you posted against Christians as BOLCATS.

Boy, did you deserve this thread.


New member
Hall of Fame
BOLCATS claimed he wasn't a Christian and he disparaged Christians!

Because you are evil, prideful and childish, and you will reap what you have sown, and will deserve it all; it will be as just as the measure you use.

Who would believe your apology anyway? Keep it with your foolish pride. Only a complete moron would believe your apology considering all the crap you posted against Christians as BOLCATS.

Boy, did you deserve this thread.

Wow you are inspiring me to spend some spare time to find the posts where your wife defended it and said she knew it all along after the name was banned. (you better hope those are purged threads, cause you know ive found junk youve lied about before - like your wife asking you to try polygamy....)

Nice feigned outrage though, oscar winning!

I think its a stand up thing that he admitted it, thats an excellent start to getting back to adult conversation.


Hall of Fame
I apologize for not believing you when you tried to out him. You were right, we were wrong. He duped us.

:chuckle: I am not angry at either of you. As you stated, he duped you as well.

His deception hurt you and your wife more than anyone else because you are the two people who stuck your necks out for him.


Well-known member
Wow you are inspiring me to spend some spare time to find the posts where your wife defended it...

Go for it.

Nice feigned outrage though, oscar winning!

Classic evil surmising, reviler!

I think its a stand up thing that he admitted it, thats an excellent start to getting back to adult conversation.

As BOLCATS he claimed to not be a Christian and disparaged Christians. :AMR:

You would just rather focus on your delusional paranoid conspracy theories about us (ironically including ClimateSanity) while you give him a pass, let bygone-be-bygones and ignore that he wasn't a Christian the last time he was here. Suddenly you trust him, as if all the crap you said about him the past was over nothing really.



Well-known member
:chuckle: I am not angry at either of you. As you stated, he duped you as well.

His deception hurt you and your wife more than anyone else because you are the two people who stuck your necks out for him.

Thanks. Now others can stick their necks out for him. My question was answered and I know he can't be trusted ever again.


Well-known member
BOLCATS claimed he wasn't a Christian and he disparaged Christians!

You claim you are a Christian, which is unbelievable....and you disparage Angel who is a true believer.

You've been inciting this whole thing and now you point your wicked little pointy fingers at others. Be gone, Doormat. You've been outed too many times to count by many believers on this board.


Well-known member
You claim you are a Christian, which is unbelievable...

But I haven't claimed I'm not a Christian. You, A4T and ClimateSanity are claiming that. Remember, ClimateSanity was BOLCATS the unbeliever and reviler of your Christian theology.

...and you disparage Angel who is a true believer.

Like BOLCATS disparaged her, you and all Christians when he was claiming not too long ago that he wasn't a Christian? No. I'm just telling her stop bearing false witness. That's a good thing.

ClimateSanity is reaping what he sowed. He deserves this. That's why God is allowing this to happen to him, right?


New member
:doh: When we were not your enemies you lied to us as BOLCATS.

This I do not understand. He was lying to us about being a Christian and being our friend. I trusted him and couldn't believe he'd throw away his profession of faith to use a sock and deceive us.

Now I don't know if he's really a Christian in his mind or just an angry man trying to use Rusha's friends to hurt her.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
If someone can make a union with with children of the devil, they cannot possibly be Christian. All of the moralizing from the sick individuals on this site is completely hollow and hypocritical.

Who has made a union with children of the devil? You're acting delusional. Consider that, if you were BOLCATS, as has been alleged by the moderator in the Woodshed, you were claiming you weren't Christian and disparaging Christianity, and perhaps you should be less inflammatory.

I was bolcats

You're messed up, ClimateSanity/BOLCATS.


Hall of Fame
Now I don't know if he's really a Christian in his mind or just an angry man trying to use Rusha's friends to hurt her.

I am going to go with choice number two ... however, I am not worried. Those who are my friends accept the best of me ... and the worst.

Insofar as CS, hopefully now that everything is out in the open, he can get past his resentments and move forward.


New member
I am going to go with choice number two ... however, I am not worried. Those who are my friends accept the best of me ... and the worst.

Insofar as CS, hopefully now that everything is out in the open, he can get past his resentments and move forward.

You are quite the optimist.

I hope he leaves before he does too much more damage. Surely there's another corner of the web he can play in. Or perhaps he could spend more time on his new life and making a family instead.

Here, his credibility as a believer is shot.
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