You deserve this!

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I would prefer if you would just ignore us, like you said you would earlier in this thread after you falsely accused us and were later proven wrong by Sherman.

Actually at the time sherman is who said the ip one time was volts ip match and a different mod said it was your ip location.

so no, i wasnt proven wrong. Sherman didnt check them both. You can keep lying about what your wife does though for her (or maybe you didnt know, maybe she did it when you were asleep, usually you were all 3 on, but this time it was just him and her - her bouncing in to protect him.

She didn't respond to you
She responded to my post moron. Anyone can see it.

Put a strong leash on her?
yeah, would have helped not allow another to use account when you arent around that caused a huge mess.

I think it looks fine when a husband participates with his wife on a forum and defends her against false accusations and harassment. It would look pathetic if I didn't speak up. :duh:

No, it looks pathetic for you to demand anything from me that i dont owe you one bit because your wife wants to act like an idiot.

You want ignore so bad, then why do you and your wife keep adressing me and why does your wife? Why not use your own advice?


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:up: That's my guy! Thanks, hon. :)

You did such a good job (again) I have nothing to add to what you said to her, and appreciate the reprieve you afford from dealing with her hostility - especially as the third trimester of this pregnancy approaches.

poor baby. Weird how you 2 talk to each other on here like you cant do it in person when supposedly you are there together.



Well-known member
It really hurts their credibility in whatever form they manifest down the road. (assuming BOLCATS is a sock) - If he's not a sock I feel bad for him because as it stands, all he is to me and others here now is someone's hypocritical alter ego.

Yes, it REALLY HURTS considering comments like this:

Email Vol if you have his e-add. Tell him Rusha is convinced I'm him. Ask him if he would like to speak with me. I want to meet the guy who riles her up so badly to the point she was convinced I'm he. It seems the anti feminism I espouse and the fact that I don't take crap off her and I expose her is what has her riled up. I want to know what his dealings with her were like even though I saw some of it looking at old threads.


Well-known member
poor baby. Weird how you 2 talk to each other on here like you cant do it in person when supposedly you are there together.


You just can't stop evil surmising.

I have an office on another part of our property.

See? No conspiracy ... once again.


Hall of Fame
Yes, it REALLY HURTS considering comments like this:

Well, the IP was matched to Dolo's ... and IMO, I think he was playing a game with you two as well. What better way to have someone defend you than pretend you are a newbie who is getting a raw deal?

Have you noticed that he absolutely refuses to answer your questions in regards to BOLCATS?

Also, the PM was pretty damaging.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well, the IP was matched to Dolo's ... and IMO, I think he was playing a game with you two as well. What better way to have someone defend you than pretend you are newbie who is getting a raw deal?

Have you noticed that he absolutely refuses to answer your questions in regards to BOLCATS?

Also, the PM was pretty damaging.

yes, and one time it matched when his wife (or him) was using it too - im guessing she knows it, which is why she is who brought the whole thing up. So she could come up with one time she used it, to try to make a liar out of someone, like they often do after they have been dishonest.


Well-known member
yes, and one time it matched when his wife (or him) was using it too - im guessing she knows it, which is why she is who brought the whole thing up. So she could come up with one time she used it, to try to make a liar out of someone, like they often do after they have been dishonest.

Stop making false accusations against my wife!


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Hall of Fame
Stop making false accusations against my wife!

I was told you or she AND volt used that account, and there is nothing false about saying your wife hid him under her skirt ALL the time back then ESPECIALLY when YOU werent online, and loads of people here know it, so if you dont like my words, use your own advice and use ignore.

Ill tell the truth whether you like it or not. You keep telling people how you never sin too, when you lie like a demon.


Well-known member
That's expected. Comparing someone who ADMITS to being the other ID (and is allowed to use both) as compared to your friend who is lying about his newest ID. I guess that would have to do with the fact that Dolo/Voltaire/OrangeExPat were all permabanned for ongoing harassment and flame outs.

Like you didn't already know that ... :chuckle:


You really think you know what you are talking about. You are nuttier than a fruitcake. Even if what you are fantasizing about were true, the fact you obsess about it shows you have severe personal problems and should really get some help. Marrying a jerk at an early age because you were a typical American teenager at 20 really messed with your head.

Boy was he playing us, if that was ClimateSanity/voltaire/dolo, etc.


Hall of Fame
FTR, the information that I have viewed privately has convinced me that the ID of BOLCAT was indeed Voltaire ... but he did not share that info with Elo or 1PM.

I was angry with them both because I believed they were backing up his claim when in fact, he was scamming them as well.

As I suggested earlier, he should have just joined up and admitted who he was and told the mods he wanted a fresh start.


Well-known member
I was told you or she AND volt used that account ...

I don't believe you because I know that we didn't do what you are claiming. Which moderator allegedly told you? It wasn't Sherman.

And why on earth wasn't I banned if a moderator allegedly believed that? Your story makes no sense and has no evidence to support it.


Well-known member
FTR, the information that I have viewed privately has convinced me that the ID of BOLCAT was indeed Voltaire ... but he did not share that info with Elo or 1PM.

I was angry with them both because I believed they were backing up his claim when in fact, he was scamming them as well.

Thank you. I'd still like to hear from ClimateSanity's mouth, if he has the guts to admit or deny it. Until then, I will keep asking him.


New member
Hall of Fame
I don't believe you because I know that we didn't do what you are claiming. Which moderator allegedly told you? It wasn't Sherman.

The moderator that told me can come here and say it themselves. I was able to speak on what sherman did because she said it herself entering this thread (what she checked)

And why on earth wasn't I banned if a moderator allegedly believed that? Your story makes no sense and has no evidence to support it.

You were already banned - which is (this part is my theory) why i think you or your wife was using that account too. By the time you came back, that account was banned.


Well-known member
I haven't discussed anything with you via PM. I have no issues with women. I have issues with misandrists like yourself. I'm sorry to hear Vol had issues though. By the way, you only confirm what a wicked person you are by revealing your private conversation with the guy. I doubt he really had women issues. Sounds to me like he just lacked confidence in himself.

Note his concern for the sharing of personal information, similar to the concern ClimateSanity expressed on this thread. I didn't get the impression that Rusha was revealing anything worthy of that comment.


New member
I was bolcats but I refuse to apologize to backstabbers I thought were my friends. No explanation is forthcoming from me except to those who are not my enemies.
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