toldailytopic: How do you feel about building a mosque at ground zero?

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New member
It is a Sufi mosque. Tell me one thing that you know about Sufism or any of it's tenets or even it's history.

One thing I know about sufism is that it is a sect of Islam so callous that it will stick its finger in the eyes of victims, by building a mosque near ground zero.

One of its tenets is that pain, brings one closer to God.

Also some Islamist terrorists call themselves Sufis. The Sufis have been infiltrated.

Kind of like a hitman, listing his religion as a Quaker, to avoid

Of course you do know the history of Buddhism includes terrible violence and murder.......Right?


New member
Hall of Fame

That first link had nothing, as far as I could tell, about the mosque. The 2nd one did though. So is the gist of the argument that Muslims have historically built mosques in conquered lands? And Rauf's book? I suppose that is something, but not terribly convincing.


Merely Christian
If muslims really wanted to be "sensitive" they would create an "interfaith community center".

As it stand though, I think folks are seeing this as more of an historic "building a victory mosque", and even if that is not the way it was intended, it's very name implies as much.


New member
Government is certainly playing its part in allowing it. Government would have a role in stopping it also, if such be the case.
Duh, but to not allow it on the grounds generally cited (it's a mosque which is an Islamic building) would violate your first amendment. As I said, at least Obama is acting like he cares about the constitution unlike those saying the government should stop the mosque.
If one doesn't like a decision made, said decision has obviously adversely affected you.
Then we have a very different idea of what it means to be adversely affected, and freedom for that matter too.

I disagree with the decision to build the mosque but do not think I am adversely affected by it. In a more trivial example I also disagree with the decision of people to wear Hawaiian shirts but again also do not think I am adversely affected. Could you explain how they adversely affect me and why such an affect should mean we disregard freedom on such matters?
So it is said in theory, so it is not the common practice. "Hate" crimes come to mind.
Hate crimes are not about being offended, they are about committing a crime with an intent which is deemed requiring additional punishment, much like committing a crime without intent would lead to less or no punishment.
The Muslims do NOT have any "right" to build the mosque. The privilege of building it was granted by a government agency.
They have the right to be treated equally under the law and to have the same privileges as everyone else. Those laws/privileges allow them to build a building such as the mosque thus since they have the right to them the have the right to build the mosque.

Unless you want to say that you don't have the right to own property, use and defend your own property, you have the privilege. You don't have the right to an attorney if prosecuted, you have the privilege. You don't have the right to hold a protest march, you have the privilege. While we're at it you don't have the right to be alive, you have the privilege.
They have no such "right." The Fifth Amendment reserves eminent domain to the government.
"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

What has that got to do with this topic?
Well, then. Did not President Obama violate the establishment clause of the First Amendment when he implied that Muslims have a "right" to build the mosque, essentially, wherever they wanted? No, no, he declaims later he was defending freedom of religious practice. Really? If freedom of religion implies a Constitutional property right, we should demand a synagogue be built next door to the mosque, and then a Catholic cathedral next to that, then a Buddhist temple next to that, etc. Might want to rewrite the Fifth Amendment on "eminent domain" while we're at it. Accordingly, we would extend the principle of eminent domain to religious groups.
You have a funny concept of freedom if you think it involves demanding that competing entities build things next to each other. Now if someone wanted to build a synagogue or a catholic cathedral next door which passes the same laws (such as zoning, safety, etc.) as the mosque then they should be free to do so.

And do you really think that Obama thinks a Mosque should literally be allowed to be build wherever it likes (regardless of planning laws and ownership?). Or are you just putting words in his mouth?
While we are defending the "right" you say exists for Muslims, why does said "right" not exist for Christians to build a church, essentially, wherever they want.
You do have such a right so long as it passes the same laws as everyone else, including the Muslims. If Christians owned the building the Muslims are using would they be banned from making a Church? I doubt so.

Your concept of what freedom means is bizarre. You sound more like the commies you so often accuse others of being.


New member
Well, the naysayers have a lot of ignorant rhetoric to spread around but not much else. The bleeding heart conservatives have come out in force on this topic, crying about insensitivity.

It's obvious who really appreciates freedom and who only appreciates it when it suits their emotional desires. This is private property. Do you want big brother telling you where you can build your house or your church?

Muslims are being compared to Jefferey Dahmer, the KKK, Nazi's, Timothy McVeigh, etc.

No real arguments, just a lot of crying and whining about sensitivity. Go grab a Puffs and dry your tears.

What a pathetic display.


New member


Well, the naysayers have a lot of ignorant rhetoric to spread around but not much else. The bleeding heart conservatives have come out in force on this topic, crying about insensitivity.

It's obvious who really appreciates freedom and who only appreciates it when it suits their emotional desires. This is private property. Do you want big brother telling you where you can build your house or your church?

Muslims are being compared to Jefferey Dahmer, the KKK, Nazi's, Timothy McVeigh, etc.

No real arguments, just a lot of crying and whining about sensitivity. Go grab a Puffs and dry your tears.

What a pathetic display.

Well dear boy, perhaps you need a purgative to cleanse you of your own judgmentalism, hmmmmmmm?


New member
Muslims are being compared to Jefferey Dahmer, the KKK, Nazi's, Timothy McVeigh, etc.
As they should be. Just as you make it well known that you are an anti-American terrorist sympathizer who deserves the same fate as those Muslims who sent your message of hate for America on 9/11.


New member
As they should be. Just as you make it well known that you are an anti-American terrorist sympathizer who deserves the same fate as those Muslims who sent your message of hate for America on 9/11.

Anti-American is the desire to trample religious freedom so your feelings are not hurt. Not all Muslims are terrorists, madman.

Would you like the government to intervene, to trample the Constitution and prevent a mosque from opening here? What about the one two blocks away, is that too close too? You obviously know nothing about the freedom our founders fought for.

What about the porn shops all around the area, are those Christians enough for you?

Tell sozo I said hi :loser:


New member
All Muslims are anti-America, especially Obama. All Muslims want to see the destruction of America, and with Obama's help, are working to achieve their goal. Those on this site who support the building of this mosque are anti-America and anti-Christ. They may claim victory at the destruction of our bodies, but God will destroy their souls.


New member
All Muslims are anti-America, especially Obama. All Muslims want to see the destruction of America, and with Obama's help, are working to achieve their goal. Those on this site who support the building of this mosque are anti-America and anti-Christ. They may claim victory at the destruction of our bodies, but God will destroy their souls.

Sir, I know many and have known and debated with many Muslims. They do not wish for the destruction of America. You have no grounds for such a claim.

And as for those who support the building on the site, they do so on behalf of the US Constitution. How is that Anti-American?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Poor example. King and his buddies at Planned Parenthood murdered more unborn black babies then the Klan even dreamed of doing. parenthood&__utmv=-&__utmk=211956628

You might want to put that zeal on pause and dig a little deeper...say, at all, before you launch a salvo at a dead man and look either ill considered or worse.

When King was given the Sanger Award in 1966 Planned Parenthood was publicly anti abortion. Here's a snippet from their pamphlet "Is Birth Control Abortion?" that you might find interesting:

"Is birth control abortion? Definitely not. An abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health."​

Unfortunately, King and countless others of the day weren't fully versed on the intent and views and agenda of Sanger, who supped with Nazis and meant to control a population she held in contempt.

MLK, Jr. didn't as stridently and publicly address the issue, but then he didn't stridently and publicly oppose any number of crimes he would have considered self apparently immoral and errant practice. And Roe v. Wade was some years removed when he was felled by an assassin's bullet.

As to what his position on Roe would have been, I give you a bit of his thinking from a "Letter From a Birmingham Jail" in which he wrote:

"I would agree with St. Augustine that “an unjust law is no law at all.”

Now, what is the difference between the two? How does one determine whether a law is just or unjust? A just law is a man made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law. To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: An unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law. Any law that uplifts human personality is just. Any law that degrades human personality is unjust."

Another snippet from that a little more directly on point:

"But the Christians pressed on in the conviction that they were "a colony of heaven" called to obey God rather than man. Small in number they were big in commitment. They were too God-intoxicated to be "astronomically intimidated." By their effort and example they brought an end to such ancient evils as infanticide."

His niece, Alveda King, now turned from an idea she once embraced and practiced personally, has publicly asserted that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was against abortion, recalling his words in her personal and painful account of her own actions. Her uncle, she writes, noted:

“The Negro cannot win as long as he is willing to sacrifice the lives of his children for comfort and safety.”​

Now his wife is another matter, but Coretta's work in that regard came after her husband's death, as did Jessee Jackson's betrayal of the pro life cause and his former comparison of abortion to genocide.

You should stop listening to racists like Mississippi's P. Leslie Riley, who couldn't find an honest word on the subject with a metaphysical GPS and a team of related topographers. You lie down with that dog you're going to get up with, well, lies.



New member
All Muslims are anti-America, especially Obama. All Muslims want to see the destruction of America, and with Obama's help, are working to achieve their goal. Those on this site who support the building of this mosque are anti-America and anti-Christ. They may claim victory at the destruction of our bodies, but God will destroy their souls.

You oppose the Constitution. You cannot get much more "anti-American" than that.

Nice rant though.


New member
Sir, I know many and have known and debated with many Muslims. They do not wish for the destruction of America.
You have the gullibility of a small child.
You have no grounds for such a claim.
Their book.

And as for those who support the building on the site, they do so on behalf of the US Constitution. How is that Anti-American?
Giving aid and comfort to the enemy


New member
To anyone who does not want this mosque built....should the government intervene to prevent it from being built?
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