If you are an "OTHER" you are not my brother


Well-known member
Your crystal ball is cracked. :rotfl:

Perfect example of cursing yourselves: attempting to spread false rumors about others, using witchcraft and occult terminology, so as to assassinate the character of your perceived opponents and "enemies". How long will the prophets of Baal cut themselves? Is there not enough blood on your hands already, ehem, "prayer warrior"? Besides, the record is there and stands, and it has nothing to do with a crystal ball. However, when they said that Yeshua had the unclean spirit of Beelzebub they blasphemed the Holy Spirit. Have you no fear you might be doing the same?

Mark 3:22-30 ASV
22. And the scribes that came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and, By the prince of the demons casteth he out the demons.
23. And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan?
24. And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25. And if a house be divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand.
26. And if Satan hath rise up against himself, and is divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
27. But no one can enter into the house of the strong man, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
28. Verily I say unto you, All their sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and their blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
29. but whosoever shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit hath never forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin:
30. because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.

Can you direct me to the board where the real disciples of Yeshua gather? :chuckle:

Right Divider

Body part
This is a rant?
No, this is:
The first two passages say what they say, (Acts 16:7-10 and 2 Corinthians 2:12-13) and this is true in just about any English translation one prefers; and there is no other place we are informed that Paul went through Troas, (Troada) except for this one time which he clearly makes reference to in the 2Cor.2:12-13 passage. One either believes Paul, and his companion Luke who penned the Acts, or one does not believe Paul and Luke. Which one is it? I believe both Paul and Luke. Also Leukos "the White" is probably not who you might think he is because this is precisely the point where Luke joins Paul in this journey, (as emphasized in what was quoted, the difference between "THEY" and "WE", in the Acts passage). So I suppose what this is "getting at" is that the carnal mind cannot understand the things of God because they are supernatural, supernal, and spiritually discerned, as likewise Paul says. It is astounding how many here claim to follow Paul but have no clue what things he actually teaches. If you do not understand who is Titus then how can you possibly understand the epistle written to "Titus"? :chuckle:
Paul clearly reveals that Titus is the man of Macedonia from his vision at Troas.
You simply choose not to believe Paul and his companion, Luke "the Physician".
Just like the rest of your fellow fake Paulines in this thread. :crackup:
I still have NO idea what you are talking ABOUT.

Can you PLEASE give me a ONE sentence explanation of your POINT?

BTW, I have no problem believing that Titus is the man spoken of in that passage. I don't know WHAT your problem is and with WHOM!


Well-known member
My opinion is this: Those that choose to go by "other" are fearful
of being found out. They're, most likely not fundamentalist
Christian believers however, they want to get their belief system
out there, even though this is a Christian forum. If found out, they
fear they'll be ridiculed and disagreed with. They may be cultists,
Mormons, atheists, agnostics, Catholics, occultists, etc. But, they
don't want that to get out into the general public. Fear is why they
refuse to admit what "other" means.

Right, I could careless if I am disagreed with, and I certainly don't hide my perception on what the scriptures represent in the allegorical style I have come to except as the correct way to interpret them, you only respond in the excepted boundary concerning the dogmas, and labels you have become bogged down in.

Cultist is just a word that has no power one way or the "other" unless you have been conditioned to think it is evil, which is simply a mental program.

Plus you and Robert both have, and rely on surnames and ID to survive in this world, and are like cattle who obey that master instead of the Divine law of liberty and self responsibility without a dependence on an outward Savior, or hero to save you're artifice strawman created by this worlds system, you are in this world and certainly of it, Christian! just a word.

Right Divider

Body part
Right, I could careless if I am disagreed with, and I certainly don't hide my perception on what the scriptures represent in the allegorical style I have come to except as the correct way to interpret them, you only respond in the excepted boundary concerning the dogmas, and labels you have become bogged down in.

Cultist is just a word that has no power one way or the "other" unless you have been conditioned to think it is evil, which is simply a mental program.

Plus you and Robert both have, and rely on surnames and ID to survive in this world, and are like cattle who obey that master instead of the Divine law of liberty and self responsibility without a dependence on an outward Savior, or hero to save you're artifice strawman created by this worlds system, you are in this world and certainly of it, Christian! just a word.
What a pile!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe View Post
My opinion is this: Those that choose to go by "other" are fearful
of being found out. They're, most likely not fundamentalist
Christian believers however, they want to get their belief system
out there, even though this is a Christian forum. If found out, they
fear they'll be ridiculed and disagreed with. They may be cultists,
Mormons, atheists, agnostics, Catholics, occultists, etc. But, they
don't want that to get out into the general public. Fear is why they
refuse to admit what "other" means.

What a crock! Christianity is not limited to those, frankly bonkers, groups which define themselves by the so-called 'fundamentals.' Christ is not as narrow as some Christians, God be thanked!

Wick Stick

Well-known member
I still have NO idea what you are talking ABOUT.

Can you PLEASE give me a ONE sentence explanation of your POINT?

BTW, I have no problem believing that Titus is the man spoken of in that passage. I don't know WHAT your problem is and with WHOM!
I usually understand, but am having some trouble with this one as well.


At first reading, it seems that you are saying that Titon/Titus IS the Spirit of God, which was not found in Bithynia, and which rather compelled him to go to Makedonia.

It is hard to SEE what with all the mud flying about here. Can you clarify? (Also, I didn't see an option for a PM in this forum? Perhaps I am just missing it. Feel free to respond that way if it exists and you prefer.)


Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
What a crock! Christianity is not limited to those, frankly bonkers, groups which define themselves by the so-called 'fundamentals.' Christ is not as narrow as some Christians, God be thanked!

But, you're a Catholic correct? If you lie, I'll notify, "The Archdiocese
of Rome."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I usually understand, but am having some trouble with this one as well.


At first reading, it seems that you are saying that Titon/Titus IS the Spirit of God, which was not found in Bithynia, and which rather compelled him to go to Makedonia.

It is hard to SEE what with all the mud flying about here. Can you clarify? (Also, I didn't see an option for a PM in this forum? Perhaps I am just missing it. Feel free to respond that way if it exists and you prefer.)


Daqq is a little, out there.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Kiwi, Catholicism is a "belief system." However, it does not contain
the Grace Gospel. (Paul's Gospel) It's based on all forms of false
doctrine, idols, a false leadership, (The Pope, etc) and a religion
based upon good works.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Eternal life isn't offered through the Catholic religious system. The Grace Gospel
as Paul preached it offers, forgiveness of sin, the righteousness of Christ, a
position in the Body of Christ, the sealing, indwelling, and baptism (not by water)
into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit. It also guarantees eternal life.


Well-known member

At first reading, it seems that you are saying that Titon/Titus IS the Spirit of God, which was not found in Bithynia, and which rather compelled him to go to Makedonia.

It is hard to SEE what with all the mud flying about here. Can you clarify? (Also, I didn't see an option for a PM in this forum? Perhaps I am just missing it. Feel free to respond that way if it exists and you prefer.)


No, I did not say Titus "is" the Spirit of Elohim. However there are Seven Spirits before the throne of Elohim and it is a body-temple template just as the seven messengers of the congregations of the book of the Revelation of Messiah Yeshua, (Ephesus is likened to his own "eye" and he will pluck it out and remove its lamp if need be). If you truly want to understand this theology, (and Paul) perhaps a trip down memory lane to Tzaddukim Dameseq would be in order. The same goes for Leukos "the White", ("the Physician") you know who Azariah the son of Hananiah-Ananias the great is, correct? Yea, Saul met him at Zadokite Damascus if I remember correctly, (and I do) and the scales fell from his eyes. :)

Right Divider

Body part
No, I did not say Titus "is" the Spirit of Elohim. However there are Seven Spirits before the throne of Elohim and it is a body-temple template just as the seven messengers of the congregations of the book of the Revelation of Messiah Yeshua, (Ephesus is likened to his own "eye" and he will pluck it out and remove its lamp if need be). If you truly want to understand this theology, (and Paul) perhaps a trip down memory lane to Tzaddukim Dameseq would be in order. The same goes for Leukos "the White", ("the Physician") you know who Azariah the son of Hananiah-Ananias the great is, correct? Yea, Saul met him at Zadokite Damascus if I remember correctly, (and I do) and the scales fell from his eyes. :)
I can see that you are someone that does not understand Jesus Christ according to revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began.


Well-known member
I can see that you are someone that does not understand Jesus Christ according to revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began.

And I can see by your signature that you have judged me without knowing what I believe; and that likewise tells me that you have probably done the same with many "other" brethren. And I can also see by your motto and the portion of your statement which I have highlighted in yellow that you are using your response to me for a launchpad into a dissertation of "the mystery which was kept secret since the world began". Please feel free to correct me or continue with your dissertation. :)

Right Divider

Body part
And I can see by your signature that you have judged me without knowing what I believe; and that likewise tells me that you have probably done the same with many "other" brethren. And I can also see by your motto and the portion of your statement which I have highlighted in yellow that you are using your response to me for a launchpad into a dissertation of "the mystery which was kept secret since the world began". Please feel free to correct me or continue with your dissertation. :)
No, I judged you based on some esoteric and wild-eyed doctrine from some of your posts.

Do you find something wrong with my motto?


Well-known member
No, I judged you based on some esoteric and wild-eyed doctrine from some of your posts.

Do you find something wrong with my motto?

1) Your judgment is meaningless.
2) Perhaps you misunderstood what I said: I merely mentioned the fact that your previous closing statement which I highlighted in yellow matches a portion of your motto and therefore tells me where you are probably going with your previous closing statement.

However I did not say that I found anything wrong with your motto so I sincerely hope that does not steal any of your thunder. Other than that nice intro but I'm not biting. :)

Right Divider

Body part
1) Your judgment is meaningless.
Then why did you bring it up in the first place.

2) Perhaps you misunderstood what I said: I merely mentioned the fact that your previous closing statement which I highlighted in yellow matches a portion of your motto and therefore tells me where you are probably going with your previous closing statement.

However I did not say that I found anything wrong with your motto so I sincerely hope that does not steal any of your thunder. Other than that nice intro but I'm not biting. :)
It is my belief that God shows in the scripture, two plans (which are eventually combined into one [Eph 1:10], i.e., there was no "plan B" as many like to ridicule, God kept one secret until Paul) for the heaven and the earth.

God promised Israel many things, all on the earth: land; a kingdom; a king; reining over the Gentiles (i.e., the rest of the nations apart from Israel), etc. etc.

The promises that God made in His revelation to Paul are different: seated in heavenly places, ... not on the earth (Col 3:2), etc. etc.

I believe that this was EXACTLY what Paul was talking about when he told Timothy that he/we must rightly divide the word of truth.

As I point out in my motto: things that ARE SPOKEN OF since the world began and things that WERE KEPT SECRET since the world began are TWO mutually exclusive and non-overlapping things.

One cannot be the other and make any sense at all.
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Well-known member
Then why did you bring it up in the first place.

It is my belief that God shows in the scripture, two plans (which are eventually combined into one [Eph 1:10], i.e., there was no "plan B" as many like to ridicule, God kept one secret until Paul) for the heaven and the earth.

God promised Israel many things, all on the earth: land; a kingdom; a king; reining over the Gentiles (i.e., the rest of the nations apart from Israel), etc. etc.

The promises that God made in His revelation to Paul are different: seated in heavenly places, ... not on the earth (Col 3:2), etc. etc.

I believe that this was EXACTLY what Paul was talking about when he told Timothy that was must rightly divide the word of truth.

As I point out in my motto: things that ARE SPOKEN OF since the world began and things that WERE KEPT SECRET since the world began are TWO mutually exclusive and non-overlapping things.

One cannot be the other and make any sense at all.

Israel Abrahams children according to the flesh are not the children of God Rom 9:8 so they had no promises from God, sorry!