Honor God's Son or Perish

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Your pretending does not justify ignorance of who you are without your beliefs. You've been conditioned to think you're nothing when it's the opposite. Waiting until death to find this out is exactly what the enemy wants.

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I am one of Jesus's blood bought children of God.

In God's eyes I am perfect and complete in Christ, Colossians 2:10.

In Jesus Christ I have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30.

I wish that I could say the same for you.


New member
I am one of Jesus's blood bought children of God.

In God's eyes I am perfect and complete in Christ, Colossians 2:10.

In Jesus Christ I have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30.

I wish that I could say the same for you.

Underneath the belief we need to be bought by blood, justified, sanctified and redeemed is the assumption that we are worthless. The worthlessness is unconscious. The enemy does not want us to become aware of it because it gets its foothold through secrecy. Also clutching the bible as an end-all be-all can keep us trapped within its confines, borders, restrictions and limitations where we will surely never venture out to know that we are infinite. The bible is a good tool but let's not allow the tool to use us by trying to box other people in the same box we do ourselves. The bible is not the end, but rather it marks the beginning of our relationship with God. It is a guide that points to a much larger truth.

Notice the personality is always dependent on something while the soul is unconditional freedom and liberation from anything (that is why it is infinite). The soul just IS which is one with the Great I Am. It is a state of acceptance of who and what we are, the good, the bad and the ugly without judgment, without having the need to correct, improve, condemn, etc. and without the desire to reach or grab for a belief or anything for that matter. Reaching this state needs to be done in a safe place until we are stable enough to try it out in the real world. We start small. Approaching this state of acceptance often leads to an increase in self-judgment and feelings of self-hatred which will seem to make things worse at first. The personality will not like it all. It will panic and double its efforts to find something to hold onto. Allow this to happen and watch it. Question it. Why is it running? What is it trying to do? Have compassion for it, love this enemy of yours and feel the process fully and in its entirety. We can't do this halfway nor fake it. It takes a tender heart and this is part of the purification process. We have to do it again and again multiple times until it becomes a way of life. Eventually we see that we are developing patience and compassion to such a high degree of purity until it is a reflection of our Father in heaven. The personality will have multiple nervous breakdowns. This is a good sign that progress is being made. We have no control over the process. Under the need to control is another judgment that we are bad or wrong for the shame and guilt we are made to feel. These are our own buried feelings of guilt and shame that have accumulated over the years which were never processed because we believed Jesus took them away when in fact they remained there but we pretended they were gone. The longer we delay the process of coming to terms with the soul the more guilt and shame we will be made to feel once we finally do so.

The personality has to take a back seat even if it's only for a few seconds at a time. With practice the durations can increase. This is preparing the way for the light of the Christ as John the Baptist said clear the path, make a straight way for the Lord. This expands our consciousness with emptiness. But don't underestimate this emptiness. In fact, I suggest jumping into it and feeling as much emptiness as you can gather and then get some more. It seems ironic, unorthodox and counter-intuitive. You might get bored thinking nothing is happening but if you just keep doing it eventually when you least expect it you will awaken and your eyes will open (insert miracle of Jesus healing the bling man and/or turning water into wine here) and you will see you are one with infinity. The feeling of infinite self-worth is the crown jewel that goes along with this and other countless treasures. You have to try for yourself. Then that emptiness becomes a presence so full to capacity that it is past the maximum point of anything ever detected by humanity. Forces much bigger and better take over and we no longer live our lives, but our lives live us instead (No longer I but the Christ that lives in me). We can feel something inside us beginning to move and shape us. Now instead of us feeling the need and desire to grab self-worth, love, approval, compassion, benevolence, etc. these qualities grab us instead and they begin to control us. It's not always pleasant when we want to avoid inconvenient situations and circumstances but we can learn to trust it and in the long run it always takes care of us without fail. Living in such a state might only happen a few times for short periods at first but it can become a way of life and then you "will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these John 14:12).

The difficult part is weaving through the barriers. It is really easy to get tripped up because the adversary is ultra crafty. It seems so powerful because it has had a snowball effect from centuries of developing its survival strategy and then its passed on to our children where it feeds of the next generation in cycles. Someone needs to stand up and speak about this to bring it into awareness or mankind will just continue down the path of self-destruction. The personality forces us to identify with it and hang on to it for physical survival and we are so overly controlled by it that we are killing ourselves and one another and most people think it's normal. We have to unravel this personality slowly one layer at a time until we see that it is a hollow construct, a program that gives us the instinct to stay alive in the physical realm. It is in fact a great thing but it does its job a bit too well. It is not who we are, but only a very small part of us. We reverse the tendencies of the ego and feel totally overwhelmed with vulnerability and feelings of weakness and utter worthlessness. It is agonizing and I understand why no one wants to do it. We almost have to be forced into it and we go through a dark night of the soul. It is pitch black and very disturbing. There's no up or down. This is where years of being conditioned and the fear of punishment kick in really hard. He who endures to the end will be rewarded with divine everlasting riches which moth nor rust can destroy. It is letting go of the identity altogether and just chilling in the blackness with what feels like no hope of ever coming out. Most people can't handle not holding onto a belief for even a second. Unconsciously we think the belief and the personality will be taken away or will not be there when we get back and then we will be lost in space a wandering pilgrim with no ground or foundation but if those beliefs are true they will be there even more firmly and strongly. This is a dimension of reality that needs our attention as a matter of epic urgency.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Underneath the belief we need to be bought by blood, justified, sanctified and redeemed is the assumption that we are worthless. The worthlessness is unconscious. The enemy does not want us to become aware of it because it gets its foothold through secrecy. Also clutching the bible as an end-all be-all can keep us trapped within its confines, borders, restrictions and limitations where we will surely never venture out to know that we are infinite. The bible is a good tool but let's not allow the tool to use us by trying to box other people in the same box we do ourselves. The bible is not the end, but rather it marks the beginning of our relationship with God. It is a guide that points to a much larger truth.

Notice the personality is always dependent on something while the soul is unconditional freedom and liberation from anything (that is why it is infinite). The soul just IS which is one with the Great I Am. It is a state of acceptance of who and what we are, the good, the bad and the ugly without judgment, without having the need to correct, improve, condemn, etc. and without the desire to reach or grab for a belief or anything for that matter. Reaching this state needs to be done in a safe place until we are stable enough to try it out in the real world. We start small. Approaching this state of acceptance often leads to an increase in self-judgment and feelings of self-hatred which will seem to make things worse at first. The personality will not like it all. It will panic and double its efforts to find something to hold onto. Allow this to happen and watch it. Question it. Why is it running? What is it trying to do? Have compassion for it, love this enemy of yours and feel the process fully and in its entirety. We can't do this halfway nor fake it. It takes a tender heart and this is part of the purification process. We have to do it again and again multiple times until it becomes a way of life. Eventually we see that we are developing patience and compassion to such a high degree of purity until it is a reflection of our Father in heaven. The personality will have multiple nervous breakdowns. This is a good sign that progress is being made. We have no control over the process. Under the need to control is another judgment that we are bad or wrong for the shame and guilt we are made to feel. These are our own buried feelings of guilt and shame that have accumulated over the years which were never processed because we believed Jesus took them away when in fact they remained there but we pretended they were gone. The longer we delay the process of coming to terms with the soul the more guilt and shame we will be made to feel once we finally do so.

The personality has to take a back seat even if it's only for a few seconds at a time. With practice the durations can increase. This is preparing the way for the light of the Christ as John the Baptist said clear the path, make a straight way for the Lord. This expands our consciousness with emptiness. But don't underestimate this emptiness. In fact, I suggest jumping into it and feeling as much emptiness as you can gather and then get some more. It seems ironic, unorthodox and counter-intuitive. You might get bored thinking nothing is happening but if you just keep doing it eventually when you least expect it you will awaken and your eyes will open (insert miracle of Jesus healing the bling man and/or turning water into wine here) and you will see you are one with infinity. The feeling of infinite self-worth is the crown jewel that goes along with this and other countless treasures. You have to try for yourself. Then that emptiness becomes a presence so full to capacity that it is past the maximum point of anything ever detected by humanity. Forces much bigger and better take over and we no longer live our lives, but our lives live us instead (No longer I but the Christ that lives in me). We can feel something inside us beginning to move and shape us. Now instead of us feeling the need and desire to grab self-worth, love, approval, compassion, benevolence, etc. these qualities grab us instead and they begin to control us. It's not always pleasant when we want to avoid inconvenient situations and circumstances but we can learn to trust it and in the long run it always takes care of us without fail. Living in such a state might only happen a few times for short periods at first but it can become a way of life and then you "will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these John 14:12).

The difficult part is weaving through the barriers. It is really easy to get tripped up because the adversary is ultra crafty. It seems so powerful because it has had a snowball effect from centuries of developing its survival strategy and then its passed on to our children where it feeds of the next generation in cycles. Someone needs to stand up and speak about this to bring it into awareness or mankind will just continue down the path of self-destruction. The personality forces us to identify with it and hang on to it for physical survival and we are so overly controlled by it that we are killing ourselves and one another and most people think it's normal. We have to unravel this personality slowly one layer at a time until we see that it is a hollow construct, a program that gives us the instinct to stay alive in the physical realm. It is in fact a great thing but it does its job a bit too well. It is not who we are, but only a very small part of us. We reverse the tendencies of the ego and feel totally overwhelmed with vulnerability and feelings of weakness and utter worthlessness. It is agonizing and I understand why no one wants to do it. We almost have to be forced into it and we go through a dark night of the soul. It is pitch black and very disturbing. There's no up or down. This is where years of being conditioned and the fear of punishment kick in really hard. He who endures to the end will be rewarded with divine everlasting riches which moth nor rust can destroy. It is letting go of the identity altogether and just chilling in the blackness with what feels like no hope of ever coming out. Most people can't handle not holding onto a belief for even a second. Unconsciously we think the belief and the personality will be taken away or will not be there when we get back and then we will be lost in space a wandering pilgrim with no ground or foundation but if those beliefs are true they will be there even more firmly and strongly. This is a dimension of reality that needs our attention as a matter of epic urgency.

Without our relationship to God through Jesus Christ we are nothing more than dust. You on the other hand are nothing more than fuel for the fire.


Well-known member
I am one of Jesus's blood bought children of God.

In God's eyes I am perfect and complete in Christ, Colossians 2:10.

In Jesus Christ I have been justified, sanctified and redeemed, 1 Corinthians 1:30.

I wish that I could say the same for you.
You teach that sinners Christ died for and washed in His Blood, still wind up lost in their sins anyways. That's a despicable lle!


New member
Without our relationship to God through Jesus Christ we are nothing more than dust. You on the other hand are nothing more than fuel for the fire.

Again, another judgment. The only rule is to not judge. Do you see the level of self-hatred and self-rejection? It tends to get projected as you attacked me as being fuel for the fire for example. It festers underneath our subconscious and invites its friends to the party. This grows into unconscious compulsions and drags us down like a wild river, then it finds other people to drag down too. Once the personality realizes it has forfeited its priceless soul for a miserable pittance it gets twice as angry and often takes it out on itself and others. It is miserable without the soul.

Also notice the personality's level of dependence on resistance. That is the same exact amount of intensity the enemy has us in it's grip. The harder one resists the more worthless they feel. Struggling only makes it worse. The personality is resisting, burying and squashing the soul at all costs and trying to squeeze self-worth out of a turnip. It does not give up without a fight to the death, teeth, nails, claws, blood and guts. All that viciousness does not come from God. Where else could it be coming from?
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Active member
The Bible says that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, 1 John 2:2 and 1 John 4:14.

I get sick and tired of you Calvinist calling John a liar.

What Bible version do you have that has the word "Savior" in 1 John 2:2 and the word "whole" in 1 John 4:14? Just curious if those words are actually in the verses, or are you paraphrasing?

Robert Pate

Well-known member
What Bible version do you have that has the word "Savior" in 1 John 2:2 and the word "whole" in 1 John 4:14? Just curious if those words are actually in the verses, or are you paraphrasing?

I think that you are desperate to avoid the truth and believe lies.

If Jesus did not atone for the sins of the whole world then Jesus is not Lord. If you don't believe that Jesus is Lord, you will die in your sins, John 8:24.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Again, another judgment. The only rule is to not judge. Do you see the level of self-hatred and self-rejection? It tends to get projected as you attacked me as being fuel for the fire for example. It festers underneath our subconscious and invites its friends to the party. This grows into unconscious compulsions and drags us down like a wild river, then it finds other people to drag down too. Once the personality realizes it has forfeited its priceless soul for a miserable pittance it gets twice as angry and often takes it out on itself and others. It is miserable without the soul.

Also notice the personality's level of dependence on resistance. That is the same exact amount of intensity the enemy has us in it's grip. The harder one resists the more worthless they feel. Struggling only makes it worse. The personality is resisting, burying and squashing the soul at all costs and trying to squeeze self-worth out of a turnip. It does not give up without a fight to the death, teeth, nails, claws, blood and guts. All that viciousness does not come from God. Where else could it be coming from?

You are lost and without hope. I am not judging you, the Bible is judging you. You are without Christ and without hope.


New member
Honor God's Son or Perish

You are lost and without hope. I am not judging you, the Bible is judging you. You are without Christ and without hope.

In what way am I lost? Jesus himself says that God doesn't judge. The Bible judges because it is man-made and man has been biting the forbidden fruit since the Garden of Eden. Judgment is mankind's downfall. You are the one who is lost and now you're trying to disown it by projecting it onto me which is only making the situation worse. Classic symptoms of being controlled by the personality. It takes a discerning eye to be able to tell the difference between what is man-made and what is of God. Someone stronger than the enemy must first tie him up and then the intruder can plunder his goods. How do you suppose I know all this information? It certainly does not come from the traditional translation of the Bible or the traditional version of Jesus. The soul has access to divine infinite intelligence because it is one with God. We can't fool Him so we might as well quit trying. He knows what's in our hearts.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
In what way am I lost? Jesus himself says that God doesn't judge. The Bible judges because it is man-made and man has been biting the forbidden fruit since the Garden of Eden. Judgment is mankind's downfall. You are the one who is lost and now you're trying to disown it by projecting it onto me which is only making the situation worse. Classic symptoms of being controlled by the personality. It takes a discerning eye to be able to tell the difference between what is man-made and what is of God. Someone stronger than the enemy must first tie him up and then the intruder can plunder his goods. How do you suppose I know all this information? It certainly does not come from the traditional translation of the Bible or the traditional version of Jesus. The soul has access to divine infinite intelligence because it is one with God. We can't fool Him so we might as well quit trying. He knows what's in our hearts.

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Your soul does not have divine intelligence with God. If it did you would receive Christ as your savior.

Until you receive Christ as your savior you are one with the devil.


Active member
I think that you are desperate to avoid the truth and believe lies.

If Jesus did not atone for the sins of the whole world then Jesus is not Lord. If you don't believe that Jesus is Lord, you will die in your sins, John 8:24.
How can I be "avoiding the truth" by asking you for the truth and how can I "believe lies" if you didn't provide one yet?


Active member
Why is it that almost every question that you are asked by many people is answered with something that doesn't even begin to answer the question?


New member
Your soul does not have divine intelligence with God. If it did you would receive Christ as your savior.

Until you receive Christ as your savior you are one with the devil.

You don't know God. If you did we wouldn't be having this conversation. What you know is a counterfeit that you assumed to be true because of collective agreement. That collective agreement comes from men, not from God. The enemy has you in a choke hold and you don't even know it. So be it.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You don't know God. If you did we wouldn't be having this conversation. What you know is a counterfeit that you assumed to be true because of collective agreement. That collective agreement comes from men, not from God. The enemy has you in a choke hold and you don't even know it. So be it.

If you don't call on Christ to save you, you will perish, John 3:16.


New member
If you don't call on Christ to save you, you will perish, John 3:16.

The demands to meet conditions and circumstances is not the salvation of God but of the personality. God's salvation is unconditional, whether one calls on Christ or not. It is already accomplished right here and right now in this exact instant and nowhere else because this instant is all there is. The personality is dangling its version of salvation in the air like a carrot in front of us and we keep trying to grab it instead of allowing the real salvation to grab us instead. Remember this is a God of the living, not of the dead so why are we subconsciously looking to the future for it? You have made a serious error in believing the literal interpretation.
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