ECT 1 Peter 2:9 KJV-not written to respective members of the body of Christ


New member
You hardly ever quote scripture. Most of your posts are nothing but psychobabble about how superior you are to everyone else.

You can't even get along with your fellow MADists.

I yell Darby because all of you are in denial. When you acknowledge that your belief system was invented by Darby, and didn't exist before Darby, then I'll stop yelling Darby.

Here, you want a verse, here's one from my previous post:

(1 John 2:18) Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour.

Please tell us how "the last hour" really wasn't the last hour?


Thanks for that; good one.

And I am far supperior to you in inteligence.

You're just a book reader.

Its why you conclude psychobabble - John W, Clete, myself, et al - we go right over your head without so much as a ripple of an indicator of a disturbance of the ignorance that is your daily bliss. It is what it is.

And I don't play well with anyone. Never have, and I am fine with this "limitation."


And I am far supperior to you in inteligence.

Er, no.

You're a Darby Follower

You're just a book reader.

See above
Its why you conclude psychobabble - John W, Clete, myself, et al - we go right over your head without so much as a ripple of an indicator of a disturbance of the ignorance that is your daily bliss. It is what it is.

Telling me "the last hour", "these last days", and "the culmination of the ages" don't really mean what they say, is your idea of superiority.

You're the epitome of Romans 1:22

(Rom 1:22) Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

And I don't play well with anyone. Never have, and I am fine with this "limitation."

Which is why most people with your personality are attracted to Darby's false teachings.

It's also very telling that you responded to everything in my post except the scripture I gave you.


New member
Er, no.

You're a Darby Follower

See above

Telling me "the last hour", "these last days", and "the culmination of the ages" don't really mean what they say, is your idea of superiority.

You're the epitome of Romans 1:22

(Rom 1:22) Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools

Which is why most people with your personality are attracted to Darby's false teachings.

It's also very telling that you responded to everything in my post except the scripture I gave you.

You're right; it is very Tel-ling "your telling yourself what it means."

What's the point; you know my answer - Israel's Prophetic clock was temporarily stopped by God - Rom. 11:25-29.

Your turn, Rusellite.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame

I yell Darby because all of you are in denial. When you acknowledge that your belief system was invented by Darby, and didn't exist before Darby, then I'll stop yelling Darby.

Made up/Irrelevant, sleasy one.

1.Prove that your Preterism/AD 70-ism was not "invented," which means that is infallible, demon.

2. Chapter, verse, where it says that God can "invent," as you argue.

3. Are not all false belief systems, invented, you slimy engager in sophistry? How does your cute, deceitful "invented" deception, support your argument, and refute someone elses', punk?

4. The habitual liar's classic lie, that he hates seeing, and will not address:

"That's not my argument.I have never said that dispensationalism was "wrong" because of how old it was. I specifically said that no one taught about Christ coming back twice before Darby did."--habitual liar Wimpy Tet.

The punk will not address 1-4, that I've asked him for 3 years.

Why is that, Craigie? Afraid of me, sweetie? He/she knows that I've exposed him, for the habitual liar, weasel, that he/she is.

Please tell us how "the last hour" really wasn't the last hour?

1. Tell us that "in the last days" in Isaiah, Micah, "means the same thing" as in 2 Timothy, punk, as I have asked you for over 3 years.

Isaiah 2:2 KJV And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

Micah 4:1 KJV But in the last days it shall come to pass, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and people shall flow unto it.

2 Tim. 3 KJV

1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. 6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts, 7 ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

Tellalie: Really means the same thing.

Again-Spam. That' rich, Tellalie, coming from a satanic Preterist, and only Russell/Hannegraaf/devil followers, like yourself, assert that most of the bible is figurative, an allegory, a hyperbole, where "land" does not really mean "land," "earth" does not really mean "earth," "heaven" does not really mean "heaven," "Jerusalem" does not really mean "Jerusalem," "judging the twelve tribes" does not really mean "judging the twelve tribes," "my throne" does not really mean "my throne," "the second coming/time" means "the Roman army," "the law from Jerusalem" does not really mean.............................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..........(about 50 pages-against TOL rules to keep going), and this "classic:"

"The new heavens and new earth is the new covenant...............We live in the new earth, which is the new covenant…. ."-Tellalie Craigie

You wicked Preterist deciever-even you know it.

Right Divider

Body part
I believe Christ Jesus went to the cross in 30AD

The temple was destroyed in 70AD

That's 40 years.

So, now you'll desperately search for something that alleges the crucifixion took place in any year but 30AD

Whether is was 28AD, 30AD, or 33AD, it doesn't matter. It was close enough for 40 years from the cross to the destruction in 70AD.

Do you really think the Exodus Generation wandered for 40 years down to the last second? Was David king for 40 years down to the last second? Was Solomon king for 40 years down to the last second?
You really need to get your story straight. This is the problem with confused liars like you, you CAN'T keep your story straight!

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
You really need to get your story straight. This is the problem with confused liars like you, you CAN'T keep your story straight!

That is his rep on TOL-the habitual liar, resulting from his obsession with allegedly disproving dispensationalism. That explains why he was booted out of his "man made" "church, and being unemployed, an infidel.


New member
The poor guy needs to find some fellow Rusellites to help him lose his battles with on here.

Let me know, Tet, I know some I can bring over here for us to have even more fun with.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
The poor guy needs to find some fellow Rusellites to help him lose his battles with on here.

Let me know, Tet, I know some I can bring over here for us to have even more fun with.

He is busy now, D, listening to his daily ingestion of the "man made" broadcast of "The Unbiblical UnAnswer Man," Hankie Hanegraaf's "invention."

Right, Craigie Tellalie? You taught us this "man made....invention" sophistry-we learned that from you.


What's the point; you know my answer - Israel's Prophetic clock was temporarily stopped by God - Rom. 11:25-29.

If Israel's prophetic clock was temporarily stopped (your claim), then why was the prophecy of the destruction of the temple in 70AD fulfilled?

Your turn, Rusellite.

More denial.

Russell didn't invent Preterism, it existed hundreds of years before him.

Darby invented Dispensationalism, it didn't exist before he invented it.

Right Divider

Body part
I'm the one who said 30AD, it was you who said 33AD.
Are you watching what you're doing when you're posting on TOL?
Whether is was 28AD, 30AD, or 33AD, it doesn't matter. It was close enough for 40 years from the cross to the destruction in 70AD.

Do you really think the Exodus Generation wandered for 40 years down to the last second? Was David king for 40 years down to the last second? Was Solomon king for 40 years down to the last second?
According to YOU it could be anywhere from 37 to 42 years and it's still 40 years..... "it was close enough....".

With this type of "interpretation", anything is possible.

And then you do that stupid, "down to the second" thing. What an ignorant little twerp you are.


New member
Folks, Preterism existed hundreds of years before Russell.

Centuries after the Canon was completed, but that's still before Darby made mince meat of Russell's delusion.

Lol, what logic, this Tet, fellow lives by.



Are you watching what you're doing when you're posting on TOL?

According to YOU it could be anywhere from 37 to 42 years and it's still 40 years..... "it was close enough....".

With this type of "interpretation", anything is possible.

And they you do that stupid, "down to the second" thing. What an ignorant little twerp you are.

More desperation.

You're now focusing on whether or not it was exactly 40 years.

That's as laughable as when mysteryboy claimed there were still some stones left standing in 70AD.


Folks, Preterism existed hundreds of years before Russell.

Centuries after the Canon was completed, but that's still before Darby made mince meat of Russell's delusion.

Lol, what logic, this Tet, fellow lives by.


IOW, you can't explain how Israel's prophetic clock allegedly stopped, and the destruction of the temple prophecy to the Jews being fulfilled in 70AD having taken place.

I didn't really expect you to.

Right Divider

Body part
More desperation.

You're now focusing on whether or not it was exactly 40 years.

That's as laughable as when mysteryboy claimed there were still some stones left standing in 70AD.

  1. YOU claimed, without ANY scriptural evidence, that this "thing" (some strange OC/NC hybrid) existed for 40 years.
  2. YOU also used other 40 year periods in the Bible to "support" your "theory".
  3. YOU also tell us that this "40 years" could be anywhere between 37-42 years.
  4. YOU are so desperate that YOU are going through some wild gyrations do make this all "work".
  5. If YOU are going to claim that is "40 year" transition is related to Israel's 40 years in the wilderness, then it had BETTER be 40 years and not "close enough".
  6. YOU are a liar that just keeps piling on your HUGE stack of LIES.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If Israel's prophetic clock was temporarily stopped (your claim), then why was the prophecy of the destruction of the temple in 70AD fulfilled?

More denial.

Russell didn't invent Preterism, it existed hundreds of years before him.

Darby invented Dispensationalism, it didn't exist before he invented it.

Preterism never existed before the 1800's, although it's quite irrelevant, you sleasy weasel.

More denial. Russell invented AD 70-ism, and what you "teach" on TOL, has never been taught, before you taught it. It is a "man made" invention."

Show us AD 70-ism from the bible, and tell us you learned it, by just reading the bible.

Silence-he won't touch that, although he has been asked that, for over 3 years.

Why did you attend a "man made" church, at one time, before you were expelled, Tellalie?


[*]If YOU are going to claim that is "40 year" transition is related to Israel's 40 years in the wilderness, then it had BETTER be 40 years and not "close enough".

Both the Exodus Generation and the First Century Generation lasted 40 years before entering their respective Promised Land's.

The Israelites were saved from physical bondage by passing through water and entering a literal, physical Promised Land. However, it took 40 years (one generation) before they entered. The OC was given to them.

The First Century Generation was saved from the bondage of sin, was baptized by water, and entered a spiritual Promised Land. However, it took 40 years (one generation) before they entered. The NC was given to them.