Eclectic Theosophist
It seems like the end of existence when that perception is given thought, absolute infinity is another bottomless pit of possibilities that awaits, another dream perhaps.
All life in this 3-dimensional realm is an illusion of perception anyways, meaning all facets of perception are conditioned or modified thru some particular filter or lens, so that while all appearances are refractions of reality relative to those conditions that make for their appearing, you're still back to appearances, no matter their nuance or density of form. If this is all a 'Dream of God' anyways,...then we are but segways, individual expressions of One Infinite Intelligence, of which we are free to adopt any belief system, cult, tradition or school that so fancies us, and much is granted by the culture we are born into or cultured by.
All there is is consciousness, and its translations being interpreted thru space and time. We co-create our own reality to that extent that we have creative and determinitive powers (See the Seth Material).
Any number of formats, potentials and possibilities exist in infinity, so the creativity of Spirit is endless.