Some basic metaphysics for ya.......
Some basic metaphysics for ya.......
"Instead of looking at the Bible as a historical record of ancient civilizations or biography of the unusual life of Jesus, see it as a great psychological drama that takes place in human consciousness."
Vain imaginigs.
All life is an adventure in consciousness. All information/knowledge/revelation is being processed within your own 'mind' subjectively....moment to moment. Any 'story' that your mind considers, or relates engaged in 'subjectivity'....and is further modified/conditioned by 'translation' and 'interpretation' of that story. This is how the mind operates, and this includes all its perceptual informing and RELATING,....including your 'relationship' with 'God' or those images, concepts, feelings you assume are 'God' or 'divine'. You are engaging your mind in this great Sea of universal consciousness when you read or study any religious story, historical account, myth or whatever. Its all 'God' (the energy and light of consciousness) really,
inter-relating thru so many individualized units of consciousness, inter-facing thru millions of different personalities (soul entities).
That is all that is going on. With this greater universal understanding of 'consciousness' being the substrate and 'ground' in which all life is broaden your horizons and context of how you 'relate' to the whole.
Before just assuming a deeper esoteric or allegorical approach to religious writings is 'vain imaginations'.....note that 'imagination' itself is a faculty that allows the mind to enter into the realm of 'God', who is infinite intelligence, universal consciousness. The imagination is the creative-medium of all that exists, since all was born or IMAGINED in the MIND of God before anything came into being. Imagination is also the field where 'faith' is born and 'imaged', so that out of the universal substance of Spirit, all forms derive their reality, and are pictured out into the visible world, as CREATION. - so, a religion without having this inner mystical aspect to it, is like having a pretty religious outfit, robes or may have plenty of deocorations on it, but it has no soul-essence, depth or essential value. The whole of reality must be included, the objective and subjective, since both make up the whole of reality, each reflecting the dual aspects of the Infinite ONE. (the inner and outer).
Vain imaginings? Perhaps the one without spiritual insight assumes such. To a DEITY that is INFINITE INTELLIGENCE,....and is pure SPIRIT-energy, being truly infinite, incorporeal, immortal and omnipresent (unbound or limited to space or time) would be a 'vain assumption' to prescribe or limit the radical subjectivity of Consciousness, to a carnal, corporeal, finite form, concept or image. While images and forms are born out of the imageless and formless, the images and forms are expressions and products of the Consciousness that creates them. All is born from that which is unborn, all comes from one invisible SOURCE.