Why men won't marry you


New member
Reminds me of an old saying, 'why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free.'

Me too! Seems like the hardest thing for a moral young man to find nowadays is a virgin to wed. The message that sex is a part of adult married life became sex is a normal and expected part of adulthood. Across the board, we are so morally loose it's ridiculous!


New member
Is "Mrs. Right" necessarily a virgin?

Necessarily?...no. Both of my parents were when they married and that was after my Dad had done two tours in the Philippines. I would have been had a rape not gotten in the way. My son is. He'd like to marry someone with the same goal for marriage that he has. We seem to have forgotten the value of sexual intimacy.


Its humans fault for getting divorced. The bible says don't do it. Ever.

It's the petitioner's fault. :reals:

Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge (Heb 13:4).

"For I hate divorce!" says the LORD, the God of Israel (Mal 2:16).

Now therefore, it is already an utter failure for you that you go to law against one another (1 Co 6:7).


Divorce & Remarriage: A Position Paper by John Piper

Disposable Culture


Is "Mrs. Right" necessarily a virgin?

Their attitude toward men and marriage and God are much more importan . The likelihood of remaining a virgin is small without if. But there are conceivably other reasons to be a virgin that do not make for a good wife.


Well-known member
All these women looking for Mr. Right must think they are Mrs. Right. I'm interested to know what women consider Mrs. Right. If it's not virginity then so much for argument #1 in the OP.

Does Mrs. Right have to know how to cook?

Let us men-folk know what a Mr. Right should be looking for in a Mrs. Right. A short list will do.


Hall of Fame
Not Mr. Right ... *Mr. Fair*. Equal expectations in regards to treatment and consideration.


New member
Necessarily?...no. Both of my parents were when they married and that was after my Dad had done two tours in the Philippines. I would have been had a rape not gotten in the way. My son is. He'd like to marry someone with the same goal for marriage that he has. We seem to have forgotten the value of sexual intimacy.
I'd rather be shot than married, but if I was going to marry, I'd rather it not be a virgin. I just suspect that virgins on an average are less sexually adventurous. Just my two cents.


New member
I'm 26 so if I get married I doubt it would be to a virgin. I'd prefer if it were but I'm not one so I can't be a hypocrite.


Well-known member
I'd rather be shot than married, but if I was going to marry, I'd rather it not be a virgin. I just suspect that virgins on an average are less sexually adventurous. Just my two cents.

You'd prefer someone well used, huh? Hope you can keep up with her adventurous spirit and can deliver the goods else she may return to her former promiscuous lifestyle.

Where did you get that crazy idea about virgins? Consider the "sexually adventurous" woman you want was once a virgin, too. A wife is not like a race horse you buy from someone else, all broken in by several jockeys.