Why men won't marry you


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So you are back to saying he wanted teenagers? I thought you made the clarification that he was talking about a ten year age gap for 25 year olds. Elohiym, do you want to bring up your wife as we were talking about in PM? I'm not sure angel4truth is condemning Voltaire as some kind of predator or simply a dirty old man or worse. You can carry my argument further but I won't so as not to betray a trust.

I think its shallow for an older man to want a woman much younger than he is, and its sure not because he thinks they have a winning personality. I dont like adults preying on non adults and a 15 year old is far from an adult.

I have no problem with a young adult marrying whoever they want no matter what age they are because they are adults, but i personally think its weird.

If a man wants to trade his $ and position for "smokin hot" thats his business but i dont think its wise, but thats up to them.

I have a bigger problem though with men who leave their long time wives for "young and smokin hot" or men who want more than one women and claim its ok with God (polygamy)

Thats just a cheap excuse for adultery.


Last time i checked a 15 year old is still a teenager. What world are you in?

So, you are saying he wanted 15 year olds. That isn't what you said in your clarificationn. Unless he really said that, that is slanderous to the extreme. Anyone got a quote of him saying that?


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Hall of Fame
So, you are saying he wanted 15 year olds. That isn't what you said in your clarificationn. Unless he really said that, that is slanderous to the extreme. Anyone got a quote of him saying that?

Ive already quoted him, if neither of you can read, thats not my problem. I never said he said he wanted a 15 year old. I said he advocated for relationships between those ages.

So produce me saying he said he wanted that himself, or you are being slanderous to the extreme. Im begining to think Rusha is right dolo/volt

Originally Posted by doloresistere
You accused me of saying that 16 year old girls were the hottest and older college aged women did not turn me on. I asked for proof of this in res' thread that he locked down. As proof, in a neg rep comment to me, you showed were i said it was acceptable for men in the early twenties to marry as much as 10 years younger than them. Then you accused me of saying more mature women did not turn me on. How is this proof of me saying 16 year olds were the hottest? How is this proof of me saying i prefer 16 year olds to older college aged women? You reading comprehension is attrocious and deliberately so i think. In the neg rep you say my comment had me advocating 10 year olds marrying. That was a technical error on my part. I was referring to 25 year old man and 15 year old women and most understood what i meant who are fair minded. Still, this does not support your accusation against me in that thread by the wildest stretch of the imagination. How you can take my statements about not desiring older women and construeing that as referring to preferring 16 year olds to 20 year olds? How can you take that statement to mean i do not like maturity in women? You have a false image of me in your mind and you interpret all my statements in that light. Why you have not been banned for your deliberate sliming of my character is beyond me.

He also admits in that statement that i proved he said that he advocated men in their 20s marrying as much as 10 years younger

He later said it was an error on his part that he said that, he admitted he said it, no way to deny it, since i had already quoted him.

then he clarified by saying its ok for a 25 year old to marry a 15 year old, because as you can see from the entire post, we were talking about marriage - because that original statement he made about 10 years down was about MARRIAGE.

I never said anything about what he personally wanted for himself, just that his thinking on it was sick. Hes who went off like a bull without paying attention to what people say.


Hall of Fame
You were claiming that eighteen year olds are women, right?

They. Are. Legally. Women. Though I would advise against marriage so early.

What is with the preoccupation with marrying off these young girls prior to finishing high school, maturing, and actually being an adult?

The question, of course, is rhetorical. The only reason a man would want to marry someone so young is because they are much easier to manipulate than adult women. Oh. And then there is that ego thing.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The wolves are going down. Avoid them.

I'm constantly conversing with "cranks" on this forum.

Glad to know you are perfect, dude.

I like wolves. The whole anthropomorphic 'sense of evil' in relation is just crap really.

I'm about as perfect as a square circle, or maybe just a square with some right angles missing...I don't pretend to be anything like perfect and I have more flaws than a skyscraper to be quite honest but I'm not gonna just sit back and listen to crap misogynist "arguments" without commenting on them either. The likes of Yorzhik and Dol/Voltaire are just sickening to hear.


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Hall of Fame
They. Are. Legally. Women. Though I would advise against marriage so early.

What is with the preoccupation with marrying off these young girls prior to finishing high school, maturing, and actually being an adult?

The question, of course, is rhetorical. The only reason a man would want to marry someone so young is because they are much easier to manipulate than adult women. Oh. And then there is that ego thing.



Well-known member
They. Are. Legally. Women.

But only little helpless girls in your mind. Got it.

Though I would advise against marriage so early.

Didn't you get married at eighteen? :think:

What is with the preoccupation with marrying off these young girls prior to finishing high school, maturing, and actually being an adult?

You seem to be the one with that preoccupation. How did this subject enter the discussion? :think:

The question, of course, is rhetorical. The only reason a man would want to marry someone so young is because they are much easier to manipulate than adult women.

Is that the same reason you old women go for younger men? :think:

Oh. And then there is that ego thing.

Younger men make you feel young? How sad.


Well-known member
I like wolves. The whole anthropomorphic 'sense of evil' in relation is just crap really.

Oh, I thought you were Christian. My bad.

I'm about as perfect as a square circle, or maybe just a square with some right angles missing...

Then don't dis' voltaire.

I don't pretend to be anything like perfect and I have more flaws than a skyscraper to be quite honest but I'm not gonna just sit back and listen to crap misogynist "arguments" without commenting on them either.

They are not misogynist arguments.

The likes of Yorzhik and Dol/Voltaire are just sickening to hear.

They are completely different people with different personalities, ideas and agendas. Yorzhik made some good points on this thread and I'd be happy to discuss any you disagree with; voltaire doesn't post here any more and it's not good etiquette to talk about him when he is not here to defend himself.


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Hall of Fame
Is that the same reason you old women go for younger men? :think:

Younger men make you feel young? How sad.

Please show where Rusha has stated shes chasing after a younger man or that they make her feel young.

Lie much? (yep) Just like i said, thats the sin you are most given to....


Well-known member
Whoops, there goes your " I haven't committed a single sin since being saved" stance.

Pathetic legalist, making up sins to accuse people.

You don't know that some older women like younger men, or you do know and just missed my point?

Were you unaware of the thread on this forum where several of the older ladies were drooling over the pictures of younger men?


Hall of Fame
But only little helpless girls in your mind. Got it.

Nope ... between child and womanhood. Why do you find it necessary to rush it?

Didn't you get married at eighteen? :think:

No, I didn't. But since you wish to crawl into the gutter of scouring through personal lives, didn't your first wife divorce you? WHY did your marriage break up?

You seem to be the one with that preoccupation. How did this subject enter the discussion? :think:

No. I am the one wishing to see young people protected from adult predators. That would include 27 year old men who prey on 15 year old girls.

Is that the same reason you old women go for younger men? :think:

WE, as in *me* do not go for young men. There is little that younger people and older people have in common.

Younger men make you feel young? How sad.

:chuckle: Your deliberate dishonesty is what is sad ... though slightly amusing.

No, young people are better with young people. I like middle age or old guys.

As usual, your *concern* over my private life is much appreciated.


Hall of Fame
Were you unaware of the thread on this forum where several of the older ladies were drooling over the pictures of younger men?

Oh ... I see. Women are suppose to be silent about what men they find attractive.

Did one woman state they wished to hook up with these young babes and marry OR is it just more of your sour grapes because men are not they only ones with eyes?