Why is Calvinism a Cult? by Angelfire


Well-known member
Worse, his "Christianity" is not a relationship with Christ, but a frontal attack on the church and body of Christ. For Robert, sadly, Christianity is an attack on the Bride of Christ. Calvinist persuasion is merely the scapegoat vehicle for his entire disdain for the Body of Christ, the Church, which he completely disdains. For me, entertaining such is enabling his faithless perversion.

Robert, let me take a moment (you are on ignore because of your dysfunctional expression of Christianity and I am not an enabler). You need to do your devotions daily. Spend time with the Savior. He/she who has the Son, has life. Have the Son. There is NOTHING more important I can say to you. This is ESSENTIAL Christianity. Attacking Calvinism or any other portion of the Body of Christ, the Church, is NOT an expression of Christianity in your life. Crusades are seldom expressions of love of/for Christ.


The OP suggests that Calvinism has Gnostic influence, which simply is not true. I looked up Margaret Singer, and well, she's a loon- she pretty much represents how I see the typical American evangelist :chuckle:
Her primary profession is psychology, not a theology.

Calvinism is rooted substantially in St. Augustine's approach, who was so influential that most Christian theology in some way borrows from his insight. Gnosticism was the least of what Augustine opposed- he also took down Pelagianism which is what Arminians and so called 'evangelicals' exhibit.

The entire Protestant Reformation, in fact, was virtually handed to us by Augustine- the cults are the one's who scattered to the hills with the very early heresies they try to cast on Calvinists. They are outcasts by both the Protestant and the Catholic communions :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have been reading Margaret Thaler Singer book "Cults in Our Midst" religious cults all have one thing in common, their leaders are all the worst of humanity, Jim Jones was the devil incarnate. What he did to those people is unbelievable. You can not posses the Holy Spirit and sentence people to be burned at the stake because they don't believe the same way that you do. John Calvin was the tyrant of Geneva. He sentenced hundreds of people to prison for no reason other than that some fell asleep during one of his sermons or did some minor thing that displeased him.

I present to you... "Why is Calvinism a Cult" by Angelfire

"Calvinism is a cult for many reasons. childlike behavior is always marked by an idolatrous desire to the cult itself. This is especially true in Calvinism. You will not find in every Presbyterian or reformed Baptist to be mired down in a cult-like behavior of Calvinism. There are many people who attend Calvinist churches do so for reasons other than Calvinism and such members essentially place little emphasis on Calvinism itself. it is those people that have committed themselves to Calvinism that are caught up in the cult. These people are those that have immersed themselves in five point Calvinism and perceive it to be the gospel.

Firstly, like all other cults. Calvinist claim that all other theological systems are "false gospel." This is certainly true when it comes to their concept of salvation.

Secondly, Calvinist have a belief very similar to the Gnostics, the first cult-like group to preach heresy in the Christian church. Gnostics believed that "the elect" were those elite who comprehended the secret knowledge of god. like the Gnostics. Calvinist also believed that the elect are the only people who well accept and can comprehend Calvinism because only they are capable of understanding and accepting this knowledge. The interpret 1 Corinthians 2:14 in this way thinking that anyone who does not ultimately accept Calvinism must be a non-elect and non-regenerate persons and cannot see the mystery knowledge of Calvinism.

Thirdly, Calvinism is a cult because those who adhere to it doctrines idolize Calvinism. Now of course the Calvinist will not admit he is an idolator. how many idolators do you know who admit that they are idolators?

If you observe a Calvinist carefully and watch him work, you will see that he has little regard for the true and intended meaning of the Bible message. The only message that he will allow himself to see is the message of Calvinism. All Biblical passages are run through the Calvinist mill. Any messages that seem to be contrary to his doctrines are interpretively reworked to fit his system. Like all cults, the Calvinist will not change his beliefs under any circumstances, including the message of scripture. rather than conforming his beliefs to the bible, the Calvinist tries to conform the Bible to his beliefs. Instead of trying to understand what the bible really says, he first asks himself how any given passage will effect Calvinism. Then, instead of trying to understand the intended message of any given passage, he develops an interpretation that will suit Calvinism. thus all interpretations are custom fit to suit Calvinism rather than investigated to comprehend the meaning.

Because a Calvinist does this he is an idolator. an idolator is one that serves his idol. The Calvinist serves the idol of Calvinism. he serves his belief system first and foremost and the Bible must be interpreted to conform to his belief system. All interpretations of the Bible are subject to the whims of his idol, his God that is Calvinism. He must first consult Calvinism before he does any interpreting since any interpreting of a passage which does not meet the approval of his god, Calvinism, will never do.

For example, in the gospel of John, Calvinist interpret the word "world" in John 1:29 and John 3:16 to mean "definitely the Elect" and only the elect. But at John 17:9, they interpret the word "world" to mean "definitely not the elect" Therefore they give the exact same word "world" (Grk Kosmos) totally opposite meanings from one passage to the next. They must do this so that their idol, Calvinism, would not be pleased if they defined the word "world" at John 1:29. and 3:16. the same way that they do at John 17:9. There are myriads of examples of Calvinism just like this one. Those who are not caught up in such cults have a fluid belief system. if a Bible passage comes up that impacts their present beliefs, most people will change their beliefs to conform to the Bible. Not so with Calvinist. He approaches such thing just like a Jehovah's witness. Both the Calvinist and the Jehovah's witness serve their belief system's first and no Biblical passage is going to change them. If a Bible passage comes up that threatens their belief system, his idol, he lays awake endless nights devising an interpretation that can be made that will fit Calvinism. In such cases he never asks himself, "what does this passage really mean and does it prove that at some point Calvinism is wrong?" He never entertains such notions because he is committed to his idol rather than to God. Thus he cannot learn many passages of the Bible because he never lets it speak to him apart from prior approval of his idol, his god, Calvinism. The purpose of reading the Bible is to find out what it says and arrive at an intended meaning through understanding the context, grammar and following accepted objective interpretive principles. Most people read the Bible to discover the treasures therein. Not the Calvinist. He uses the Bible for nothing more than to please his idol. Although the Calvinist may claim he interprets any verse in its own context and follows accepted practices of interpretation, in reality his context is not the passage in question but the system of Calvinism itself and the only accepted practices of interpretation is to develop an interpretation of any given passage which does not fit or anger his god - Calvinism.

Like other cults, Calvinist do not try to coherently piece the ideas of the Bible together to arrive at the big picture such that all pieces fit in their proper place. rather they hunt down passages which seem to suit them best and either ignore or rework all other passages that do not uplift Calvinism. Thus they gather together a bunch of passages and build something for themselves - a belief system of their liking. in short, they create their own belief system rather than seeking out a belief system which the whole Bible will convey. In the end their create their own God, an idol called Calvinism, their own god."

Don't you teach that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways? That's denying Christ is the Saviour of the World.That is a cult.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Don't you teach that sinners Christ died for are going to perish in their sins anyways? That's denying Christ is the Saviour of the World.That is a cult.

No, your false Calvinist God won't let you believe that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, as taught by the apostle John, 1 John 4:14. To believe that would mean that your Calvinist God is a liar.
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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Worse, his "Christianity" is not a relationship with Christ, but a frontal attack on the church and body of Christ. For Robert, sadly, Christianity is an attack on the Bride of Christ. Calvinist persuasion is merely the scapegoat vehicle for his entire disdain for the Body of Christ, the Church, which he completely disdains. For me, entertaining such is enabling his faithless perversion.

Robert, let me take a moment (you are on ignore because of your dysfunctional expression of Christianity and I am not an enabler). You need to do your devotions daily. Spend time with the Savior. He/she who has the Son, has life. Have the Son. There is NOTHING more important I can say to you. This is ESSENTIAL Christianity. Attacking Calvinism or any other portion of the Body of Christ, the Church, is NOT an expression of Christianity in your life. Crusades are seldom expressions of love of/for Christ.

Anyone or thing that teaches that Jesus is not the savior of the world, John 4:14, is anti-Gospel and anti-Christ.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
Actually, Robert, you give lip-service to Solus Christus, and actually declare that one's salvation is one's own responsibility and work:

For more:


You are simply too pregnant with error:



To not respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a heart full of love and thanksgiving, is to sentence yourself to eternal damnation. No response is a response.


Well-known member
To not respond to the Gospel of Jesus Christ with a heart full of love and thanksgiving, is to sentence yourself to eternal damnation. No response is a response.

You are deceived.

No man can sentence himself to eternal damnation, neither can he claim to have eternal life by the works of his own will.

No works that a carnal man does can please God Rom. 8:8.

Their wicked heart Jer. 17:9 is incapable of loving and giving thanksgiving to God.

Every man's eternal destiny has already been predetermined by Almighty God, as it is written:

Dan. 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

The Apostle Paul in His epistle to the Saints at Ephesus, said this under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit:

Eph. 1:11
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:


Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are deceived.

No man can sentence himself to eternal damnation, neither can he claim to have eternal life by the works of his own will.

No works that a carnal man does can please God Rom. 8:8.

Their wicked heart Jer. 17:9 is incapable of loving and giving thanksgiving to God.

Every man's eternal destiny has already been predetermined by Almighty God, as it is written:

Dan. 4:35
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing: and he doeth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth: and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?

The Apostle Paul in His epistle to the Saints at Ephesus, said this under the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit:

Eph. 1:11
In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:


Your Calvinist god has scammed you into believing a lie.

Ephesian 1:11, does not say that anyone has been predestinated to salvation.

You have totally ignored the first part of Ephesians 1:11. "In whom also WE HAVE OBTAINED an inheritance". Salvation is obtained by faith in Christ and his Gospel.

You need to obtain salvation. It is NOT imposed upon you like you want to believe.


Well-known member
Your Calvinist god has scammed you into believing a lie.

Ephesian 1:11, does not say that anyone has been predestinated to salvation.

You have totally ignored the first part of Ephesians 1:11. "In whom also WE HAVE OBTAINED an inheritance". Salvation is obtained by faith in Christ and his Gospel.

You need to obtain salvation. It is NOT imposed upon you like you want to believe.

You are a liar just like your father John 8:44!

There is only ONE GOD, and all whom He has Saved before the world began 2Tim. 1:9 is just exactly as He has so desired!

Job 23:13-14
But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.
For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.

These scriptures are proof that God does not desire all of humanity to be saved, but yet they are not!


Robert Pate

Well-known member
You are a liar just like your father John 8:44!

There is only ONE GOD, and all whom He has Saved before the world began 2Tim. 1:9 is just exactly as He has so desired!

Job 23:13-14
But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.
For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.

These scriptures are proof that God does not desire all of humanity to be saved, but yet they are not!


You believe terrible things about God and his Son Jesus Christ.

You will say and do anything to appease your Calvinist god.


Well-known member
No, your false Calvinist God won't let you believe that Jesus is the savior of the whole world, as taught by the apostle John, 1 John 4:14. To believe that would mean that your Calvinist God is a liar.

You deny that Christ is a Saviour, if you dont believe his death saved them He died for!


Well-known member
You believe terrible things about God and his Son Jesus Christ.

You will say and do anything to appease your Calvinist god.

You believe Christ failed as a Saviour of His People. Dont you teach that sinners Christ died for, shed His blood for perish in their sins anyways ? What can be more disrespectful to God and Christ ?


Well-known member
Your Calvinist god has scammed you into believing a lie.

Ephesian 1:11, does not say that anyone has been predestinated to salvation.

You have totally ignored the first part of Ephesians 1:11. "In whom also WE HAVE OBTAINED an inheritance". Salvation is obtained by faith in Christ and his Gospel.

You need to obtain salvation. It is NOT imposed upon you like you want to believe.

More denial of Truth !


Well-known member
You are a liar just like your father John 8:44!

There is only ONE GOD, and all whom He has Saved before the world began 2Tim. 1:9 is just exactly as He has so desired!

Job 23:13-14
But he is in one mind, and who can turn him? and what his soul desireth, even that he doeth.
For he performeth the thing that is appointed for me: and many such things are with him.

These scriptures are proof that God does not desire all of humanity to be saved, but yet they are not!


You believe terrible things about God and his Son Jesus Christ.

You will say and do anything to appease your Calvinist god.

You blaspheme and denigrate The Almighty and His Words daily on this forum Ps. 56:5.



Well-known member
Anyone or thing that teaches that Jesus is not the savior of the world, John 4:14, is anti-Gospel and anti-Christ.
:doh: "Rather than attacking what you don't believe, share scripture!!!!" Again, Robert. Love God!~ Do your devotions. Share scripture. The rest of this drivel is meaningless. Simply use scripture to make a point. Allow others to check your work. Your out-of-balance Crusade against Calvinism reveals a LOT more about you than it does any Calvinist. It reveals a shallow and pithy man, imho. You have no depth of spirituality...just "I hate Calvinism" again for the 100th or 1000th time. You start one every couple of days or week, Robert. it says you are shallow and immature and without Spiritual depth as far as I've ever seen the same. Do something with your life. Seriously. Spend at least 5 threads sharing scripture as you understand it and try to realize there are other groups besides Calvinists that disagree with you, especially on TOL. Ask God what He wants you to do and post about today. When I've taught cult classes, I spend 3 weeks just talking about scriptural essentials. The BEST way to see problems in doctrine is to know truth.


Well-known member
The BEST way to see problems in doctrine is to know truth.

Again, Robert. Love God!

To know Truth, first a person must be one whom God has Chosen to Belief of the Truth!

2 Thes. 2:13
But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth

Pate is not of God!

An unregenerate person has a wicked heart Jer. 17:9 and is incapable of Loving God the way He so desires Mat. 22:37.

Only once a person is given a New Heart Ezek. 36:26-27, Born of God, can he Love God and worship Him in a way that He so desires John 4:24.

So only those who were Chosen to Salvation, whom Christ died for, shall be partakers of the Spirit's Sanctifying work in them, and shall Believe the Truth.

No one can Believe the Truth apart from the Spirit's Work in them.

1 Cor. 2:12-14
Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

John 3:3
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

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New member
This thread is to important to let it go.

I don't know who wrote this article, but it is very educational and revealing. It must have been written by a physiologist or someone with insight into religious cults.

What do you think?

Actually, if you'll isolate it's descriptions of cult-like behavior; attitudes; etc., into generic specifics, you'll find that you end up with a rather perfect, generic template-like model that all cult-like individuals, their general, accross the board beliefs, attitudes mode of perception, one-sided, our way or the highway behaviour, and so on, perfectly fit the model of.

And you'll find way more cult-like individuals on here, than merely the Calvinist.

Note how hostile and one sided many are towards anyone who does not meet or agree with them and or their cult-like clique.

It's a fascinating revelation about them.

As with any addict, to attempt to point out their duplicity to them is to set off their cult-like hostility.

The truth against such merely causing them to wax worse and worse, as a result.

Human beings are one endlessly facinating species...