Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I don't believe that anyone would be opposed to closing down a reparative therapy center that has been proven to use fraudulent means when attempting to help anyone struggling with same sex desires. But why does the LGBTQ movement want to close all of them, even after numerous people have testified in front of legislative committees stating that they've been tremendously helped by such therapy?
If the ones I've seen on television/media are indicative of the norm then why would anyone want any kept open? There was no 'therapy' going on in these places but simply staggeringly ineffectual and abusive practices. You yourself didn't even know what went on in these places so there's no way a child should be subjected to it. What "numerous" people exactly?
One would think that if you don't want the government to deny people the supposed 'right' to engage in same sex sodomy (which as shown in the table of contents is an extremely unhealthy and frequently deadly behavior), that you wouldn't want government denying people the right to seek therapy to help them leave same sex desires behind.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course if people can change then the LGBTQ movement couldn't push things like 'hate crime' legislation, and that would be a very bad thing for a movement that relies so heavily on being 'victimized'.
Refer to the table of content on page 1 for extensive information on therapy for sexually and gender confused people.
Why would I refer to your own link when you were completely ignorant of the practices going on in therapy centers to begin with?
My previous lack of knowledge in regards to reparative therapy centers had nothing to do with whether they worked or not. I know nothing about heart surgery but do know that it's helped many people with heart conditions. On that note: After reading and seeing these testimonies from people who wanted out of the homosexual 'deathstyle', I'm no longer "ignorant" as to the good that psychological therapy does for people with same sex desires. Have an open mind Art, review the testimonies.