Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Since no one currently here on TOL will come forward and admit that they have homosexual desires, that makes it difficult to discuss what happened in their childhood to cause such sexual confusion. That being said: Several here on TOL in the past have admitted that sexual abuse or things like a distant or abusive father were responsible for their homosexual desires. Hundreds of personal testimonies from people throughout the world can be found on page 1's index under "Ex 'gay therapy" as well as "Causes of homosexual attraction and gender identity disorder (GID)".

Personal testimonies are hardly an appropriate way to identify the risk factors for something as prevalent as homosexuality. We don't/shouldn't accept that type of evidence as reliable in other comparable circumstances, why should we accept it here?


Since no one currently here on TOL will come forward and admit that they have homosexual desires, that makes it difficult to discuss what happened in their childhood to cause such sexual confusion. That being said: Several here on TOL in the past have admitted that sexual abuse or things like a distant or abusive father were responsible for their homosexual desires. Hundreds of personal testimonies from people throughout the world can be found on page 1's index under "Ex 'gay therapy" as well as "Causes of homosexual attraction and gender identity disorder (GID)".

Personal testimonies are hardly an appropriate way to identify the risk factors for something as prevalent as homosexuality. We don't/shouldn't accept that type of evidence as reliable in other comparable circumstances, why should we accept it here?

Define "in other comparable circumstances".

Legitimate studies and personal testimonies on why people have contracted same sex desires are listed on page 1's index. There has been no 'gay' gene found and there never will be (as much as the LGBTQ movement needs it, i.e. showing that change isn't possible due to genetics).


New member
Since no one currently here on TOL will come forward and admit that they have homosexual desires, that makes it difficult to discuss what happened in their childhood to cause such sexual confusion. That being said: Several here on TOL in the past have admitted that sexual abuse or things like a distant or abusive father were responsible for their homosexual desires. Hundreds of personal testimonies from people throughout the world can be found on page 1's index under "Ex 'gay therapy" as well as "Causes of homosexual attraction and gender identity disorder (GID)".
So what amount of abuse do you think aCW is required to flip an otherwise "normal kid" from heterosexual to homosexual desires?
Why would abuse automatically cause homosexual desires to replace heterosexual ones anyway?
Why do you think God arranged things this way that some kind of internal switch is perhaps activated by the abuse of a third party?
I think that you simply construct your own convenient explanation to avoid the rather more likely natural scenario that gay people are simply that way naturally, which doesn't fit very well with your fundamentalist "righteous" dogmatic rejection and intolerance of them.


Since no one currently here on TOL will come forward and admit that they have homosexual desires, that makes it difficult to discuss what happened in their childhood to cause such sexual confusion. That being said: Several here on TOL in the past have admitted that sexual abuse or things like a distant or abusive father were responsible for their homosexual desires. Hundreds of personal testimonies from people throughout the world can be found on page 1's index under "Ex 'gay therapy" as well as "Causes of homosexual attraction and gender identity disorder (GID)".

So what amount of abuse do you think aCW is required to flip an otherwise "normal kid" from heterosexual to homosexual desires?

That depends on the person that was sexually or psychologically abused. There are plenty of testimonies to hear and read in the index on page 1.

Why would abuse automatically cause homosexual desires to replace heterosexual ones anyway?

Who said anything about "automatic"? Not everyone that is physically or sexually abused "automatically" contracts same sex desires. That being said: Children who are developing both psychologically and physically are very vulnerable.

Why do you think God arranged things this way that some kind of internal switch is perhaps activated by the abuse of a third party?

God? I thought that you either (depending on which day of the week it is) aren't sure if God exists or don't believe in Him at all? Wait, you're one of those atheist God-haters that I talk about so much aren't cha Al?

I think that you simply construct your own convenient explanation to avoid the rather more likely natural scenario that gay people are simply that way naturally, which doesn't fit very well with your fundamentalist "righteous" dogmatic rejection and intolerance of them.

In any event: "No one wants to be gay". Why not use every reliable resource (spirituality, therapy) to help these people so that they don't have to live with unnatural sexual desires?
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I don't believe that anyone would be opposed to closing down a reparative therapy center that has been proven to use fraudulent means when attempting to help anyone struggling with same sex desires. But why does the LGBTQ movement want to close all of them, even after numerous people have testified in front of legislative committees stating that they've been tremendously helped by such therapy?

If the ones I've seen on television/media are indicative of the norm then why would anyone want any kept open? There was no 'therapy' going on in these places but simply staggeringly ineffectual and abusive practices. You yourself didn't even know what went on in these places so there's no way a child should be subjected to it. What "numerous" people exactly?

Of course if people can change then the LGBTQ movement couldn't push things like 'hate crime' legislation, and that would be a very bad thing for a movement that relies so heavily on being 'victimized'.

Refer to the table of content on page 1 for extensive information on therapy for sexually and gender confused people.

Why would I refer to your own link when you were completely ignorant of the practices going on in therapy centers to begin with?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since no one currently here on TOL will come forward and admit that they have homosexual desires, that makes it difficult to discuss what happened in their childhood to cause such sexual confusion. That being said: Several here on TOL in the past have admitted that sexual abuse or things like a distant or abusive father were responsible for their homosexual desires. Hundreds of personal testimonies from people throughout the world can be found on page 1's index under "Ex 'gay therapy" as well as "Causes of homosexual attraction and gender identity disorder (GID)".

And a myriad more would tell you that's just the way it was for them, no unstable background, no abuse, no lack of a father figure etc etc etc, so what would you say to that?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I don't believe that anyone would be opposed to closing down a reparative therapy center that has been proven to use fraudulent means when attempting to help anyone struggling with same sex desires. But why does the LGBTQ movement want to close all of them, even after numerous people have testified in front of legislative committees stating that they've been tremendously helped by such therapy?

If the ones I've seen on television/media are indicative of the norm then why would anyone want any kept open? There was no 'therapy' going on in these places but simply staggeringly ineffectual and abusive practices. You yourself didn't even know what went on in these places so there's no way a child should be subjected to it. What "numerous" people exactly?

One would think that if you don't want the government to deny people the supposed 'right' to engage in same sex sodomy (which as shown in the table of contents is an extremely unhealthy and frequently deadly behavior), that you wouldn't want government denying people the right to seek therapy to help them leave same sex desires behind.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course if people can change then the LGBTQ movement couldn't push things like 'hate crime' legislation, and that would be a very bad thing for a movement that relies so heavily on being 'victimized'.

Refer to the table of content on page 1 for extensive information on therapy for sexually and gender confused people.

Why would I refer to your own link when you were completely ignorant of the practices going on in therapy centers to begin with?

My previous lack of knowledge in regards to reparative therapy centers had nothing to do with whether they worked or not. I know nothing about heart surgery but do know that it's helped many people with heart conditions. On that note: After reading and seeing these testimonies from people who wanted out of the homosexual 'deathstyle', I'm no longer "ignorant" as to the good that psychological therapy does for people with same sex desires. Have an open mind Art, review the testimonies.


Millions of gay people isn't evidence, at least, that some people just are innately gay?


Gay people are all liars who choose to participate in sexual practices that in actuality revolts them while forgoing heterosexual partnerships? Really?

Who said they are lying? You all are lying for them- the claim that they are born gay came straight from the mouths of heterosexual liberals, Broseph.

For the margin of gays who do say they were 'born' gay, they were just made to believe so by you all.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since no one currently here on TOL will come forward and admit that they have homosexual desires, that makes it difficult to discuss what happened in their childhood to cause such sexual confusion. That being said: Several here on TOL in the past have admitted that sexual abuse or things like a distant or abusive father were responsible for their homosexual desires. Hundreds of personal testimonies from people throughout the world can be found on page 1's index under "Ex 'gay therapy" as well as "Causes of homosexual attraction and gender identity disorder (GID)".

And a myriad more would tell you that's just the way it was for them, no unstable background, no abuse, no lack of a father figure etc etc etc, so what would you say to that?

I'd say that you're calling these brave people "liars" Art.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Since no one currently here on TOL will come forward and admit that they have homosexual desires, that makes it difficult to discuss what happened in their childhood to cause such sexual confusion. That being said: Several here on TOL in the past have admitted that sexual abuse or things like a distant or abusive father were responsible for their homosexual desires. Hundreds of personal testimonies from people throughout the world can be found on page 1's index under "Ex 'gay therapy" as well as "Causes of homosexual attraction and gender identity disorder (GID)".

I'd say that you're calling these brave people "liars" Art.

What would you be calling those who tell you they've had no upheaval in their lives, the likes of which you believe cause homosexual desires?



Who said they are lying? You all are lying for them- the claim that they are born gay came straight from the mouths of heterosexual liberals, Broseph.

For the margin of gays who do say they were 'born' gay, they were just made to believe so by you all.

Which side of this culture war are you on Crucible? In another thread you stated that sexually confused people should be allowed to adopt innocent children:

I don't really see a problem with homosexuals adopting

Kids are much better off in a household living a relatively normal life than chilling in a group home. I think people need to put their focus more on the child rather than the parents sexual preference- homosexuality has no bearing on one's ability to raise a kid.

And as much as I am against homosexuality, it's just plain absurd to perpetuate an idea that the children will become gay, or that they will be deviant toward the child simply because they are gay spouses.

Inquiring minds needsta know.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd say that you're calling these brave people "liars" Art.

What would you be calling those who tell you they've had no upheaval in their lives, the likes of which you believe cause homosexual desires?

I'd ask them to come forward so that we could talk about their childhood.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
One would think that if you don't want the government to deny people the supposed 'right' to engage in same sex sodomy (which as shown in the table of contents is an extremely unhealthy and frequently deadly behavior), that you wouldn't want government denying people the right to seek therapy to help them leave same sex desires behind.

What about heterosexual sodomy? Or any other practice that isn't straightforward sex? I've no wish to deny anyone an access to therapy/counselling provided they're not being railroaded into it through misguided puritanism and that any such establishment dispensing such isn't a crackpot outfit like many of these centers seem to be.

My previous lack of knowledge in regards to reparative therapy centers had nothing to do with whether they worked or not. I know nothing about heart surgery but do know that it's helped many people with heart conditions. On that note: After reading and seeing these testimonies from people who wanted out of the homosexual 'deathstyle', I'm no longer "ignorant" as to the good that psychological therapy does for people with same sex desires. Have an open mind Art, review the testimonies.

Heart Surgeons are highly trained and qualified else they wouldn't have the job. Without the proper credentials they wouldn't be able to operate. Hardly the same thing as some loonies who think shouting abuse and giving people vomit inducing substances et al wouldn't you agree?



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd ask them to come forward so that we could talk about their childhood.

And what if it transpired that there was nothing abnormal about it? That was the point.

It would be a long conversation Art. Unnatural sexual desires don't "just happen". These people often times need professional psychological help, and the LGBTQ movement is denying them that.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

One would think that if you don't want the government to deny people the supposed 'right' to engage in same sex sodomy (which as shown in the table of contents is an extremely unhealthy and frequently deadly behavior), that you wouldn't want government denying people the right to seek therapy to help them leave same sex desires behind.

What about heterosexual sodomy? Or any other practice that isn't straightforward sex? I've no wish to deny anyone an access to therapy/counselling provided they're not being railroaded into it through misguided puritanism and that any such establishment dispensing such isn't a crackpot outfit like many of these centers seem to be.

There are numerous organizations out there that help people with sexual problems. Sex addicts anonymous is one.


Why no protest from the LGBQ movement over organizations like SAA?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
My previous lack of knowledge in regards to reparative therapy centers had nothing to do with whether they worked or not. I know nothing about heart surgery but do know that it's helped many people with heart conditions. On that note: After reading and seeing these testimonies from people who wanted out of the homosexual 'deathstyle', I'm no longer "ignorant" as to the good that psychological therapy does for people with same sex desires. Have an open mind Art, review the testimonies.

Heart Surgeons are highly trained and qualified else they wouldn't have the job. Without the proper credentials they wouldn't be able to operate. Hardly the same thing as some loonies who think shouting abuse and giving people vomit inducing substances et al wouldn't you agree?

Your ignorance is now showing more than ever Art. Many therapists have PhD's's in psychology.


New member
Define "in other comparable circumstances".
A crude definition could reasonably be where the incidence of the feature being studied is more than 1/10,000 (and that's being a bit too conservative really)
Legitimate studies and personal testimonies on why people have contracted same sex desires are listed on page 1's index.
There is no original research or studies as far as I can see in that list. There are a bunch of opinion pieces that think books and surveys predominantly from the 1960-1980's are good references and there are what we can be at best call extremely crude case studies.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd ask them to come forward so that we could talk about their childhood.

It would be a long conversation Art. Unnatural sexual desires don't "just happen". These people often times need professional psychological help, and the LGBTQ movement is denying them that.

Define 'unnatural'. I would imagine that many a common practice with heterosexual couples would be so as far as you're concerned?
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