Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay and Trash Ex-Gays Booth at Fair

"Angry homosexual activists harassed and assaulted ex-homosexuals at the Arlington County Fair last week, according to an ex-gay educational and support group.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) reports its volunteers were distributing education materials on same-sex attraction and awareness of ex-homosexuals at their fair booth. Homosexual activists approached them and created a disturbance, spewing obscenities and dashing materials from the exhibit table."

It appears that tolerance is a one way street for the Gay Mafia.


you mean the horrible attack on those poor ex-gays that not one of the hundreds of people at the fair say?

The violent disturbance that Jackie Abrams, Vice Chair of the Arlington County Fair stated: "no physical altercation occurred, police were never called and no one was ejected from the fairgrounds...It did not happen."

then there was the worker in the booth next to PFOX Insurance agent Vania Villanueva says that late that Saturday afternoon, a woman stopped by the PFOX booth while a young man was working there and " the woman became angry about what the young man was saying." She indicates couldn’t hear him well enough to understand what that was. Then the woman left. Villanueva said she saw no physical attack, no destruction of property nor did she see any police, fair officials or anyone being escorted off the property.

And Officer John Leslie of the of the Arlington County Police Department, says that the police has no reports of any disturbance at the Fair, no record of any complaint and at no time was law enforcement summoned to the Arlington County Fair.


New member
More on the case in Oregon where Christian bakers refused to sell out God and bake a cake for a 'gay' wedding:

Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay Wed Cake

“I have one account that’s labeled, ‘God’s money’ – our tithing. They just took it.”


Melissa Klein, the owner of the bakery that refused to bake a cake for a homosexual wedding ceremony, has revealed that the state of Oregon seized all of her bank accounts weeks before she planned to pay the settlement from the suit brought against her by the couple.

According to Fox News, Klein and her husband were hit with a penalty of over $135,000 in July payable to the lesbian couple who cited "emotional suffering" for the mom-and-pop bakers holding to their Christian beliefs. The state, ignoring the couple's religious liberty, agreed and said the small business, Sweet Cakes by Melissa, couldn't discriminate against the rights of LGBT customers.

The Kleins quickly gained support for standing up for their own rights and began receiving donations which were kept in a separate account from their personal banking in order to pay the settlement. But in the weeks before Christmas, Mrs. Klein was shocked to find out that Oregon's Bureau of Labor and Industries had confiscated all the money in all of her accounts.

“It was like my breath was taken away,” Melissa Klein said to Fox's Todd Starnes. “I panicked. Everything was gone.”

“We had three accounts,” she continued. “I have one account that’s labeled, ‘God’s money’ – our tithing. They just took it.”

An attorney for the couple said the fight is not over and the couple "will continue to work to ensure that every American has the First Amendment right to express their faith-based beliefs, and to conduct their daily affairs according to their conscience."


Have I mentioned before that good and evil cannot co-exist?


"Aaron Klein, co-owner of the shuttered Sweet Cakes by Melissa, walked into the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries' Portland office and handed over a check for $136,927.07, an amount including accrued interest, agency spokesman Charlie Burr said."
Sweet Cakes owners pay damages while continuing appeal of $135,000 bias case. G. Reed The Oragonian.

so they are bigots and liars and a fine example of the evil you mention

“It was like my breath was taken away,” Melissa Klein said to Fox's Todd Starnes. “I panicked. Everything was gone.”
But not the $515,000 plus that these people have gotten through donations


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay Wed Cake

“I have one account that’s labeled, ‘God’s money’ – our tithing. They just took it.”

"Aaron Klein, co-owner of the shuttered Sweet Cakes by Melissa, walked into the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries' Portland office and handed over a check for $136,927.07, an amount including accrued interest, agency spokesman Charlie Burr said."
Sweet Cakes owners pay damages while continuing appeal of $135,000 bias case. G. Reed The Oragonian.

so they are bigots and liars and a fine example of the evil you mention

(Remember how the sodomite movement told the American people that they would respect religious liberty?)

Why no link to your story TB?

According to the left wing Daily Kos, the Klein's refused to pay because they were filing an appeal. Without a doubt that is when the Oregon Dept. Labor and Industries stepped in and seized their assets.

The Kleins have filed an appeal of the ruling and are defying the order to pay

And this from the homosexual "The New Civil Rights Movement" :

"They claimed at first that since they were appealing the decision, the shouldn't have to pay the couple, then grew even more defiant, saying they did not recognize the BOLI's authority. Aaron Klein said, "I didn’t get due process, I don’t call it legally binding."

Have I mentioned that the Governor of the State of Oregon is a bisexual? (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym).


Oregon Governor Ka Ka Kate Brown (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym)

So much for any kind of religious freedom in Oregon.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay and Trash Ex-Gays Booth at Fair

"Angry homosexual activists harassed and assaulted ex-homosexuals at the Arlington County Fair last week, according to an ex-gay educational and support group.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) reports its volunteers were distributing education materials on same-sex attraction and awareness of ex-homosexuals at their fair booth. Homosexual activists approached them and created a disturbance, spewing obscenities and dashing materials from the exhibit table."

It appears that tolerance is a one way street for the Gay Mafia.


you mean the horrible attack on those poor ex-gays that not one of the hundreds of people at the fair say?

The violent disturbance that Jackie Abrams, Vice Chair of the Arlington County Fair stated: "no physical altercation occurred, police were never called and no one was ejected from the fairgrounds...It did not happen."

then there was the worker in the booth next to PFOX Insurance agent Vania Villanueva says that late that Saturday afternoon, a woman stopped by the PFOX booth while a young man was working there and " the woman became angry about what the young man was saying." She indicates couldn’t hear him well enough to understand what that was. Then the woman left. Villanueva said she saw no physical attack, no destruction of property nor did she see any police, fair officials or anyone being escorted off the property.

And Officer John Leslie of the of the Arlington County Police Department, says that the police has no reports of any disturbance at the Fair, no record of any complaint and at no time was law enforcement summoned to the Arlington County Fair.

Again: why no link to your story TB?

Not that I mind doing my own research:

PFOX's Tall Tale?

Gay activist asks ex-gay leader to resign

Sept 12, 2007

A well-known gay activist who has been exposing the ”ex-gay” movement for the past several years is calling on the executive director of a local organization that promotes the movement nationwide to resign for possibly fabricating a report of a ”hate crime” at a local community fair.

Wayne Besen, executive director of Truth Wins Out (TWO) and author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth, says Regina Griggs, executive director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), should resign for distributing a press release on behalf of PFOX, claiming its members were harassed and that one was physically assaulted while participating in the Arlington County Fair in mid-August.

In the PFOX press release, dated Aug. 28, Griggs claims gay-rights activists ”screamed obscenities, threw our materials from the exhibit table to the ground, insisted we recognize their same-sex ‘spouses,’ demanded that PFOX leave, and hit a PFOX volunteer because he is ex-gay.”

”One gay man went so far as to hit our ex-gay volunteer,” Griggs adds in the press release, ”because he refused to recant his ex-gay testimony.”

Griggs claims that the ex-gay group ”summoned a police officer who ejected the gay man off of the fairgrounds.” According to the release, the ”ex-gay” volunteer decided not to press charges because ”he wanted to turn the other cheek as Jesus had done.”

But Jay Fisette, a gay member of the Arlington County Board, says his office researched the claim and found no evidence of any incident.

”The police have no record or no awareness of any incident,” Fisette said Sept. 10. ”So it appears that this is made up. It’s either a pre-fabrication or a mistake, but it seems a little more intentional than that.”

John Lisle, public information officer for the Arlington County Police Department countered that claim in a Sept. 10 e-mail, forwarded to Metro Weekly Sept. 12. In his e-mail, addressed to David Roberts, a contributing writer to Ex-Gay Watch.com, a Web site that monitors the ”ex-gay” movement, Lisle contradicts the findings of Fisette’s office, stating: ”I wanted to let you know that I have now spoken to two officers who are familiar with an incident that took place at the Fair similar to what has been described.”

Read more: http://www.metroweekly.com/2007/09/pfoxs-tall-tale/

Wayne Besen is no stranger when it comes to harassing EX homosexuals. (Shown here having a gay ole time outside a meeting of EX homosexuals in a Boston Church)



Higgins Responds to Wayne Besen’s Screed against Dr. Michael Brown


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

All men 'worship' something. Besides, SCOTUS ruled a while back that secular humanism and atheism are both 'religions'.

Not true.

the supreme court ruled: "At one time it was thought that this right [referring to the right to choose one’s own creed] merely proscribed the preference of one Christian sect over another, but would not require equal respect for the conscience of the infidel, the atheist, or the adherent of a non-Christian faith such as Islam or Judaism. But when the underlying principle has been examined in the crucible of litigation, the Court has unambiguously concluded that the individual freedom of conscience protected by the First Amendment embraces the right to select any religious faith or none at all." Wallace v Jaffee

Thank you for posting the Wallace v Jaffree case which was a 1985 SCOTUS ruling that dealt with silent school prayer TB. (What it had to do with my earlier statement, I do not know). Why no link?


Back to my earlier statement:

I stand partially corrected. It was a federal appeals court, not SCOTUS that ruled in favor of an atheist inmate in Wisconsin.
(Oh the irony. Had he only followed God's Word he wouldn't have been in prison to begin with).

In the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins, SCOTUS described “secular humanism” as a religion.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2005/08/31895/#YLEoKJR9g6FETQKl.99

You're 0 for 3 tonight TB. Perhaps you should stick to posting skewed studies put out by the LGBTQueer movement?


New member
You aren't by chance my good friend Al (alwight) using another name are you?
Sorry to disappoint you, and I'm not British either.

All men 'worship' something. Besides, SCOTUS ruled a while back that secular humanism and atheism are both 'religions'.
Wrong on both accounts. Your personal desire to worship isn't something shared by all. And I'm not even going to get into the ridiculous proposition that religions are defined by a judge. However you're in luck, because I've heard of that line before, as it appears it was a personal comment in some addendum (or whatever the juridical terminology calls it) and not part of a court ruling. Tough luck, pal.

One side has to be right, while the other side has to be wrong. Good and evil cannot coexist. Throughout the ages Christianity has brought great things to societies and individuals. Atheism/secular humanism and Islam have brought nothing but misery and death.
You are an idiot of biblical proportions, my friend. I asked you specifically who and how. Could it be that you have to answer.....
In any case, I'm not surprised to hear your special pleading. Too bad that time machines don't exist, otherwise I would have gladly sent you back a 1000 years, so that you can enjoy the fruit of your religion to the fullest. :)

As shown in the above video and throughout this 4 part thread: When secular humanist man organizes, death follows.
Sure, just cover your eyes and ears and ignore all I've said. You don't even know what "humanism" is, do you?

Please don't think I'm here to convince you of right from wrong. If you can't even make up your mind if God exists, I don't expect to have any impact on your worldview.
If you scroll back, you'll find that I've told you God doesn't. You can only impact my worldview with facts, or logical reasoning. Seems you have none.

Thanks for acknowledging that Christianity is a threat to your way of life.
:) Mostly, your version of it, though ..... and your muslim counterparts.

You're talking about anarchy. Jesus will return when He's good and ready. I'll do my best to make this world a better place until He does.
Oh dear, now we're really screwed.

I'd pointed out numerous times that molestation comes in many forms.

Indoctrinating children to accept immoral behavior as something normal is one.

So, here's some "molestation" in action. Enjoy:
scary stuff


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd pointed out numerous times that molestation comes in many forms.

Indoctrinating children to accept immoral behavior as something normal is one.

(TheDuke posts a video of children at a Jesus Camp. Maybe the LGBTQueer movement can outlaw Christian youth camps like they do reparative therapy for children?).

My turn:

Dancing in front of perverts at 8. Most likely infected with HIV/AIDS at 9, and without a doubt dead by age 10. What a life.

8 year old boy dancing at 'Gay" Pride Parade



New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Oregon Seizes Bank Accounts of Christian Baker Who Refused Gay Wed Cake

“I have one account that’s labeled, ‘God’s money’ – our tithing. They just took it.”

(Remember how the sodomite movement told the American people that they would respect religious liberty?)

Why no link to your story TB?
I referenced the newspaper article. try paining attention

According to the left wing Daily Kos, the Klein's refused to pay because they were filing an appeal. Without a doubt that is when the Oregon Dept. Labor and Industries stepped in and seized their assets.

The Kleins have filed an appeal of the ruling and are defying the order to pay

And this from the homosexual "The New Civil Rights Movement" :

"They claimed at first that since they were appealing the decision, the shouldn't have to pay the couple, then grew even more defiant, saying they did not recognize the BOLI's authority. Aaron Klein said, "I didn’t get due process, I don’t call it legally binding."

Have I mentioned that the Governor of the State of Oregon is a bisexual? (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym).


Oregon Governor Ka Ka Kate Brown (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym)

So much for any kind of religious freedom in Oregon.

And no one else gets to refuse to pay fines appeal or not.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay and Trash Ex-Gays Booth at Fair

"Angry homosexual activists harassed and assaulted ex-homosexuals at the Arlington County Fair last week, according to an ex-gay educational and support group.

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFOX) reports its volunteers were distributing education materials on same-sex attraction and awareness of ex-homosexuals at their fair booth. Homosexual activists approached them and created a disturbance, spewing obscenities and dashing materials from the exhibit table."

It appears that tolerance is a one way street for the Gay Mafia.


Again: why no link to your story TB?

Not that I mind doing my own research:

PFOX's Tall Tale?

Gay activist asks ex-gay leader to resign

Sept 12, 2007

A well-known gay activist who has been exposing the ”ex-gay” movement for the past several years is calling on the executive director of a local organization that promotes the movement nationwide to resign for possibly fabricating a report of a ”hate crime” at a local community fair.

Wayne Besen, executive director of Truth Wins Out (TWO) and author of Anything But Straight: Unmasking the Scandals and Lies Behind the Ex-Gay Myth, says Regina Griggs, executive director of Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays & Gays (PFOX), should resign for distributing a press release on behalf of PFOX, claiming its members were harassed and that one was physically assaulted while participating in the Arlington County Fair in mid-August.

In the PFOX press release, dated Aug. 28, Griggs claims gay-rights activists ”screamed obscenities, threw our materials from the exhibit table to the ground, insisted we recognize their same-sex ‘spouses,’ demanded that PFOX leave, and hit a PFOX volunteer because he is ex-gay.”

”One gay man went so far as to hit our ex-gay volunteer,” Griggs adds in the press release, ”because he refused to recant his ex-gay testimony.”

Griggs claims that the ex-gay group ”summoned a police officer who ejected the gay man off of the fairgrounds.” According to the release, the ”ex-gay” volunteer decided not to press charges because ”he wanted to turn the other cheek as Jesus had done.”

But Jay Fisette, a gay member of the Arlington County Board, says his office researched the claim and found no evidence of any incident.

”The police have no record or no awareness of any incident,” Fisette said Sept. 10. ”So it appears that this is made up. It’s either a pre-fabrication or a mistake, but it seems a little more intentional than that.”

John Lisle, public information officer for the Arlington County Police Department countered that claim in a Sept. 10 e-mail, forwarded to Metro Weekly Sept. 12. In his e-mail, addressed to David Roberts, a contributing writer to Ex-Gay Watch.com, a Web site that monitors the ”ex-gay” movement, Lisle contradicts the findings of Fisette’s office, stating: ”I wanted to let you know that I have now spoken to two officers who are familiar with an incident that took place at the Fair similar to what has been described.”

Read more: http://www.metroweekly.com/2007/09/pfoxs-tall-tale/

Wayne Besen is no stranger when it comes to harassing EX homosexuals. (Shown here having a gay ole time outside a meeting of EX homosexuals in a Boston Church)



Higgins Responds to Wayne Besen’s Screed against Dr. Michael Brown

shouldn't faking a crime be cause for a resignation?


New member
Back to my earlier statement:

I stand partially corrected. It was a federal appeals court, not SCOTUS that ruled in favor of an atheist inmate in Wisconsin.
(Oh the irony. Had he only followed God's Word he wouldn't have been in prison to begin with).

In the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins, SCOTUS described “secular humanism” as a religion.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2005/08/31895/#YLEoKJR9g6FETQKl.99


Here is the ruling:

as you can see...well as anyone who actually reads the ruling ...regards the attempt by the state of Maryland to impose a religious requirement on governmental employees.

"We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally force a person 'to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion.' Neither can constitutionally pass laws or impose requirements which aid all religions as against non-believers and neither can aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs."

There is no ruling that atheism is a religion here.

You're 0 for 3 tonight TB. Perhaps you should stick to posting skewed studies put out by the LGBTQueer movement?
you often make the claim that studies that provide evidence for things you don't like are 'skewed' (which is pretty much most studies) but you never actually cite just what is wrong with those studies.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

(Remember how the sodomite movement told the American people that they would respect religious liberty?)

Why no link to your story TB?

I referenced the newspaper article. try paining attention

Reading anything that the lying leftwing lamestream media puts out is a real "pain" TB.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Back to my earlier statement:

I stand partially corrected. It was a federal appeals court, not SCOTUS that ruled in favor of an atheist inmate in Wisconsin.
(Oh the irony. Had he only followed God's Word he wouldn't have been in prison to begin with).

In the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins, SCOTUS described “secular humanism” as a religion.


Here is the ruling:

as you can see...well as anyone who actually reads the ruling ...regards the attempt by the state of Maryland to impose a religious requirement on governmental employees.

"We repeat and again reaffirm that neither a State nor the Federal Government can constitutionally force a person 'to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion.' Neither can constitutionally pass laws or impose requirements which aid all religions as against non-believers and neither can aid those religions based on a belief in the existence of God as against those religions founded on different beliefs."

There is no ruling that atheism is a religion here.

I stand corrected on the SCOTUS ruling on Torasco v Watkins.

Now let's talk about the case where a homosexual in a Wisconsin penal facility sued because he wasn't allowed to start an atheist study group and have access to fag porn.

"Before BAUER, WOOD, and WILLIAMS, Circuit Judges. James J. Kaufman, Jackson Correctional Institution, Black River Falls, WI, for Plaintiff-Appellant. Wisconsin inmate James Kaufman filed this suit under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, claiming as relevant here that prison officials violated his First Amendment rights.   He raises three unrelated issues.   Of the three, the one that has prompted the issuance of this opinion is his claim that the defendants infringed on his right to practice his religion when they refused to allow him to create an inmate group to study and discuss atheism.   Kaufman also argues that the defendants used an overly broad definition of “pornography” when they prevented him from receiving several publications containing sexual content and photographs of nude men and that they improperly opened outside of his presence several letters that he claimed were “legal” mail.
- See more at: http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-7th-circuit/1467028.html#sthash.HPxxTp8Y.dpuf

You'll notice the article also states:

The Supreme Court has recognized atheism as equivalent to a “religion” for purposes of the First Amendment on numerous occasions, most recently in McCreary County, Ky. v. American Civil Liberties Union of Ky., 545U.S. 844, 125 S.Ct. 2722, 162 L.Ed.2d 729 (2005).  

(The Founding Fathers didn't write the Constitution and other founding documents for atheists and secular humanists, but that's a topic for another thread).

As I mentioned before: Everyone worships something. Homosexual James Kaufman evidently sat in his prison cell worshipping pictures of nude males (who knows how old the lads were).


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

(Remember how the sodomite movement told the American people that they would respect religious liberty?)

Why no link to your story TB?

Reading anything that the lying leftwing lamestream media puts out is a real "pain" TB.

yes we all know how truth frightens you


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Back to my earlier statement:

I stand partially corrected. It was a federal appeals court, not SCOTUS that ruled in favor of an atheist inmate in Wisconsin.
(Oh the irony. Had he only followed God's Word he wouldn't have been in prison to begin with).

In the 1961 case of Torcaso v. Watkins, SCOTUS described “secular humanism” as a religion.

I stand corrected on the SCOTUS ruling on Torasco v Watkins.

Now let's talk about the case where a homosexual in a Wisconsin penal facility sued because he wasn't allowed to start an atheist study group and have access to fag porn.
Changing the topic...what a suprise


Changing the topic...what a suprise

From talking about how a federal court of appeals acknowledged that a Wisconsin prison inmate had some kind of "constitutional right" to form an atheist study group after stating that atheism is his religion to talking about his "extra curricular activities" inside his cell (homosexual porn)?

It seems to bother you when the homosexual 'culture' is discussed TB.


New member
My turn:

Dancing in front of perverts at 8. Most likely infected with HIV/AIDS at 9, and without a doubt dead by age 10. What a life.

[video of 8 year old boy dancing at 'Gay" Pride Parade]

Ha-ha. Nice one.
You must know that I'm not a fan of any parades, and as a matter of fact I despise gay-pride stuff (as I've mentioned in our earliest exchange). I really thought you had me on this one and that you had a good point.

Until....... I watched it.

Guess what: The little boy actually proves the point. No wonder he's been hailed by the LGBT community. Because unlike you, he will grow up free of self-inflicted constraints over his personality and thereby his life.

Young people like him, who can be exactly who they are without fear, without shame, without toxic suppression of their own identity.

That is the face of an enlightened society, the kids from bible camp, on the other hand, will grow up to become close-minded, hateful, vengeful bigots and ignoramuses. They will be robbed of the opportunity to discover the world and themselves.
That scares me.

PS: do you have anything else to say about the open points from our conversation, or do we consider it closed?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
My turn:

Dancing in front of perverts at 8. Most likely infected with HIV/AIDS at 9, and without a doubt dead by age 10. What a life.

[video of 8 year old boy dancing at 'Gay" Pride Parade]

Ha-ha. Nice one.

I fail to see the humor.

You must know that I'm not a fan of any parades,

This wasn't "any parade", it (like the vast majority if not all of 'gay' pride parades) was a parade where perverts used children to promote sexual anarchy.

and as a matter of fact I despise gay-pride stuff (as I've mentioned in our earliest exchange).

So you're against proud and unrepentant homosexuals gathering and sharing their 'culture' to hundreds of thousands of supporters? (Duke is obviously a bigot that thinks homosexuals should return to the closet that they came out of.)

I really thought you had me on this one and that you had a good point.

Until....... I watched it.

Guess what: The little boy actually proves the point. No wonder he's been hailed by the LGBT community. Because unlike you, he will grow up free of self-inflicted constraints over his personality and thereby his life.

Young people like him, who can be exactly who they are without fear, without shame, without toxic suppression of their own identity.

"Get em at 8 (years old) or you're too late".
-NAMBLA slogan

That is the face of an enlightened society, the kids from bible camp, on the other hand, will grow up to become close-minded, hateful, vengeful bigots and ignoramuses. They will be robbed of the opportunity to discover the world and themselves.
That scares me.

Thank you for being honest and acknowledging that children are a huge part of the LGBTQueer agenda.

PS: do you have anything else to say about the open points from our conversation, or do we consider it closed?

It appears that you want to talk theology in a politics thread. Feel free to continue your support of the child indoctrinating/molesting LGBTQueer movement, as the true face of perversion constantly needs to be shown.





New member
From talking about how a federal court of appeals acknowledged that a Wisconsin prison inmate had some kind of "constitutional right" to form an atheist study group after stating that atheism is his religion to talking about his "extra curricular activities" inside his cell (homosexual porn)?

It seems to bother you when the homosexual 'culture' is discussed TB.

It bothers me when anyone or any group is maligned


New member
It appears that you want to talk theology in a politics thread. Feel free to continue your support of the child indoctrinating/molesting LGBTQueer movement, as the true face of perversion constantly needs to be shown.

TheDuke seems to be an honest individual so why would he support a blatant lie?
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