Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'm just wondering why no one comes forward to admit that they engage in homosex. I don't know if the fear of being banned is part of it or what.

why would any gay or lesbian person want to come here just so you can toss lies and hate propaganda and falsely accuse them of being disease ridden child molesters?

It's all a matter of time management. The way I see it is that they could post some pro LGBTQueer propaganda here before rushing off to stake out Chuck E Cheese birthday parties for new recruits.

Then they can rush back to TOL to call some Christians "hate mongering homophobic bigots" and then off they go to fire bomb some homophobic bigoted churches.

Please share my time management scenario with your comrades as I'd truly enjoy their company as much as I do yours.

patrick jane

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I'm just wondering why no one comes forward to admit that they engage in homosex. I don't know if the fear of being banned is part of it or what.

It's all a matter of time management. The way I see it is that they could post some pro LGBTQueer propaganda here before rushing off to stake out Chuck E Cheese birthday parties for new recruits.

Then they can rush back to TOL to call some Christians "hate mongering homophobic bigots" and then off they go to fire bomb some homophobic bigoted churches.

Please share my time management scenario with your comrades as I'd truly enjoy their company as much as I do yours.

have you ever had a homo thought ? and you liked it ?


have you ever had a homo thought ? and you liked it ?

I learned quite a bit about one of your fellow 'gay' christians tonight pj, and without a doubt in my mind how his dysfunctional upbringing has effected his moral doctrine as an adult.

I won't share his sad story now, but will be more than happy to discuss it with him when he returns to blaspheme Jesus Christ as he frequently does in this thread.

So tell us about your childhood pj and what made you hate God so much like the guy I just talked about does?

I know what it was, you know what it was, how about you let everyone else know?



New member
Until the "just happens gene" is found and it's proven that people are born with same sex desires and God was wrong when He said that mankind was made in His Image, homosexuality will continue to be a immoral behavior and those who engage in it can either be proud of it or remorseful and try to change.
What right do you think you have a/c dub to presume that gay people are lying while your personal conclusions about what God deems to be immoral must be imposed on them in the meantime?
I suggest that you need to prove your particular Godly morality exists before a gay gene is.
Without your invisible moral Godly leash perhaps you wouldn't be restricted to trawling the internet in faux opposition to something that actually innately attracts you?


New member
You're not able to find that out by yourself by looking for the answer a few posts back?

I made my point by using Art Brain as my proverbial guinea pig and don't need any other proverbial rodents to further it.

Hey, did you hear that Kim Davis left your Party and has become a republican? (better late than never).

She was given an award at Friday night's conservative Values Voter Summit.

Needless to say, the sodomites at "Edge Boston" don't have a lot of nice things to say about her (Dan the doorknob licker Savage included).


Other great news: Ted Cruz is on fire and very well might take next years Iowa caucus because of his stance on religious freedom.

Religious liberty: Ted Cruz’s conservative ‘rocket fuel’

I only hope that your fears are equivalent to my excitement TB.

'religious freedom' :chuckle:


New member
It's all a matter of time management. The way I see it is that they could post some pro LGBTQueer propaganda
you mean facts.

here before rushing off to stake out Chuck E Cheese birthday parties for new recruits.

Then they can rush back to TOL to call some Christians "hate mongering homophobic bigots" and then off they go to fire bomb some homophobic bigoted churches.
I see you still haven't been able to come up with any media report about that horrible church firebombing.

Please share my time management scenario with your comrades as I'd truly enjoy their company as much as I do yours.
I don't think anyone would call the way you spend your days combing through the archives of hate groups and photo shopping pictures 'time management'


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Until the "just happens gene" is found and it's proven that people are born with same sex desires and God was wrong when He said that mankind was made in His Image, homosexuality will continue to be a immoral behavior and those who engage in it can either be proud of it or remorseful and try to change.

What right do you think you have a/c dub to presume that gay people are lying while your personal conclusions about what God deems to be immoral must be imposed on them in the meantime?...

Oh but Al, I believe those who engage in homosexual behavior (or simply just have desires but are able to keep from acting on them) when it comes to what caused those desires.

As I've shown on page 1's index (gotta love the index, I don't know why I didn't think of it threads ago), "gay people" as you call them have told undercover investigative reporters on film what was behind their homosexuality and legitimate (non-LGBTQueer funded) researchers what was behind those unnatural desires time and time again (it was being sexually molested as a child or growing up in a dysfunctional home i.e. overbearing mother, distant or absent father, etc.).
The more I research this particular topic (and I will discuss it in detail in the "homosexual pedophilia and pederasty" segment) the more I'm amazed at how many homosexuals were sexually abused as a child.



BTW, was I too hard on my most recent guinea pig? As you probably recall you were guinea pig #1 a couple of threads ago when I showed you (in 3 easy steps) that all proud and unrepentant homosexuals are a part of the homosexual movement, i.e. "collective".


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Until the "just happens gene" is found and it's proven that people are born with same sex desires and God was wrong when He said that mankind was made in His Image, homosexuality will continue to be a immoral behavior and those who engage in it can either be proud of it or remorseful and try to change.
Whoa, wait.

I don't buy the idea of "gay gene" in the first place, but it wouldn't challenge the idea that we are made in God's image any more than any other such "gene". If this gene exists then so do the "adultery gene" and most certainly the "fornication gene". All this would prove is that we are, genetically, wired for sinful sexual behavior. Or, point blank, sinful behavior in general.

Shocking. :plain:

The universe is corrupted by sin. So are we, existing in it as we do. And never mind that we are the original source of that corruption in the first place.

Why are you buying into this ridiculous idea that genetically predetermined behavior amounts to a hill of beans? Sure, it's important to the various fields of psychology but not to Christianity. The bible established this point a long time ago. We already know this. It's interesting seeing to what degree and in what manner nature v nurture plays out here, but it doesn't approach the fact that we are born sinners.

This is the trap of the whole "born that way" argument. Don't get confused and fall for it, rushing to argue that God would not create some people homosexuals. He didn't, genes notwithstanding.


New member
So you admit most homos are bi?
I'd agree without evidence that "homos" are generally probably about as "bi" as "hetros".
If otoh you have some honest evidence otherwise, i.e. not just your gut feeling, then by all means do give us all the heads up. :plain:

The Horn

Whether a gay gene exists or not is utterly irrelevant . Homophobic bigots use this claim as an excuse to deny gay people rights and persecute them, which is absolutely despicable .
Why would gay people "choose" to be gay in a world which is so hostile to them ? Where they are demonized, lied about and
stigmatized ? Where they are at constant risk of being discriminated against, fired from their jobs, harassed , being attacked on the streets etc , something which happens all the time because some people are despicable bigots ?
Does this even make any sense ? And even if homosexuality WERE a choice , so what ? This is THEIR business .


New member
[The "just-happened" gene?]
What right do you think you have a/c dub to presume that gay people are lying while your personal conclusions about what God deems to be immoral must be imposed on them in the meantime?
Oh but Al, I believe those who engage in homosexual behavior (or simply just have desires but are able to keep from acting on them) when it comes to what caused those desires.
Firstly let's just say that as far as can be demonstrated many things "just happen" to be so, like left-handed people (sinistrals).
Despite everything you have dredged up here aCW you have never once demonstrated that typically homosexuality is anything other than an innate natural trait in some people.
I realise that giving them the benefit of the doubt of course isn't exactly what comes naturally to you, so I don't really expect any change there.
Your doubtless belief in what you think God finds abominable and immoral is only that, a belief, which gives you no right at all to impose it on those who think differently to you.

I of course accept that, unless you say otherwise, you personally have never engaged in homosexual behaviour.
I don't suppose to know if it's only your faith that has kept you from that path or otoh you can only personally innately contemplate ever having heterosexual sex. However your obvious paranoia regarding any kind of homosexual activity rather suggests that the former is more likely to be true.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Until the "just happens gene" is found and it's proven that people are born with same sex desires and God was wrong when He said that mankind was made in His Image, homosexuality will continue to be a immoral behavior and those who engage in it can either be proud of it or remorseful and try to change.

Whoa, wait.

I don't buy the idea of "gay gene" in the first place,

There isn't one, never has been one and never will be one, so don't invest in the LGBTQueer propaganda that there is (I was using sarcasm in my above post, sorry that you missed it).

but it wouldn't challenge the idea that we are made in God's image any more than any other such "gene". If this gene exists then so do the "adultery gene" and most certainly the "fornication gene". All this would prove is that we are, genetically, wired for sinful sexual behavior. Or, point blank, sinful behavior in general.

What it says to me (if some elusive "gay gene" were found) is that God purposely wires people to engage in specific behaviors that He abhors. If they're physiologically "wired" that way, why would He ask them to repent (turn away) from something that they can't turn away from because of genetics?

Again: God doesn't make mistakes and we are made in His Image. Environmental factors cause homosexual desires and with His help those desires can change.

The universe is corrupted by sin. So are we, existing in it as we do. And never mind that we are the original source of that corruption in the first place.

Hence free will. That being said: God does give us rules to live by and that involves righteous laws legislated by righteous governments.

Why are you buying into this ridiculous idea that genetically predetermined behavior amounts to a hill of beans? Sure, it's important to the various fields of psychology but not to Christianity. The bible established this point a long time ago. We already know this. It's interesting seeing to what degree and in what manner nature v nurture plays out here, but it doesn't approach the fact that we are born sinners.

This is the trap of the whole "born that way" argument. Don't get confused and fall for it, rushing to argue that God would not create some people homosexuals. He didn't, genes notwithstanding.

Since you're not of follower of this thread, it's obvious that you're not aware that I frequently use sarcasm to make my point. I hope my above words explained what the truth is when it comes to homosexual desires and that God gives us spiritual guidance, righteous laws through a righteous government and a loving family to overcome those unnatural desires.


New member
Again: God doesn't make mistakes and we are made in His Image. Environmental factors cause homosexual desires and with His help those desires can change.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be saying that there can be no genetic factor to homosexuality because this would invalidate the standard that we are created in God's image.

If that's so, then I have to ask about some of the billion other imperfections humans are so often born with. Why don't these things likewise violate that standard?

Or, to refer back to my two examples of sinful behavior, adultery and fornication. Are these not inclinations we are born with or would you argue these are the result of environmental factors?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Again: God doesn't make mistakes and we are made in His Image. Environmental factors cause homosexual desires and with His help those desires can change.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but you seem to be saying that there can be no genetic factor to homosexuality because this would invalidate the standard that we are created in God's image.

Correct. If God makes people with specific perverted desires, He obviously didn't make them in His wholesome and righteous Image.

If that's so, then I have to ask about some of the billion other imperfections humans are so often born with. Why don't these things likewise violate that standard?

Because they're not inherently immoral as seen through His Eyes.

God set the standard for human sexuality in Genesis 2, there is no altering from it. If He did purposely hardwire some people to have same sex desires, wouldn't that make those passages and verses null and void?

Or, to refer back to my two examples of sinful behavior, adultery and fornication.

Keep in mind that while these two behaviors are sinful, hence immoral, they're not inherently perverse sexual behaviors, i.e. the participants can change (and thus get God's approval) by marrying and being faithful to one's spouse.

Are these not inclinations we are born with or would you argue these are the result of environmental factors?

When you talk about fornication and adultery, you're talking about two different things.

People are born with a natural desire for the opposite sex, it's when it's done out of wedlock that it becomes immoral.

There is absolutely no justification to cheat on one's spouse, even though we are born with natural desires which causes us to find the opposite sex attractive.


New member
Whoa, wait.

I don't buy the idea of "gay gene" in the first place, but it wouldn't challenge the idea that we are made in God's image any more than any other such "gene". If this gene exists then so do the "adultery gene" and most certainly the "fornication gene". All this would prove is that we are, genetically, wired for sinful sexual behavior. Or, point blank, sinful behavior in general.

Shocking. :plain:

The universe is corrupted by sin. So are we, existing in it as we do. And never mind that we are the original source of that corruption in the first place.

Why are you buying into this ridiculous idea that genetically predetermined behavior amounts to a hill of beans? Sure, it's important to the various fields of psychology but not to Christianity. The bible established this point a long time ago. We already know this. It's interesting seeing to what degree and in what manner nature v nurture plays out here, but it doesn't approach the fact that we are born sinners.

This is the trap of the whole "born that way" argument. Don't get confused and fall for it, rushing to argue that God would not create some people homosexuals. He didn't, genes notwithstanding.
And if one pretends that gays were not born gay then one can continue to pretend that homophobia is somehow morally justifiable and is not the equivalent of racism


New member
And if one pretends that gays were not born gay then one can continue to pretend that homophobia is somehow morally justifiable and is not the equivalent of racism
Or if one pretends gays are born that way...well, actually I'm not really sure what people think that establishes.

Or one could be interested in the truth because we recognize the truth is important and often requisite in realizing other truths. You know...like science and stuff.


For the record I don't believe there's any magic gay gene that answers all our questions about human sexuality in simple terms that require something less than years of study on the subject to fully understand (and even then...well, come on). There's no more a "gay gene" than there's an "I like vanilla ice cream" gene. You could probably find a genetic factor involved in someone growing up and, upon exposure to the idea and reality of ice cream, discovering they prefer vanilla...but that ain't a magic ice cream flavor gene.


New member
Correct. If God makes people with specific perverted desires, He obviously didn't make them in His wholesome and righteous Image.

Because they're not inherently immoral as seen through His Eyes.

God set the standard for human sexuality in Genesis 2, there is no altering from it. If He did purposely hardwire some people to have same sex desires, wouldn't that make those passages and verses null and void?

Why the assumption that God specifically lays down the genetic code in each and every individual? Where are you getting that from? LEt me point to the fact that God later (well after Eden) suddenly denied incest. Because we had, at that point, begun to become genetically corrupt.

Keep in mind that while these two behaviors are sinful, hence immoral, they're not inherently perverse sexual behaviors, i.e. the participants can change (and thus get God's approval) by marrying and being faithful to one's spouse.

When you talk about fornication and adultery, you're talking about two different things.

People are born with a natural desire for the opposite sex, it's when it's done out of wedlock that it becomes immoral.

There is absolutely no justification to cheat on one's spouse, even though we are born with natural desires which causes us to find the opposite sex attractive.
We aren't wired to be sexually attracted to, and only to, our spouses, as you freely admit here. The point of logic you gloss over is that this does indeed mean we are wired to sinful sexual desires. You even make the point that we must change to become approved by God. And even then only those desires we have toward our spouse is approved of. All the other sexual desires, "natural" though they may be, remain.

Just like the homosexual's desires. In both cases, whether homo or hetero, sexual desire, unapproved by God, is still there.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Correct. If God makes people with specific perverted desires, He obviously didn't make them in His wholesome and righteous Image...

God set the standard for human sexuality in Genesis 2, there is no altering from it. If He did purposely hardwire some people to have same sex desires, wouldn't that make those passages and verses null and void?

Why the assumption that God specifically lays down the genetic code in each and every individual? Where are you getting that from?

The LGBTQueer movement. They're saying that environmental factors have nothing to do with homosexual desires, and have spent millions of dollars trying to find that elusive hardwired "gay gene".

Of course what fuels the "gay gene" hoax is hate crime legislation, i.e. you need legislation to protect people against Christian homophobic bigoted hate because they can't change.

I've shown differently throughout the 4 threads via the testimonies of EX homosexuals.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Keep in mind that while these two behaviors are sinful, hence immoral, they're not inherently perverse sexual behaviors, i.e. the participants can change (and thus get God's approval) by marrying and being faithful to one's spouse.

When you talk about fornication and adultery, you're talking about two different things.

People are born with a natural desire for the opposite sex, it's when it's done out of wedlock that it becomes immoral.

There is absolutely no justification to cheat on one's spouse, even though we are born with natural desires which causes us to find the opposite sex attractive.

We aren't wired to be sexually attracted to, and only to, our spouses, as you freely admit here. The point of logic you gloss over is that this does indeed mean we are wired to sinful sexual desires. You even make the point that we must change to become approved by God. And even then only those desires we have toward our spouse is disapproved of. All the other sexual desires, natural though they may be, remain.

Attraction of the opposite sex isn't in and of itself sinful, it's when we allow our thoughts to take control and turn that natural attraction into lust is when it becomes sin.

Just like the homosexual's desires. In both cases, whether homo or hetero, sexual desire, unapproved by God, is still there.

The first is unnatural, the latter is natural unless it's allowed to get out of control (edit, at which time it becomes immoral). Both can be overcome through spiritual (and sometimes if necessary psychological) guidance.
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