Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Liberal/Libertarian policies are coming back to haunt those who embrace them, but unfortunately, they won't admit to it.

a generation ago the the same garbage about protecting women was pushed by conservative to defend racially segregated bathrooms.

I was hoping that you comment on this statement that I made:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's an important question for transgender activists (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym) :

Wouldn't it be considered 'policing a women's restroom/locker room/fitting room' if when someone who observed what they thought was a male enter a women's restroom, locker room or fitting room, confronted him and asked:

"Do you identify as non-binary, or fluid, or demigender, or pangender or gender gifted?"

What gives anyone the right to ask this person, who appears to be a male, but very well might be a female trapped in a male's body, when he's inside a women's restroom/locker room/fitting room the following question:



"Do you identify as non-binary, or fluid, or demigender, or pangender or gender gifted?"

Isn't that discriminatory ...Dante? (and we all know that discrimination is a very bad thing).


New member
I was hoping that you comment on this statement that I made:
I did.

What gives anyone the right to ask this person, who appears to be a male, but very well might be a female trapped in a male's body, when he's inside a women's restroom/locker room/fitting room the following question:



"Do you identify as non-binary, or fluid, or demigender, or pangender or gender gifted?"

Isn't that discriminatory ...Dante? (and we all know that discrimination is a very bad thing).

:crackup: This individual is transgender.

and he is in the restroom you insist he should be using.


Having a fit over who is using what bathroom is very weird

I just want to know if the man accused of assaulting Seattle liberal Kelly Herron in a Golden Gardens women's restroom (a park in NW Seattle) should have been questioned about what he was doing inside a women's restroom?


http://mediaweb.kirotv.com/photo/2017/03/07/golden guy_20170307205511561_7481106_ver1.0_640_360.jpg

It's a simple question ...Dante.

Or maybe you believe that a few beat up, raped or murdered women and little girls is the price that society has to pay so that your LGBTQ movement can have it's sexual anarchist way?
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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No comment on the actual document?

Page 15.

Score 12 points, and according to the LGBTQ friendly World Health Organization, you have AIDS.


Hey, it's your LGBTQ movement's hoax that you're defending, make your case (using the Banqui Defintion) as to why people should believe that AIDS in Africa is the same AIDS that homosexuals in westernized countries have been dying from for 30+ years now.


do you think it's weird that the two women in the picture don't want a man in their restroom?

I think it's weird that a Donald Trump supporter such as yourself is speaking out against something that Donald Trump has been very proactive on for decades now.


He's pretty

(Sigh, GFR7 has returned).

I get the feeling that you believe that the safety of women and children in restrooms, fitting rooms and locker rooms is a joke.

As I mentioned in the above post to your fellow Trump supporter/Libertarian/sexual anarchist: Donald Trump has a long history of supporting Transgender (the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym) supposed 'rights'.

What's with Donald Trump and his love of drag queens and genital mutilators?

I'd pointed out that during the primaries, our soon to be Degenerate in Chief invited transvestite Bruce Jenner to use the women's restroom at Trump Towers (and the transgender activist took him up on his offer).

I also pointed out that Trump was opposed to the North Carolina 'bathroom bill', which kept trannies and those who 'thought' in their mind that they were of the opposite gender (giving voyeurs and rapists an excuse to enter), from using restrooms, fitting rooms and gym locker rooms that are meant for women and girls.

Next comes Trump's nomination of Neil Gorsuch as United States Supreme Court Justice. As shown a few posts back, Gorsuch "...sided with civil rights for "gender identity" in 2009 by adhering to a Ninth Circuit opinion by the liberal Judge Reinhardt, which held the federal law called "Title VII" protects discrimination against gender identity. ...More recently Judge Gorsuch expressed his support for referring to biological men as women."

Being that I don't follow beauty queen pageants, and especially ones that allow mentally ill genital mutilating contestants, I found out somewhat recently that Donald Trump, while owner of the Miss Universe Beauty Pageant, allowed a transsexual to compete, overruling the board of the Miss Universe Pageant who stated that he was ineligible because he lied on his application.



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Not very bright are you?

if you go by chromosomes alone there are three women in that picture.

That's probably the dumbest comment I've seen you make, so far, and it's by far the most unsubstantiated.

How do you know? Did you run DNA tests to confirm the person in that picture has two X chromosomes instead of an X and a y?

What evidence do you have that the person who is taking a selfie in the women's restroom is actually a woman?

Here's the evidence the person is a man:
Short hair
Bulky body
Facial structure.

Here's the evidence that the person is a woman:
I guess you could say the person is in a women's restroom...

So, if you weigh the evidence, which seems more likely? Pervert man in women's restroom taking a selfie with two actual women in the bathroom who are giving him strange looks? Or woman in women's restroom with nothing wrong at all?

Sent from my Pixel XL using TheologyOnline mobile app


New member
I just want to know if the man accused of assaulting Seattle liberal Kelly Herron in a Golden Gardens women's restroom (a park in NW Seattle) should have been questioned about what he was doing inside a women's restroom?


http://mediaweb.kirotv.com/photo/2017/03/07/golden guy_20170307205511561_7481106_ver1.0_640_360.jpg

It's a simple question ...Dante.
Is Gary Steiner a transsexual? No.
Has he ever claimed to be transsexual? No.
Are hatemongers and sexual perverts exploiting Kelly Herron to promote discrimination and thier own sick agenda? You bet.

"Last week I successfully defended myself against a violent sexual assault in a public restroom at Golden Gardens Park in Seattle, yelling “not today, mutherf*cker!” But I’m more upset now than I have been all week after seeing that a political group is using my face, my name and my story to fundraise for I-1552, a ballot initiative that deliberately targets and harms transgender people - including friends whom I respect.

To the people behind I-1552, I say “not today, mutherf*ckers.” I refuse to allow anyone to use me and my horrific sexual assault to cause harm and discrimination to others.

All of us, including transgender people, are concerned about safety in restrooms or any place where we’re isolated and alone. But the fact is I-1552 would not have done one thing to prevent the attack on me. It’s already illegal to enter a restroom or locker room to harm someone, period.

I-1552’s backers say it is supposed to protect women and children from attack, but this initiative is an invitation for abuse and harassment because under this law men could demand to see a woman’s ID with her name and home address, or otherwise force her to prove her gender before allowing her to enter a public restroom.

I-1552’s backers use fear mongering to justify singling out one group, transgender people, for discrimination. I strongly oppose their efforts to repeal Washington State’s decade-old protections against discrimination for our transgender friends, family and co-workers. I demand they immediately refund any money raised using my image, my name, and my story, and I demand Just Want Privacy immediately issue a public retraction."
Kelly Herron responding to those trying to exploit her

Or maybe you believe that a few beat up, raped or murdered women and little girls is the price that society has to pay so that your LGBTQ movement can have it's sexual anarchist way?
Do you care at all about Kelly Herron? Nope.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No comment on the actual document?

Page 15.

Score 12 points, and according to the LGBTQ friendly World Health Organization, you have AIDS.

Hey, it's your LGBTQ movement's hoax that you're defending, make your case (using the Banqui Defintion) as to why people should believe that AIDS in Africa is the same AIDS that homosexuals in westernized countries have been dying from for 30+ years now.

no, your claim that "Score 12 points, and according to the LGBTQ friendly World Health Organization, you have AIDS." is just another one of your lies.
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