Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Regarding forgiveness:

When righteous laws are legislated and enforced, it's much easier for people to forgive those that committed heinous crimes against their loved ones, knowing that they're going to be punished for what they did.

When "intelligent" homosexuals like Dan Savage,


Wayne Besen


and on a smaller scale TOL's GayForReal7, Arthur Brain, alwight and the Jr. Libertarian receive the punishment that they deserve for leading people astray when it comes to the subject of homosexuality, it will be much easier for me to forgive them.


New member
Regarding forgiveness:

When righteous laws are legislated and enforced, it's much easier for people to forgive those that committed heinous crimes against their loved ones, knowing that they're going to be punished for what they did.

When "intelligent" homosexuals like Dan Savage,


Wayne Besen


and on a smaller scale TOL's GayForReal7, Arthur Brain, alwight and the Jr. Libertarian receive the punishment that they deserve for leading people astray when it comes to the subject of homosexuality, it will be much easier for me to forgive them.

Right. This is why Tracer Bullet, PureX, Granite, quip think I am rabidly anti-gay.



New member
Regarding the transvestite (someone who dresses in opposite gender clothing and uses the mannerisms) Coleen Francis:

I found the police report from Evergreen State College. It appears that "Coleen" likes to sit in saunas with his legs spread exposing himself to little girls.



I'd pointed out in early threads that sexual identity doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have your genitals mutilated, you can think that you're a member of the opposite sex and that is grounds for that person (in many states) to enter and use opposite sex facilities.
So "Coleen" is still physically male then?
Still has working genitalia to flash?
Was this stated before somewhere, maybe I missed it? :think:

I don't suppose you were trying to be misleading, were you aCW? :nono:


New member
Oh, and Dan Savage is EXTREMELY intelligent.

You mean you've never heard that a high IQ makes criminals and
the like MORE dangerous???



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and on a smaller scale TOL's GayForReal7, Arthur Brain, alwight and the Jr. Libertarian receive the punishment that they deserve for leading people astray when it comes to the subject of homosexuality, it will be much easier for me to forgive them.

leading people astray on the subject of homosexuality...you mean like falsely claiming that homosexuals recruit or that gays are gay because they were molested as children?


New member
So the little girl was a college student of 17.
And the trans was a man with male genitalia.
thanks for straightening that out.

And I was the one who said she/he/it should not have been in there.

Try and read my posts, if you can muster the IQ power:
I know how hard it is for you, and I do greatly sympathize,



New member
You don't even understand EITHER commandment.

Lets take a good look at what the commandment DOESN'T say:

The Commandment DOESN"T say:Thou shalt love thy enemy as thyself
Sorry Naz but I quoted accurately from G.Mark KJV, if you don't like it or if G.Matthew doesn't seem to quite have the same message, don't blame me.:nono:


New member

[to GFR7:]
Looking at your buddy list GayForReal7
I see that you and Naz are friends.

Do you two private message each other and compare
what mental institutions you've been in
and talk about the medications that you're on?

Normally I stay out of your excursions into Nowhere Land with other posters.

But when you engage in paranoid fantasies,
it disturbs me.

Not because there is any truth whatever to your fear
that I have some kind of 'hatred' for police.

But rather because I'm concerned that someone in your mental state
would continue to have a gun and authority
when you display both a bullying behaviour suitable for a schoolyard,
and disturbing beliefs which are not based on reality,
or more importantly, not based on any evidence.

I don't know who GRF7 is, or if he is a real or a troll, gay or straight.
And frankly, I don't care. This is the internet, and I will likely never
know who he is, just as I'm unlikely to know who you are.

If he is some kind of homo masquerading as a Christian, I don't care,
BECAUSE I actually am a Christian, and I know that upon his death,
your death, and everyone else's death, God will sort it out with
perfect justice and mercy. My faith informs me that he can get
away with nothing, if God wishes to expose him.

"Be not deceived: God is not mocked;
What a man sows he reaps."

The Holy Scripture is clear:
Clear about GRF7 and clear about YOU.

When I asked in you a previous post
if your HATRED of law enforcement came from when you
were a teenager and a big bad policeman took a bag of dope
away from you, you stated that you never use drugs
(I assume you meant recreational ones).
GayForReal7 and other homosexuals as I've shown
have their own reasons for HATING police authority,
is the above yours?
(1) I have NO 'hatred' of law enforcement, or 'police authority'.

(2) I have NO hatred of ANY authority which is actually legitimate.

(3) I don't support police, because I don't believe they have any authority.

(4) The reason they don't have any authority, is because

(i) they don't obey the Laws of God, and
(ii) They don't enforce the Laws of God, and
(iii) They DO enforce ungodly Satanic laws made up by atheist queers.

If you can explain to me how or why police could, or should,
have any authority at all, after acknowledging these three points,
I am glad to listen, and to discuss the issue with you.

(5) I couldn't care less about police and their antics, except insofar
as when they commit criminal acts and break God's Commandments.

(6) I certainly don't hate police any more or any less than other sinners,
and other criminals, and other biker gangs and criminal organizations.

(7) I don't hate any of these groups or categories,
but instead I look at them as sources for converting lost sinners
and bringing them to repentance and salvation.

(8) I don't expect any real repentant sinner who is really saved
to continue sinning
. That means:

(i) I don't expect repentant homosexuals to continue in sexual promiscuity.
(ii) I don't expect murderers to continue murdering.
(iii) I don't expect bodyguards for criminals to continue as bodyguards.
(iv) I don't expect police to remain police.

(9) Its clear from my position that I can't play favourites with police,
or any other group of unrepentant idiots, including firemen, garbagemen,
farmers, mafia dons, drug dealers, gangbangers, illegal immigrants,
or any other profession you care to name.

(10) The reason you IMAGINE I have a 'hatred' of police, is that
you cannot conceive that anyone might disagree with you
about their
job description, their overall honesty and integrity, their service to
communities, their service to powerful rich and evil special interests,
and their moral and ethical status before God Almighty.

I will reiterate to you again some important beliefs in which we differ:

(1) You believe police are necessary. I don't. God doesn't need you.

(2) You believe police are good guys. I don't. Good guys obey God.

(3) You believe police have special authority. I don't.
I believe the Holy Scriptures trump your bogus authority
given by rich men to protect their
wealth and their 'lordship/hoardship' over other men.

These are just a few of areas where we disagee,
and most importantly,
where YOUR Christianity is completely lacking in substance and power.

I would rather live in a world where every honest man had a gun,
than in a world where only people like you had guns.
Thats because I'm PRO Law and Order, not against it.



New member
Nazaroo said:
(10) The reason you IMAGINE I have a 'hatred' of police, is that
you cannot conceive that anyone might disagree with you about their
job description, their overall honesty and integrity, their service to
communities, their service to powerful rich and evil special interests,
and their moral and ethical status before God Almighty.


Nazaroo's words here could be my own.

Your paranoia and your belief that you "know" what others are feeling, believing, and doing, and WHY, is such HUBRIS and it is severely UNChristian.

Moreover, it reveals to all that you are trapped within your own mind.



More from Paul Cameron's article "Violence and Homosexuality":

Homosexual Rape

The National Crime Survey (15) reported that about 1 of every 10,000 males over the age of 11 is raped each year (vs 13 of every 10,000 females) – that is, about 7% of rapes are homosexual. In two jurisdictions, Columbia, SC (16) and Memphis, TN, (17) males accounted for 5.7% of the victims of rape reported to authorities – in only one instance was the assailant a woman.

Along with the rise of the gay rights movement, homosexual rape of men appears to have increased in the past few decades. (5,15,16) Homosexual rape is twice as common in urban areas where gays congregate than in suburban or rural areas. (15) It may also be more common where the gay subculture is accepted: a 1970 study in San Francisco found that 9% of male heterosexuals and 24% of gays; 2% of female heterosexuals and 11% of lesbians reported having been homosexually raped. (18) In our 1983 national urban survey (which did not include San Francisco), 1.3% of heterosexual men vs 12.5% of gay men and 0.6% of heterosexual women vs 8.6% of lesbians reported having been homosexually raped. (5,10)

More alarmingly, between 15% to 40% of statutory rape (child molestation) involves homosexuality. (19) In one study, 25% of white gays (18) admitted to sex with boys 16 or younger when they were aged 21 or older.

Rape at any age is violent and emotionally devastating. But it can also edge victims toward homosexuality. In our national study, almost half the lesbians said they had been heterosexually raped – perhaps gravitating to homosexuality because of the experience. Males often react differently. Thus the Masters and Johnson Institute reported that a “25-year-old man had had his first sexual experience when he was 13 years old. It was arranged by his lesbian mother with an older gay man. After that episode, his imagery and interpersonal sexual experience were exclusively homosexual.” (20) Likewise, “Mr. K, age 22, felt that his change in sexual preference was related to his having been raped by two men…. After the assault he experienced sexual identity confusion and began engaging voluntarily in homosexual activity. When he was seen for evaluation he labeled himself as openly homosexual.” (21)

Now let's look at the words of someone who admitted (in so many words) that he was molested as a child and the effect that it's had on him.

what I mean is I become a raging , foul-mouthed psychotic when I get mad,...

These people need help, not a license to continue their destructive behavior.


So "Coleen" is still physically male then?
Still has working genitalia to flash?
Was this stated before somewhere, maybe I missed it? :think:

I don't suppose you were trying to be misleading, were you aCW? :nono:

From Part 1:

Great piece of "investigative reporting". Something was left out of the story (which the video in the link mentions). Oh yeah, "Colleen" still has his male body parts (details, minor details).

Whether "Colleen" and others like him have gone through genital mutilation surgery or not Al, they're still very sick people.

"Patients who suffer from the belief that they are men trapped in the bodies of women (or women trapped in the bodies of men) need real help. Cutting off a man's private parts, giving him breast implants, shooting him full of female hormones, and taking off his beard will not make him a woman--it will make him something less than a eunuch. Surgery will not change the fact that every cell of the man's body is clearly marked male (XY).

The promotion of "sex changes," and the normalizing of severe gender-identity disorders by radical feminists, pro-same-sex-attraction-disorder activists, and sexual revolutionaries is part of their larger agenda--namely, the destablization of the categories of sex and gender."


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Was there any particular reason to believe that this hapless "Coleen" wasn't simply using the locker room quite innocently as a changing room and was only a concern to homophobic bigots and hate groups aCW?
If the only people who got all upset about "Coleen" were homophobic bigots and the Christian Taliban then there doesn't really seem to be much of a problem.

But do we really need a miserable homophobic army of bigoted self righteous Christian Taliban vigilantes intent on forcing their will on people who may be a bit different, just to simplify the human condition for us?
I say not aCW, vive la difference!
Criminalise the Christian Taliban and hate groups instead! :loser:

That particular one seems to have some serious issues, to say the least.

I should think that someone with "non-standard" genitalia would not want to so publicly advertise that fact, particularly by exposing them in public. I'm not even sure that "she" is a real transwoman (as in someone who possesses a female brain but was unfortunately born with male parts), but a pervert who gets off on exposing "her" you-know-what to underage girls, and who pretends to be a woman for some sick reason.

And here we also see how bigots like aCW actually aid and abet perverts, by enabling them to claim to be victims of discrimination by homophobic and transphobic bigots, to the point where reasonable people (like alwight) end up taking their side, partly in response to all the filth spewing forth by people like aCW. Where as without all that noise coming from people like aCW, the actual perverts would be a lot easier to identify. (Similar to how Joe McCarthy made it that much harder to identify actual Soviet spies, as they could just claim to be an innocent victim of McCarthy's witch hunt and have such a claim be plausible enough to be believed.)

While the actions of this "Colleen" inflict significant harm on the entire transgender community, by giving bottom-feeders like aCW ammunition to use against them.
I take it that aCW has never heard of the myriad ways that one's chromosomes can differ from what one would expect given their gender, even without being transgendered. Of course ignorance seems to be a common trait among bigots.


New member
More from Paul Cameron's article "Violence and Homosexuality":

Homosexual Rape

The National Crime Survey (15) reported that about 1 of every 10,000 males over the age of 11 is raped each year (vs 13 of every 10,000 females) – that is, about 7% of rapes are homosexual. In two jurisdictions, Columbia, SC (16) and Memphis, TN, (17) males accounted for 5.7% of the victims of rape reported to authorities – in only one instance was the assailant a woman.

Along with the rise of the gay rights movement, homosexual rape of men appears to have increased in the past few decades. (5,15,16) Homosexual rape is twice as common in urban areas where gays congregate than in suburban or rural areas. (15) It may also be more common where the gay subculture is accepted: a 1970 study in San Francisco found that 9% of male heterosexuals and 24% of gays; 2% of female heterosexuals and 11% of lesbians reported having been homosexually raped. (18) In our 1983 national urban survey (which did not include San Francisco), 1.3% of heterosexual men vs 12.5% of gay men and 0.6% of heterosexual women vs 8.6% of lesbians reported having been homosexually raped. (5,10)

More alarmingly, between 15% to 40% of statutory rape (child molestation) involves homosexuality. (19) In one study, 25% of white gays (18) admitted to sex with boys 16 or younger when they were aged 21 or older.

Rape at any age is violent and emotionally devastating. But it can also edge victims toward homosexuality. In our national study, almost half the lesbians said they had been heterosexually raped – perhaps gravitating to homosexuality because of the experience. Males often react differently. Thus the Masters and Johnson Institute reported that a “25-year-old man had had his first sexual experience when he was 13 years old. It was arranged by his lesbian mother with an older gay man. After that episode, his imagery and interpersonal sexual experience were exclusively homosexual.” (20) Likewise, “Mr. K, age 22, felt that his change in sexual preference was related to his having been raped by two men…. After the assault he experienced sexual identity confusion and began engaging voluntarily in homosexual activity. When he was seen for evaluation he labeled himself as openly homosexual.” (21)

Now let's look at the words of someone who admitted (in so many words) that he was molested as a child and the effect that it's had on him.


These people need help, not a license to continue their destructive behavior.

That posted comment was of course half-joking.

And about the other, you know nothing.
Nothing. :D (it certainly didn't make me gay;
I know that much. And of course the issue was
addressed within a therapeutic context when I
was much younger. :AMR1: )

I was the one who like NARTH said this trans thing is part of the larger destabilizing agenda.


Here are wise words from Balerion the Black:

And here we also see how bigots like aCW actually aid and abet perverts, by enabling them to claim to be victims of discrimination by homophobic and transphobic bigots, to the point where reasonable people (like alwight) end up taking their side, partly in response to all the filth spewing forth by people like aCW. Where as without all that noise coming from people like aCW, the actual perverts would be a lot easier to identify. (Similar to how Joe McCarthy made it that much harder to identify actual Soviet spies, as they could just claim to be an innocent victim of McCarthy's witch hunt and have such a claim be plausible enough to be believed.)
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New member
(Similar to how Joe McCarthy made it that much harder to identify actual Soviet spies, as they could just claim to be an innocent victim of McCarthy's witch hunt and have such a claim be plausible enough to be believed.)

this can be a serious concern.

In a similar way, Christianity can be temporarily discredited
when extremists, infiltrators, and idiots appoint themselves as
spokespersons for Jesus.


New member
this can be a serious concern.

In a similar way, Christianity can be temporarily discredited
when extremists, infiltrators, and idiots appoint themselves as
spokespersons for Jesus.

fundamentalists do a fine job of discrediting Christianity all by themselves
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