[to GFR7:]
Looking at your buddy list GayForReal7
I see that you and Naz are friends.
Do you two private message each other and compare
what mental institutions you've been in
and talk about the medications that you're on?
Normally I stay out of your excursions into
Nowhere Land with other posters.
But when you engage in paranoid fantasies,
it disturbs me.
Not because there is any truth whatever to your fear
that I have some kind of 'hatred' for police.
But rather because
I'm concerned that someone in your mental state
would continue to have a gun and authority,
when you display both a bullying behaviour suitable for a schoolyard,
and disturbing beliefs which are not based on reality,
or more importantly,
not based on any evidence.
I don't know who GRF7 is, or if he is a real or a troll, gay or straight.
And frankly, I don't care. This is the internet, and I will likely never
know who he is, just as I'm unlikely to know who you are.
If he is some kind of homo masquerading as a Christian, I don't care,
BECAUSE I actually am a Christian, and I know that upon his death,
your death, and everyone else's death, God will sort it out with
perfect justice and mercy. My faith informs me that he can get
away with nothing, if God wishes to expose him.
"Be not deceived: God is not mocked;
What a man sows he reaps."
The Holy Scripture is clear:
Clear about GRF7 and clear about
When I asked in you a previous post
if your HATRED of law enforcement came from when you
were a teenager and a big bad policeman took a bag of dope
away from you, you stated that you never use drugs
(I assume you meant recreational ones).
GayForReal7 and other homosexuals as I've shown
have their own reasons for HATING police authority,
is the above yours?
(1) I have NO 'hatred' of law enforcement, or 'police authority'.
(2) I have NO hatred of ANY authority which is actually legitimate.
(3) I don't support police, because I don't believe they have any authority.
(4) The reason they don't have any authority, is because
(i) they
don't obey the Laws of God, and
(ii) They
don't enforce the Laws of God, and
(iii) They
DO enforce ungodly Satanic laws made up by atheist queers.
If you can explain to me how or why police could, or should,
have any authority at all, after acknowledging these three points,
I am glad to listen, and to discuss the issue with you.
(5) I couldn't care less about police and their antics, except insofar
as when they commit criminal acts and break God's Commandments.
(6) I certainly don't hate police any more or any less than other sinners,
and other criminals, and other biker gangs and criminal organizations.
(7) I don't hate any of these groups or categories,
but instead I look at them as
sources for converting lost sinners
and bringing them to repentance and salvation.
(8) I don't expect any real repentant sinner who is really saved
to continue sinning. That means:
(i) I don't expect repentant homosexuals to continue in sexual promiscuity.
(ii) I don't expect murderers to continue murdering.
(iii) I don't expect bodyguards for criminals to continue as bodyguards.
I don't expect police to remain police.
Its clear from my position that I can't play favourites with police,
or any other group of unrepentant idiots, including firemen, garbagemen,
farmers, mafia dons, drug dealers, gangbangers, illegal immigrants,
or any other profession you care to name.
The reason you IMAGINE I have a 'hatred' of police, is that
you cannot conceive that anyone might disagree with you about their
job description, their overall honesty and integrity, their service to
communities, their service to powerful rich and evil special interests,
and their moral and ethical status before God Almighty.
I will reiterate to you again some important beliefs in which we differ:
(1) You believe police are necessary. I don't. God doesn't need you.
(2) You believe police are good guys. I don't. Good guys obey God.
(3) You believe police have special authority. I don't.
I believe the Holy Scriptures trump your bogus authority,
given by rich men to protect their
wealth and their 'lordship/hoardship' over other men.
These are just a few of areas where we disagee,
and most importantly,
where YOUR Christianity is completely lacking in substance and power.
I would rather live in a world where every honest man had a gun,
than in a world where only people like you had guns.
Thats because I'm PRO Law and Order, not against it.