Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Thanks kindly for the defense. The other day, I actually went back and quoted Wizard because I found some posts in which he was angrily defending himself against the same falsehoods at the hands of aCW as I do. I certainly would not have done that if I were only a sock puppet of him. (does aCW believe him to be stupid as well as dishonest? :think: )

In any case , aCW is free to imagine I am everything but what he OUGHT to truly suspect I am : An honest person voicing what I actually believe and have really experienced. NOT complicated enough for a conspiracy theorist like aCW, apparently. :chuckle:

aCW has a hang up with Wiz, likely stemming from the fact that he was humiliated several times. I can't recall which thead it was now but aCW proudly and confidently linked to a bunch of statistics to support his position. Wiz pointed out that the site he'd linked to was a parody - showing how useless statistics can actually be if you don't vet and corroborate sources. The funniest thing was that he did the exact same thing a few months later - and Wiz called him on it again...

aCW ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer though he can provide a few inadvertent laughs...:D


New member
aCW has a hang up with Wiz, likely stemming from the fact that he was humiliated several times. I can't recall which thead it was now but aCW proudly and confidently linked to a bunch of statistics to support his position. Wiz pointed out that the site he'd linked to was a parody - showing how useless statistics can actually be if you don't vet and corroborate sources. The funniest thing was that he did the exact same thing a few months later - and Wiz called him on it again...

aCW ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer though he can provide a few inadvertent laughs...:D
Oh, dear. :chuckle:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What causes homosexual desires?

As seen throughout this 3 part thread, thousands of people have left the homosexual lifestyle behind, and often times homosexual desires as well.

Why are homosexuals so threatened that people leave homosexual desires behind Traci?
There is no reliable evidence to suggest that one's sexual orientation is a conscious decision - or that it can be "reprogramed" by outside interventions.

I can think of no reason why someone would deliberately choose a same sex orientation, given the harsh societal and government sanctions that have been directed toward this group.


In entertainment news:

I saw this movie today. Faith, family and football; movies don't get any better.

With men like Jim Caviezel in Hollywood, there's still hope.


New member
No. And neither do most openly gay men.
What about this article from Salon.com? :think:

Rest stop confidential

Across America, countless men are meeting up for sex in highway bathrooms. I'm one of them. Here's why

If you’ve ever pulled over to a rest area, you’ve been near men having sex. I’m one of those men, I’ve done it a hundred times; we go into the woods or a truck with tinted windows, in a stall under cold light. It never stops, not for season or time. In the winter, men trudge through snow to be with each other, in the summer, men leave the woods with ticks clinging to their legs. Have you ever stopped at a rest area and found it completely empty? There’s always one man there, in his car, waiting to meet someone new.

This has been going on for a long, long time. The new ways that men meet — endlessly staring into phones, searching on hookup apps like Grindr or sites like Manhunt — haven’t changed the fact that we’re still having sex at rest areas, because they offer something different. For the man who is unsure of his sexuality, or unsure of how to tell others about it, for the man who has a family but feels new desires (or old, hidden ones) unfolding inside of him, the website and the phone apps are just too certain of themselves. They’re for gay men who want to have gay sex. Sex at the rest area, instead, abolishes identity; there’s a sort of freedom there to not be anything – instead, men just meet other men there; men who want the same sort of freedom.




For pages 41-60.



New member
I cannot answer for Wizard or Aaron, as I don't know them.

But your paranoia and false judgments are a joke to all.

By the way, the idea that the public and media celebration of homosexuality - the celebration of it, I said, and not homosexuality itself - could pass away like the hippie celebration or the disco culture was a theory coined by renowned historians and social research experts Howe and Strauss, so you are making fun of them, not myself, on that point. :AMR1:
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Well-known member
I think a lot of people confuse homosexuality with hedonism, so that they confuse a celebration of the liberation of homosexuality from the moral oppression that it's long been subjected to with a celebration of hedonist ideology. And it's people on both sides of the issue that have been confusing the two different ideological phenomena. I also think a lot of people confuse liberalism with hedonism, and are doing so deliberately, as a way of justifying their own self-centered bias.

Not all homosexuals are hedonists, and in fact most are not. They are simply people who look, think, and behave much the same as anyone else, with the exception that they happen to be sexually attracted to members of their own gender. They don't "celebrate" their homosexuality, expressly, though they may understandably celebrate having finally achieved their equal right to marry whom they choose and otherwise live the same as anyone else.

Hedonists, on the other hand, do take pride in their own lusts, and in their willingness to fulfill them. But hedonists can be found among all genders and sexual proclivities, as well as any ethnicities or political persuasions. Yet very seldom as a majority.

I believe a good argument can be made for labeling hedonism as being socially destructive.

I do to believe a good argument can be made for labeling homosexuality as being socially destructive.

So far, all the arguments I'm seeing against homosexuality are really arguments against hedonism being wrongly applied to homosexuality. And my question is, is this misapplication the result of simple ignorance, or of willful bigotry? Because I would certainly rather live next door to a homosexual than to a bigot. And I would have a far greater fear of the influence of a bigoted teacher on my child, or on any other, than of a homosexual teacher.


New member
I think a lot of people confuse homosexuality with hedonism, so that they confuse a celebration of the liberation of homosexuality from the moral oppression that it's long been subjected to with a celebration of hedonist ideology. And it's people on both sides of the issue that have been confusing the two different ideological phenomena. I also think a lot of people confuse liberalism with hedonism, and are doing so deliberately, as a way of justifying their own self-centered bias.

Not all homosexuals are hedonists, and in fact most are not. They are simply people who look, think, and behave much the same as anyone else, with the exception that they happen to be sexually attracted to members of their own gender. They don't "celebrate" their homosexuality, expressly, though they may understandably celebrate having finally achieved their equal right to marry whom they choose and otherwise live the same as anyone else.

Hedonists, on the other hand, do take pride in their own lusts, and in their willingness to fulfill them. But hedonists can be found among all genders and sexual proclivities, as well as any ethnicities or political persuasions. Yet very seldom as a majority.

I believe a good argument can be made for labeling hedonism as being socially destructive.

I do to believe a good argument can be made for labeling homosexuality as being socially destructive.

So far, all the arguments I'm seeing against homosexuality are really arguments against hedonism being wrongly applied to homosexuality. And my question is, is this misapplication the result of simple ignorance, or of willful bigotry?
I think you are pointing out an important distinction. If I have been in error or conflated the two, it would be from an unwillful ingorance.


New member
So far, all the arguments I'm seeing against homosexuality are really arguments against hedonism being wrongly applied to homosexuality. And my question is, is this misapplication the result of simple ignorance, or of willful bigotry?
Without that association aCW hasn't got a rational or secular case of any kind. All he'd have left would be that as God's self-appointed mouthpiece on Earth, homosexuality is an abomination because "God" (aka aCW) says so, and I (aCW) don't like it, or I am jealous (not sure which).:think:

Dark Radiance

New member
What about this article from Salon.com? :think:

Please note the qualifier I placed in my statement. I stated "openly gay men."
In the Salon article, the writer states "For the man who is unsure of his sexuality, or unsure of how to tell others about it, for the man who has a family but feels new desires (or old, hidden ones) unfolding inside of him, the website and the phone apps are just too certain of themselves. They’re for gay men who want to have gay sex. Sex at the rest area, instead, abolishes identity; there’s a sort of freedom there to not be anything – instead, men just meet other men there; men who want the same sort of freedom."
Restroom sex is almost always is the purview of heterosexual men who just want a sexual release, or closeted gay men who think they can't be seen at a gay bar, or holding hands with another man in public.


New member
Please note the qualifier I placed in my statement. I stated "openly gay men."
In the Salon article, the writer states "For the man who is unsure of his sexuality, or unsure of how to tell others about it, for the man who has a family but feels new desires (or old, hidden ones) unfolding inside of him, the website and the phone apps are just too certain of themselves. They’re for gay men who want to have gay sex. Sex at the rest area, instead, abolishes identity; there’s a sort of freedom there to not be anything – instead, men just meet other men there; men who want the same sort of freedom."
Restroom sex is almost always is the purview of heterosexual men who just want a sexual release, or closeted gay men who think they can't be seen at a gay bar, or holding hands with another man in public.
You're right. I stand corrected. :hammer:


The homosexual movement is known for using acronyms. As shown throughout this 3 part thread, LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual. As they've attempted to increase their numbers over the years, they've added additional acronyms such as "Q" for "Queer" and"Questioning", "U" for "Unsure", "C" for "Curious", "I" for "Intersex", "2" for "Two-Spirit" persons, "A" or "SA" for "Straight Allies", or an "A" for "Asexual", "P" for "Pansexual" or "Polyamorous", "H" for "HIV-Affected" and "O" for "Other" (in case they left anything out).

As seen in the Homosexual Slang Dictionary, homosexuals have all kinds of nicknames and terms in the perverted subculture that they are proudly partake in.

One acronym that I found especially interesting was this one that I came across on the website "AcronymFinder.com":

What does GFR stand for?

GFR stands for Gay for Real


Oh dear.


I think a lot of people confuse homosexuality with hedonism, so that they confuse a celebration of the liberation of homosexuality from the moral oppression that it's long been subjected to with a celebration of hedonist ideology...

Since we're currently in the segment talking about homosexual violence, I'll share a few words that homosexualist PureX had to say in another thread (which I posted in part 2).

Jesus didn't live in a time that had idealized freedom. But we are living in such a time. I believe it is right for human beings to destroy those among them who wish to subjugate their fellow human beings. I believe it's right to do so for the survival, well-being, and advancement of humanity.

This is not an ideal that anyone in Jesus time would have understood. That would be my exception to violence being reserved for responding to an otherwise unreasonable and imminent threat.

For those of you that don't understand what this evil person just said, I wrote it out in a following post:

Quote: Originally post by aCultureWarrior

(What our ultra left wing friend here is talking about is some good ole fashioned genocide. Of course the people that would be "destroyed" would be us right wing homophobic bigoted Christians who are "subjugating" their fellow human beings for things like abortion, sodomy, recreational drug use, pornography and a long list of other things that the left wing Jesus would have embraced in the name of "idealized freedom").

I then followed that post up with a video which I've shown in this thread and one that should always be on the front of Christian's minds in todays ever changing for the worse society:



New member
The homosexual movement is known for using acronyms. As shown throughout this 3 part thread, LGBT stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transsexual. As they've attempted to increase their numbers over the years, they've added additional acronyms such as "Q" for "Queer" and"Questioning", "U" for "Unsure", "C" for "Curious", "I" for "Intersex", "2" for "Two-Spirit" persons, "A" or "SA" for "Straight Allies", or an "A" for "Asexual", "P" for "Pansexual" or "Polyamorous", "H" for "HIV-Affected" and "O" for "Other" (in case they left anything out).

As seen in the Homosexual Slang Dictionary, homosexuals have all kinds of nicknames and terms in the perverted subculture that they are proudly partake in.

One acronym that I found especially interesting was this one that I came across on the website "AcronymFinder.com":

What does GFR stand for?

GFR stands for Gay for Real


Oh dear.
No, it is my initials (first name is Gianfranco ) :AMR1:
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