Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
('Gay' Christian alert! 'Gay' Christian alert! You can practice homosexuality and at the same time not abandon God. I wonder if our newbie feels that way about incest and adultery as well?).

I feel the same way bout those who are deceitful, who talk back to or disobey their parents, who are guilty of gossip, who are arrogant (could this be you, Warrior). I read and accept Paul's words, " . . . for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself." (Ro 2:1).

Sorry your view of self leaves you with the impression that you are sinless. Do I have that right? You are without sin? I leave you, for the moment, with John's statement in I Jo 1:8, using present tense verbiage, he writes, "If we say we are having no sin, we make him a liar and the word has no place in our lives. "

Let's stay on subject, shall we, and leave off the "newbie" nonsense. I would not be surprised to know that I have been around and in the word longer than you. Your ad hom attack has nothing to do with this discussion, btw.

I wouldn't worry about any 'gay slurs' that A Culture Wannabe throws about. He pretty much accuses anyone of being homosexual that doesn't adhere to his every given opinion on the matter. I hear he can kill a party atmosphere by just threatening to show up...


I wish the debate here would be more intelligent, but that requires basic Bible knowledge, which open theists don't have. So I don't know why I waste my time.

(Because Jr. has shown vast "Biblical knowledge" in his past posts).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Accepting any type of behavior between people as long as it's consensual is Biblical?

You don't realize how very very sick you are son.

Define the word "acceptance." If by "acceptance" you mean "Not using violence to prevent" and by "consensual" you are talking about adults, and not children who live with their parents, than yes, I would say "accepting any type of behavior between people as long as its consensual is Biblical."...


I wouldn't worry about any 'gay slurs' that A Culture Wannabe throws about. He pretty much accuses anyone of being homosexual that doesn't adhere to his every given opinion on the matter. I hear he can kill a party atmosphere by just threatening to show up...

Something Johnny boy can probably relate to back in the days when police raided 'gay' bars.



Oh, were you there?


No Art I wasn't, but I get a sneakin suspicion that our newbie went through police raids at 'gay' bars back in the days when homosexuality wasn't celebrated like it is today.

Hopefully I didn't scare Johnny boy off and he'll return to the thread and talk about the good ole days when drugs and chicken hawks were king in places like "The Stonewall Inn".



New member
from the Wannabe Warrior: No Art I wasn't, but I get a sneakin suspicion that our newbie went through police raids at 'gay' bars back in the days when homosexuality wasn't celebrated like it is today.

Nope. I am still around, watching some of the children on this thread, when they come out to play. Interesting. I will join in when you have something intelligent to say. Don't want to lose IQ points arguing with you. So I will wait until you deal with my questions.

I am waiting, Wannabe . . . . . . still waiting . . . . . . . . still waiting . . . . still waiting . . . . . . Hmmmmmmm Guess you do don't have anything to say. Talk to you later, Ad Hom Phenom.

Oh, btw, anyone remember Eddie Murphy and his harsh criticism of gays? You know he quite with all that. Why, you ask? Because he was caught in an ally with some transgender sweetie. Kind of makes me wonder if Wannabe is not more in the closet than he admits.


from the Wannabe Warrior: No Art I wasn't, but I get a sneakin suspicion that our newbie went through police raids at 'gay' bars back in the days when homosexuality wasn't celebrated like it is today.

Nope. I am still around, watching some of the children on this thread, when they come out to play.

(A Freudian slip?).

Interesting. I will join in when you have something intelligent to say. Don't want to lose IQ points arguing with you. So I will wait until you deal with my questions.

I am waiting, Wannabe . . . . . . still waiting . . . . . . . . still waiting . . . . still waiting . . . . . . Hmmmmmmm Guess you do don't have anything to say. Talk to you later, Ad Hom Phenom.

Oh, btw, anyone remember Eddie Murphy and his harsh criticism of gays? You know he quite with all that. Why, you ask? Because he was caught in an ally with some transgender sweetie. Kind of makes me wonder if Wannabe is not more in the closet than he admits.

Darn, and I was so hoping that I'd finally find an older homosexual (it's rare to find one still alive) that remembers the good ole days of Harry Hay and his association with NAMBLA and Frank Kameny scaring the pencil necks at the APA into removing homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses to come forward and reminisce. Oh vellllllllll.

Anyway: this is where you tell us that you're married (to a woman even) and have a dozen or so little rugrats running around, because it seems that everyone on TOL that defends buggery seems to be ashamed to admit that they partake in it.

Go figure.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
Well, just like not all who defend the military are soldiers, not all who defend the police are cops, and not all who defend homos are homos.

The odd thing is, I don't know what would offend the average person here more, if I were to say that homosexuality wasn't a sin, or if I were to say that working for a corrupt and unrighteous government is (The latter was the point, BTW).

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
(Because Jr. has shown vast "Biblical knowledge" in his past posts).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Accepting any type of behavior between people as long as it's consensual is Biblical?

You don't realize how very very sick you are son.


You wouldn't understand "nuance" if it stabbed you in the throat.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No Art I wasn't, but I get a sneakin suspicion that our newbie went through police raids at 'gay' bars back in the days when homosexuality wasn't celebrated like it is today.

Well, let's face it, your 'suspicions' are like a 'stop sign' being in charge of traffic control in New Orleans. Totally ridiculous and aubergine to boot.

Hopefully I didn't scare Johnny boy off and he'll return to the thread and talk about the good ole days when drugs and chicken hawks were king in places like "The Stonewall Inn".

I doubt anyone's ever been scared by you really. You're just a clown and a wannabe bully who's probably been scared by others more than anything, and on a serious note I wouldn't actually find that funny.


New member
Wannabe Warrior writes: Anyway: this is where you tell us that you're married (to a woman even) and have a dozen or so little rugrats running around, because it seems that everyone on TOL that defends buggery seems to be ashamed to admit that they partake in it.

Indeed. We have 7 children (two teachers, one doctor, one lawyer, two nurses, and a businessman). Seven with 18 grandchildren and all of them are children of faith.

And who am I talking to? A man who refuses to answer questions, becomes an atheist when confronted with biblical realities (I compare your claim to be Christian in your bio versus your claim to be atheist when I asked the meaning of something you wrote). I wonder, do you understand the meaning of the word "convoluted," oh great Wannabe? No education to speak of, no accomplishments you want to share, only hate as you cover-up the skeletons in your closet. Guys like you run jihad, populated the KKK, advanced the Crusades, and killed Jesus. Vicarious accomplishments, in this case, make you less of a man. But keep slapping your gums. You, alone, maintain this thread to give you something to do when you are not robbing banks or whatever you do during the day. I am pretty sure I know what you look like _ it is obvious to me you only have one tooth.



Well, just like not all who defend the military are soldiers, not all who defend the police are cops, and not all who defend homos are homos.

Notice how the Jr. Libertarian compares two things that God ordained to do good with something that He abhors and detests.

You are correct Jr., not all who defend homosexuality are themselves practicing sodomites, that is why I use the term "homosexualist":

A “homosexualist” is an individual of either gender, who may or may not be a sodomite or a lesbian, but who does what he or she can to advance homosexuality.

Since the cop-hating/military-hating spoiled little brat is here, I'm going to take this opportunity to put a big plug in for the movie "American Sniper" and personally thank one of America's modern day heroes, the late Chris Kyle (and his wife Taya) for the sacrifices they and so many others made to help keep us free.



While I think that everyone should go see this powerful movie, I highly encourage Jr. and his fellow Libertarians to save up their allowance and see it, as it shows what kind of barbarians (or as Kyle, played by Bradley Cooper said at least twice in the movie: "savages") Judeo-Christianized civilizations are dealing with.

Bradley Cooper, who I've gained an enormous amount of respect for playing the role of Chris Kyle and going against the military hating Hollyweird elitists for doing so, used the term

"God, Family, County"

in the movie, so I decided to see where that phrase originated from.

While I couldn't find who originally said those 3 words that should mean so much to every freedom loving American, I did run across this article by former US Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson that is well worth reading and remembering.

Since Benson was at one time the President of the Mormon Church, I'm going to dedicate this post to my good friend (not to be confused with one of my bestest friends in the whooooole wide world) musterion, because he loves the Mormons so very much.

God, Family, and Country

by Ezra Taft Benson. From God, Family, Country: Our Three Great Loyalties, pg. 406. 1974.

While attending the Fairfax Christian School in Virginia, my grandson Ezra Taft was introduced to the historical character Israel Putnam. Israel Putnam was one of the Revolutionary War farmers who left his plow in the field and gave up his comfort in order to protect his family, defend his inalienable God-given rights, and help establish this great, free country. It is heartening to know that today there are still those who answer to the rallying cry of God, family, and country.

Recently it was my privilege to walk across a part of that sacred soil where some of the best blood of Israel Putnam’s generation was shed for freedom and the redemption of this land. Those noble souls did not initiate freedom, and one of the privileges of mortal life is the opportunity to rise in freedom’s defense during the time when Lucifer is permitted to tempt and test men with his satanic schemes of slavery. This is part of our mission today. The same sun that shone on Israel Putnam during his mortal probation shines on us. And the same issues of light and darkness, force and freedom, right and wrong, that provided men a chance to prove themselves in his day continue to sift the souls of men today.

The thing that concerns so many of us today is not that wickedness is new, but that never before in our history has it been so well organized or so insidiously successful. Now, in view of this fact, and with a final showdown approaching between the powers of good and evil, may I be so bold as to make a few personal observations and express my convictions regarding God, family, and country...

Read more: http://www.latterdayconservative.com/ezra-taft-benson/god-family-and-country/


While I haven't checked my clothing labels lately to see if there is a combination of wool and linen in any of them, I am very concerned about the last sentence as I planted carrots AND tomatoes in the same vegetable garden this past summer. (GASP!).
Gasp away.

The truth is that the planting of two or more different crops is forbidden by the Bible.

I'll make you a deal aik7: I'll stick with eating lobster and shrimp and you stick with your homosex, we'll see which one God disapproves of when we meet Him on our judgment day.
I'll stick with Jesus of Nazareth, thanks.


New member
Same here (Reformed Baptist fundie myself;))

This thread is frustrating on multiple levels. If someone advocates criminalizing sexual vice because of the effects on society, someone makes a comparison to Red Lobster, not understanding the distinction between ceremonial, moral, and civil law* (theonomists deny the separation between the moral and civil law, but there's a difference between arguing it doesn't exist, and just plain being unaware of it)
please cite the chapter and verse that states there there are divisions in the law, specifically ceremonial, moral, and civil


Wannabe Warrior writes:

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Anyway: this is where you tell us that you're married (to a woman even) and have a dozen or so little rugrats running around, because it seems that everyone on TOL that defends buggery seems to be ashamed to admit that they partake in it.

Indeed. We have 7 children (two teachers, one doctor, one lawyer, two nurses, and a businessman). Seven with 18 grandchildren and all of them are children of faith.

Come on Johnny boy, if you're going to pretend to be a practicing heterosexual you're going to have to do better than that. Let's try again:

Indeed. We have 7 327 children (two teachers 4 that were US Presidents, one doctor, one was the first man to walk on Mars, one lawyer one Olympic athlete who swam across the Atlantic Ocean in record setting time, two nurses turtle doves, and a businessman partridge in a pear tree). Seven with 18 2,297 grandchildren and all of them are children of faith...

like their grandpa is.

There, I didn't want homosexualist GFR7 out "embellishing" you.

Granted, there are millions of parents and grandparents out there that promote the filthy-disease ridden behavior known as homosexuality (most of them because they have a child, a relative or a close friend that proudly engages in it, so their morals evolve based on what a family member does), but I guess it's just too difficult for me to grasp as to why people who are responsible for safety and well-being of children identify with a movement that murders helpless babies in the womb and indoctrinates and physically molests innocent children.

Perhaps you can enlighten the readers of this 3 part thread why Johnny boy?

And who am I talking to? A man who refuses to answer questions, becomes an atheist when confronted with biblical realities (I compare your claim to be Christian in your bio versus your claim to be atheist when I asked the meaning of something you wrote). I wonder, do you understand the meaning of the word "convoluted," oh great Wannabe? No education to speak of, no accomplishments you want to share, only hate as you cover-up the skeletons in your closet. Guys like you run jihad, populated the KKK, advanced the Crusades, and killed Jesus. Vicarious accomplishments, in this case, make you less of a man. But keep slapping your gums. You, alone, maintain this thread to give you something to do when you are not robbing banks or whatever you do during the day. I am pretty sure I know what you look like _ it is obvious to me you only have one tooth.


Obviously you didn't understand the "3 tenets of atheism" Johnny boy.

A Christian pastor by the name of Doug Wilson (he debated the late atheist/bisexual Christopher Hitchens in a video called "Collision") came up with the first two tenets, they go like this:

For the atheist there are two tenets (A doctrine, principle, or position held as part of a philosophy, religion, or field of endeavor) to atheism:

1. For some atheists, there is no God
2. For other atheists, they plain and simply HATE God

I've added the last tenet since seeing how some like little Mattie Vines HATE God so much that they attempt to change His Word so that people believe that God approves of the absolutely filthy behavior that little Mattie and other proudly engage in:

3. The atheist HATES God so much that they attempt to change Holy Scripture to meet their own selfish and perverted desires.

While I understand that the average homosexualist aint too bright, I hope that this helps you understand the term.

Oh and Johnny boy:

"Get tested".


New member
For the atheist there are two tenets (A doctrine, principle, or position held as part of a philosophy, religion, or field of endeavor) to atheism:

1. For some atheists, there is no God

For all atheists this is true.

2. For other atheists, they plain and simply HATE God

Then they are not atheists. If they believe there is a god to hate, then they believe there is a god.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
For the atheist there are two tenets (A doctrine, principle, or position held as part of a philosophy, religion, or field of endeavor) to atheism:

1. For some atheists, there is no God

For all atheists this is true.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
2. For other atheists, they plain and simply HATE God

Then they are not atheists. If they believe there is a god to hate, then they believe there is a god.

alwight the atheist and I have discussed this topic numerous times. I believe what Pastor Wilson was getting at in tenet #2 is that there are some atheists who HATE God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture. If an atheist doesn't believe God exists, why even discuss His book of morals?

Anyway, I don't want to turn this into a religion thread, as it's in the politics forum for a reason.


New member
For those that have been following the thread, you've seen 4 things time and time again

1. anti-gay lies created by quacks.

2. False claims about child abuse, life expectancy, agendas, NAMBLA, the APA

3. Personal attacks and name calling directed at anyone who confronts the false claims presented here with actual evidence

4. Hate.

Since homosexuality was decriminalized, we've seen how the invaluable institutions of marriage and the family have been mocked by homosexuals in the name of "equality". We've also seen how these very very sick people through their evil agenda
What agenda?

and political and cultural clout were able to enter and have a negative effect on other institutions such as the military,
what negative effect?

the media/entertainment,
what negative effect?

and youth mentor groups.
what negative effect?

2). The indoctrination of children and teens into accepting homosexuality as something 'normal'. By exposing toddlers and infants to homosexual 'culture' and being raised by homosexual 'parents', it starts children off at a very young age into accepting this perversion as something natural.

This indoctrination not only involves taking these innocent children to homosexual "pride parades" and festivals where all kinds of sexual debauchery are openly displayed in public, but indoctrinating them through the news media, entertainment and education.
It must be difficult to think of trying to indoctrinate into a lifestyle of bigotry when they have first hand knowledge that the lies you spread are nothing more than lies

The physical molestation of our youth has always been a big part of homosexuality as well, be it 'grooming' children into having sex with a homosexual elder, or the outright rape of the child.
TO bad reality doesn't support this

We've seen that the modern day "pioneers" of the homosexual movement were advocates of the pedophile organization known as the North American Man Boy Love Association, and it will be shown in the "Homosexual Pedophilia and Pederasty" segment that children have always played a major role for many of those that engage in homosexual behavior.
No we have seen early rights activists fight the unequal application of age of consent laws form which hate groups have fabricated the sick claims you mention here

Homosexual activists also use the force of law to take parental rights away from those parents who want to help their sexually confused child who is suffering from same sex attraction. Drafting and passing legislation that prohibits those children from receiving therapy is yet another form of child molestation.
"therapy" that ignores the well being of the client in favor of promoting a specific agenda. "Therapy"that has no evidence to support it's claims. "Therapy" that not only doesn't work but has been shown to be harmful. "Therapy" that relies on the "therapist" lying to his/her clients. "Therapy that involves physical, emotional abuse.

3). Intolerance and violence against those that speak out against homosexual behavior or it's agenda and amongst those that engage in homosexual behavior themselves. Remember that these threats and violence are often times perpetrated against Christians whose only 'crime' is that they're attempting to share the Word of God with sinners.

Those horrible people standing up to hate and discrimination

Bakeries, florists and innkeepers who simply state that it goes against their Christian beliefs to cater to a faux homosexual marriage ceremony, have been fined, threatened with jail time, and ordered to attend "sensitivity training".

Professional athletes, the most recent being a football player who responded on a social network to an openly homosexual football player kissing his boyfriend with the word "horrible", was suspended, fined and sent to "sensitivity training" for his non politically correct view of homosexuality.
Just like if they made racist or anti-Semitic statements

I'll continue with "violence amongst homosexuals" in part 3, showing the disproportionate amount of homosexual serial killers and the violence amongst homosexual domestic partners.
You're still trying to peddle that lie? Really?

Throughout both part 1 and 2, reports have been shown that homosexuals are disproportionately contracting HIV/AIDS and various other sexually transmitted diseases through CDC and other medical organization studies.
And that is why the majority of all known cases of HIV are found in heterosexual women

I've also shown why these terribly sexually confused people contract these preventable diseases, but will go into much greater detail in a segment entitled "Disease and early death amongst homosexuals".
DO you have anything other than the self published junk for a discredited researcher, one who was tossed out of his professional organization for making up research data on homosexuals?


New member
alwight the atheist and I have discussed this topic numerous times. I believe what Pastor Wilson was getting at in tenet #2 is that there are some atheists who HATE God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture. If an atheist doesn't believe God exists, why even discuss His book of morals?

Anyway, I don't want to turn this into a religion thread, as it's in the politics forum for a reason.
I wonder why you nevertheless keep repeating this rubbish aCW? It's simply devoid of rational logic.
Maybe you think that atheists are simply compelled to deny the God they actually do know exists?
Why you seem to think that any particular religious scripture would be hated by atheists without a god behind it is again rather strange. :liberals:

However, selected Biblical scripture is often routinely trotted out by evangelising Christians including their particular favourite well thumbed tracts.
Those of little or no belief are told of their eternal damnation while homosexuals are often specifically singled out for contempt.
You yourself will use it as a fig leaf fall-back for your homophobic bigotry if the situation calls for it.

If Christians cared to stop trying to use Biblical scripture against others, and instead kept it to themselves, then I at least would not be inclined to return their proselytising with some of my own from their own holy book, perhaps from the less than well thumbed pages.
However I do understand that Christians will often consider themselves obliged to proselytise from their holy scripture which is perfectly fine, but just don't expect me anyway not to give some back rather than meekly keep quiet about their interpretation of the musings of ancient middle-eastern goat herding folk.
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