Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
After that amazing come from behind victory over the Green Bay Packers that gave the Seattle Seahawks their 2nd consecutive NFC championship, I wanted to share an article about some of the players Christian faith.

The article is a year old but it still is as true today.

"Followers of Christ"? Give me a break.

Anyone who focuses on Jesus is mocked and insulted, just as Meshak on these boards has been

I didn't realize that meshak played professional football, which team is she on, the "Pacifist Panthers"?

Jesus could have cared less about Heaven. It was in great shape and could do just fine, thank you. It's the EARTH where the problems are! And what I have seen of many of today's Christians as well as the football player culture, I can dispense with this elitist bragging from a Seattle Seahawk.

"Pray to the Father in secret." --Jesus of Nazareth

With all of the professional athletes out there having extra marital affairs, getting various women pregnant out of wedlock, being chargeed with assault and murder, guys like Russell Wilson are a much needed role model for not only the kids that idolize professional athletes, but for other professional athletes as well.


Whatsamatta aikido7, can't you deal with the realities of sexual perversion?
I think I can, but maybe we have a difference of opinion.

Once someone else exhibits behavior that we aren't familiar with, we can call them perverted and keep them in a file where we don't have to think about it.

(Al, is this guy a homophobic bigot or what?)
My post about a photo of two women was supposed to be sarcastic. It's hard to get across voice tone and facial expressions on the Internet.


The question is:


what are you going to do about it?
Since I probably do the same thing, all I can do now is try to be aware of it and try to understand why and where and when it happens.

It may be a normal human quality that gets out of control when someone has a large dose of the quality and cannot control him or herself.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Whatsamatta aikido7, can't you deal with the realities of sexual perversion?

I think I can, but maybe we have a difference of opinion.

Once someone else exhibits behavior that we aren't familiar with, we can call them perverted and keep them in a file where we don't have to think about it.

Your problem is with God and His rules regarding human sexuality, not me.

(Al, is this guy a homophobic bigot or what?)

My post about a photo of two women was supposed to be sarcastic. It's hard to get across voice tone and facial expressions on the Internet.

Thanks for clarifying that; you had me worried, that was so out of your typical fag defending character.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The question is:

what are you going to do about it?

Since I probably do the same thing, all I can do now is try to be aware of it and try to understand why and where and when it happens.

Do what same thing, get hooked up romantically with someone of your own gender and adopt innocent children and indoctrinate them to the ways of perversion?

It may be a normal human quality that gets out of control when someone has a large dose of the quality and cannot control him or herself.

Perversion is neither normal nor a human quality.


I didn't realize that meshak played professional football, which team is she on, the "Pacifist Panthers"?
You know very well what I meant. You are turning it into a joke so you won't have to deal with what she is bringing up: Jesus of Nazareth.

It's not easy to take Jesus seriously. It is well-nigh impossible for me to do so in my daily life.


If you are working for somebody, you are a 'slave' akin to the OT view. Some parents make their children earn allowances too. :noway:
No, dorkstick, if you don't have land property, it means you are in servitude. But yes, the slaves were paid for their labor.


When homosexualist GFR7 was continuously ranting in this thread that he was against 'gay' marriage therefore he must be an opponent of the LGBTQueer movement, I stated that I would make a post showing that there are other homosexuals/ists who are against SSM as well.

But first let me say that I can only imagine how frustrated the fairies, bull dykes, drag queens, pedophiles and pederasts who make up the LGBTQueer movement must be with people like GFR7 and others who take for granted the hard work that homosexual activists made in getting where they are today with 'marriage equality'.

For example:

A Connecticut homosexual pled guilty in August of 2012 to sending 300 threatening messages, including death threats, to the leader of a state pro-life, pro-marriage organization.

Here in Washington State a homosexual activist threatened defenders of traditional marriage by shouting racial slurs and intimidating amongst others, a pregnant woman.

Back in Maryland in late 2012 a brave 14 year old girl received death threats for her address to the Maryland Legislature defending God ordained marriage.


Defenders of traditional marriage promoting Proposition 8 in California had their business and homes vandalized by 'tolerant' homosexual activists, were assaulted and at least one person was forced to resign from his job as a theater director for donating to the cause.

Etc. etc. etc.

I hope that you will all join me in sending ungrateful homoseuxalists like GFR7 and proud and unrepentant homosexuals (and organizations) like the ones linked below a BIG "boo!" "hissssss" because they don't appreciate what the forefathersfairies of the LGBTQueer marriage equality cause have done for them.

Gays against Adam and Steve

I’m gay, and I oppose gay marriage

I'm Gay and I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

Gays Against Gay Marriage (GAG)


New member
When homosexualist GFR7 was continuously ranting in this thread that he was against 'gay' marriage therefore he must be an opponent of the LGBTQueer movement, I stated that I would make a post showing that there are other homosexuals/ists who are against SSM as well.

But first let me say that I can only imagine how frustrated the fairies, bull dykes, drag queens, pedophiles and pederasts who make up the LGBTQueer movement must be with people like GFR7 and others who take for granted the hard work that homosexual activists made in getting where they are today with 'marriage equality'.

For example:

A Connecticut homosexual pled guilty in August of 2012 to sending 300 threatening messages, including death threats, to the leader of a state pro-life, pro-marriage organization.

Here in Washington State a homosexual activist threatened defenders of traditional marriage by shouting racial slurs and intimidating amongst others, a pregnant woman.

Back in Maryland in late 2012 a brave 14 year old girl received death threats for her address to the Maryland Legislature defending God ordained marriage.


Defenders of traditional marriage promoting Proposition 8 in California had their business and homes vandalized by 'tolerant' homosexual activists, were assaulted and at least one person was forced to resign from his job as a theater director for donating to the cause.

Etc. etc. etc.

I hope that you will all join me in sending ungrateful homoseuxalists like GFR7 and proud and unrepentant homosexuals (and organizations) like the ones linked below a BIG "boo!" "hissssss" because they don't appreciate what the forefathers of the LGBTQueer marriage equality cause have done for them.

Gays against Adam and Steve

I’m gay, and I oppose gay marriage

I'm Gay and I Oppose Same-Sex Marriage

Gays Against Gay Marriage (GAG)

Because no bigot has ever killed a homosexual or threatened violence.


New member
(What homosexualist TracerBullet just did was send a BIG "boo!" "hisssss" to those ungrateful homosexuals in the LGBTQueer movement who he thought were his allies in the same sex marriage cause).

Are you really trying to pretend that no anti-gay individuals have ever send death threats, have never attacked gays , never killed gays? That no anti-gay individuals have ever vandalized churches that reject hate? anti-gay individuals have ever slaughtered their own child because he/she was gay?


Are you really trying to pretend that no anti-gay individuals have ever send death threats, have never attacked gays , never killed gays? That no anti-gay individuals have ever vandalized churches that reject hate? anti-gay individuals have ever slaughtered their own child because he/she was gay?

But but but Traci, I'm only trying to show that if it weren't for your fellow LGBTQueer activists threatening the lives of 14 year old girls (I won't talk about threatening rape of the little girls of politicians who backed traditional marriage because we all know that fags only like little boys, not little girls) LGBTQueer activist and icon Dan Savage wouldn't have been able to 'marry' some guy by the name of 'Terry' (who he undoubtedly met in a public restroom toilet stall) so that they could honor the institution of marriage by having threesomes.



I don't know if any of you looked over these 4 websites that I posted earlier showing why some who proudly engage in homosexual behavior are against same sex marriage.


The above article doesn't really get to the gist of the matter other than the author isn't sure what he'd call his fellow proud and unrepentant sodomite:

"In short, I understand the sentiment, and I appreciate the desire for an acknowledgement that my relationship is the equal of any other. But Sam and I don’t even know what to call each other. “Boyfriend” sounds trite. “Partner” sounds like a business arrangement. Significant other, better half, lover, all unwieldy or awkward. Out of frustration and facetiousness, I usually refer to him as “my de facto husband-type-person.”

The next proud and unrepentant homosexual who is against SSM sounds a lot like homosexualist GFR7: he's concerned about the children.

"The mantra I heard repeatedly in Minnesota was that “marriage is about love, commitment, and responsibility.” But these three things are not the state’s interests in marriage. Marriage, from the state’s perspective, is about kids. Period. That’s the reason the institution exists. We should tremble at and fear the notion of undoing it."

Yet the thilly thavage that wrote the article doesn't mention how his LGBTQueer movement indoctrinates children via the media, youth mentor groups and education and doesn't seem to be the least bit concerned that they do.

The Gays Against Gay Marriage (GAG) website gets down to one of the key factors of marriage and why those who engage in same sex sodomy should be against it:


"Now stop trying to force your oppressive, frilly, and boring traditional institutions meant to ensure monogamy on my hot, promiscuous, anonymous gay sex."

Again, as seen in my above post where LGBTQueer activists went to great lengths to get where they are today (threatening 14 year old girls with death, pushing around and threatening little old ladies and pregnant women), the above sodomites just aren't grateful for what they have.



I see that once again I need to update the table of contents, as I'm backlogged close to 100 pages.

After I catch up on that, I'll do an overview of the 3 part thread, starting off with "Silencing the Christians (and anyone else who dare speak out against homosex and the agenda that goes with it)".

But first: In proud and unrepentant sodomite news:

For you Libertarians out there who seem to think that recriminalizing homosexuality would mean more government, here is yet another story showing government involvement in homosex.

Feds Spent $432,000 Studying Gay Hookup Apps

NIH project studied ‘arousal’ of gay men when using Grindr

Jan. 22, 2015

"The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has spent nearly a half a million dollars studying gay hookup apps such as Grindr.

The government awarded $432,000 to Columbia University to interview gay men who use GPS dating apps and determine whether it increases their likelihood of engaging in risky sexual behavior.

“Smartphone technologies have provided a new venue for sexual partnering among men who have sex with men (MSM),” the grant for the project states. “Indeed, there are a rapidly growing number of smartphone applications designed to facilitate sexual partnering among MSM.”

The project argues that dating apps that use the Global Positioning System, or GPS, has “accelerated” the rate that gay men can find sexual partners, compared to online.

“Furthermore, given the expediency with which men are able to arrange sexual encounters using these applications, there is cause to question if, when, and how sexual negotiation and serostatus disclosure occurs,” the grant said. “The overall study goal is to understand how sexual risk behaviors among MSM may be facilitated by the nature of GPS-enabled smartphone applications, the way they are used, and the process by which sexual partnering occurs via smartphone applications.”

Read more: http://freebeacon.com/issues/feds-spent-432000-studying-gay-hookup-apps/

You might recall by reading in this 3 part thread that it is Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health that is behind a lot of these useless/pro homosexual LGBTQueer studies.



I gotta hand it to Pope Frank for speaking out on this issue, as he's been real wishy washy when it comes to the culture war. I have to warn you though Frank, any further talk like this and not only will the fag rag " The Advocate" rebuke your "Man of the Year" Award, but TOL'er Art Brain (whose spent 2 hours at the Holocaust Museum, hence making him an expert on the subject of Adolf Hitler) will give you a piece of his mind as well.


Pope Francis compares pushing gay agenda to ‘Hitler Youth’ indoctrination

Jan. 21, 2015

"In comments at his Monday in-air interview that were totally ignored by the mainstream media, Pope Francis lamented the Western practice of imposing a homosexual agenda on other nations through foreign aid, which he called a form of “ideological colonization” and compared to the Nazi propaganda machine.

Asked by a reporter to explain the phrase “ideological colonization,” the pope gave an example from 1995 when, he says, a minister of education in a poor area was told she could have a loan for building schools so long as the schools used a book that taught “gender theory.”

"She said yes, and also made them give another book, of a different orientation. And so she succeeded," he explained according to a transcript by America, the Jesuit magazine known as the English-language publisher of a major papal interview in 2013. "This is ideological colonization. They enter with an idea that has nothing to do with the people; but with groups of people yes, but not with the people. It colonizes the people with an idea that wants to change a mentality or a structure."

This ideological colonization “is not new, the dictators of the last century did the same,” Francis said. "They came with their own doctrine. Think of the BalilLa (The Fascist Youth under Mussolini), think of the Hitler youth."'

Read more: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/p...il&utm_term=0_0caba610ac-31eed7faa6-397586945



New member
I think we make a big mistake treating homosexuality differently from the other sins named at the end of Romans, chapter one. Also, we forget that Paul's point in writing this list was to say "And such were some of you" (Chapter two). We all sin, we all sin on purpose, we all serve the "law of sin" Rom 7:25, we are all saved only by the unmerited favor of God and God in Christ.


I think we make a big mistake treating homosexuality differently from the other sins named at the end of Romans, chapter one. Also, we forget that Paul's point in writing this list was to say "And such were some of you" (Chapter two). We all sin, we all sin on purpose, we all serve the "law of sin" Rom 7:25, we are all saved only by the unmerited favor of God and God in Christ.

But not all of us are proud of our sins nor do we create an extremely powerful movement to promote it.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
But not all of us are proud of our sins nor do we create an extremely powerful movement to promote it.

I actually pretty much agree with you on the homo-fascists making a movement to use the State to promote their views and so forth.

The problem is that there are positions in between "Make X criminal" and "use the State to endorse and propagandize for X."

Even if you support making X criminal, it is still possible to accept the above.

I don't so much have a problem with your position as your assumption that everyone who thinks different is a lunatic.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
But not all of us are proud of our sins nor do we create an extremely powerful movement to promote it.

I actually pretty much agree with you on the homo-fascists making a movement to use the State to promote their views and so forth.


The problem is that there are positions in between "Make X criminal" and "use the State to endorse and propagandize for X."

Even if you support making X criminal, it is still possible to accept the above.

For those of you that don't read Loonatarian: Jr. (who since starting community college last year has advanced clear to the letter "X" in the alphabet) just said that if we as a society recriminalize homosexuality we have to criminalize all you can eat buffets as well (if you don't believe me, check Part 2's table of contents for Jr.'s loonatarian analogies).
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