Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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"But I say, do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also."

Hmm... Let's just ignore that bit and cherry-pick the bits that agree with our biases.

I've seen atheists with a better grasp of Scripture than you have. Were you sleeping in parochial school?


New member
Do you know that to be true?
How do you know?
How you know what God thinks?
So, which bit of the Bible? Leviticus?
Was Jesus wrong?


Do you believe that God made all animals?

You know it is polite to answer questions, right?

I bore easily. If you want to talk about homosexual pioneer Frank Kameny and how he didn't think bestiality was wrong ("as long as the animal didn't mind, and it rarely does"), we can. If not, come back when you can make your case for homosexuality, either biblically or secularly.


New member
I bore easily. If you want to talk about homosexual pioneer Frank Kameny and how he didn't think bestiality was wrong ("as long as the animal didn't mind, and it rarely does"), we can. If not, come back when you can make your case for homosexuality, either biblically or secularly.

Why bother? You can only preach hate.

I don't think that Jesus would like you.


New member
Here is my contribution:

Are Homophobic People Really Gay and Not Accepting It?


Study finds homophobia linked to unacknowledged attractions to the same sex.

A series of studies recently published in the prestigious Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found higher levels of homophobia in individuals with unacknowledged attractions to the same sex, particularly when they grew up with authoritarian parents who also held homophobic attitudes. In the university press release, Netta Weinstein, the study's lead author said, "Individuals who identify as straight but in psychological tests show a strong attraction to the same sex may be threatened by gays and lesbians because homosexuals remind them of similar tendencies within themselves." In the same release, study co-author Richard Ryan added, "In many cases these are people who are at war with themselves and they are turning this internal conflict outward."

Attitudes towards gay and lesbian people are an important part of current political issues like the legality of same-sex marriage and employment nondiscrimination. Yet little scientific research has been done on what drives such anti-gay attitudes.

According to the team of researchers, this study is the first to document the role that both parenting and sexual orientation play in the formation of anti-gay attitudes, including self-reported homophobic attitudes, discriminatory bias, implicit hostility towards gays, and endorsement of anti-gay policies. One prior study used genital measures of sexual attractions and found that homophobic men showed an increase in penile erections to male homosexual male erotica.

And remember God loves everyone and all that they do or He is not omnibenevolent.

God bless.


Here is my contribution:

Are Homophobic People Really Gay and Not Accepting It?


Thanks, I really needed to read an article written by a fag from the pro homosexual American Psychological Association.

If you really want to contribute to this thread, admit that you are a practicing homosexual (because there is nothing wrong with that and "God loves everyone and all that they do").

Be proud of the behavior that you defend SignunCrucis!


New member
Thanks, I really needed to read an article written by a fag from the pro homosexual American Psychological Association.

If you really want to contribute to this thread, admit that you are a practicing homosexual (because there is nothing wrong with that and "God loves everyone and all that they do").

Be proud of the behavior that you defend SignunCrucis!

LOL. You are really funny.

I love this kind of humour.
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