Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 3

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
ACW, if you have the Holy Spirit within you, do you think He approves
of your hatred of homosexual sinners? Do you believe you're following
the will of God for your life?


New member
aCW: Here is a couple whose example you could follow. :think: They've painted anti-gay sayings on their vehicle.

What think ye, aCW? Do you have ample spray paint (or you could buy some) and a hankering to get 15 minutes of fame in Kentucky?
Anti-Gay Idaho Couple Spreads Homophobic Message On Their Hate Truck



Some call themselves Christians! However, few are "truly" in
the Body of Christ and Christ in them! Which category you're
in, I'm uncertain. However, if one looks at your hateful banter,
I would have my doubts about your being in the Body of Christ?

Let me help you with those questions that you refuse to answer Grosnick:

Do you consider yourself an anarchist Grosnick?

Being that you use the force of TOL government to report and ban people who break TOL laws, in fact you used TOL government 3 times yesterday alone, you are by no means an anarchist (I bet that you even call 911 when the next door neighbor's kid accidentally throws his football into your yard).

Are those involved in the homosexual movement anarchists? Absolutely not, as they legislate immoral laws that amongst other things punish people of faith with heavy fines and the threat of jail time for refusing to go against their faith by baking a cake, arranging floral bouquets or photographing a homosexual 'wedding'.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God/God in the flesh was an anarchist Grosnick?

When it came to the act of homosexuality, God abhorred it so much that He destroyed 2 entire cities that amongst other things, were overrun with sexual perversion.


God abhorred sexual sins so much that He told the Jewish people to put to death people who engaged in homosexuality, adultery and bestiality (He repealed the punishment phase for those sexual sins in the New Covenant, but did not repeal laws that forbid such immoral acts).

So no, God is by no means an anarchist.

Do you believe that abortion should be dealt with solely through prayer and witnessing or that righteous laws should be legislated to curtail the atrocity that has been happening in our once great country for over 41 years?

I think that you, like me, believe that people should pray and witness to those confused people who want to have an abortion (the father of the unborn child as well as the mother) and that righteous laws need to be once again legislated so that the evil people who perform these atrocities (they call themselves "doctors") will not be allowed to openly do so and cause the death of another 57 million unborn babies in the next 40+ years.

The same things goes for those that are engulfed in homosexual behavior. We need to pray for and witness to them (I pray for GFR7 daily), but we also have to use the force of law to destroy the evil agenda that came with the decriminalization of homosexuality several decades ago, the same agenda that amongst other things recruits and uses innocent children.

Now that I've answered those questions for you, I do believe your fellow Christian Nazaroo is awaiting an answer from you.
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Originally Posted by Grosnick Marowbe
Let's face it, you're "obsessed" with homosexuality! Is that ALL
you have to talk about?

On target: :BRAVO:
He is obsessed for sure.

This coming from someone who started dozens of threads about homosexuality in the less than 4 months that he's been at TOL?


New member
aCultureWarrior said:
This coming from someone who started dozens of threads about homosexuality in the less than 4 months that he's been at TOL?
Yip. Mine are about gay marriage.
In any case, you claim I am one so why throw that up to me, either I iz or I ain't. :freak:


...In any case, you claim I am one so why throw that up to me, either I iz or I ain't. :freak:

For someone who avidly defends homosexual behavior (i.e as long as it's consensual/laissez faire, live and let live), you sure do act like there's something wrong with it.

Why is that GFR7?


New member
For someone who avidly defends homosexual behavior (i.e as long as it's consensual/laissez faire, live and let live), you sure do act like there's something wrong with it.

Why is that GFR7?
I don't defend it. I made one comment because I was attempting to show respect for Christian Liberty. I never said all consensual sex is morally OK. Never. :AMR1:



First let me thank you for taking time away from your pity party thread where you and your fellow liberals cry over the demise of monsters who rape 7 year old girls, who are given "prison justice" by inmates who despise the human garbage that you defend, because unlike you, they've fathered children.

While you cry over these despicable degenerates, I'll pray for the child and her family who will have to go through their lives trying to cope with the fact that her childhood innocence was stolen from her, something that the children who are victims of the homosexual agenda have to cope with for the rest of their lives as well.

Let me also thank people like you/WizardofOz, Art Brain, TracerBullet and Persephone66 (does anyone know when Chuck's ban is up, as I respect his honesty about perversion) for motivating me to fight this culture war until my dying breath, as you're a daily reminder of the sick and evil people that are out in this world who currently have control of our laws and culture.

On that note: Back later with another updated 20 pages of the table of contents (I promise), and what to expect from this thread in the upcoming months and years.


New member
First let me thank you for taking time away from your pity party thread where you and your fellow liberals cry over the demise of monsters who rape 7 year old girls, who are given "prison justice" by inmates who despise the human garbage that you defend, because unlike you, they've fathered children.

While you cry over these despicable degenerates, I'll pray for the child and her family who will have to go through their lives trying to cope with the fact that her childhood innocence was stolen from her, something that the children who are victims of the homosexual agenda have to cope with for the rest of their lives as well.

Let me also thank people like you/WizardofOz, Art Brain, TracerBullet and Persephone66 (does anyone know when Chuck's ban is up, as I respect his honesty about perversion) for motivating me to fight this culture war until my dying breath, as you're a daily reminder of the sick and evil people that are out in this world who currently have control of our laws and culture.

On that note: Back later with another updated 20 pages of the table of contents (I promise), and what to expect from this thread in the upcoming months and years.
Stop babbling; I never stood up for any pedophile, you blubbering fool. :loser: Learn to separate ideology and concepts from complete immersion in something. My thread is about Christopher Lopez, and if you cannot see the crime in what occurred to him, then you are indecent.

And how DARE you tell me I am not a father, when you know I have a son who is struggling with many issues, and who has always been the center of my life. :madmad:


New member
It seems that if I am not here to fight with him, and you all are not here to scorn or refute him, there is no action on this thread.

I never see anyone simply come on and treat him in a "hail-fellow-well-met" manner. :think:


New member
It seems that if I am not here to fight with him, and you all are not here to scorn or refute him, there is no action on this thread.

I never see anyone simply come on and treat him in a "hail-fellow-well-met" manner. :think:
When you first came here you did try to be reasonable to him but you were quickly spurned as have many others before you, who may have once considered him an ally.
I warned you not to give away any personal details to him, it apparently doesn't worry him if he abuses your trust and he did. :plain:


New member
When you first came here you did try to be reasonable to him but you were quickly spurned as have many others before you, who may have once considered him an ally.
I warned you not to give away any personal details to him, it apparently doesn't worry him if he abuses your trust and he did. :plain:
Yes, true - and I do thank you for warning me and have only myself to blame. At this point, I don't care because it speaks more about him than anyone or anything else.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
First let me thank you for taking time away from your pity party thread where you and your fellow liberals cry over the demise of monsters who rape 7 year old girls, who are given "prison justice" by inmates who despise the human garbage that you defend, because unlike you, they've fathered children.

While you cry over these despicable degenerates, I'll pray for the child and her family who will have to go through their lives trying to cope with the fact that her childhood innocence was stolen from her, something that the children who are victims of the homosexual agenda have to cope with for the rest of their lives as well.

Let me also thank people like you/WizardofOz, Art Brain, TracerBullet and Persephone66 (does anyone know when Chuck's ban is up, as I respect his honesty about perversion) for motivating me to fight this culture war until my dying breath, as you're a daily reminder of the sick and evil people that are out in this world who currently have control of our laws and culture.

On that note: Back later with another updated 20 pages of the table of contents (I promise), and what to expect from this thread in the upcoming months and years.

He wasn't defending or 'crying' over the demise of child molesters as you well know, unless you have a severe reading comprehension problem? He pointed to a specific case involving a person who should have been in a psyche ward who was despicably and cruelly treat and died as a result. Do you think nobody sees through your blatant crap? Of course you had to taint the victim as having 'gang tats' where in actuality he suffered from schizophrenia, was guilty of petty offences and needed help. Where's your compassion for him aCW? Where's your vitriol for those who laughed and jibed when he was dying on the floor? Cos I doubt many of them are laughing now having being sacked and up on disciplinary charges.

As for your 'table of contents' and what to expect? Given how your thread has been a morass of disinformation, lies, outright bollocks and you being a pratt it's pretty obvious what there is to expect. More of the bloody same...


New member
He wasn't defending or 'crying' over the demise of child molesters as you well know, unless you have a severe reading comprehension problem? He pointed to a specific case involving a person who should have been in a psyche ward who was despicably and cruelly treat and died as a result. Do you think nobody sees through your blatant crap? Of course you had to taint the victim as having 'gang tats' where in actuality he suffered from schizophrenia, was guilty of petty offences and needed help. Where's your compassion for him aCW? Where's your vitriol for those who laughed and jibed when he was dying on the floor? Cos I doubt many of them are laughing now having being sacked and up on disciplinary charges.

As for your 'table of contents' and what to expect? Given how your thread has been a morass of disinformation, lies, outright bollocks and you being a pratt it's pretty obvious what there is to expect. More of the bloody same...
Thank you for this.
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