Why God Cannot Decree Someones Salvation


New member
There is no scripture in the Bible where God decrees someone saved. Not in the Old Testament or the New Testament. In the Old Testament they were saved by faith in God's promise of a savior.

"Abraham believed God and it was counted unto him for righteousness" Romans 5:3.

In the Calvinist Synod of Dordrecht, First Head, Article #6 it says, "That some receive the gift of faith from God and others do not receive it, PROCEEDS FROM GOD"S ETERNAL DECREE".

My question is, Why didn't God just decree that everyone be given faith to believe and save the whole world by a decree?

I suspect that if God did that it would spoil it for the Calvinist. They want to believe that God has chosen "SOME CERTAIN PERSONS" First Head, Article #10 to be saved and they are one of those "SOME CERTAIN PERSONS". This reeks with the spirit of arrogance and Pharisaism.

If God decreed salvation for some and not all , that would make God unjust, unmerciful and unrighteous. What is it that makes these "SOME CERTAIN PERSONS" more favorable to God than others? I have yet to hear an answer on that one.

The Pharisees also thought that they were special to God, Jesus referred to them as snakes, hypocrite and other insulting things, see Matthew the 23rd chapter. The minute that you think that you have done something special to merit favor with God is the minute that you have fallen from grace.

If God can just decree that "SOME CERTAIN PERSONS" are saved, then who needs Jesus Christ and his Gospel? It appears to me that the main objective of John Calvin's Calvinism was to by pass Jesus Christ and his Gospel and be saved by a decree from God. It is not going to happen that way. No need for you to come to Christ as a repentant sinner, God has decreed that you are saved. All of that crucifixion, blood and suffering of Jesus Christ was for nothing.[/QUO TE

You seem to ignore such verses as Rom. 8:29-30; Eph. 1:3-10; and how about 1 Tim. 1:15
"This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, came into the world to save sinners...."
1 Tim. 2:3-4 "For this is good and acceptable in
the sight of God our Savior; who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." KJV, TYP.
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New member
God is sovereign only within his holy, just, merciful and righteous nature. God cannot and will not sin against himself or his created beings. All that God does is just and right. Salvation is possible only through and by Jesus Christ. If you do not come to Christ as a repentant sinner to be saved by him, you will most certainly perish. That and that alone is God's way.

"God is sovereign only"? To limit the Sovereignty of Elohim is to de-throne Him. To suggest that the Almighty is not actually almighty, unless? Unless He conforms and acts in a manner that man approves of maybe? In your world man is almighty and the Almighty is a puppet or some sort of performer...perish the very thought.

For the record:

I am deeply offended by Pate and his perverted teachings. I feel offended, I look offended and I am offended.


New member
"God is sovereign only"? To limit the Sovereignty of Elohim is to de-throne Him. To suggest that the Almighty is not actually almighty, unless? Unless He conforms and acts in a manner that man approves of maybe? In your world man is almighty and the Almighty is a puppet or some sort of performer...perish the very thought.

For the record:

I am deeply offended by Pate and his perverted teachings. I feel offended, I look offended and I am offended.

God is not Sovereign in all things the Achilles heel of the Reformed. Sin is a violation of his Divine will not something he ordained. Reformed make God the author of sin.


New member
So who created the father of lies? And did so with perfect foreknowledge.

God created Lucifer perfect until iniquity was found in him not the creator. You're a sinner and such a terrible and awful one that you accuse God to his face of ordaining sin. So blind and arrogant that you can't see you've been deceived by the false prophet Calvin.


New member
God created Lucifer perfect until iniquity was found in him not the creator. You're a sinner and such a terrible and awful one that you accuse God to his face of ordaining sin. So blind and arrogant that you can't see you've been deceived by the false prophet Calvin.

Without sin there would be no need for salvation.

Robert Pate

Well-known member
"God is sovereign only"? To limit the Sovereignty of Elohim is to de-throne Him. To suggest that the Almighty is not actually almighty, unless? Unless He conforms and acts in a manner that man approves of maybe? In your world man is almighty and the Almighty is a puppet or some sort of performer...perish the very thought.

For the record:

I am deeply offended by Pate and his perverted teachings. I feel offended, I look offended and I am offended.

That's because Jesus Christ is still a stumbling stone and a rock of offense, 1 Peter 2:8.


New member
That's because Jesus Christ is still a stumbling stone and a rock of offense, 1 Peter 2:8.

You are an offence Pate and not Messiah. Stop putting words into my mouth.

I was asked by a nurse a few weeks ago if I was allergic to anything. I thought of you and said yes, blatant stupidity and willful ignorance.


New member
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of Elohim: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

Just like you can't believe that Christ died for all men. It's the acid test that you're a goat!