Why Don't the Liberals Want a Wall?

Kit the Coyote

New member
Except a 2000 mile border wall attempting to separate half the western hemisphere is neither of those things- that's not even an argument but rather apples and oranges.

The truth is that the only reason Trump wants a wall is because it's a personal victory for him. It's also the reason Democrats don't want it. A wall of that length is completely pointless without other measures and because Trump insists on wanting that rather than working with Congress basically damns any notion that it's some emergency- if it were one he'd rather negotiated from the start.

But instead you got nothing but extreme power playing by a president who actually is at this point just being a flat out demagogue. He's not serving the country here the country is serving him.

The reality is by the time they are finished with all the court battles, redesigns, and actual construction, it is a question if the wall could be finished in Trump's remaining lifetime much less his presidency. If he gets his funding he gets to claim victory for a solution that will do nothing about the current 'crisis'.


Well-known member
Nobody is proposing not doing anything either, but that doesn't stop the Right from nonetheless acting like anyone against Trump's demand just wants an open border.
As I said, if it were so much an emergency than it wouldn't be an issue- a bipartisan deal would've already happened. This is just about his own personal victory and all you're doing is serving that.

Nonsense, Trump has offered everything but the kitchen sink. The Dems won't deal. Period. They won't even give what they offereed before.


Nonsense, Trump has offered everything but the kitchen sink. The Dems won't deal. Period. They won't even give what they offereed before.

Too little too late. The Dems have washed their hands with it which is the natural action when people feel they've been pushed around enough.


Nonsense, Trump has offered everything but the kitchen sink. The Dems won't deal. Period. They won't even give what they offereed before.
In 2016, he Republican majority in the Senate refused to even meet with Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland - but now they expect House Democrats to bail Trump out of a dilemma of his own making!

Given that 57% of the American public blames this President for the government shutdown, just how longer will those Republican politicians facing re-election in 2020 be content to serve as Trump's "lemmings?"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Phillips is a lying piece of crap... Now the MSM is trying to dox this kid.

looks like the story is turning around, although it's interesting to watch as some media are still (just?) reporting the original fake news story and others are already on the second cycle of retractions/updates

ABC affiliates, for example, are just now reporting the original fraud

meanwhile, even lib sites on patreon are admitting the original narrative was wrong

i have yet to see CNN offer a revision

oh, and nathan Sandmann's out there - he was doxed early on social media, went mainstream with a statement

a helluva lot more reserved than i would have been, or than i imagine his father would like to be

eta: wiki is still behind the curve


Heh. "Pushed around." Good one.

Republicans made no attempt at bipartisanship. They decided that since the Democrats pushed them around they would push them back, and are oddly confused that the democrats are pushing still.
You can't have the whole cake.


Well-known member
In 2016, he Republican majority in the Senate refused to even meet with Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland - but now they expect House Democrats to bail Trump out of a dilemma of his own making!

Given that 57% of the American public blames this President for the government shutdown, just how longer will those Republican politicians facing re-election in 2020 be content to serve as Trump's "lemmings?"

Listen to your President:



Heh! "Bipartisanship." Another knee slapper.

Keep 'em coming.
With 57% of the American public holding Trump and the Republican responsible for this record setting government shutdown, Nancy Pelosi is introducing them in the political "school of hard knocks!"

The problem is that Trump's ego is such that he has no interest in learning from his past mistakes - because he will never admit to making them!


Well-known member
With 57% of the American public holding Trump and the Republican responsible for this record setting government shutdown, Nancy Pelosi is introducing them in the political "school of hard knocks!"

The problem is that Trump's ego is such that he has no interest in learning from his past mistakes - because he will never admit to making them!

You're actually funny now! I do like your new posting style. :thumb:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
looks like the story is turning around, although it's interesting to watch as some media are still (just?) reporting the original fake news story and others are already on the second cycle of retractions/updates

ABC affiliates, for example, are just now reporting the original fraud

meanwhile, even lib sites on patreon are admitting the original narrative was wrong

i have yet to see CNN offer a revision

oh, and nathan Sandmann's out there - he was doxed early on social media, went mainstream with a statement

a helluva lot more reserved than i would have been, or than i imagine his father would like to be

eta: wiki is still behind the curve

3 hours ago, NYT reports "Fuller Picture Emerges"

56 minutes ago, CNN still reporting original story :darwinsm:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that if a Lie be believ’d only for an Hour, it has done its Work, and there is no farther occasion for it.

Falsehood flies, and the Truth comes limping after it;

so that when Men come to be undeceiv’d, it is too late; the Jest is over, and the Tale has had its Effect…


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
After 2 years, "The Donald" has exhausted his "bag of tricks," Trump's "fake news" ploy is nothing more than an attempt to divert the American public's attention away from the facts!

only six more years to go, jg! :banana:

then you can look forward to President Pence's first term in 2025! :first:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
3 hours ago, NYT reports "Fuller Picture Emerges"

56 minutes ago, CNN still reporting original story :darwinsm:

and the libs on patreon are still way ahead of the msm on this :darwinsm:

what amazes me is that every shot of the incident shows literally scores of cameras in play - everybody is recording this, from every conceivable angle

why on earth did the msm think this would play as fake news without being challenged?


Well-known member
Making America Stupid Again

Karen De Coster (found at LewRockwell.com)

This script of the native American drummer “being harassed” has gone overboard.

I cannot believe how many people believe every false narrative they see on social media, especially when it is one of those well-edited videos accompanied by a graphic overlay of “what happened” that is meant to indict one party while drawing sympathy for the other party that is deemed to be the “victim.” These videos, always, are designed to lock you into the point of view of the presenter without daring to question it, because to do so would be so politically incorrect that you’d be too ashamed and too intimidated to be the one non-believing outlier that stands out in front of your friends on social media. Opining on the side of the so-called “victim” without having an understanding of the framework and context is virtue-signaling for the sake of winning approvals.

The “what happened” should immediately be objectively questioned rather than forming a spontaneous emotional reaction and making an uninformed comment. What happened with the native American drummer is not what the MSM has presented to us. Folks should have suspected that without ever having to see this full-footage video. What all happened is still up for grabs, but what is known is that the MAGA youths were approached and/or harassed by the drummer and others in the crowd because of they way they looked, and what they were wearing. And here’s another video showing the MAGA youths being approached.

Questions, people, ask the questions first. Howard Stern was right when he said social media is going to kill all of us.