Why Calvinist, Catholics, Others, Hate the Historical Gospel of Jesus Christ

Robert Pate

Well-known member
You don't believe the Gospel, you teach salvation by the works of man

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Man cannot save himself because he is a sinner. But he can respond to the Gospel and be saved.

"So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God" Romans 10:17.

You must be stone deaf.


New member
Pate has made it his personal, lifelong agenda to war with Calvinism :chuckle:
...and Catholicism, and anything else that happens to contradict or correct the personal opinions of men that he's been fed by his preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect (Brinsmead-ism).

Robert Pate

Well-known member
...and Catholicism, and anything else that happens to contradict or correct the personal opinions of men that he's been fed by his preferred recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect (Brinsmead-ism).

If there was just something in the New Testament that resembled Catholicism, but there is NOTHING. Maybe this is why Catholics don't have much use for the scriptures. There is nothing in there about them.


Christians are called to preach the Gospel. It is the Gospel that refutes you phony non biblical religion.

Christians are called to preach the Gospel to those who are the elect. It is the doctrine of Irresistible Grace- everyone else are simply bystanders.


New member
Christians are called to preach the Gospel to those who are the elect. It is the doctrine of Irresistible Grace- everyone else are simply bystanders.

Christians are called to preach the gospel to the world. God will decide who are the 'elect'.