Who was the first human antichrist?

Ben Masada

New member
Satan is the first and last antichrist. He is the only one who was in existence in the 1st century when it was penned and will be alive in the last century. The antichrist is a spiritual being seeing that John said this is the spirit of antichrist. Satan is the antichrist and those who are imbued with his spirit are the followers of antichrist.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph. 6:12

Since Satan does not exist as a being in reality, Paul became the one, first of all, because he founded Christianity if you read Acts 11:26 and the author of II John 2:18,19 says that the Antichrist is identified as coming out from the ranks of Christianity. Jesus was a Jew and he knew that Satan does not exist. Any reference to Satan as a real being did not come from Jesus but later from Paul. Any mention to Satan in the Tanach is purely metaphorical as a concept to illustrate the evil inclination in man.

patrick jane

Since Satan does not exist as a being in reality, Paul became the one, first of all, because he founded Christianity if you read Acts 11:26 and the author of II John 2:18,19 says that the Antichrist is identified as coming out from the ranks of Christianity. Jesus was a Jew and he knew that Satan does not exist. Any reference to Satan as a real being did not come from Jesus but later from Paul. Any mention to Satan in the Tanach is purely metaphorical as a concept to illustrate the evil inclination in man.

What's it like being a complete idiot ?

Ben Masada

New member

Will you agree that the Levites are still going strong?

No, as a matter of fact, and according to Ezekiel 37:22 the Tribe of Levy does not exist any more. Modern Jews keep the memory of the Levites on because of nationalism as the religious Jews in general want to recover the old Tribal system and likewise, to bring the sacrifices back with the rebuilding of the Temple. They cannot accept the fact that it is not the will of God to bring the sacrifices back with the rebuilding of the Temple. As a matter of fact, and according to Prophet Jeremiah 7:22, HaShem never commanded that sacrifices of animals were to be part of the religion of Israel. Why then they became so? As a result of Pichuach Nephesh when Moses found necessary to add the sacrifices in order to help the Exodus of the People out of Mitzraim.


Ben is not an idiot. Ben Masda is a Levite.

The Levites rate the bible like this

1 first the Law of Moses


2 the prophets


3 psalms are mainly writings of David to support his right to the throne

This makes genesis 49:10 superior to any writing outside the first four books of the Old Testament.


The Ezekiel verse is talking about the Northern and Southern kingdoms. The Old Tesament is replete with predictions of the Levites lasting "forever".

"forever" is a debatable term

Ben Masada

New member
The Ezekiel verse is talking about the Northern and Southern kingdoms. The Old Tesament is replete with predictions of the Levites lasting "forever". "forever" is a debatable term

I bag to disagree because Prophet Ezekiel is talking about what remained from Psalm 78:67-69 after HaShem rejected the Tent of Joseph aka Ephraim aka the Ten Tribes and confirmed Judah to remain as a People before the Lord forever. Then the New Israel composed of the Tribe of Judah, and about 10% of the Ten Tribes that escaped Assyria, especially the Levites, and joined Judah in the South and were exiled to Babylon for 70 years. Regarding the term "forever" it is not debatable as the Jews are concern because forever here does not mean absolutely without an end but conditionally as we live as a People before the Lord. As we reject the Lord, we cease being the ones for a time till we set things right with the Lord again and we are taken back as what have happened with the establishing Of modern Israel. (Ezekiel 37:22)

Ben Masada

New member
Ben is not an idiot. Ben Masda is a Levite.

The Levites rate the bible like this

1 first the Law of Moses


2 the prophets


3 psalms are mainly writings of David to support his right to the throne

This makes genesis 49:10 superior to any writing outside the first four books of the Old Testament.

The whole thing in this post of yours above is totally wrong. I think you are simply joking.



Genesis 49:10 is no joke. Until 70ad the verse was interpreted as Shiloh being a man of the tribe of Judah. After 70ad nonchristian jewish religious people were forced to spin the verse.

By the way. If you would I will agree with you concerning the Apostle Paul if instead you call him Saul of Tarsus. Saul of Tarsus was a religious bigot. But as the first human antichrist he too was a Johnny come lately. Besides Saul was Predestined to deliver up the Keys to the Kingdom to the Gentiles. The loss was saved for the Levites. I will show you.


King Uzziah was wroth with the High Priest. And King Uzziah was stricken. II Chronicles 26:16-21


As a matter of fact one doesn't even have to be an Isrealite to be King.

Case in point

1 Herrod
2 "We have no king but Caesar!"


So when Joshua the High Priest was crowned king in Jerusalem there was nothing wrong with that.

But when Joshua the High Priest and King in Jerusalem took the title


Then that was a declaration against


Josuah the High Priest was the first human anti Christ

And Zechariah was the false prophet to the first human antichrist.


dialm's perscription for the future.

Christians should stop opposing the building of the Temple in Jerusalem. Christians should stop opposing animal sacrifices.

Don't misunderstand. We are not to do anything to help them build the Temple or start up its operation. Only stop opposing it

Look at it this way. Once they start up animal sacrificing it will create such a stinch in Heaven that the Lord will have to come down with



New member
Since Satan does not exist as a being in reality, Paul became the one, first of all, because he founded Christianity if you read Acts 11:26 and the author of II John 2:18,19 says that the Antichrist is identified as coming out from the ranks of Christianity. Jesus was a Jew and he knew that Satan does not exist. Any reference to Satan as a real being did not come from Jesus but later from Paul. Any mention to Satan in the Tanach is purely metaphorical as a concept to illustrate the evil inclination in man.

I'll take Paul's word over yours. He was an apostle and you're just an apostasile.

Bradley D

Well-known member
No, the kingship is of the Davidic Line.

"He is the one who will build a house for my Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever" (2 Samuel 7:13).

Jesus Christ is the Eternal King.

"He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David" (Luke 1:32).


The throne of David that the Father gives to the Son is not a physical throne.

Jesus ran the money changers out and said they were not to make His Father's house a den of thieves. Then in 70ad the physical temple was destroyed. Proof that Jesus has no attachment to physical temples or thrones. They mean nothing. The money changers were training little children to use religion to make money.

So it is ok if the Supremme Court takes away every bit of property that American Christians own.

Better to enter Heaven penniless then to train children to reject God's Word on marriage. Why is the sanctity of marriage so important that God would have us sac our physical wealth?

Jesus is married to us. We must hold onto that marriage at all cost. Even if it kills us.


(The Bible is not Anti Semetic/Anti-Jewish) 2 Chronicles 23:18 ................ the people God used to record his written Gospel were referred to as Levites, for a long period of time the Jewish People that held this position were considered, "Levites". God is no longer recording his written Gospel, that was completed with the book of revelation, the Apostles were the last to be considered "Levites". ........................ (Jesus is in Heaven, he is the Lamb Slain in Revelation, not the Antichrist, a false position is only suicide) The Gospel records only Two Legitimate, "HIGH PRIESTS", one is Christ before the Foundation of the Earth he was called Melchisedek to begin the sequence of the Old Testament. Second, is Zechariah,Zacharias (Budda/Buddah), who served as a High Priest to begin the sequence of the New Testament. There are no more high priests according to the Gospel's Program (High Priest makes some intercession with the Gospel's Program, the Antichrist does not do that, a false position is only suicide))

Jesus Answers the Parable of Daniel about the Antichrist Directly

Daniel 7:8 says "Three Horns were removed by a Little Horn" ... Matthew 17:4-5 says "Jesus, Moses, Elijah were removed by a Dark Cloud" ... Exodus 3:1-2, Exodus 4:2 says an "Angel of Jesus, not of God" is the Dark Could or the Little Horn, which is the "Rod of Joseph/Staff of Moses or Antichrist". (The Father of Jesus was Joseph the Blessing ... Jesus is God so he has no father, but he made Joseph the Blessing his father to satisfy the law). ................... When the Gospel says the Manchild of Revelation will rule with a "Rod of Iron", it is declaring that the Antichrist is the "Rod of Joseph/Staff of Moses", that God ordained. .......................... (Jeremiah 33:20-22) The Antichrist is referred to as a "Daughter" by reason of Joseph, therefore, he cannot be a Levite or a High Priest, these positions have not existed beyond the Old Testament. Love and Blessings. (Daniel 7:8 and Matthew 17:4-5 are stating the "Three Days of Darkness", where humanity does not have a legal right to a sign before God eliminates human life for the 5 months of "Joseph the Blessing", in which the Antichrist will Reign ............. at such a time, he will not be speaking alone or with God only, since he will have equipment that testifies of all of these things and the potential God has afforded, to however few outstanding at such and such a time to come).