Who was the first human antichrist?


Thanks for hanging in there Yea Who's. But as always your genius is Genesis. As in

Genesis 49:10

We are going to use this verse to usher in the first human antichrist. But first a little book keeping.

The antichrist is two. He is

1 Satanic
2 Agnostic

The two parts have separate goals that coexist. Satan knows about God but denies Him. The Agnostic part doesn't know about god but wants too. Only thing is the Agnostic wants to know if he himself is God. The Satanic part say



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Anyone who denies Christ is an antichrist. Where does it say that Lazarus denied Christ?

"Who is the liar? It is whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a person is the antichrist--denying the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22).

-there is one who gets the big a
-has over a billion followers


You guys need an attitude adjustment. Since you guys are not Calvinists you don't have Predestination in your theology. That fact denies you of the Providence of God. All you are left with is

Lady Luck

Same with the first human antichrist.

To become Christ, the first human antichrist needed three things

1 motive
2 means
3 opportunity

The motive was provided by the people he associated with. The means and opportunity was provided by Lady Luck.

Now then, to conjure up the first human antichrist using Genesis 49:10 all one had to do was to take the Sceptre away from the House of Judah. (Not such an easy task but possible.)

patrick jane

Thanks for hanging in there Yea Who's. But as always your genius is Genesis. As in

Genesis 49:10

We are going to use this verse to usher in the first human antichrist. But first a little book keeping.

The antichrist is two. He is

1 Satanic
2 Agnostic

The two parts have separate goals that coexist. Satan knows about God but denies Him. The Agnostic part doesn't know about god but wants too. Only thing is the Agnostic wants to know if he himself is God. The Satanic part say


Do you read what you write ? it's jibberish. It makes about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine

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The Supremme Court has clearly spoken. It says that the American Christians have been wrong for over 200 years. And the Court is threatening Christians that if they don't stop being part of the old time religion that the Court will take all the material possessions that the Christians have. Then if the Christians still resist the Court will incarcerate the Christians. If that doesn't stop the Christian resistance then capital.

The Supremme Court is the latest antichrist.


Genesis 49:10 clearly states the requirement for the Messiah to make His appearance. It is not jibberish. It clearly states that the Sceptre must be taken away from the House of Judah.


If you want the Messiah to come it is clear what must be done. The House of David must fall.

The Levites were expert at the Law. No one knew the Law better than the Levites. They were the keepers of the Law. They wrote the Law. They wrote

Genesis 49:10

patrick jane


The Supremme Court has clearly spoken. It says that the American Christians have been wrong for over 200 years. And the Court is threatening Christians that if they don't stop being part of the old time religion that the Court will take all the material possessions that the Christians have. Then if the Christians still resist the Court will incarcerate the Christians. If that doesn't stop the Christian resistance then capital.

The Supremme Court is the latest antichrist.

I agree that in the near future and happening now, that Christians are being persecuted and silenced. What can we do ?

Ben Masada

New member
Who was the first human Antichrist? The answer is Paul because Antisemitism started and spread from the NT. From then on, if you read II John 2:18,19, the Antichrists have come out of the ranks of Christianity. Since
the Christian church was founded by Paul, if you read Acts 11:26, it is only obvious that Paul was the first human Antichrist.


New member
Satan is the first and last antichrist. He is the only one who was in existence in the 1st century when it was penned and will be alive in the last century. The antichrist is a spiritual being seeing that John said this is the spirit of antichrist. Satan is the antichrist and those who are imbued with his spirit are the followers of antichrist.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Eph. 6:12

Ben Masada

New member
Genesis 49:10 clearly states the requirement for the Messiah to make His appearance. It is not jibberish. It clearly states that the Sceptre must be taken away from the House of Judah.


If you want the Messiah to come it is clear what must be done. The House of David must fall.

The Levites were expert at the Law. No one knew the Law better than the Levites. They were the keepers of the Law. They wrote the Law. They wrote Genesis 49:10

Genesis 49:10 has absolutely nothing to do with Jesus since he is the one you mean to be the Messiah. The text is a reference to Judah the Tribe of king David which lost the Scepter of authority over all the other Tribes. That's when the Lord rejected the Tabernacle of Joseph and confirm Judah to remain as a People before the Lord forever. (Psa. 78:67-69; Jer. 31:35-37)

Anyway, Jesus could have never been the Messiah because the Messiah could not be an individual. The individual is born, lives his span of life and dies. The Messiah is not supposed to die but to remain as a people; a nation before the Lord forever. (Ezek. 37:22) Now, for a prophetic reference to the Messiah as God's People, we have in Habakkuk 3:13. "The Lord goes forth to save His People; to save His Anointed One." That's what the Messiah is, the Anointed One of the Lord aka Israel, God's People. (Ezekiel 37:22)



Satan is the driving force. But this thread is searching for someone we can get our hands on.