White Lives Matter

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
What regiment were you in? :plain:

What was the fighting like and how much of it did you and your buddies see? Or, you could as easily say the West owes Britain for holding on as long as it did, giving us a base to fight from, etc. They took a brutal pounding, that little island. A great people.

I'm always proud of my nation's contributions to freedom and its role in fighting the evil Hitler represented. But I'm fair enough to understand America didn't come into the fight until the Japanese forced its hand. That our nation turned away Jewish refugees and shared too much of the bigoted sentiment that strangled conscience and allowed it to become a force to begin with.

I knew a Marine who saw action in both theaters. You'd never know it to look at him later in life. Soft spoken, mild fellow (mostly) with medals his wife had to force out of the cupboard. He fought with and admired his friends across the pond. What he called them affectionately, isn't for reprint on this site.

He would differ with your idea that they owed us. He'd have told you we owed the world what we told it we were and that we were too late to realize that, but that when we did it was something to witness. And he did.

Oh put a sock in it already.

Why don't you take your foot out of your mouth and place it in a sock.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You tell him, Gros. Spanked their boy Cornwallis, then saved their island from hailin' Hitler. The Brits owe us more than most of them realize today and few will admit. The old, good ones remember and are still grateful. The punk AB doesn't even count.

The Libs from the U.S. and England should be exiled to a chosen island somewhere far away from us "Civilized" folks."

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
The Libs in our country are trying to aid the enemy of our Nation, that being, the Islamic Terrorists who are coming in by the droves. The Islamics are trying to infiltrate all or most of the world. Wherever they are, they cause trouble and mayhem. They hope to apply "Sharia Law" to all of the "Host countries" they embed themselves in. World domination is their goal. Libs are collaborating with the Muslims by fighting against "The Wall of Protection" the President is going to build. One high-ranking Muslim religious leader recently stated: "The Muslim flag will wave over the White House."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your threats are quite endearing. However, Brits don't happen to cause fear in the hearts of Americans.

What threat?


You tell him, Gros. Spanked their boy Cornwallis, then saved their island from hailin' Hitler. The Brits owe us more than most of them realize today and few will admit. The old, good ones remember and are still grateful. The punk AB doesn't even count.

I'm thankful to all soldiers who fought against the Nazi regime, both domestic and abroad. You on the other hand are just an ignorant pratt.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your threats are quite endearing. However, Brits don't happen to cause fear in the hearts of Americans.

you can't expect much from artie - he's struggling along the best he can considering all the brain damage he's suffered from his years of chronic alcoholism

Oh look, it's the supposedly Christian SOD engaging in gossipy lies and rumours again.



It's generally a myth that alcohol causes actual brain damage anyway though if it did it's an excuse you might want to keep for your own dross on here doofus.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Libs in our country are trying to aid the enemy of our Nation, that being, the Islamic Terrorists who are coming in by the droves. The Islamics are trying to infiltrate all or most of the world. Wherever they are, they cause trouble and mayhem.
Life is just a James Bond movie to you, isn't it GM. :plain: Unfortunately you appear to have chosen Moonraker.

Rather, it's people like you, who can't tell the difference between our enemies and our friends, our guiding principles and your paranoia that inadvertently do what you're sure the demonized "libs" are plotting. You offer aid and comfort by playing into their narrative...you should stop doing that.

They hope to apply "Sharia Law" to all of the "Host countries" they embed themselves in.
I wish you'd apply rationality to the threads you embed yourself in.

One high-ranking Muslim religious leader recently stated: "The Muslim flag will wave over the White House."
As recently as 2010 even... :plain: But Anjem Choudary is a little busy these days. He was sentenced to five years in prison in Sept. of 2016, or as you'd put it, yesterday.

I proudly worked with the 4th MAB during Shield.

I had friends on the ground and in the thick of that. If you did anything to make their lives easier you won't catch gruff from me for it, whatever the capacity.

That said, it was a neat dodge. You were running your gob at AB while talking trash about how much his people owed us. As with so much, you got that wrong.

I don't even need to ask what nothing you did.
People like you never need to ask a question. I did what most Americans were doing then. I prayed for our men on the ground and in harm's way. I worried for and waited on my friends to come home. That's probably nothing to a tough guy like you, right?

And it was your idol FDR that turned away Jews and killed them.
FDR isn't my "idol". You just noted one reason why...Your temper makes you comfortable assuming a guy who only just noted our failure with the Jews in WWII must have idolized the man responsible. It's that kind of keen insight that makes me wonder how you didn't end up in politics.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Life is just a James Bond movie to you, isn't it GM. :plain: Unfortunately you appear to have chosen Moonraker.

Rather, it's people like you, who can't tell the difference between our enemies and our friends, our guiding principles and your paranoia that inadvertently do what you're sure the demonized "libs" are plotting. You offer aid and comfort by playing into their narrative...you should stop doing that.

I wish you'd apply rationality to the threads you embed yourself in.

As recently as 2010 even... :plain: But Anjem Choudary is a little busy these days. He was sentenced to five years in prison in Sept. of 2016, or as you'd put it, yesterday.

I had friends on the ground and in the thick of that. If you did anything to make their lives easier you won't catch gruff from me for it, whatever the capacity.

That said, it was a neat dodge. You were running your gob at AB while talking trash about how much his people owed us. As with so much, you got that wrong.

People like you never need to ask a question. I did what most Americans were doing then. I prayed for our men on the ground and in harm's way. I worried for and waited on my friends to come home. That's probably nothing to a tough guy like you, right?

FDR isn't my "idol". You just noted one reason why...Your temper makes you comfortable assuming a guy who only just noted our failure with the Jews in WWII must have idolized the man responsible. It's that kind of keen insight that makes me wonder how you didn't end up in politics.

I apologize for not being interested enough in your "Diatribe" to finish reading it. It was oddly boorish and anger driven. Evidently, you can't take the heat. You probably ought to pack your bags and get out of Dodge. Meaning, this thread. Your inability to withstand a "Verbal Thrashing" is somewhat lacking in strength. Seems like you should, do more thinking and less posting. If you find that too uncomfortable, sign up for "Anger Management." I wish you well, you poor soul. :)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I apologize for not being interested enough in your "Diatribe" to finish reading it.
You can read? :think: Well, there goes that theory.

It was oddly boorish and anger driven. Evidently, you can't take the heat.You probably ought to pack your bags and get out of Dodge. Meaning, this thread. Your inability to withstand a "Verbal Thrashing" is somewhat lacking in strength. Seems like you should, do more thinking and less posting. If you find that too uncomfortable, sign up for "Anger Management." I wish you well, you poor soul. :)
Sorry, I'm multitasking by also reading something interesting. :plain: It seemed very....punctuated.


The only thing BLM could have ever accomplished is more death- they would have made the police simply hesitant to act on their criminals and then they would go kill each other just a bit more- which is a whole lot more in relevance to police, because those BLM signs should've been pointed in their own faces.

My life matters, and if you're white the media has called you racist for saying it. There is nothing that shows the issue so clearly for what it is than that simple observation- the Left simply believes that you don't matter, and not just on this matter but with everything else. They ought to be lynched, every one of them :wave2:


New member
You tell him, Gros. Spanked their boy Cornwallis, then saved their island from hailin' Hitler. The Brits owe us more than most of them realize today and few will admit. The old, good ones remember and are still grateful. The punk AB doesn't even count.

For so called gospel of gracers; you and yours sure love to Jerry Springer glory in the vain victories of this world.

You have been exposed - by your own hand...repeatedly.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You can read? :think: Well, there goes that theory.

Sorry, I'm multitasking by also reading something interesting. :plain: It seemed very....punctuated.

You're starting to repeat yourself, that's not a good sign. Speaking of signs, how come you're not out there protesting and damaging property? Are you on hiatus or what? I thought you lefties were bent on bringing down President Trump.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The only thing BLM could have ever accomplished is more death- they would have made the police simply hesitant to act on their criminals and then they would go kill each other just a bit more- which is a whole lot more in relevance to police, because those BLM signs should've been pointed in their own faces.
So in the world of Cruc acting with reasonable restraint endangers the lives of officers and, even accepting that, it's somehow worse than endangering the public they serve.

That's one priority.

My life matters, and if you're white the media has called you racist for saying it.
No, I call you a racist because you've demonstrated that you are, just as you did when you found the distinguishing mark in that sentence.
They ought to be lynched, every one of them :wave2:
You ought to be banned every time you do this.