When does the Biblical month begin?


Well-known member
Just because God calls Atonement on the 10th a Sabbath and Trumpets too, does not mean God's Calendar goes against any other calendar rules God gives. The scriptures are clear and there are six different places in the Bible where it reveals the Sabbaths are on days 8,15,22 & 29, as this calendar Kahuna shows:


Ignoring it only makes you ignorant of it.

@Sherman - WatchmanOnTheWall is mentioning my screen name in the thread which he has linked in his post above, which is a thread where he has already complained a long time ago, and had me removed from that thread. He also knows this as it has been discussed several times now when he tries to send me to that thread knowing I cannot get into it to respond. It is not possible for me to respond in the thread which he has linked and pointed me to in the post above. Neither is it right for him to be calling me to that thread by using the @ sign to make mention of my screen name when he knows that I have been removed from that thread because of his own complaints against me.

@WatchmanOnTheWall - this is obviously nothing more than a tactic since you know I cannot respond there and you cannot answer the questions that were asked of you here in this thread. You also know full well that we have discussed this several times already and you know full well that you had me removed from that thread by way of your trigger happy report finger.

PS ~ Here is one of the places we already discussed this:

Originally Posted by WatchmanOnTheWall
Lol, did you forget that you got be banned from posting in that thread? Anyone who goes there should be able to see that you are afraid of the truth and a false accuser for getting me removed from that thread.

And I know there were several other places where you posted this link to me, and I responded pretty much the same by reminding you that you had reported me and had me removed from that thread, but I cannot find those posts, (and this one example should be enough anyways). There should be no doubt that you know what you are doing, which is deceptive because you already know I cannot respond in that thread: so calling me out there only makes it look like I did not respond because others do not know that I have been removed from that thread.
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I don't know why you are saying that.



Today is Shishi, 12-8.

You have given a date different from the Jewish Calendar, Days of the (Jewish) Week, here in the United States of America. At first your day was between Israel and the United States of America. You mentioned sunset. I was only posting during day. It was an edit, to your post, that you made.





I think it might have been you I was discussing how Tishri (month 7) used to be month 1. I just wanted to point out that Tishri means 'beginning'.


Today is Rishon, 12-17.

Tishrei is the seventh month on the Jewish Calendar that has Babylonian month names. This is not the first Jewish Calendar. Nor is it seen as correct or to be observed by all. Some people observe it in addition to the Jewish Calendar originating in the Torah.




Yes I think we did talk about this. Originally Tishri was month one:

Exodus 12:1-2
1 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt, 2 This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year.

This tells us that God was making Aviv the first month of the religious year. Present day Jews believe Tishri, now month seven, was originally the first month of the actual year and this is also shown in the Bible:

Exodus 34:22
“Celebrate the Festival of Weeks [Shavuot/Pentecost] with the first fruits of the wheat harvest, and the Festival of Ingathering [Tabernacles] at the turn of the year.”


Today is Sheni, 12-18. It is Boker, Morning. It is Yom, Day.

I believe that you have something wrong here. Perhaps more than one thing. You have made at least two points which for you go together to drive home a point that I do not believe or agree with. At Wikipedia a distinction is made between the civil year and the ecclesiastical year. But the month names Tishrei and Nisan are from ((a) Jewish Calendar, but originated with) the Babylonian Calendar.

