What makes Bob Enyart “the man” of this site?

Nathon Detroit

I have never heard of this guy but he sounds like a real "Tool". I mean, geez doesn't he realize that we are in the age of enlightenment and even rump-rangers deserve the love of GOD:wave2: IBEX
Was that really worth the time it took you to register? :idunno:


I fail to see why you are making a joke of idolatry in light of the fact that idolatry is an offense which incurs the death penalty in the Old Testament.

It's not a sin to make fun of idolatry, and there is no penalty.

There is a penalty, however, for not having a sense of humor.


You find no absurdity in the thought of worshipping someone or something other than the One True God? The idea is so ludicrous, it's funny...hence, the amusement of making fun of idolatry.


New member
That isn't what Bob wants. So... are you laughing now?

He advocates for a Constitutional Monarchy under the leadership of a King, and would exclude a woman from becoming a regnant. In an article published in the Denver weekly newspaper Westword, Enyart said that "it's natural that men lead the household" and that households that are led by women turn out to be an "unhappy household." He also calls for the establishment of a criminal code under the Old Testament (or the Mosaic Law as Enyart likes to emphasize) as national law which includes the death penalty for offences such as homosexuality, murder, attempted murder, adultery and abortion. (source: Wikipedia "Bob Enyart")



Wikipedia can be written and edited by anybody. I wouldn't use that as my single and sole source on anything.


New member
What makes Bob Enyart “the man” of this site?

I believe Knight is the owner of this site , he has all rights to do so me respect him, who knows in future make you also hero of this site, cheer up.

Nathon Detroit

Palladius, while there is some overlap, God's criminal justice system is not the same as the mosaic law. Bob does not advocate enforcing the mosaic law. After all.... Bob is a Christian why would he advocate enforcing something Jesus nailed to the cross?

wikipedia is not always a reliable source.
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New member
You find no absurdity in the thought of worshipping someone or something other than the One True God? The idea is so ludicrous, it's funny...hence, the amusement of making fun of idolatry.

It would appear that Yahweh did not consider it such a laughing matter.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God
" Exodus 20:3-5


New member
Palladius, while there is some overlap, God's criminal justice system is not the same as the mosaic law. Bob does not advocate enforcing the mosaic law. After all.... Bob is a Christian why would he advocate enforcing something Jesus nailed to the cross?

Mr. Enyart does not advocate the death penalty for homosexuals?

wikipedia is not a good source for everything.

Agreed. Wikipedia can be biased. Here's a classic example.

Enyart has taken place in two debates on the theologyonline discussion forum. He was declared the winner of "Battle Royale VII: Does God exist?" (defending the affirmative) by technical knock out when rival atheist and former Christian pastor "Zakath" dropped out in the 9th round. Enyart won "Battle Royale X: Does God know your entire future?" defending open theism against Dr. Samuel Lamerson by reader poll.(source: Wikipedia "Bob Enyart")


Knight, Cattyfan - are you telling me that these AREN'T legitimately his thoughts/words vis-a-vis this country's future?


Because this is pretty scary stuff, and it's on a site with his copyright on it.

No...I'm not commenting on his beliefs, because I'm not a follower and don't have enough knowledge one way or another. I've already stated I'm not a fan.

What I'm saying is Wikipedia is not a source I would look to when trying to find the most accurate information. You would do better to read Enyart's own writings or listetn to his program (which can be done via podcast) and draw conclusions from his own words, rather than someone else's interpretations.


It would appear that Yahweh did not consider it such a laughing matter.

"Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God
" Exodus 20:3-5

Yes. And if I were actually bowing down to someone else, there would be cause for concern. This is why I said

You find no absurdity in the thought of worshipping someone or something other than the One True God? The idea is so ludicrous, it's funny...hence, the amusement of making fun of idolatry.

See, if you actually read the words, I said I find the idea of worshipping anyone else to be a ridiculous idea. I would, therefore, never worship anyone else.

Am I going to fast for you? Let me slow it down.












God didn't say Thou shalt not make jokes.


New member
You would do better to read Enyart's own writings or listetn to his program (which can be done via podcast) and draw conclusions from his own words, rather than someone else's interpretations.

That's what I meant. It's my understanding, looking at that site, that it's his own writings/thoughts/words. And I find those thoughts and words frightening, particularly given that there appear to be a number of people here who seem to give him credibility.