SaulToPaul 2
Well-known member
My main objection to MAD is that it is "Paul" centered, rather than Christ centered.
Are you spiritual?
1 Cor 14:37 (KJV)
My main objection to MAD is that it is "Paul" centered, rather than Christ centered.
Okay, this is part of it, some MAD see ONLY themselves as trusting Christ's work. That's a deal breaker because then others HAVE to contest (or be assimilated). So # 1 exclusivity of MAD only Christianity with some MAD is going to always be objectionable. I'm pretty sure most MAD don't believe the rest of Christianity is preaching another gospel.First, my own understanding of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism is briefly this:
God chose a nation through whom He promised to someday bless the whole earth. That nation was Israel and that choosing involved various covenants. Christ Jesus came as Israel’s promised Redeemer, and through Israel – His nation of priests – He would redeem the whole world.
The problem is, Israel rejected Him. Not every individual Jew did so but Israel corporately, as a nation, despised Him and had Him crucified by Rome. But rising from the dead and ascending into Heaven, His apostles preached that if Israel repented and believed on Him as their Messiah, He would return to establish the long-awaited Kingdom, just as God had promised and as the Old Testament prophets had foretold.
But once again, Israel refused to bow to her Messiah. After the leaders stoned Stephen to death, God temporarily set Israel aside and temporarily suspended all fulfillment of prophecy.
At that point, God began to usher in the previously unmentioned dispensation of grace, which is now in effect and will remain so until He decides to bring it to an end.
During this age of grace, salvation is no longer to the Jew first. Previously unknown blessings and riches are promised equally to Jew and Gentile alike on the simple basis of faith alone in Christ’s death, burial and resurrection for the individual’s sin, without works of any kind either to be saved, stay saved or prove that one is saved, for God knows those who are His.
That is my understanding of MAD stated as briefly as I can state it.
Now the question is, Why do people who reject MAD seem to find it more intolerable than other doctrinal systems with which they also do not agree? I have found two basic reasons.
1. They don’t really understand MAD because what they have heard is not accurate. They believe a straw man version of MAD. In response, MADs try to clarify our position but usually with limited success.
2. They do understand MAD, or enough of it to hate what it implies for their own doctrinal position. I’ve found this to be the most common of the two, at least on TOL.
When you dig deep enough, informed objections to MAD (#2 above) tend to stem from one of two related roots. The opponent to MAD believes either (a) that the Christian Church has in some sense inherited the promised blessings, signs and covenants that God made solely with, or intended only for, national Israel, or (b) that the Christian Church has replaced national Israel outright. There is usually overlap between these two positions as they do stem from the same root, but objections boil down to one or the other.
Objection (a) can be seen in the opposition to MAD by Pentecostals, charismatics, various cultists and works-oriented members of Christendom who have been deceived into adopting Israel’s deactivated covenant works or sign gifts as necessary to salvation today, or necessary to their sanctification – some version of water baptism being the #1 expression of this error. Thus very, very few within Christendom today truly believe as Paul taught, that salvation is received by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone without works. THERE ARE EXCEPTIONS but almost all opponents of MAD, if they’re honest, will admit that they believe some degree of human religious effort [works] is involved in either getting themselves saved or keeping themselves saved. According to Paul, all such are believing a false gospel (Gal 1:8-9).
Objection (b) is straightforward enough among those denominations and cults that have adopted some variation on Replacement theology, wherein it is believed God will never again deal with Israel as His nation and all of His promises (and even warnings) have already been fulfilled in the past and/or fulfilled in the Christian church; hence the foolish "Zionist" label that is sometimes thrown against MADs as well as other dispensationalists.
In my opinion, even though they claim to uphold the entirety of God's Word (which they invariably and falsely accuse MADs of not doing), those holding to either of these dual errors deny the reliability of God and His Word because He has promised to someday once again deal with the world via Christ's redeemed nation Israel. However, He will do this ONLY after He has ended this dispensation of grace wherein there is “no distinction” between Jew and Gentile. In the meantime, He is not sovereignty judging anyone for error; He is not opening the ground beneath the feet of lying teachers and false prophets. He has given His Word and His Gospel of grace. For now He has nothing more to say. Such is grace!
So while some, by God's grace, do come to see the revelation of the mystery (Eph 3:8-9), the leaven of the errors described above - taking what God intended only for Israel while rejecting all He's given to the Body of Christ, and you can't have both - can only compound, spread and grow worse as this age of grace draws to its inevitable close.
That is one of my true objections to those in the religious, denominational system who claim they are fulfilling the so called "Great commission".Too much teaching from Jesus, found in the gospels, is pushed aside and/or neglected,
Okay, this is part of it, some MAD see ONLY themselves as trusting Christ's work.
That is one of my true objections to those in the religious, denominational system who claim they are fulfilling the so called "Great commission".
Unfortunately, to say that the death of Jesus was only effective for some sins of some people, is to not believe 1 Cor 15:1-4.If I can get a testimony of believing 1 Cor 15:1-4 (KJV) out of a poster, I won't press them too much on other issues of doctrine.
Are you spiritual?
1 Cor 14:37 (KJV)
The twelve knew when they would do it. The religious can't even tell from the scriptures it's out of commission right now.The Twelve didn't do it, but yet they think they are? :shut:
If water baptism, communion, tongues, fake healings, ordinances, elaborate church "services", robed pastors, or reformation commentaries are your thing, you will probably fight against MAD.
Galatians 6:14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.Too much teaching from Jesus, found in the gospels, is pushed aside and/or neglected, in order to overemphasize I Corinthians 15:1-4.
Okay, this is part of it, some MAD see ONLY themselves as trusting Christ's work.
I admit, I have been brought under the power of bacon. :banana:
12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
I like to sprinkle a little brown sugar on bacon while cooking it.I admit, I have been brought under the power of bacon. :banana:
How could anyone think that the gospel of Christ could ever be "over" emphasized? You are a devil.My main objection to MAD is that it is "Paul" centered, rather than Christ centered.
Too much teaching from Jesus, found in the gospels, is pushed aside and/or neglected, in order to overemphasize I Corinthians 15:1-4.
If I can get a testimony of believing 1 Cor 15:1-4 (KJV) out of a poster, I won't press them too much on other issues of doctrine.
I admit, I have been brought under the power of bacon. :banana:
12 All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
I like to sprinkle a little brown sugar on bacon while cooking it.
How could anyone think that the gospel of Christ could ever be "over" emphasized? You are a devil.
I think Paul's one teaching in I Corinthians 15 is gospel, but overemphasized, at the expense of the rest of the gospel teachings that permeate all of scripture.
changes her view in every threadIf a person believes 1. Cor. 15. 1-4 it's good enough for me.
Jesus Christ IS the good news,