What is the Gospel?


New member
This statement makes no sense.

Since this makes no sense, explain to me how no two people actually agree 100% on every word of the Bible which you hold up to be God.

The Bible is the Word of God. How do you "seek God" without understanding His Word?
The Bible is God's explanation of everything from beginning to end. If you don't understand God's Word, you don't understand God.

I can almost feel your indignation, and to be sure, I understand what you mean.

I'm gonna assume you believe what you say; so..

How did Noah learn about God?
How did Abraham learn of God?
How did Moses learn about God?
Need we go on???????
How about Pharaoh's magicians?
Surely it wasn't Scripture.
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands."
You want to know about God? Lay down your Bible and look to the heavens. Many times we ignore truth all around us and try to find the special truth in scripture.

This is so simple a Child can understand.

Actually, I think you make my point; you don't know your Bible or you wouldn't have answered thus. Apparently you've never thought about it before. But know this; the Bible as you know it is not what you claim it to be.

Men argue scripture against scripture and ignore the character of God; just like the Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees also did it with the woman taken in adultery.

Just tell me; is God good? What does your Bible say? I doubt that you can even define good.
Know this, that God is either all good, or He is not good at all; now give us your interpretation of scripture and we'll see if God is good.

Now to your question:
How do I seek God without understanding His Word?
By looking for Him. And because He is who He is He will be found.


Since this makes no sense, explain to me how no two people actually agree 100% on every word of the Bible which you hold up to be God.

I can almost feel your indignation, and to be sure, I understand what you mean.

I'm gonna assume you believe what you say; so..

How did Noah learn about God?
How did Abraham learn of God?
How did Moses learn about God?
Need we go on???????
How about Pharaoh's magicians?
Surely it wasn't Scripture.
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands."
You want to know about God? Lay down your Bible and look to the heavens. Many times we ignore truth all around us and try to find the special truth in scripture.

This is so simple a Child can understand.

Actually, I think you make my point; you don't know your Bible or you wouldn't have answered thus. Apparently you've never thought about it before. But know this; the Bible as you know it is not what you claim it to be.

Men argue scripture against scripture and ignore the character of God; just like the Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees also did it with the woman taken in adultery.

Just tell me; is God good? What does your Bible say? I doubt that you can even define good.
Know this, that God is either all good, or He is not good at all; now give us your interpretation of scripture and we'll see if God is good.

Now to your question:
How do I seek God without understanding His Word?
By looking for Him. And because He is who He is He will be found.

RD knows God and he doesn’t need scripture to know God is good. Your points are correct... but scripture is inerrant.

Be easy on RD m8... RD is good peeps and ain’t a Pharisee.

As long as you believe Jesus is God, God is Love and don’t Rail against the Israel of ancient origin... that is of Jacob... and hold back before you say someone doesn’t know God...

I’m cool with you. Not that you care... but I’m just saying...

Right Divider

Body part
Then why bother posting your writings. Should anyone need to read your "writings"?

You are a member of the group "people". As soon as you claim "I do..." "I do not.." "I believe..." etc., you are in effect making your own statements, confessions, writings. One wonders why you then ignore what other "people" have written.

Your chronological snobbery is evident and its blatant double-mindedness exposed (James 1:18). My kingdom for the man who does not think himself so full of piety and self-righteousness as to ignore other persons indwelt by the same Holy Spirit coming before them they themselves claim to be by so indwelt.

You are like the child with his fingers in his ears while mumbling "blah blah blah blah" hoping to not actually hear something that will strike at the core of your own nonsense.

"Right-dividers." Sigh.

What else would we expect from someone that calls himself Mr. Religion?

Chronological snobbery.... that's laughable.

You took Ezekiel 36:26 COMPLETELY out of its context as is EASILY show by simply READING it.

Covenant "theologians" -- Sigh.

Quite a few times you've mentioned being good stewards of the time that God gives us. Why would I bother reading the people that are as wrong as you are? The people that believe the same nonsense as you?

You must think that I live in a cardboard box and have never read anything by "your folk" before.

Right Divider

Body part
Since this makes no sense, explain to me how no two people actually agree 100% on every word of the Bible which you hold up to be God.
False dilemma, but thanks anyway.

I can almost feel your indignation, and to be sure, I understand what you mean.

I'm gonna assume you believe what you say; so..

How did Noah learn about God?
How did Abraham learn of God?
How did Moses learn about God?
God spoke DIRECTLY to these men. God is NOT doing that TODAY.

Need we go on???????
Yes, but with something reasonable that makes sense this time.

How about Pharaoh's magicians?
Surely it wasn't Scripture.
"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands."

You want to know about God? Lay down your Bible and look to the heavens. Many times we ignore truth all around us and try to find the special truth in scripture.
You CANNOT know the gospel of the grace of God by looking into the heavens, but thanks for another confused misdirection.

This is so simple a Child can understand.
No, you've only proven that you're totally confused.

Actually, I think you make my point; you don't know your Bible or you wouldn't have answered thus. Apparently you've never thought about it before. But know this; the Bible as you know it is not what you claim it to be.

Men argue scripture against scripture and ignore the character of God; just like the Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees also did it with the woman taken in adultery.

Just tell me; is God good? What does your Bible say? I doubt that you can even define good.
Know this, that God is either all good, or He is not good at all; now give us your interpretation of scripture and we'll see if God is good.

Now to your question:
How do I seek God without understanding His Word?
By looking for Him. And because He is who He is He will be found.
God has given you everything that you need to know in a BOOK called BIBLE.

Stare into the heavens all that you want.... you will NOT find the gospel that can save you.


Well-known member
Tolerance: Christians normally do not judge another's heart. Christians are the most tolerant people on the earth.

Christianity is based on Christ; some of the things He did and said were controversial. Even His disciples didn't always agree; they saw things differently and had it straight from His own mouth. With all the writing and rewriting and translating, it doesn't get any clearer.

The important thing is not that we understand the Bible, but that we seek God. If you seek Him you will find Him and no man will ever change your mind.

IMO, religion is a scourge to mankind, and most of it is built around man's interpretation of the Bible. Religious people crucified Jesus; many, if not all, wars are fought over religion.

Seek God and He will lead you into truth. If He doesn't, He's a liar and His character is flawed, right is wrong and wrong is right, the world is going to hell(if one exists) and nothing matters anyways; however, I am most certain He will.

Hmmm....sounds new age to me.

How do you propose we seek God without the Bible?

How do you propose we are lead into Truth without the Bible?

Just make sure you masticate well before ingesting. ;)

Matthew 4:4But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.​


New member
Does this mean that you think God is not capable of keeping His Word pure throughout all generations?
He is as capable of keeping His Word pure, as He was of keeping Adam pure.

The only place we can know Jesus is through the Scriptures. Without the Bible He is a footnote on the pages of history. If the most important thing that can happen to us in this life is to know Jesus, then understanding the Bible is absolutely vital.

Do you really believe that all men who lived and died without the Bible are damned?
And that no men are saved without having the scripture?


Hmmm....sounds new age to me.

How do you propose we seek God without the Bible?

How do you propose we are lead into Truth without the Bible?

Just make sure you masticate well before ingesting. ;)

Matthew 4:4But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.​

Maybe those new fangled telescopes.....

Nah, never mind. ;)

Psalms 19:1The heavens declare the glory of God,
and the sky abovea proclaims his handiwork.
2Day to day pours out speech,
and night to night reveals knowledge.
3There is no speech, nor are there words,
whose voice is not heard.
4Their voiceb goes out through all the earth,
and their words to the end of the world.

David seems to agree with BBK.

I’m out of this. I honestly am.

I had stopped posting for a while. And I came back for the sake of a brother who is in Christ’s drawing Love. [MENTION=16283]Sonnet[/MENTION]

All my best


He is as capable of keeping His Word pure, as He was of keeping Adam pure.

Do you really believe that all men who lived and died without the Bible are damned?
And that no men are saved without having the scripture?

God has kept His word pure. 1 John 2:27 needs to be your go to verse. I know your perspective well.

Of coarse God is able to guide those who don’t have the Scriptures.

Be well, friend.


What else would we expect from someone that calls himself Mr. Religion?

Chronological snobbery.... that's laughable.

You took Ezekiel 36:26 COMPLETELY out of its context as is EASILY show by simply READING it.

Covenant "theologians" -- Sigh.

Quite a few times you've mentioned being good stewards of the time that God gives us. Why would I bother reading the people that are as wrong as you are? The people that believe the same nonsense as you?

You must think that I live in a cardboard box and have never read anything by "your folk" before.

I love AMR, and you can be a right rear end sometimes... but you’re right.

All my best to you...


New member
False dilemma, but thanks anyway.
God spoke DIRECTLY to these men. God is NOT doing that TODAY.
Yes, but with something reasonable that makes sense this time.
You CANNOT know the gospel of the grace of God by looking into the heavens, but thanks for another confused misdirection.
No, you've only proven that you're totally confused.
God has given you everything that you need to know in a BOOK called BIBLE.
Stare into the heavens all that you want.... you will NOT find the gospel that can save you.

My apologies for not being more verbally clear.
I meant to say;
The Bible is not worth a tinkers damn to somebody who doesn't believe there is Someone behind it. They won't even bother to read it. If a man seeks God, God will lead him into truth whether it be the Bible or some other means of revelation. You really think God doesn't reveal Himself today? You better think again.

When a man seeks God he will inadvertently be drawn to the Bible. The church has tried cramming the Bible down the throats of unbelievers and it hasn't worked. Maybe if those unbelievers saw the light shining they would glorify God who is in heaven.
You cannot find the gospel that can save you without first finding the God that can save.

Go back and read the entire thread and put into context my post that you first responded to. I was writing to someone who acknowledged that he didn't even know if God existed.

Many disagreements about scripture and the character of God occur for this same reason. Men read what they want to see, rather than striving to know the character of the author.


My apologies for not being more verbally clear.
I meant to say;
The Bible is not worth a tinkers damn to somebody who doesn't believe there is Someone behind it. They won't even bother to read it. If a man seeks God, God will lead him into truth whether it be the Bible or some other means of revelation. You really think God doesn't reveal Himself today? You better think again.

When a man seeks God he will inadvertently be drawn to the Bible. The church has tried cramming the Bible down the throats of unbelievers and it hasn't worked. Maybe if those unbelievers saw the light shining they would glorify God who is in heaven.
You cannot find the gospel that can save you without first finding the God that can save.

Go back and read the entire thread and put into context my post that you first responded to. I was writing to someone who acknowledged that he didn't even know if God existed.

Many disagreements about scripture and the character of God occur for this same reason. Men read what they want to see, rather than striving to know the character of the author.


Blessings to you... Lover of Christ, Friend of the searching and defender of the Blood.