What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?


What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?

The Democrats received the majority of the popular vote but were effectively excluded from power in the White House, the Senate, the House and for all intents and purposes the Supreme Court.

I understand that America is a republic and presidents are chosen by the Electoral College, but the fact remains that there are gross inequalities when the party representing the interests of the majority of voters in the nation has been relegated to sidelines in all three branches of government!


New member
YORK TWP., Pa. - Three students have been suspended from York County School of Technology after a short video with a racial epithet circulated via social media.

The three-second video shows two students carrying a Donald Trump campaign sign through a hallway at the school on Wednesday. A voice can be heard saying, "White Power."



The day after the election, messages including "whites only", "Trump Train" and the n-word were scrawled on a bathroom door at Maple Grove Senior High.

The district reacted by starting an investigation and contacting police. And the next morning, a parent told MPR News that her daughter found students smiling and handing out cookies, along with messages of acceptance posted on the wall.

• NewsCut: Maple Grove kids fight back against the racists

Reactions to Tuesday's presidential election are playing out in schools around the state, with tension reported in some cases as students bring differing views to class.

The smiles and cookies after the racist graffiti in Maple Grove were a step toward healing divisions — but they certainly won't solve a problem that is not unique to Maple Grove.

Students around the state are struggling with divisions that mirror the country's deeply divided voting-age adults.




New member
What are the Real Reasons People Voted for Trump?

The Democrats received the majority of the popular vote but were effectively excluded from the White House, the Senate, the House and for all intents and purposes the Supreme Court.

I understand that America is a republic and presidents are chosen by the Electoral College, but the fact remains that there are gross inequalities when the party representing the interests of the majority of voters in the nation has been relegated to sidelines in all three branches of government!

stop this silliness there are many republicans that stayed home in deep blue states that would have voted in a popular vote so stop assuming Hillary would have won one, secondly the electoral gives a voice to the rural voters as proven in this election.


stop this silliness there are many republicans that stayed home in deep blue states that woeffblue101uld have voted in a popular vote so stop assuming Hillary would have won one, secondly the electoral gives a voice to the rural voters as proven in this election.
I'm not assuming anything, the popular vote went to the Democrats. To be excluded from one branch of government might be understandable, but 0 for 3 when you win by 430 000 votes reinforces the fact that its a "rigged system."

Where is it in the Constitution that a rural vote in one part of the country should be worth more than an urban vote in another part?

Trump 47.4% 60,085,450

Clinton 47.7% 60,515,264

Of course for conservatives, its only "rigged" when they think they're about to lose!

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'm not assuming anything, the popular vote went to the Democrats. To be excluded from one branch of government might be understandable, but 0 for 3 reinforces the fact that its a "rigged system."

there's no democrats left in congress?


there's no democrats left in congress?
Having Democrats in Congress for the last 6 years didn't stop the Republican majority from shutting down the federal government, obstructing the president's legislation or refusing to ratify his Supreme Court nomination!


Well-known member
Where is it in the Constitution that a rural vote in one part of the country should be worth more than an urban vote in another part?

The part about the electoral college.

Also, the part about each state electing 2 senators, no matter their population.


New member
The minority are causing trouble. Trump got elected because a lot more people than we realize agree with his bigotry and his ranting insults against every people group except white straight males. The majority of ethnic people are trying to stay out of the limelight, afraid for their lives.

Nope , had nothing to do with bigotry ! Folks are worried about the economy, The constitution , illegal immigration, being flooded with UN-vetted Muslims,Men urinating with little girls. You know all the garbage and perversion the left is pushing off on every one that does not agree with that trash.

Are you on crack ? It is the ethnic folks that are the ones out burning cars, rioting , and threatening to kill white folks.


New member
I'm not assuming anything, the popular vote went to the Democrats. To be excluded from one branch of government might be understandable, but 0 for 3 when you win by 430 000 votes reinforces the fact that its a "rigged system."

Where is it in the Constitution that a rural vote in one part of the country should be worth more than an urban vote in another part?

Trump 47.4% 60,085,450

Clinton 47.7% 60,515,264

Of course for conservatives, its only "rigged" when they think they're about to lose!

The founding fathers were wise. Why should 7 or 8 states determine how the whole country lives ?

FYI, The electoral college is in the constitution. They used to actually teach about that in civics.

The Electoral College is embodied in the Constitution in Article 2, Section 1, and in the 12th Amendment.


Well-known member

The Church has been consistently against abortion for its entire existence.
Abortion is the deliberate taking of an innocent human life.
Is that not a clear and consistent argument against it?


Catholic are anti-abortion. However simultaneously you all also hold a very contradictory position:

Catholics hold the position that when children die (including unborn children), it does not matter how they die, they all go straight to heaven.

However it is well known that those who are not aborted as unborn children go on to stand a very very slim chance of going to heaven:

Matthew: 22 King James Version (KJV)
14 For many are called, but few are chosen.

Matthew: 7 King James Version (KJV)
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

You guys are promoting the very Antichrist ideas that life on earth is important. Life on earth is simply to prove oneself worthy of heaven.

Hebrews: 9 King James Version (KJV)
27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

Judgment will be according to:

Galatians: 6 KJV N.T.
7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
8 For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

And only a few who lives beyond childhood, make it to heaven where as, according to Catholicism, all aborted children make it to heaven, guaranteed.

Abortion is a fail safe and absolutely guaranteed path to heaven. Where as surviving beyond childhood is very very iffy. In fact only a few make it.

Those who abort unborn babies are clearly serving God. There is nothing better to do for one's off spring than to deliver him/her directly and securely to heaven with guaranteed. According to Catholicism, this is exactly what happens to aborted unborn children.

It seems to be a small sacrifice to give up you unborn child if he has a guaranteed entry to heaven. Instead of keeping him/her to be born on earth for your benefit/enjoyment whiles he/she stand a very very slim chance of going to heaven.

Keeping your child, instead of aborting him/her seems very selfish/selfserving.

How, therefore, is abortion not an absolutely divine thing? It guarantees delivery to heaven like nothing else does. And is it not totally clear that those who participate in abortion at any level, is serving God, by delivering people to heaven through this absolute fail-safe passage.

Pray tell, please explain why Catholics are promoting all this anti-abortion proper-gander? Is it because they are recruiting for Satan inside the depths of earth?

Is this guaranteed heaven for all children a lie? And is not the purpose of this life on earth to gain heaven?

All I am saying is that Catholic ideas, about abortions are contradictory and confusing. Please explain this seeming confusion/foolishness that Catholics are promoting?

Why is abortion a bad things, when life on earth is simply to earn entry to heaven. And according to you guys, abortions does that so effectively, guaranteed and brilliantly.

Seems that your bosses are simply making up foolishness and you guys are blindly buying it. Clearly that is fine for you guys but not for the rest of the world.

You all must be just plain foolish.

Indeed, correct my fact, if they are wrong. Indeed, what is not correct in the above?

The only way that your conflicting positions make sense is if your bosses are recruiting people for Satan who resides inside the depth of earth.
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New member
Hall of Fame
I did not say it. Scheesh. It was part of a quote, posted for informational purposes. Did I need to write a very long exception clause of disagreement in all the parts I found untrue? If you want to rip the quote apart, fine, but do not attribute the entire contents to me.

The point, which apparently went over your head, is that MANY people believe Trump is a bigot and it is causing a lot of fear, confusion, and anxiety in the USA at the moment. Do you not care about that?

No, THIS is what causes a lot of fear, confusion and anxiety, liberals having tantrums because they cant get what they want.

THIS kind of thing america has seen over the last few years is part of WHY he got elected.


New member
Hall of Fame
The minority are causing trouble. Trump got elected because a lot more people than we realize agree with his bigotry and his ranting insults against every people group except white straight males. The majority of ethnic people are trying to stay out of the limelight, afraid for their lives.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
i understand that tweety didn't bother reading this before she posted it, but i'd really really like to know exactly what horrific bigoted consequences trump promised to mete out

By voting for Trump, half of America simply said they were willing to accept, or risk accepting, the horrific bigoted consequences he promised to mete out,

'cause that sounds like the writer had something specific in mind


New member
Hall of Fame
i understand that tweety didn't bother reading this before she posted it, but i'd really really like to know exactly what horrific bigoted consequences trump promised to mete out

'cause that sounds like the writer had something specific in mind

The left is who looks really intolerant, hateful, bigotted and racist to me, did you notice them keep mentioning white people?

If we were all so bad, how come we didnt riot like that when a black man got elected 2 times?


New member
The left is who looks really intolerant, hateful, bigotted and racist to me, did you notice them keep mentioning white people?

If we were all so bad, how come we didnt riot like that when a black man got elected 2 times?

There is a sizeable portion of minorities that truly hate white people who are not in full agreement with their agenda. They hate our way of life, our politics, our clothes,our accent. They truly want to outbreed us and they use government as their tool.

How many white people you see with multiple children? How many white families have government assistance? Plenty of single women get assistance but no families.

The white family is denied a decent wage in interest of "fairness". Once an illegal has the system figured out, his family will be able to support several children; not so, the white family.