Water baptism is not for the body of Christ


Well-known member
Not what it sounded like.

Peter has never been in the Body of Christ.

He has always been under Israel's "New Covenant," you know, the one God said He would make with Israel.

Peter, in his letters, is writing to a future generation of believers under the New Covenant, along with any current (at the time) believers under the New Covenant.

He was not writing to members of the Body of Christ.

If he was writing to members of the Body of Christ, that would violate his agreement with Paul in Galatians 2:7,9.

Only in the Body of Christ, which Peter, et al, is not a part of.

Within the New Covenant, the distinction still remains between Jew and Gentile. If there was no distinction under the New Covenant, then Israel has no special status (which is how it is currently), which defeats the whole point of having Israel separate from the rest of the world.

This important distinction is what you and many other Christians (which Peter WAS, just not a member of the BoC) seem to completely miss.

To reiterate:

God made a covenant with Abraham and Israel, that they would be His people, and He would be their God.

That gave them special status among the nations.

In the Body of Christ, there is no longer any difference between Jew or Greek.

THERE IS NO SPECIAL STATUS. There is no partiality! (cf Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9)

When you try to conflate those under the New Covenant between Israel and God, and those in the Body of Christ, you either have to say "there is partiality, and God shows favoritism to His chosen people" (as the Calvinists do) or you have to say "there is no difference between Jew and Greek under the New Covenant," (as replacement theologians say) WHICH ENTIRELY DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF BOTH THE NEW COVENANT AND THE BODY OF CHRIST!
I can certainly disagree with your conclusion, can I not?

First you say there is no difference or special status or partiality, and then you do your utmost to make a separation. 🧐

All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are saved by faith in His death, burial, and resurrection.
Peter certainly believed that.

I’m not concerned about what others believe, but what the Bible actually says.
Maybe we could stick to that.


Well-known member
what if we look at the original message in the Greek Manuscripts.

εις ONE - κυριος LORD - μια A - πιστις FAITH εν IN - βαπτισμα BAPTISM

εις - ONE
μια - A
εν - IN

ONE - A - IN


please put trust in the original message directly from the manuscripts

the Greek word " εν " always means - IN
the Greek word " μια " means - A / AN or can mean FIRST
not one
Are you referring to 1 Peter 3:21?

He isn’t talking about water baptism, but the baptism into death….notice how he speaks of the resurrection?

Romans 6:4
Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.​


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I can certainly disagree with your conclusion, can I not?

Of course. But that does not automatically mean that everything you say is "fact."

First you say there is no difference or special status or partiality, and then you do your utmost to make a separation. 🧐

This is a 'you' problem at this point, because now you're just ignoring what I said.

Go read what I said again.

I explained it as clearly as I possibly could.

There IS (or, rather, WAS) special status for Israel under both the Old and New Covenants.

There is NOT CURRENTLY any special status for Israel, because the New Covenant has been put on hold, and thus, within the Body of Christ, there is no longer "Jew nor Greek," but once God goes back to working with Israel, they will have special status again.

When you try to mash the two dispensations into one, you either have to say that there is partiality (in direct contradiction to Paul), or you have to say that there is NO partiality, which completely eliminates any special status for Israel, in direct contradiction to God saying "I will be their God, and they will be my people."

The ONLY way to solve this without violating one or the other is to say that they are not talking about the same group of people or dispensation.

All believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are saved by faith in His death, burial, and resurrection.
Peter certainly believed that.

There you go, once again conflating believers under the New Covenant between God and Israel, and believers under Paul's dispensation of grace (IOW members of the Body of Christ).

Peter was made aware of what Paul taught after Paul explained it to him in secret.

That wouldn't happen at all if Peter and Paul taught the same thing to begin with.

I’m not concerned about what others believe, but what the Bible actually says.
Maybe we could stick to that.

Ideas have consequences.

You (and I) have beliefs about what the Bible actually says.

Read my last paragraph again. You fall into that category, whichever you try to promote.

The only way you can understand what the Bible actually says is by rightly dividing the word, as Paul says. Otherwise it just becomes a jumbled mess and you can make up whatever belief you want because there's no cohesive structure to it.

Right Divider

Body part
My arrogance? Seriously, do you ever listen to yourself?
Indeed I do.

This is what YOU said:
It would probably be a good idea if you let the Holy Spirit reveal the truth from the Scriptures, rather than you deciding what might apply to an individual believer.
You seem to think that you're the only one between the two of us that is lead by the Spirit.
No, Peter is speaking to believers about how they should comport themselves to the gentile nations. That is the context.
DUH... that means that Peter is speaking to ISRAEL and NOT the gentiles.
No, you miss out on the fact that the Gospel of salvation makes no distinction between the Jew and the Gentile.
The GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD is the one that makes this salvation possible to all regardless of position. i.e. The gospel given to Paul.
There is no place for such distinctions as you want to insist.
Again, you are ignoring the facts of scripture.
Peter was speaking to Jews, but his message is the same as Paul preached.

Phil. 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights of the world.​

Peter is making clear that believers will be persecuted and spoken evil of by unbelievers….the gentile nations.
NO! Peter is not NOT calling "gentiles unbelievers".... that is YOU doing that.

Again, why is the plain meaning of scripture such a problem for you.

Welcome back to my ignore list permanently!


Active member
Of course. But that does not automatically mean that everything you say is "fact."

This is a 'you' problem at this point, because now you're just ignoring what I said.

Go read what I said again.

I explained it as clearly as I possibly could.

There IS (or, rather, WAS) special status for Israel under both the Old and New Covenants.

There is NOT CURRENTLY any special status for Israel, because the New Covenant has been put on hold, and thus, within the Body of Christ, there is no longer "Jew nor Greek," but once God goes back to working with Israel, they will have special status again.

When you try to mash the two dispensations into one, you either have to say that there is partiality (in direct contradiction to Paul), or you have to say that there is NO partiality, which completely eliminates any special status for Israel, in direct contradiction to God saying "I will be their God, and they will be my people."

The ONLY way to solve this without violating one or the other is to say that they are not talking about the same group of people or dispensation.

There you go, once again conflating believers under the New Covenant between God and Israel, and believers under Paul's dispensation of grace (IOW members of the Body of Christ).

Peter was made aware of what Paul taught after Paul explained it to him in secret.

That wouldn't happen at all if Peter and Paul taught the same thing to begin with.
If Peter and Paul taught the same thing in the beginning why would Israel be special in the NT....yet, Peter taught the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jesus and only the Jews in the beginning. Paul, a person who persecuted his heritage, became the apostle of the gentiles only after the Jews were preached to. The Gentiles are to share the heritage of the covenants, including the New Covenant. The Saints of the Church that Jesus built receive the New Covenant as they are Justified and receive the Holy Spirit.... "And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." These are the same conditions of the New Covenant that God promised to the Remnant of Israel. In Rev 12, we see those Jews that believed enough to follow His instructions too the letter (mat 24:15-21).."When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."
Ideas have consequences.

You (and I) have beliefs about what the Bible actually says.

Read my last paragraph again. You fall into that category, whichever you try to promote.

The only way you can understand what the Bible actually says is by rightly dividing the word, as Paul says. Otherwise it just becomes a jumbled mess and you can make up whatever belief you want because there's no cohesive structure to it.
we both can stand of your statement above. Theology is deep hole. I am in awe of the author who can make so many rabbit holes and traps to fall into while at the same time laying out only one way to Heaven. As He stated it, in Mat 7:14.."Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." We both believe in Jesus Christ and His Gospel and according to John 3:16 that is enough. We can still disagree on the plans of GOD for humanity. Thank you for the conversation.


Well-known member
Of course. But that does not automatically mean that everything you say is "fact."

This is a 'you' problem at this point, because now you're just ignoring what I said.

Go read what I said again.

I explained it as clearly as I possibly could.

Your premise is faulty thus your explanation falls flat.
There IS (or, rather, WAS) special status for Israel under both the Old and New Covenants.

There is NOT CURRENTLY any special status for Israel, because the New Covenant has been put on hold, and thus, within the Body of Christ, there is no longer "Jew nor Greek," but once God goes back to working with Israel, they will have special status again.
Yes, the Jews have always been God’s chosen people. Not because they are special, but because they were first.

Those who accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah are saved exactly as we are, and that includes Peter. They have entered into that new covenant (testament) as all believers do. This makes for the new man Paul talks about.

Israel has returned to the land in unbelief, but in the end, a remnant will be saved. This is all documented in the prophets, but has nothing to do with the means of salvation.
When you try to mash the two dispensations into one, you either have to say that there is partiality (in direct contradiction to Paul), or you have to say that there is NO partiality, which completely eliminates any special status for Israel, in direct contradiction to God saying "I will be their God, and they will be my people."

The ONLY way to solve this without violating one or the other is to say that they are not talking about the same group of people or dispensation.
Different dispensations have nothing to do with salvation. It has always been by grace through faith.
There you go, once again conflating believers under the New Covenant between God and Israel, and believers under Paul's dispensation of grace (IOW members of the Body of Christ).

Peter was made aware of what Paul taught after Paul explained it to him in secret.

That wouldn't happen at all if Peter and Paul taught the same thing to begin with.

Ideas have consequences.

You (and I) have beliefs about what the Bible actually says.

Read my last paragraph again. You fall into that category, whichever you try to promote.

The only way you can understand what the Bible actually says is by rightly dividing the word, as Paul says. Otherwise it just becomes a jumbled mess and you can make up whatever belief you want because there's no cohesive structure to it.

The only jumbled mess I see is that which you are putting forth. No offense intended.

Actually, I conflate nothing. I see the gospel of salvation being preached by Peter and Paul. The message is the same just given to different audiences. Peter could speak to the Jews in the manner they were used to. Paul had to take a different tact because he was preaching to the heathen. They both did it well As they were led by the Spirit.


Well-known member
Indeed I do.

This is what YOU said:

You seem to think that you're the only one between the two of us that is lead by the Spirit.

DUH... that means that Peter is speaking to ISRAEL and NOT the gentiles.

The GOSPEL OF THE GRACE OF GOD is the one that makes this salvation possible to all regardless of position. i.e. The gospel given to Paul.

Again, you are ignoring the facts of scripture.

NO! Peter is not NOT calling "gentiles unbelievers".... that is YOU doing that.

Again, why is the plain meaning of scripture such a problem for you.

Welcome back to my ignore list permanently!
Such patience and brotherly love. 😂. Paul would not like that.

If these gentiles Peter is speaking of are believers as you seem to be claiming, what kind of unholy believers were they to speak evil of well doing? These gentiles ARE unbelievers because they will see in the day of visitation those works were not evil as those gentiles were claiming. Read it. The entire text. Same thing Paul was saying concerning the nations as I posted above. But, if you want to donkey down, that’s your choice.

And you totally ignored when Paul said the same as Peter did. Paul did use the term nations instead of gentiles, but you want to ignore that so you can add me once again….permanently …..on your “ignore list”.

Remember, even an old dog can learn something new. I have….you can too. Go ahead, you might like it.


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Gold Subscriber
Your premise is faulty thus your explanation falls flat.

Which one? There are multiple.

Because you say so?

Yes, the Jews have always been God’s chosen people. Not because they are special, but because they were first.

You're still ignoring what I said.

The Jews currently have no special status as a nation. They are fallen.

Those who accept Jesus Christ as their Messiah

The word Messiah is used all of three times in the New Testament, and all three uses are in John.

The term means "anointed one."

The expectations, as per the Old Testament, for the Hebrew Messiah are, including but not limited to, that He would restore the the kingdom of Israel and sit on David's throne, gather the Jewish exiles back to the land of Israel, and to rebuild the Temple.

None of this has anything to do with the Gentiles, other than that they would be able to come and worship God through Israel, which they have always been able to do.

But that's not what Paul teaches Christ is.

Paul teaches that Christ is the savior of humanity, saving people from their sins, through His death, burial, and resurrection, and that this salvation extends to all who hear the gospel.

That's a completely different message than how the scriptures (specifically, the Old Testament) describe Christ!

are saved exactly as we are, and that includes Peter.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

They have entered into that new covenant (testament) as all believers do.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

This makes for the new man Paul talks about.

The "new man" Paul talks about has nothing to do with the restoration of Israel.

Israel is a nation, a political entity, not a living organism.

Israel has returned to the land in unbelief,

Israel has been CUT OFF, and the gentiles grafted in.

God will restore Israel at a later date, but it won't be because of anything Israel does.

but in the end, a remnant will be saved.

Saved from what, GD?

This is all documented in the prophets, but has nothing to do with the means of salvation.

Yes, that's the point I've been making, GD.

Different dispensations have nothing to do with salvation.

Different dispensations have EVERYTHING to do with "salvation," because depending on the dispensation (ie, the CONTEXT), "salvation" has a completely different meaning!

It has always been by grace through faith.

Saying it doesn't make it so!

The only jumbled mess I see is that which you are putting forth. No offense intended.

Says the one who can't acknowledge my point, that when you assert that Paul was teaching the New Covenant, either you remove the distinction between Jew an Gentile from a covenant specifically made to separate out God's people from the world, OR you make it so that there is still a distinction between Jew and Gentile within the Body of Christ.

Again, the only way to resolve this issue is to recognize that believers under the New Covenant, and members of the Body of Christ, ARE NOT THE SAME GROUP!

Actually, I conflate nothing.

Your paradigm prevents you from seeing that you are, in fact, conflating the two.

I see the gospel of salvation being preached by Peter and Paul.

Then you need to get your eyes checked, because they preached different gospels, according to scripture.

The message is the same just given to different audiences.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Peter could speak to the Jews in the manner they were used to.

So could Paul.

So could the other ELEVEN APOSTLES! (All of whom lessen the need for bringing Paul aboard if he indeed taught the same gospel!)

Paul had to take a different tact because he was preaching to the heathen.

Paul had to take a different tact, as you say, BECAUSE HE WAS PREACHING A DIFFERENT MESSAGE!

He was not teaching "Christ is returning to restore His Kingdom."

Paul was teaching "Put your faith in Christ and you will receive the giftof eternal life!"

The Gentile nations would care about Israel's throne being restored. They had their own lives to live. Taking the same message Peter, et al, taught to them would be completely pointless.

They both did it well As they were led by the Spirit.

That doesn't mean they were teaching the same message.

Please address the point I was making in post #36, specifically my last paragraph in that post.

If you are unable to do so, or are afraid to do so, because it might upset other beliefs you might have, then your commitment is not to what scripture says, but to your paradigm of beliefs.


Well-known member
Which one? There are multiple.

Because you say so?

You're still ignoring what I said.

The Jews currently have no special status as a nation. They are fallen.

The word Messiah is used all of three times in the New Testament, and all three uses are in John.

The term means "anointed one."

The expectations, as per the Old Testament, for the Hebrew Messiah are, including but not limited to, that He would restore the the kingdom of Israel and sit on David's throne, gather the Jewish exiles back to the land of Israel, and to rebuild the Temple.

None of this has anything to do with the Gentiles, other than that they would be able to come and worship God through Israel, which they have always been able to do.

But that's not what Paul teaches Christ is.

Paul teaches that Christ is the savior of humanity, saving people from their sins, through His death, burial, and resurrection, and that this salvation extends to all who hear the gospel.

That's a completely different message than how the scriptures (specifically, the Old Testament) describe Christ!

Saying it doesn't make it so.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

The "new man" Paul talks about has nothing to do with the restoration of Israel.

Israel is a nation, a political entity, not a living organism.

Israel has been CUT OFF, and the gentiles grafted in.

God will restore Israel at a later date, but it won't be because of anything Israel does.

Saved from what, GD?

Yes, that's the point I've been making, GD.

Different dispensations have EVERYTHING to do with "salvation," because depending on the dispensation (ie, the CONTEXT), "salvation" has a completely different meaning!

Saying it doesn't make it so!

Says the one who can't acknowledge my point, that when you assert that Paul was teaching the New Covenant, either you remove the distinction between Jew an Gentile from a covenant specifically made to separate out God's people from the world, OR you make it so that there is still a distinction between Jew and Gentile within the Body of Christ.

Again, the only way to resolve this issue is to recognize that believers under the New Covenant, and members of the Body of Christ, ARE NOT THE SAME GROUP!

Your paradigm prevents you from seeing that you are, in fact, conflating the two.

Then you need to get your eyes checked, because they preached different gospels, according to scripture.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

So could Paul.

So could the other ELEVEN APOSTLES! (All of whom lessen the need for bringing Paul aboard if he indeed taught the same gospel!)

Paul had to take a different tact, as you say, BECAUSE HE WAS PREACHING A DIFFERENT MESSAGE!

He was not teaching "Christ is returning to restore His Kingdom."

Paul was teaching "Put your faith in Christ and you will receive the giftof eternal life!"

The Gentile nations would care about Israel's throne being restored. They had their own lives to live. Taking the same message Peter, et al, taught to them would be completely pointless.

That doesn't mean they were teaching the same message.

Please address the point I was making in post #36, specifically my last paragraph in that post.

If you are unable to do so, or are afraid to do so, because it might upset other beliefs you might have, then your commitment is not to what scripture says, but to your paradigm of beliefs.
What? This point?

“God made a covenant with Abraham and Israel, that they would be His people, and He would be their God.​
That gave them special status among the nations.​
In the Body of Christ, there is no longer any difference between Jew or Greek.​
THERE IS NO SPECIAL STATUS. There is no partiality! (cf Romans 2:11; Ephesians 6:9)​
When you try to conflate those under the New Covenant between Israel and God, and those in the Body of Christ, you either have to say "there is partiality, and God shows favoritism to His chosen people" (as the Calvinists do) or you have to say "there is no difference between Jew and Greek under the New Covenant," (as replacement theologians say) WHICH ENTIRELY DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF BOTH THE NEW COVENANT AND THE BODY OF CHRIST!”​

There is a nation and there are individuals. Two different entities.

There are individual believers, and they are those who get saved.
All individuals get saved through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Whether Jew or Greek.
This certainly includes Peter.

It is only the NATION of Israel that has been temporarily set aside…not discarded.
Let them wait for now. They are being gathered, and their enemies are gathering against them. All as prophesied and going on behind the scenes so to speak. Let the nation of Israel and the land promises and David’s throne wait.

Individual believers in the Lord Jesus Christ enter into the new covenant when the Holy Spirit baptizes us into the body of Christ. The Jews who get saved when the Lord returns in His wrath will then enter into the new covenant just as we did. The Holy Spirit dwelling in us.

What makes Paul so special is that the Jews were meant to lead us to Christ, but God sent just the one, Paul. And Paul had to straighten out Peter and the others. Those others who saw the Lord up close and personal. The gospels show us things Paul hadn’t witnessed, although he learned a lot of the details from those who were there.

What I find interesting, as well, is that Peter preaches truths from Paul’s letters all the time in his epistles. There is no way that Peter wasn’t saved just like Paul and Timothy were.

NO I don’t need my eyes checked, but you fellas need to stop being so rude. Terrible examples and not what Paul preached.



Well-known member
If Peter and Paul taught the same thing in the beginning why would Israel be special in the NT....yet, Peter taught the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jesus and only the Jews in the beginning. Paul, a person who persecuted his heritage, became the apostle of the gentiles only after the Jews were preached to. The Gentiles are to share the heritage of the covenants, including the New Covenant. The Saints of the Church that Jesus built receive the New Covenant as they are Justified and receive the Holy Spirit.... "And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them." These are the same conditions of the New Covenant that God promised to the Remnant of Israel. In Rev 12, we see those Jews that believed enough to follow His instructions too the letter (mat 24:15-21).."When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains: Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing out of his house: Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his clothes.And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days!But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day: For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be."

we both can stand of your statement above. Theology is deep hole. I am in awe of the author who can make so many rabbit holes and traps to fall into while at the same time laying out only one way to Heaven. As He stated it, in Mat 7:14.."Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." We both believe in Jesus Christ and His Gospel and according to John 3:16 that is enough. We can still disagree on the plans of GOD for humanity. Thank you for the conversation.

It’s interesting how one lone Jew was given the task of bringing to light the gospel message of salvation. It was right there hiding in plain sight, waiting to be revealed. All the way back to Noah, and all the way back to Abraham the message of salvation by grace was displayed, but it took Paul to put meat to those bones, so to speak.

You mentioned John 3:16. Well done. Pictures of salvation by grace through faith are scattered all over in the Bible. Paul quoted from scripture all the time, and he wasn’t quoting from the New Testament because nothing was there yet. As far as the law written in our hearts, and needing no man to teach us, we are there. We are new creatures and the kingdom of God will be seeing the same covenant promises that believers have now. Too bad realizing those realities is not as easy as it will be when Jesus sits on the throne in the kingdom.


Active member
It’s interesting how one lone Jew was given the task of bringing to light the gospel message of salvation. It was right there hiding in plain sight, waiting to be revealed. All the way back to Noah, and all the way back to Abraham the message of salvation by grace was displayed, but it took Paul to put meat to those bones, so to speak.

You mentioned John 3:16. Well done. Pictures of salvation by grace through faith are scattered all over in the Bible. Paul quoted from scripture all the time, and he wasn’t quoting from the New Testament because nothing was there yet. As far as the law written in our hearts, and needing no man to teach us, we are there. We are new creatures and the kingdom of God will be seeing the same covenant promises that believers have now. Too bad realizing those realities is not as easy as it will be when Jesus sits on the throne in the kingdom.
the OT as you speak of was salvation through their works....not by faith alone as it is in another Dispensation period..the Grace of God is abundant in our everyday life both now and then. However, it was never put to them that they only had to have faith in Jesus Christ. God to Abraham to pick and move to another land, which He did several years later. For Abraham believing GOD and doing as He requested, God accounted Abraham as Righteous.

Right Divider

Body part
Both taught to the Jews even in the beginning....the only difference is that Paul also taught to the Gentiles.
So I guess that you missed Peter "teaching" Cornelius.
This part began after he had already began preaching the Gospel to the Jews....thus both taught the same.
That is a non-sequitur.

Paul did teach SOME of the same things, since some things are universal.

But Paul was given a unique gospel that was never made known by God before He gave it to Paul.


Well-known member
Both taught to the Jews even in the beginning....the only difference is that Paul also taught to the Gentiles. This part began after he had already began preaching the Gospel to the Jews....thus both taught the same.
I find it interesting, and similar to something to which we can all relate. - First, you go through high school, and grasp all the basics. Then you get sent off to college to learn from an inspired professor who explains what it all means. I always think of Peter as a high school football player, and Paul as a raised eyebrow professor. 🧐

After healing the lame man. Peter knows well the power of faith in the name of the Lord.

Acts 3:14 But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; 15 And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses. 16 And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong, whom ye see and know: yea, the faith which is by him hath given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all.​


Well-known member
the OT as you speak of was salvation through their works..
Except, salvation was never by or through works. Paul tells us that

Romans 4:1-3 What shall we say then that Abraham our father, as pertaining to the flesh, hath found? For if Abraham were justified by works, he hath whereof to glory; but not before God. For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.​
..not by faith alone as it is in another Dispensation period..the Grace of God is abundant in our everyday life both now and then. However, it was never put to them that they only had to have faith in Jesus Christ. God to Abraham to pick and move to another land, which He did several years later. For Abraham believing GOD and doing as He requested, God accounted Abraham as Righteous.
If you read a little closer, you’ll see it was the believing alone that made him righteous. The obedience follows.
Actually, I think all that obedience that comes after is really sanctification or being made holy.


Well-known member
the OT as you speak of was salvation through their works
Their salvation could never be obtained by their works:
Hebrews 9:8-9 KJV — The Holy Ghost this signifying, that the way into the holiest of all was not yet made manifest, while as the first tabernacle was yet standing: Which was a figure for the time then present, in which were offered both gifts and sacrifices, that could not make him that did the service perfect, as pertaining to the conscience;


Active member
So I guess that you missed Peter "teaching" Cornelius.
yep Peter had a lesson to be learned
That is a non-sequitur.

Paul did teach SOME of the same things, since some things are universal.

But Paul was given a unique gospel that was never made known by God before He gave it to Paul.

So I guess that you missed Peter "teaching" Cornelius.

That is a non-sequitur.

Paul did teach SOME of the same things, since some things are universal.

But Paul was given a unique gospel that was never made known by God before He gave it to Paul.


Active member
the OT as you speak of was salvation through their works....not by faith alone as it is in another Dispensation period..the Grace of God is abundant in our everyday life both now and then. However, it was never put to them that they only had to have faith in Jesus Christ. God to Abraham to pick and move to another land, which He did several years later. For Abraham believing GOD and doing as He requested, God accounted Abraham as Righteous.
as there have been some discussion on faith vs works during the Dispensation of Moses Law, thought I would hopefully clarify the above words.....For God told Abraham to leave his home.....Yes, Abraham believed GOD...why....Because GOD Spoke to them directly and it was the obeying, the leaving his home that GOD used to call upon him as righteous. Compared to todays John 3:16...Nothing is ask of a person directly or indirectly.....it simply states that those believing on the Son of GOD will live forever. The believing is not a works but rather a faith in His WORDs spoken in this verse:John 3:16.