Warning. Dangerous Content. How does a person get help from the United States of Am


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]I don't know that a Rabbi or a President of the United States of America would have a job.
I don't know if all Rabbis get a paycheck for their service, but the President of the United States of America does get a paycheck for the job.


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]I have worked in the past, including Management and Teaching. I do not have a teaching degree or teaching credentials.
Who hired you to be a teacher without having any teaching credentials?
What were you teaching?


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]I would like a Jewish employer if I work (we are in the middle of a feast right now) because I cannot work otherwise when people want me to.
Ahh, I see, you don't have a job at this time.
So nothing is troubling you at work.

How do you pay for your groceries if you don't have a job?
And where do you live?
Do you live in a homeless shelter that provides a bed and meals for you?
Those places can be helpful at times.


What kind of degrees?

I don't know if all Rabbis get a paycheck for their service, but the President of the United States of America does get a paycheck for the job.

Who hired you to be a teacher without having any teaching credentials?

Ahh, I see, you don't have a job at this time.
So nothing is troubling you at work.

How do you pay for your groceries if you don't have a job?
And where do you live?
Do you live in a homeless shelter that provides a bed and meals for you?
Those places can be helpful at times.

I am not homeless. I live at Park Place in Tacoma, Washington. I have helped the homeless before helping at a meal. I belong to God so I will not be begging bread.

I do not have a disability. In the past people said I did. Anyhow, I don't know if my room and meals are paid for by SSDI. I do have Molina Medicare Insurance and MEDICAID when I go to the Hospital, which before leaving my parent's home with the police I wasn't going to do anymore. I wanted to go to Israel, and help, or helping people, along the way.

I spoke at High School Graduation about finding wisdom in Jesus after Home School and Middle School. I was a student/scholar athlete. In Community College I earned an Associate of Science in Engineering and an Associate of Arts. I went to two years of Bible School, the second year as a Maintenance Intern, after this. Following another class at Community College I eventually went to the University of Washington Tacoma where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Systems and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Systems. In addition to this I graduated from the Way of the Master School of Biblical Evangelism. I took courses with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. I took free online courses with Dallas Theological Seminary. I have taken courses online at Chabad.org. And I have Torah and Haftarah each week on Shabbat plus more, with reading, studying, observing, keeping, and teaching the Torah. I have begun to study the Nevi'im. I have read Tehillim many or numerous times. I have gone through Proverbs in a month. I observe the Jewish Calendar. Today is Aviv 17 (it is night, Sheni, the second day of the week).

The teaching I did was actually workshop facilitation for Computer Engineering and Systems when I was a student at the University. The students in the workshops sometimes called me a teacher. I did present some things and worked with students one on one.

I grew up with computers, and that is how I am on Theology Online. I read the Bible at an early or young age. I have been involved in different kinds of leadership.

God's Truth

New member
Oh that's wonderful friend!
I feel a lot of relief from you telling me that and I will definately make sure to remember that. :)
Because you always assure me and everyone on here that you live your life by letting your actions represent the words you to say, and I will believe you, and so now I can be sure that you will never criticize me!
Because as of yet you have not taken the time to talk to me to get to know me at all and until you do then you will not know my heart or where I am coming from.
So I am very glad because I can be assured I will hear no condemnation or criticism from you at all and that is a wonderful thing! Thank you very much :)

By the way, what you said to Jacob earlier in this thread was good advice.

God's Truth

New member
I am not homeless. I live at Park Place in Tacoma, Washington. I have helped the homeless before helping at a meal. I belong to God so I will not be begging bread.

I do not have a disability. In the past people said I did. Anyhow, I don't know if my room and meals are paid for by SSDI. I do have Molina Medicare Insurance and MEDICAID when I go to the Hospital, which before leaving my parent's home with the police I wasn't going to do anymore. I wanted to go to Israel, and help, or helping people, along the way.

I spoke at High School Graduation about finding wisdom in Jesus after Home School and Middle School. I was a student/scholar athlete. In Community College I earned an Associate of Science in Engineering and an Associate of Arts. I went to two years of Bible School, the second year as a Maintenance Intern, after this. Following another class at Community College I eventually went to the University of Washington Tacoma where I earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering and Systems and a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Systems. In addition to this I graduated from the Way of the Master School of Biblical Evangelism. I took courses with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. I took free online courses with Dallas Theological Seminary. I have taken courses online at Chabad.org. And I have Torah and Haftarah each week on Shabbat plus more, with reading, studying, observing, keeping, and teaching the Torah. I have begun to study the Nevi'im. I have read Tehillim many or numerous times. I have gone through Proverbs in a month. I observe the Jewish Calendar. Today is Aviv 17 (it is night, Sheni, the second day of the week).

The teaching I did was actually workshop facilitation for Computer Engineering and Systems when I was a student at the University. The students in the workshops sometimes called me a teacher. I did present some things and worked with students one on one.

I grew up with computers, and that is how I am on Theology Online. I read the Bible at an early or young age. I have been involved in different kinds of leadership.

Do you not know you contradict yourself a lot?

You say here you don't have a disability; yet, you don't know if the State pays for your housing?

If you have Medicare and Medicaid then you do have a disability.

You also said before that your mom and dad look after you, but then you say the police took you away from them.


Do you not know you contradict yourself a lot?

You say here you don't have a disability; yet, you don't know if the State pays for your housing?

You also said before that your mom and dad look after you, but then you say the police took you away from them.

Well, the income for disability was forced against my will. I knew I needed help, but that didn't mean I wanted someone to say I had a disability. I took care of myself. I have lived away from home before. The police came presumably because my Dad called them. Now we have a new President who I did not vote for. And I do not know if a murder took place.

I did not say housing. I have a room. I don't know what you mean by the State.

God's Truth

New member
Well, the income for disability was forced against my will.

What disability did they say you have?

I knew I needed help, but that didn't mean I wanted someone to say I had a disability. I took care of myself. I have lived away from home before. The police came presumably because my Dad called them.

Would you mind saying why your dad called the police on you?

Now we have a new President who I did not vote for. And I do not know if a murder took place.
Why don't you know if a murder took place?
I did not say housing. I have a room. I don't know what you mean by the State.

You said you don't know if SSDI pays for the place you live. Why did you bring up SSDI?


How do you pay the bills if you don't have a job?

What disability did they say you had?

I only have a school loan that needs paid.

I do not want to share that unless you need to know. I have heard different things now. My Rabbi was thinking I have a high functioning autism. But I know that I do not have autism. I did want to know about ministering to people with schizophrenia, but I wanted to never associate with schizophrenics or felons. I am not on medication and I am doing well.


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I only have a school loan that needs paid.

I do not want to share that unless you need to know. I have heard different things now. My Rabbi was thinking I have a high functioning autism. But I know that I do not have autism. I did want to know about ministering to people with schizophrenia, but I wanted to never associate with schizophrenics or felons. I am not on medication and I am doing well.
Nothing wrong with medication.
GOD provided us with physicians to help us.


What disability did they say you have?

Would you mind saying why your dad called the police on you?

Why don't you know if a murder took place?

You said you don't know if SSDI pays for the place you live. Why did you bring up SSDI?

I don't know that I should share any diagnosis. Right now I do not have one and I hope I never do. I don't know that my Dad called the police on me. I believe my parents had it in mind that I may live longer than them and that I needed to learn independent living skills. I had hit my Dad when he accused me of abusing my niece but he has said he meant verbal abuse. My understanding is that abuse carries with it the death penalty, and I have confessed to abusing my sister growing up. There is more to it than that, but I know when to confess that I have done something wrong. She is very valuable in my eyes and to God. Anyhow, maybe I knew that I was being accused wrongly of abuse while being that I have confessed abuse.

The murder would have been outside of the country possibly someone who communicated with me here in the United States of America. After Trump became President I believe. And I heard something electronic in the room next to me while I was staying at Seeley Lake Lodge, which may have related to a mission even though that type of thinking may have been whether or not it was.

I brought up SSDI because I was asked about how my room and meals are paid for. I have claimed before that the SSDI is a form of, well I can't remember the word right now, stealing (set up for me? huh??). Who knows maybe the government wanted to help me and this was the only way, but it is would be lying.


Nothing wrong with medication.
GOD provided us with physicians to help us.

I have learned about Yom Kippur. I believe I had a doctor in Israel even though I have never been. Different from the Chief Rabbi of Israel in regard to a surgery that I had done on my mouth.


New member
btw [MENTION=19616]Tnkrbl123![/MENTION],

I did not talk to you because of your relentless condemnation to me.

Why would I talk to someone who don't give any respect to me?

You were on ignore until you gave me thanks.


Well if that is how you felt about me... except honestly I cannot remember this "relentless condemnation" you speak of because I am sure I have never condemned you relentlessly. I only offer correction where correction is due and I only spoke up when I heard you relentlessly condemn anyone who doesn't agree with you. It is you who relentlessly condemn every trinitarian Christian because you are so blinded to the human beneath the label that you give them that you cannot see anything past your own bias and prejudice against anyone who has a different belief than you. An example is you condemn every trinitarian for "supporting the militafy" when in fact not every trim supports the military ... My country does not have a large active military presence or military culture... and even if someone does support the military you judge then and blast them with every nasty comment you can without even asking them why or hearing a single from them. So yes when I see you on a CONSTANT UNPROVOKED ATTACK on anyone and everyone who does not see the world exactly eye to eye as you do then yes I feel compelled to say something to you. Of course I do because you need to hear it!

I think one of the reasons you may feel as if I have "relentlessly condemned" you, is either because you do not understand what those words actually mean and then we are talking about 2 different things thus the miscommunication..or... because you have been rude and nasty to so many different people that you constantly get condemned for your behavior by so many people all the time that you are confused and think it comes from me more than it does... or your conscience is so heavy from how you criticize and judge and act with prejudice against so many people that it is your own conscience that constantly condemns you... but you should definitely evaluate yourself either way.

So much for your thread exclaiming to everyone how you are going to be nice and kind to everyone... that sure didn't last long lol.

But I did not start this conversation with you in fact it was you who couldn't help yourself from butting in to something I was saying to some else and I just replied to you. It's because you just love playing the victim and are looking for any way to act self righteous and above everyone else.

You can definitely go ahead and put me back on ignore! I would actually prefer it because then you won't come in and pick at me and pick at me like some kind of scab picker you just can't help yourself... So if you put me back on ignore then that would benefit both of us.. it's a win win..

"blessings friend"

God's Truth

New member
I don't know that I should share any diagnosis. Right now I do not have one and I hope I never do. I don't know that my Dad called the police on me. I believe my parents had it in mind that I may live longer than them and that I needed to learn independent living skills. I had hit my Dad when he accused me of abusing my niece but he has said he meant verbal abuse. My understanding is that abuse carries with it the death penalty, and I have confessed to abusing my sister growing up. There is more to it than that, but I know when to confess that I have done something wrong. She is very valuable in my eyes and to God. Anyhow, maybe I knew that I was being accused wrongly of abuse while being that I have confessed abuse.

The murder would have been outside of the country possibly someone who communicated with me here in the United States of America. After Trump became President I believe. And I heard something electronic in the room next to me while I was staying at Seeley Lake Lodge, which may have related to a mission even though that type of thinking may have been whether or not it was.

I brought up SSDI because I was asked about how my room and meals are paid for. I have claimed before that the SSDI is a form of, well I can't remember the word right now, stealing (set up for me? huh??). Who knows maybe the government wanted to help me and this was the only way, but it is would be lying.

It sounds like the State is involved and you are taken care of.

You said something to me years ago here and I thought of it often.

I spoke to you about if you knew God loved you, and you seemed to be interested in that.

Do you believe God loves you?


It sounds like the State is involved and you are taken care of.

You said something to me years ago here and I thought of it often.

I spoke to you about if you knew God loved you, and you seemed to be interested in that.

Do you believe God loves you?


I grew up a pacifist and even believed that once a person is saved they will never be judged. But I believe even the forgiven can be punished for what they have done.