Valentines Day....just another made up Holiday

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
And of very dubious origin. Let the day pass quietly into the night and ignore the calls for fornication and adultery. said:
Celebrated on February 15, Lupercalia (known as the “festival of sexual license”) was held by the ancient Romans in honor of Lupercus, god of fertility and husbandry, protector of herds and crops, and a mighty hunter—especially of wolves. The Romans believed that Lupercus would protect Rome from roving bands of wolves, which devoured livestock and people.
Assisted by Vestal Virgins, the Luperci (male priests) conducted purification rites by sacrificing goats and a dog in the Lupercal cave on Palatine Hill, where the Romans believed the twins Romulus and Remus had been sheltered and nursed by a she-wolf before they eventually founded Rome. Clothed in loincloths made from sacrificed goats and smeared in their blood, the Luperci would run about Rome, striking women with februa, thongs made from skins of the sacrificed goats. The Luperci believed that the floggings purified women and guaranteed their fertility and ease of childbirth. February derives from februa or “means of purification.”

To the Romans, February was also sacred to Juno Februata, the goddess of febris (“fever”) of love, and of women and marriage. On February 14, billets (small pieces of paper, each of which had the name of a teen-aged girl written on it) were put into a container. Teen-aged boys would then choose one billet at random. The boy and the girl whose name was drawn would become a “couple,” joining in erotic games at feasts and parties celebrated throughout Rome. After the festival, they would remain sexual partners for the rest of the year. This custom was observed in the Roman Empire for centuries.

Whitewashing Perversion

In A.D. 494, Pope Gelasius renamed the festival of Juno Februata as the “Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary.” The date of its observance was later changed from February 14 to February 2, then changed back to the 14. It is also known as Candlemas, the Presentation of the Lord, the Purification of the Blessed Virgin and the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple.

A pope whitewashing perversion? Say it isn't so....


Well-known member
I feel the same way about December 25th. But hey, Romans 14:5.

(but yeah, Valentine's Day is ungodly)

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
December 25th is on or about the date of the conception. Lighting the dark night on the longest nights of the year is not immoral. Adultery and fornication are.


New member
Now pass me my candy hearts.

A gift of candy to a loved one is a nice expression of "You're special to me"!
I'm about to bake a cake for my loved ones coming to visit this afternoon. I think a white cake with mocha butter cream frosting sprinkled with red sugar crystals will express my love for them.
It is fiercely cold here so we tend to hunker indoors with warm treats!


December 25th is on or about the date of the conception. Lighting the dark night on the longest nights of the year is not immoral. Adultery and fornication are.

Satan seeks to defile marriages (Ge 2:24, Pr 5:19, Ac 19:28).

For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith, which made silver shrines for Diana, brought no small gain unto the craftsmen [Acts 19:24].

"The temple of Diana was a great pagan temple, and it was the center of business. It was the bank of that day. It was also the center of sin. Gross immorality took place around it. It is true that religion can go to a lower level than anything else. That temple was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the largest Greek temple that was ever built. It was beautiful and it was adorned with works of art, but the image of Diana or Artemis was hideous. It was not the Diana of the Greeks, a graceful image, but was the crude, many–breasted, oriental Diana. They were selling those silver images, and it was big business. Paul’s ministry was interfering with it." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: Church History (Acts 15-28) (electronic ed., Vol. 41, p. 78). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

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Well-known member
December 25th is on or about the date of the conception. Lighting the dark night on the longest nights of the year is not immoral. Adultery and fornication are.


But if that makes you feel better about the pagan holiday you DO approve of, by all means, do go on.


Well-known member
Good but no replacement for flowers. I give her one for every year we have been together. It's becoming an increasingly expensive proposition.


Well-known member
Don't be a dolt! He is not approving of a Pagan Holiday. He is celebrating the wonderful gift of the Son.

On the wrong day ... and we weren't commanded to do that in the first place ... that is unless I missed a verse somewhere. I'm continuously amused at those that castigate others for observing pagan holidays while celebrating those they choose to embrace.

Dolt? That would be one definition, I think.

Sorry, did I dis your favorite pagan holiday as well?