US democrats again vote against American oil production


Well-known member
Planned Parenthood receives more than $500 million annually in government funding, mostly through Medicaid and grants. Most of this money goes toward providing low-income women with family planning services like STD screening and contraceptive coverage. Planned Parenthood is, without a doubt, one of the largest providers in this space: Of the 6.7 million women who rely on public programs to pay for contraceptives, 2.4 million of them — 36 percent — do so at Planned Parenthood's 817 clinics across the country.

What is the definition of "kickback" and is this not evidence of that?


Total contributions from Planned Parenthood PAC to federal candidates, 2019-2020​


To Democrats​


To Republicans​

Democrats give taxpayer money to Planned Parenthood and Planned Parenthood gives money to democrats. How cozy! Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the world and just because they may also give out condoms does not mean their main interest is not in aborting babies and selling aborted baby body parts.


Well-known member
Biden is sticking to his stupid guns. He will not back down, no matter how many poor Americans are plunged into unsustainable deep poverty by his socialist global warming nonsense policies. Biden does not have to worry about high costs. He has made millions through underhanded wheeling and dealing in political schemes.

“The problem is (Biden) still won’t say ‘yes’ to American energy,” House Republican Whip Steve Scalise told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview on Tuesday. “He’s, right now, begging dictators — Iran, Venezuela — to produce oil but he keeps saying ‘no’ to American energy.”


"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Biden's goal is gas prices so high that people will reduce usage.
Isn't it true that we're all paying it collectively one way or another? The gas companies compete with each other and so assuming they're not colluding then generally the prices are fair, given their actual costs to produce. Taxes are added directly onto gas, and this winds up increasing the price. And if subsidies reduce the cost of gas production then assuming the gas prices are fair, they will go down. But either through subsidies, direct taxes, and the competitive pricing of the gas companies, we're all paying for all the gas one way or another. What reducing subsidies does is drives up the price paid by gas consumers so that more of the whole country's burden to pay for all the gas falls on drivers, rather than through subsidies where we're all contributing whether we drive or not.

Corn subsidies makes corn cheaper for consumers, but we're all, all together paying for the corn one way or another.

They're fiddling in the market, trying to pressure people to get unreliable electric vehicles that are hard to service. I don't even know where to bring an electric car for service, but I know plenty of places where they'll fix my gasoline cars.

And btw you know who can afford electric cars and their servicing easily are the wealthy. The wealthy are the ones most helped by reducing subsidies for gas production. Driving around in their Tesla S's.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Back in 2020, Pres. Trump called up his buddy, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and essentially threatened that if MBS didn’t cut production (and thus raise worldwide oil prices, which would help out Putin and US petrobillionaires) the United States would reconsider its seven-decade-long military support for the kingdom.

Thus, in the last year of his presidency, Trump oversaw the worldwide cuts in oil production that would lead to today’s prices soaring well past $130 a barrel.

Which brings us to today, with oil prices soaring. When President Biden tried to reach out to our allies, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, to ask them to restore the production they’d cut under threat from Trump, both refused to take his call, according to press reports.

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"Foundation of the World" Dispensationalist χρ
Back in 2020, Pres. Trump called up his buddy, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and essentially threatened that if MBS didn’t cut production (and thus raise worldwide oil prices, which would help out Putin and US petrobillionaires) the United States would reconsider its seven-decade-long military support for the kingdom.

Thus, in the last year of his presidency, Trump oversaw the worldwide cuts in oil production that would lead to today’s prices soaring well past $130 a barrel.

Which brings us to today, with oil prices soaring. When President Biden tried to reach out to our allies, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, to ask them to restore the production they’d cut under threat from Trump, both refused to take his call, according to press reports.

"rawstory-dot-com"? Are you being serious? Don't you 'rake over the coals' users who cite 'goofy' sources that nobody's ever heard of with no earned reputation for reliability?

User Name

Greatest poster ever

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
One excerpt to look for

Peter Doocy: Would President Biden ever undo his executive order that stopped the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline?

Peppermint Patty: Are you suggesting that would solve the gas prices issue?

Doocy: Do you think that maybe that would affect the prices faster than getting the whole country off fossil fuels?

The Ginger Demon From Hell: I actually don't think it would.

Consider what she just said. They have no intention of addressing the oil supply crisis. In their insane deluded state they believe they can design, construct and implement a national system of non fossil fuel energy sufficient to provide our energy needs.

This should be a major talking point for every Republican running for office this year.


Well-known member
Lying leftist savage barbarians again totally misrepresent one of Trump's excellent phone messages. These tribal barbarians are not hurting only Trump with their lying leftist stupidity, they are hurting the whole nation. For those interested in what Trump really said, we must abandon the ignorant misrepresentation of Trump-hating baboons. Here is a quote:

In an April 2 phone call, Trump told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that unless the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) started cutting oil production, he would be powerless to stop lawmakers from passing legislation to withdraw U.S. troops from the kingdom, four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

Let me paraphrase in simple terms that hopefully even Kamala Harris can understand. Trump was concerned that Americans would be negatively impacted if Saudi cut oil production, and he knew Congress had a mind of its own and could not be controlled by him, so he told the Saudi prince that if he cut oil production the lawmakers in Congress might respond by cutting military aid to Saudi.

Only a wicked, hateful, lying snake or a total fool would try to claim Trump had some other motive in mind.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I wonder how well this will age for the tik tok "influencers", when their audience realizes that they're just acting as shills for an inept 79-year-old man
