Tylenol "loves" your kids *thish* much....


New member

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson pleaded guilty Tuesday to a federal criminal charge that it sold over-the-counter infant's and children's liquid medicine containing metal particles.

McNeil Consumer Healthcare, of Fort Washington, Pennsylvania, acknowledged failing to take corrective action after discovering the adulterated bottles of Infants' and Children's Tylenol and Children's Motrin. The company agreed to pay $25 million to resolve the case.

Metal particles, including nickel, iron and chromium, were introduced during the manufacturing process at McNeil's plant in Fort Washington. Prosecutors said McNeil knew about the problem for nearly a year but failed to take immediate steps to fix it.


Well-known member
Imagine what these big conglomerates would be selling to us if the evil government was not constantly "harassing" them with it's quality and safety regulations and bureaucratic oversight.


Well-known member
And notice how the right-wingers here on TOL are avoiding this thread like the plague, because they are always the first to disparage any sort of corporate oversight by the government. And they are always the ones claiming that if we would just leave capitalist greed to it's own devices, everything would suddenly come up all just and rosy like.


New member
And notice how the right-wingers here on TOL are avoiding this thread like the plague, because they are always the first to disparage any sort of corporate oversight by the government. And they are always the ones claiming that if we would just leave capitalist greed to it's own devices, everything would suddenly come up all just and rosy like.
Not I. This is deplorable and unmitigatedly evil.

Of course the most stringent government oversight is necessary to keep such horrendous vileness well in check, and to blast it when it dares step out of line. I think massive prison time should be added to the money. If it was some tiny one man operation you could bet there'd be.


New member
And notice how the right-wingers here on TOL are avoiding this thread like the plague, because they are always the first to disparage any sort of corporate oversight by the government. And they are always the ones claiming that if we would just leave capitalist greed to it's own devices, everything would suddenly come up all just and rosy like.

This article is about how they DID have metal in there. Yeah, great oversight.

The best oversight is mine, which consists of not using Tylenol at all anyway.


New member
if we would just leave capitalist greed to it's own devices...

By that do you mean not letting them influence government? I'd like to see that, myself. How do you propose to stop the revolving doors and systemic corruption? People are getting intentionally tainted medications. It doesn't stop when they are caught.

Just look at what Bayer got away with. They purposefully sold HIV infected blood products to hemophiliacs. When they were stopped from selling it in one country they just sold the same thing and infected other families in other countries.



New member
By that do you mean not letting them influence government? I'd like to see that, myself. How do you propose to stop the revolving doors and systemic corruption? People are getting intentionally tainted medications. It doesn't stop when they are caught.

Just look at what Bayer got away with. They purposefully sold HIV infected blood products to hemophiliacs. When they were stopped from selling it in one country they just sold the same thing and infected other families in other countries.

Right, and the solution is exactly what the journalist says it is in the closing of his piece:

As this Court expands the constitutional protections of this poor misunderstood entity known as a "corporate person," they should also spend some time expanding avenues that allow us to do what we would do with any psychopath who harms our family. Put handcuffs on them, and throw them in prison.



Well-known member
Right, and the solution is exactly what the journalist says it is in the closing of his piece:
You can't handcuff and throw a corporation into jail. All you can do is fine it after the fact. But the fines are often less than the profits the investors received for the malfeasance. So they just pay the fines and continue doing what they do. Or worse, they buy and/or install their own politicians and get them to eliminate the fines (a favorite practice of the Koch brothers).

While the conservative Christians on TOL support them all the way. And then blame everything on Obama, and the unions.

The problem is that EVERY TIME the courts let these pigs off with fines which the companies and not the individuals pay. If they do go to jail it's at a country club and only for a short time. People who poison children should be put to death but our liberal courts refuse to do so. If these pigs did get the punishment they deserved, then it's very unlikely others would do the same and children wouldn't die.

I can't find the thread but somebody posted how it's similar with the bankers who were partially responsible for the 08 crash. They paid ZILCH and many of the pigs who were responsible had long ago retired with their $300 million packages. But that's OK, because most of them also contributed to the Obama campaign thus buying their way out for peanuts.

BTW, I used to subscribe to US News and World Report but it was a long time ago. Aren't they considered a conservative publication?


And notice how the right-wingers here on TOL are avoiding this thread like the plague ...

you're a retard

J&J is in business to make money

i'm sure mcneil, at some level, did a cost/benefit analysis and decided if was more profitable to hide/delay reacting to the problem

$25 million is nothing, compared to their profit margin


Well-known member
Of course the most stringent government oversight is necessary to keep such horrendous vileness well in check, and to blast it when it dares step out of line. I think massive prison time should be added to the money. If it was some tiny one man operation you could bet there'd be.

There appear to be conflicts of interest that prevent stringent government oversight. Examples: a government regulator coming from industry or one expecting an industry job when he retires from government.


Well-known member
And notice how the right-wingers here on TOL are avoiding this thread like the plague, because they are always the first to disparage any sort of corporate oversight by the government. And they are always the ones claiming that if we would just leave capitalist greed to it's own devices, everything would suddenly come up all just and rosy like.

What is it that makes government regulators' motivations benign but captitalist moneymakers insidious? Both groups are made up of the same types of people. Oversight is not the concern from the right wing, motivation is. Left wingers use government to advance its ends in much the same way right wingers champion the cause of the free market.

Who's watching the watchers?


Well-known member


Well-known member
What is it that makes government regulators' motivations benign but captitalist moneymakers insidious? Both groups are made up of the same types of people. Oversight is not the concern from the right wing, motivation is.
Greed is ever-present. So the right wing has no need to be worried about "motivation". The capitalist system is basically just systematized greed, so it's nothing BUT "motivated". And that's the problem. It's motivated only to make money, with money. It's not motivated to care about the well-being of society, or the health of the environment, or the honesty and effectiveness of the government, or the lives of the people involved in it. It's motivated only by the maximization of profit returned on investment capital. That's it. Nothing else.

And as a result, we don't build smart, efficient houses to live in, we build oversized, wasteful, grid-dependent houses to make more money. We don't build vehicles to move us around safely and efficiently, we build wildly over-elaborate, energy inefficient, polluting vehicles to make more money. We don't build and operate hospitals to help sick people get well, we build and operate them to bilk every sick person who has need of them for as much money as possible.

Everywhere we turn, we are being bilked out of every dime possible, by businesses that have one and only one purpose: to maximize the profit returned on the capital invested. Greed, plain and simple. Which is why we have to protect ourselves from all that greed. And that requires a lot of business oversight. And it requires laws that stop and punish businesses that harm society, the environment, the government, and the people in the endless and boundless question for ever greater profits.
Who's watching the watchers?
We're supposed to be watching over the government that's supposed to be watching over business. If we get lazy, or we become so stupid that we think business should be left to it's own devices, then we're all doomed.


We don't build and operate hospitals to help sick people get well, we build and operate them to bilk every sick person who has need of them for as much money as possible.
