Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If you're asking me if I accept the false accusations being made, I'd be forced to decline, right? The far-left are willing to go "all out" to bring down Donald J. Trump. Therefore, they'll lie, cheat, and steal to accomplish their goal.

Well, no, not what I asked, again. You seem to be having difficulty with the question for some reason: You'd be quite happy if Trump was deemed unfit for office?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm afraid you're mistaken, AB. However, since I know who I'm dealing with, I'll refrain from making statements that might make you look bad.

Well, no, but if you wish to remain deluded and pretend like the current president is well respected throughout the world then you can prefer to live in that fantasy if you will, although it will make you look, uninformed, uneducated and naive.

But it's your choice.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
By the way, if anybody is interested, I earnestly believe Trump is doing a fantastic job. I'm completely happy that I voted for him. And, God willing I'll do it again in 2020.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, no, but if you wish to remain deluded and pretend like the current president is well respected throughout the world then you can prefer to live in that fantasy if you will, although it will make you look, uninformed, uneducated and naive.

But it's your choice.

You're correct, it's my choice and I'm happy I made it a year ago. I placed my vote for the "Right Man." If you look at what happened during the election, you MUST conclude it was a Miracle. Trump ran against 17 or so "Seasoned Politicians" yet, he won the election. If that's not a miracle, then, what is? It HAD to be "The Will of God."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're correct, it's my choice and I'm happy I made it a year ago. I placed my vote for the "Right Man." If you look at what happened during the election, you MUST conclude it was a Miracle. Trump ran against 17 or so "Seasoned Politicians" yet, he won the election. If that's not a miracle, then, what is? It HAD to be "The Will of God."

Was it also a miracle when Moore lost in Alabama?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
They say; "Ignorance is BLISS." If that's the case, then, most "Trump Haters" must be among the happiest people on planet earth.

Unfortunately, the reality of the situation precludes both. Trump's obvious ineptitude and lack of ability to hold such power is there for all to see, those not blinded by partisan bias at any rate.

patrick jane

Unfortunately, the reality of the situation precludes both. Trump's obvious ineptitude and lack of ability to hold such power is there for all to see, those not blinded by partisan bias at any rate.
Dude, you are so brainwashed it's pitiful. You believe the world is what you see on your "telly" and on your innernets. All scripted, biased and filled with lies.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Unfortunately, the reality of the situation precludes both. Trump's obvious ineptitude and lack of ability to hold such power is there for all to see, those not blinded by partisan bias at any rate.

Do you believe, you would have been a more 'Viable' candidate? I love to hear/see people describing Trump as being, retarded, insane, an Alzheimer's victim,(Dementia) and incapable of being the leader of the free world, and yet, Hillary and 16 or so other candidates were crushed by a retarded, insane, Alzheimer victim? That must be embarrassing for those people. If a so-called "Mentally Ill" person is capable of winning the election over you, that must say something about YOU; Hillary and the rest. You must accept the idea that a man you now think is retarded, etc, was able to override you. How embarrassing for Hillary and the rest.