Trump Is A Knob


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I must have missed your answer: Did God create mankind without giving them rules to live by? (thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not commit sexual sins, etc.).

I must have missed yours!

Try and focus here. I pointed out that "inclusive" churches like the Metropolitan Community Church are going against biblical doctrine by embracing such things as sexual sins (homosexuality) and abortion, things that God condemned both in the Old and New Testament and condemns today. Either make your case for so-called liberal/Libertarian Christianity or admit that there in only one kind of Christian: those who conserve the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I must have missed your answer: Did God create mankind without giving them rules to live by? (thou shalt not murder, thou shalt not commit sexual sins, etc.).

Try and focus here. I pointed out that "inclusive" churches like the Metropolitan Community Church are going against biblical doctrine by embracing such things as sexual sins (homosexuality) and abortion, things that God condemned both in the Old and New Testament and condemns today. Either make your case for so-called liberal/Libertarian Christianity or admit that there in only one kind of Christian: those who conserve the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh.

Cop out!
What a Cop Out!
I think I'm going to call you the Cop-Out-Christian!
I have told you two or three times now that your proposal is a Special-Pleading.
You have to show what true Christianity is, not what other Churches are not!

You clearly only focus on a very few of the Old Laws, and totally ignore all the others. You seem to be fanatically focused upon homo-sexuality, and perpetually rant against it, whilst being utterly careless about everything else. Are you married??

You cannot acknowledge the OT Laws.
You cannot declare a Church or Creed.
You cherry-pick your laws and rules.
You are rude and insulting.
You have never written anything that suggests Christian love or understanding.

I think you are a Cop-Out-Christian. You've Copped Out of what Christianity really is all about.
You have absolutely no idea what the Old Laws were all about.
Totally ignorant about it all.

Now, you focus, and make a case for your Faith above all the others, if you've got one, that is.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Try and focus here. I pointed out that "inclusive" churches like the Metropolitan Community Church are going against biblical doctrine by embracing such things as sexual sins (homosexuality) and abortion, things that God condemned both in the Old and New Testament and condemns today. Either make your case for so-called liberal/Libertarian Christianity or admit that there in only one kind of Christian: those who conserve the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh.

Cop out!
What a Cop Out!
I think I'm going to call you the Cop-Out-Christian!

By failing to take up my challenge, I want to thank you for acknowledging what I've been saying all along:

There is only one kind of Christian: the kind that conserves the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh, and key to those teachings is acknowledging that there are moral absolutes (i.e. there is no such thing as a "liberal Christian").

cc Metropolitan Community Church and other God mocking 'inclusive' churches.


Well-known member
By failing to take up my challenge, I want to thank you for acknowledging what I've been saying all along:

There is only one kind of Christian: the kind that conserves the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh, and key to those teachings is acknowledging that there are moral absolutes (i.e. there is no such thing as a "liberal Christian").

cc Metropolitan Community Church and other God mocking 'inclusive' churches.

By failing to acknowledge hundreds of God's Laws in the Old Covenant as well as the New Covenant, I have no option but to assume that your fanatical focus upon ONE single law is nothing more than a very unhealthy mania.

There are many kinds of Christian, the kinds that focus upon and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and the key to those teachings is the Love and understanding which Jesus promotes as His main theme for salvation. You do not acknowldege hundreds and hundreds of laws and in this respect I perceive that you are a Cop-Out-Christian. :D

You rant on about Churches which I have no knowledge of, but the mere fact that you hate them so much has be a good reason to take more interest in them. !!! Your hatred is their best advertisement! YOu should start visiting these Churches, meeting the congregations and then you might learn more about love and understanding!

I don't think you have a clue as to why God's Laws were given to Moses and this is possibly the reason why you became unreasoned about one or two isolated laws. I don't think you could pass a simple test on either the Old or New Covenant laws, imo.


Well-known member
There is only one kind of Christian: the kind that conserves the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh, and key to those teachings is acknowledging that there are moral absolutes (i.e. there is no such thing as a "liberal Christian").

cc Metropolitan Community Church and other God mocking 'inclusive' churches.

I must tell you...... I had a dream last night about you.

You were in Heaven! It was the most beautiful and delightful reality that anybody could imagine. Those around were surrounded by the most serene and wonderful 'auras'. It was quite simply The Most Holy Place.
But you were not happy, you were screaming in contorted furious hysterical convulsions. YOu howled and gnashed your teeth as you cursed everything about you. I guess it could have been that some of those beautiful spirits around..... were Gays?



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
By failing to take up my challenge, I want to thank you for acknowledging what I've been saying all along:

There is only one kind of Christian: the kind that conserves the teachings of Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the Flesh, and key to those teachings is acknowledging that there are moral absolutes (i.e. there is no such thing as a "liberal Christian").

cc Metropolitan Community Church and other God mocking 'inclusive' churches.

By failing to acknowledge hundreds of God's Laws in the Old Covenant as well as the New Covenant, I have no option but to assume that your fanatical focus upon ONE single law is nothing more than a very unhealthy mania.

There are many kinds of Christian, the kinds that focus upon and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and the key to those teachings is the Love and understanding which Jesus promotes as His main theme for salvation. You do not acknowldege hundreds and hundreds of laws and in this respect I perceive that you are a Cop-Out-Christian. :D...

Your ignorance of the Christian faith is duly noted. Repentance (turning from your old ways and accepting the grace and Holy Word of Jesus Christ as your new way in life) is a requirement.


I must tell you...... I had a dream last night about you.

You were in Heaven! It was the most beautiful and delightful reality that anybody could imagine. Those around were surrounded by the most serene and wonderful 'auras'. It was quite simply The Most Holy Place.
But you were not happy, you were screaming in contorted furious hysterical convulsions. YOu howled and gnashed your teeth as you cursed everything about you. I guess it could have been that some of those beautiful spirits around..... were Gays?


Thanks for sharing your fantasy about something that will never happen. If repentance is not required in your liberal so-called Christian world, then what did Jesus Christ die for?

Sorry, but like others that refuse to repent, rainbow flag wavers won't be sharing God's Kingdom with those of us that have repented.

Do you know that there is a special place in Hell for people who mock God and purposely lead others astray by using His name?

patrick jane

By failing to acknowledge hundreds of God's Laws in the Old Covenant as well as the New Covenant, I have no option but to assume that your fanatical focus upon ONE single law is nothing more than a very unhealthy mania.

There are many kinds of Christian, the kinds that focus upon and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and the key to those teachings is the Love and understanding which Jesus promotes as His main theme for salvation. You do not acknowldege hundreds and hundreds of laws and in this respect I perceive that you are a Cop-Out-Christian. :D

You rant on about Churches which I have no knowledge of, but the mere fact that you hate them so much has be a good reason to take more interest in them. !!! Your hatred is their best advertisement! YOu should start visiting these Churches, meeting the congregations and then you might learn more about love and understanding!

I don't think you have a clue as to why God's Laws were given to Moses and this is possibly the reason why you became unreasoned about one or two isolated laws. I don't think you could pass a simple test on either the Old or New Covenant laws, imo.
Congratulations, you've discovered what we all know on TOL, that aCW is a blowhard and a maniac.

patrick jane

I must tell you...... I had a dream last night about you.

You were in Heaven! It was the most beautiful and delightful reality that anybody could imagine. Those around were surrounded by the most serene and wonderful 'auras'. It was quite simply The Most Holy Place.
But you were not happy, you were screaming in contorted furious hysterical convulsions. YOu howled and gnashed your teeth as you cursed everything about you. I guess it could have been that some of those beautiful spirits around..... were Gays?





Well-known member
Do you know that there is a special place in Hell for people who mock God and purposely lead others astray by using His name?

Then take care.....!
You lead folks astray by refocusing their attention away from the vast mass of Laws in the bible.
You do not know the Laws in the Old Testament ......... you cannot even acknowledge them.

You, who do you think that you are to have the right to make judgement upon other folks, when your own self is a mess of sins and failures?
James 4:12...12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?

Not for you to decide where you will end, nor who might win salvation.....
Ha ha.... you pluck a couple of Laws from the Old Testament and then run with them for all you're worth, terrified that we might discover the hundreds that you yourself break?

You're a Cop-Out-Christian, because you copped out of giving any answers to my simple questions.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your ignorance of the Christian faith is duly noted. Repentance (turning from your old ways and accepting the grace and Holy Word of Jesus Christ as your new way in life) is a requirement.

Then take care.....!
You lead folks astray by refocusing their attention away from the vast mass of Laws in the bible.
You do not know the Laws in the Old Testament ......... you cannot even acknowledge them.

I was hoping that we could talk about repentance (turning away from old ways and accepting Christ's grace and Holy Word as the new way of life). How can people that proudly engage in a behavior that God condemns both in the Old and New Testament, and further mock God by twisting the definition of His institution of marriage, say that they've repented?


You and your buddy Patrick seem to think that love is enough. Care to back that up with Holy Scripture?


Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your ignorance of the Christian faith is duly noted. Repentance (turning from your old ways and accepting the grace and Holy Word of Jesus Christ as your new way in life) is a requirement.
Do you even misquote Jesus?
Back to school for you...!
I recommend that you select out every word and action of Jesus, and then read through, and through, and through again...... until you realise that his message is not a frantic rant about Gays.
You are lost to Jesus....... because you cannot understand his message.

I was hoping that we could talk about repentance (turning away from old ways and accepting Christ's grace and Holy Word as the new way of life).
Oh! Now! I can talk and listen for hours about the calls of John the Baptist and Jesus!
Hosea's Chant. But I fear that it will mean nothing to you.

How can people that proudly engage in a behavior that God condemns both in the Old and New Testament, and further mock God by twisting the definition of His institution of marriage, say that they've repented?
I must try to remember Jesus's order, not to call anyone a 'fool'.
The Old Covenant is OVER!
Many of the rules, guidances and Laws are not needed now. The 96 are not needed thanks to Jesus's mission. Many of the 517 are no longer required.
Let me try and keep it simple for you. Would you eat a shellfish today, assuming that you like some of them? See.... you will not burn in Hellfire for that. But back in the day that was a serious breach of the law. Do you know why? Let's just start there.

Why can you break God's Divine Law and eat a mussel, or whatever, today?

You and your buddy Patrick seem to think that love is enough. Care to back that up with Holy Scripture?
Do you mean to tell me that you are ignorant of Jesus's first law?

That's your problem, you have no clue about what Jesus's mission was about.
I showed my wife some of your posts and she asked me, 'Do you think he's a closet Gay? His rant seems to be a cover.' She is so clever, so beautiful in every way, my wife.


Well-known member
The idea that Trump was hated by the media is hilarious. Ron Paul has proven that when the media hates you, they IGNORE you. The people that bought the delusion that Trump was hated by the media were played like fiddles. Trump can flip flop all he wants and his supporters will still sit there droolling in the corner pretending he's the next revolutionary.

Sent from my SM-G920V using TOL mobile app


Well-known member
Thank you Mr. Paul

President Trump, who flipped his position on NATO (amongst his many other flips) is now trying to explain why he originally and accurately called NATO "obsolete."

Trump's new excuse is that he "didn't know much about NATO" when he said it, which isn't very encouraging considering he was running for President of The United States!

But then Trump let out a massive truth that should have stopped everyone in their tracks.

He said: "You know, back when they did NATO there was no such thing as terrorism."

What a HUGE statement....And it's true!

Pay attention!

Sent from my SM-G920V using TOL mobile app


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
How can people that proudly engage in a behavior that God condemns both in the Old and New Testament, and further mock God by twisting the definition of His institution of marriage, say that they've repented?

I must try to remember Jesus's order, not to call anyone a 'fool'.
The Old Covenant is OVER!
Many of the rules, guidances and Laws are not needed now. The 96 are not needed thanks to Jesus's mission. Many of the 517 are no longer required.
Let me try and keep it simple for you. Would you eat a shellfish today, assuming that you like some of them? See.... you will not burn in Hellfire for that. But back in the day that was a serious breach of the law. Do you know why? Let's just start there.

Why can you break God's Divine Law and eat a mussel, or whatever, today?

While I normally don't waste this much time on rainbow flag wavers, I have to admit that I am having fun watching you trying to defend something that doesn't exist:

"liberal Christianity".

Since you once again refused to answer my above question, I'll close with Matthew 19:4-6 where Jesus talks about His institution of marriage:

4*He said to them, “Have you not read that He Who made them in the first place made them man and woman? 5*It says, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and his mother and will live with his wife. The two will become one.’ 6*So they are no longer two but one. Let no man divide what God has put together.”

What shall we call those who mock God's Word and engage in and promote things that He abhors like homosexuality?

While they are desperately in need of spiritual and often times psychological guidance, how about until they seek such help we call them what they are:


Have a gay ole day eider and remember that you're always welcome to come fly the rainbow flag of death over in this thread anytime:!-Part-4


The idea that Trump was hated by the media is hilarious. Ron Paul has proven that when the media hates you, they IGNORE you. The people that bought the delusion that Trump was hated by the media were played like fiddles. Trump can flip flop all he wants and his supporters will still sit there droolling in the corner pretending he's the next revolutionary.

Sent from my SM-G920V using TOL mobile app

Ted Cruz pointed out during the primaries that no other candidate had received billions of dollars of free publicity like Donald Trump had.

While Trump promotes many liberal and Libertarian policies, like all other GOP'ers before him, he's deep in the pocket of the Establishment.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Ted Cruz pointed out during the primaries that no other candidate had received billions of dollars of free publicity like Donald Trump had

in a similar manner, Bashar al-Assad, Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin also regularly receive "billions of dollars of free publicity"
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Your ignorance of the Christian faith is duly noted. Repentance (turning from your old ways and accepting the grace and Holy Word of Jesus Christ as your new way in life) is a requirement.

I was hoping that we could talk about repentance (turning away from old ways and accepting Christ's grace and Holy Word as the new way of life). How can people that proudly engage in a behavior that God condemns both in the Old and New Testament, and further mock God by twisting the definition of His institution of marriage, say that they've repented?


You and your buddy Patrick seem to think that love is enough. Care to back that up with Holy Scripture?

Please don't bad mouth Patrick. I know I've always found him a good dude. Otherwise, I recall some years ago almost feeling like I wanted to throw something at the TV set, or do an Elvis shoot the tube, and this was over a minister I much admire and will not name, but he gave a sermon with, as if, an antimatter black hole in it, using Luke 17:3-4 his teaching text. I could not believe what I was hearing: he did not once mention repentance in his entire sermon, and he read those verses entirely without the repent references. This is because his theory was God’s unconditional love, hence that we must willy nilly forgive all evil.

I won’t discourse on the fatal flaws of this monolithic, void of context and unscriptural teaching, but you are absolutely right. There is no salvation without repentance. The notion is plain ridiculous. Yes, repentance is turning from sin, but also repentance involves a mind that has come into agreement with God, moves 180 degrees from the ways of the Satanic world system: it’s acknowledging our wretched, filthy state as being of that world and turning away from it, in disgust, like the humbled publican who would not even look up of Luke 18:13, like becoming "poor in spirit" and turning to seek God in spirit and in truth, which includes submitting to God, Jesus Christ, our Master, our LORD. To say repentance is not required is to say you don’t need to change your mind about anything, that you don’t even need to agree with God on the primary issues, can somehow remain a devil with a saint lapel pin. Does not even compute with common sense, and it’s a rampant theology, “I’ll take a big helping of Savior, and skip on the Lord part.” It’s saying you can embrace Satan’s world and God at the same time, serve two masters, be double-minded, be welcomed into God's kingdom with the unrepentant mind of a demon. Again, the Lord said in the Luke 17 verses “if he repent” tangential to forgiveness. A lot of people don’t like that part of it, so we just omit those words, right?

Tell you what, fake Christians I've known hate repentance, knew one who even actually said you can sin all you want, that you should love your sin, that I don't understand grace. I couldn't believe I heard that, either.


in a similar manner, Bashar al-Assad, Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin also regularly receive "billions of dollars of free publicity"

Sigh, what wannabe tyrant Donald Trump wouldn't give to be in their shoes. That darn Constitution (written by slave owners), don't cha just hate it Aaron?