Trump IMMEDIATELY Backpedals On Wall And More…


Active member
Virtually all of the votes cast by 3 million illegal immigrants are likely to have been for Hillary Clinton, meaning Trump might have won the popular vote when this number is taken into account.

Vote fraud using ballots cast in the name of dead people and illegal alien voters was a huge concern before the election.

On the morning of the election there were 4 million dead people on U.S. voter rolls."
CS: You guys have a weird system for conducting an election.... In Canada not only do you have to be a citizen to vote, you must also be breathing. Well, if it works for you....


CS: You guys have a weird system for conducting an election.... In Canada not only do you have to be a citizen to vote, you must also be breathing. Well, if it works for you.... was "rigged"...if you remember. :crackup:
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Well-known member
Impeachable offenses are rather narrow and limited, if memory serves.

Perjury under oath won't cut it, that's for sure.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
another excellent zinger!



New member
Maybe some turnaround on climate issues too. :thumb:

Yeah, I saw that.

And what he said was exactly right.

Leave it to Trump to use whatever serves his self-serving agenda - even a truth*.

Trump being the same old, life-long, self-serving Trump.

But - I'll take this one.

I said some would nevertheless profit from some of his self-serving agenda.

In this one, we all will.

Like it or not Climate Insanity Trump supporters.


* Any fool knows how one aspect of the overall ecology within one's own physical body is greatly impacted over time by how one treats other aspects of the physical body we each live in.

Our treatment of that greater physical body we all live in - this physical planet given us by God - is no exception.


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
If you say so, hypocrite.

You need to grow up and learn truth and facts and stop spewing out your propaganda of evil.

Trump has not backpedaled on anything. Actions speak louder than words, and no actions have been taken yet because he is not in office yet. You utter ignorance of how a businessman like Trump operates is sad and pathetic and indicative of the ignorance of today's youth.

.........Danoh the Leftist. Finally every ill thing you've done here makes sense.
The level of his ignorance is absolutely astounding.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
So President Obama being awarded a Nobel prize before he did anything as president is different how?
:think: It's funnier when someone who would have been among the first to mock the president for receiving an award he didn't ask for and didn't earn attempts to elevate his own political choice by conferring an honor unasked for and unearned.

Otherwise it's just as goofy. :)
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