Tolerance vs Godliness


The Dark Knight
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If I hated you I'd let you go to hell, instead of warning you. Are you really so stupid to think that warnings are made from hate? I hate no one, unlike you, serpent.


New member
instead of warning you.

What you are doing is perverting the Truth - and as well showing that the Love of God is not fully developed in you.

No one in the "Spirit” would so callously call people down - and malign what they try to say so vehemently.

Jesus says to overcome evil with good - if you at least did that - you would sow so much fewer seeds of discontent amongst the brethren with your flagrant insults.

With Christ's Love



New member
Queen of the Damned
Don't you ever get tired of being a hypocrite?

Yes I do insult people, but not as a matter of habit, nor as much as you Nineveh - Oh Queen of the Damned...

When you going to repent, instead of just hurling insults at people who refuse your worship of the diabolical monster your ill-conceived minds have conjured from the Scriptures?

With Christ’s Love



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Originally posted by servent101

Queen of the Damned

Yes I do insult people, but not as a matter of habit, nor as much as you Nineveh - Oh Queen of the Damned...
Oh ok, I see. You can insult people as long as you do it as many times as servent101 says is ok.



Merely Christian
Originally posted by servent101

Queen of the Damned

Well, that's not very nice :) ( or origional .. you'll have to start giving dave a dime every time you use it :) )

Yes I do insult people, but not as a matter of habit, nor as much as you Nineveh - Oh Queen of the Damned...

No, you are a hypocrite. You tell others to be nice and non- judgemental expecting they won't notice that you don't practice what you preach.

When you judge it's like a hypocrite. You offer nothing in the way of instruction as to why you are judging them or how they could escape your judgement other than "be nice". Which you can't even seem to manage yourself.

When you going to repent, instead of just hurling insults at people who refuse your worship of the diabolical monster your ill-conceived minds have conjured from the Scriptures?

I've told you my witness, it's you that can't seem to share yours. When did you repent?

Anyway, that "diabolical monster" comment will be held to your account, until you do repent, hope it's soon.

And speaking of "minds" how's !!!First doing these days? Haven't seen it around lately.... :)


The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by servent101


What you are doing is perverting the Truth - and as well showing that the Love of God is not fully developed in you.

No one in the "Spirit” would so callously call people down - and malign what they try to say so vehemently.

Jesus says to overcome evil with good - if you at least did that - you would sow so much fewer seeds of discontent amongst the brethren with your flagrant insults.

With Christ's Love

I don't do anything callously. I do it out of love, for the same reason Christ called people out. And I pervert nothing. You are the pervert. You are evil, and I will take every opportunity to overcome your putrid sickness with the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ.


New member
Originally posted by servent101

Sibbie -

No hate in the post - sorry, if the truth hurts - well you were warned here on TOL - the TRUTH HURTS - ever hear of Truth Smack -

You are the one clamoring hate in the attitudes of your posts - you, nineveh and lighthouse - but there is not one mention of your behavior in the Bible, so I guess the fact it was written two thousand years ago, simply means nothing - that since the Bible does not mention the attitude you have your attitude is in no way of being articulated, understood, nor the harm you people do in any way can be categorized - reality free rhetoric.

With Christ's Love


so sorry, i must correct you here Servent 101. There is actually mention of such behavior in the bible. It is actually something common in Nineveh's namesake. Nahum 1:11 "From you, O Nineveh, has one come forth who plots evil against the lord and councils wickedness."
Most of the beggining of that book of the bible is long glorious denouncement of the city of Nineveh, which as God prophesizes in that book, was wiped out in 612 B.C. by the Babylonians. Some other interesting references are Jonah 1:1 and 4:11 and Zephaniah 2:13. Why would such a good christian name themselves such a thing?

Nineveh are you an athiest or something trying to make christians look bad?:doh:


New member
Nineveh are you an athiest or something trying to make christians look bad?

If Nineveh is not what she appears - I think she is a good Christian trying to reveal the evil dark side of the force - by making a sarcastic example of what some christians are like in real life.

With Christ’s Love



Merely Christian

If you ever look like an idiot, please know we all stepped back and let you...


Please know if you ever look like an idiot it's because you were standing next to anami when everyone else stepped back and let him/her....


The Dark Knight
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Serpent does a fine job of making himself look like an idiot. He doesn't need anami's help.


Merely Christian
What question?

Why you can't comprehend the story of Nineveh and still call yourself "pantheological"?


New member
Originally posted by Nineveh

What question?

Why you can't comprehend the story of Nineveh and still call yourself "pantheological"?

Once again, you are highly unqualified to judge whether or not i am a good pantheologist. i seriously doub't you have the roughest of outlines as to what it is. Also again, this is theology, i think A you think B that doesn't automatically make me wrong. Do you see?


Merely Christian
Originally posted by anami

Once again, you are highly unqualified to judge whether or not i am a good pantheologist.

I can certainly discern you haven't invested much time in Judeo-Christianity. But if you insist on being the mayor of pantheologyville, be my guest.

i seriously doub't you have the roughest of outlines as to what it is.

Let me guess:

Pan: all
Theology: study of the nature of God (god(s))

Also again, this is theology, i think A you think B that doesn't automatically make me wrong. Do you see?

Making a statement you can't back up doesn't automatically make you right either.



I think it's more along the lines of anami being a pantheist rather than "pantheologist" or "pantheologian".


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh
...Making a statement you can't back up doesn't automatically make you right either...
... says a believer in an invisible, unknowable deity!!! :darwinsm:


New member

I also suspect that lighthouse and nineveh are addicted to adrenalin - a substance that is produced when one is outraged - their posts suggest that they are outraged at whatever does not agree with their view - they simply twist the facts so their brain chemistry is altered so their adrenalin is available to them. Adrenalin is a very addictive substance. Too bad all they can do is perceive reality in a way in which they trick their minds to think there is a crisis – and no matter how much we try to tell them it is they who are bringing a mockery to the Lord’s Ministry – they just perceive our behavior in a way which allows their body chemistry to provide the adrenalin to continue on with what they perceive as the good fight.

With Christ's Love



The Dark Knight
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Originally posted by Zakath

... says a believer in an invisible, unknowable deity!!! :darwinsm:

You can't stop proving that you never had any faith, can you?